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Section 8 Temperature Rise in a Hydrostatic Bearing and Designing

for Wlinimum Power Loss

The energy supplied by the pump to the lubricant is dissipated 1 Optimization of bearing cIearance
due to viscous shear losses in restrictors, valves and flow Having chosen values of p, ps, B, and q the optimum bearing
through the bearing clearances. This energy is the product clearance occurs when
of the supply pressure and the flow, thus
3pz,@h2 r/AVz
(50) $(Ht)=p--=o
II h2
In general there will be relative motion of the bearing sur-
faces causing additional viscous shear of the fluid in the Comparing with Equation 54 this is when
clearance between the bearing and the runner. The energy 3Hp = Hf (55)
necessary to move the bearing is termed the friction power
and this must be dissipated as heat. 2 Optimization of oil viscosity
For particular values of fi, ps, B and h the optimum viscosity
(51) to use is determined by

where V = relative sliding velocity $(Ht) = flp@h3(-q-2) -y = 0

A, = recess area
A, = bearing land area From which HP = Hf ( 56)
h, = film thickness for the recess area With some manipulation it may be shown that for all other
variables the optimum value occurs in the range
It has been customary practice to make the recess depth
large compared to the operating film thickness so that the
value of the first term in the above equation would be small. HP c Hf c 3H P
Care must be taken that the critical Reynolds’ (or Taylor’s It may be found puzzling that there are two conditions as given
number for journal bearings) number is not exceeded, other- by Equations 55 and 56 for minimum power if one supposed
wise high turbulence losses can occur over the recess region that there is an optimum value of each parameter. It can be
and Equation 51 does not apply (Ettles and Cameron). explained that this is not the case by first considering the
Stansfieldl* has suggested that to estimate the temperature condition in 1 above, where values of fi, ps, B and rl were
rise h, should be taken as equal to 4h, and that this will then chosen.
account for possible circulation losses in the recess.
It was found that the optimum value of the clearance occured
when the pumping power is one third of the friction power.
LOW SPEED BEARINGS If now using this optimum value of h one reduces viscosity
At low speeds a bearing may be optimised so that for a given until friction power is equal to pumping power an optimum
total bearing area A, bearing gap, h, viscosity t) and applied value of 1) is found. However one could now reduce clearance
load, W, the pumping power is a minimum. It can be shown again to find a new optimum according to Equation 55.
that the rate of power HP to applied load W is It is appar’ent that optimising for any of the following para-
meters in turn, that is for,
(52) Supply pressure (with psti constant)
Bearing clearance
The optimisation occurs when gp is a minimum where Oil viscosity
always tends to reduce the parameters from their previous
(53) value. The conclusion may be reached that the designer should
choose minimum acceptable valu& for any two and optimise
for the third, in the suggested range. Several attempts may
For a circular pad bearing Ep is minimised when the outer be required before the most satisfactory solution is achieved.
radius is 1.89 times the recess radius.
However the ideal solution is yielded when
1 =- is chosen for the minimum value
If the bearings lands are reduced the effective area is not A2
largely changed in comparison to the increase in flow rate
and therefore concern is to minimise total power Ht for a 2 bearing gap ia the smallest clearance which may be satis-
given total area A, in terms. of any one other variable. factorily achieved with due respect to tolerances, cost,
3 Optimization is based on q.
Ht = HP + Hf
For a given supply pressure the procedure has the advan-
7AV2 tage of lowest power, lowest temperature rise and highest
=psq+ 7 stiffness.
fip28h3 qAV2
9 h
Oil is a relatively poor conductor of heat. It follows that for
The expression for Ht in Equation 54 may be minimised for many applications, particularly small high speed bearings
any one variable by differentiating and equating to zero. with large flow rates that the energy can be assumed to be

TRIBOLOGY February 1969 61

wholly transferred from the bearing by heating the oil which 4 The most critical parameter governing flow rate is the
is then cooled elsewhere in the circuit. The heat may be dis- bearing gap. Often the quickest route to a satisfactory design
sipated from the hydraulic power unit by means of a water is therefore by optimizing on gap. There are also minimum
cooler, air radiator, or other refrigeration means. From this values allowable for gap based on manufacturing accuracy of
assumption it is possible to calculate a maximum difference the bearing. The minimum gap should not be less than 10
between inlet and etit oil temperatures. times the ‘centre-line average’ roughness figure for the bear-
ing and should not be less than 2-3 times the ‘minimum zone
The following equations are involved: centre’ roundness error. Consideration should also be given
to possible tilt of a shaft or a bearing runner which will tend
Power Ht = HP, 2Hp or 4Hp (57) to reduce the minimum clearance.
(See previous discussion on power dissipation)
Pumping power HP = p,q (58) Example 8.1
The total power is dissipated as heat. TO determine optimum clearance for a hydrostatic bearing
From the relationship, when
Heat Dissipation Rate = Mass Flow x Specific Heat x Tem- p = 0.5 Ps = 5001bf/in2 B = 0.5
perature Rise
11= 5 x 10;gyns A,= 0. 2in2 A, = 2ina
-=pqXsXAT (59)
J h, = 0.03in and the relative sliding
velocity v = 500ft/min
where J = Mechanical equivalent of heat
From Equations 57, 58 and 59 hr
Assume -h = 4 because of recirculation losses in the
At Low Speeds: Ht = HP
ps recesses,
AT=- (60)
Ar *r 1
At High Speeds: Ht = 2Hp (Optimised on q) hence h = 7 h
AT = ~ Q-k (‘31) From Equations 54 and 56
J * s . p
h4 = V2AfV2
-= 25 X 10-12(0.2 + 2/4)(500 + ‘2/so,2
At High Speeds: Ht= 4Hp (Optimized on h)
3p$,B 3 x 0.5 x (0.5 x 103)~ x 0.5
AT = ___4Ps (62) h = 0.001 in

For most light machine oils it is possible to say that the

maximum temperature rise is s/,F”/lOOlbf/ir? supply pres- THE DESIGN PARAMETER s,
sure. This figure is multiplied by 2 or 4 for optimized high It is clear that the minimum total power loss occurs when the
speed bearings, 2 if Hf = HP, 4 if Hf = 3H P’ relative pumping power loss to friction power loss is between
1 and 3. The difference in total power variation over this
For low speed bearings the minimum temperature rise cor- range for a given variable is approximately 15%. Thus if for
responds to the case of minimum power loss. A high speed film thickness we increase the clearance from the optimum
bearing has no minimum temperature since the temperature value where Hf = 3Hp to that at which Hf = HP the total power
rise will reduce the flow through the bearing and also with is increased by 15% and similarly if the viscosity is increased
decrease in the bearing land widths. In such cases the from the value at which HP = Hf to that at which
designer may find that minimum power loss conditions re-
Hf = 3Hp the total power is increased by 15%.
sult in high temperature rise, and the bearing must be de-
signed on the basis of maximum bearing temperature. Gene- The design parameter S, has a unique value corresponding to
ral design points to be considered are: the optimum bearing geometry and can be used to show the
relationship between the various design parameters and
1 It is better to reduce the land width of a bearing rather optimum combinations. The following discussion and example
than increase the clearance. If one compares the results of will show how S, may be used to arrive directly at a satis-
say doubling the clearance to reducing the land width to a factory design.
quarter of its previous value, then in the first case the flow is
increasg eight fold while friction shear is reduced by a fac- Consider the case for translational bearings where Hf = kHP
tor of two, thus the temperature rise due to friction is re- then
duced by a factor of sixteen, whereas in the second case the
flow is increased by a factor of four while friction is reduced P;h8 _
k- B = ,/Lz;xf
by a factor of four achieving the same reduction in tempera- v
ture rise but at half the flow rate.
where L2Af = Af
2 Decreasing viscosity has a two fold effect, the viscous
shear is reduced and the relative change of viscosity with and L is the characteristic length for the bearing pad
temperature is also reduced. If say a typical SAE 10 oil is (see Fig 6)
heated from 100°F to 210°F then the viscosity changes from
37cp to Gcp,whereas a typical SAE 50 oil changes from 3OOcp The equation for energy equilibrium may be rearranged into
to 19cp. Thus the ratio of initial running torque to steady dimensionless form so that
running torque is reduced with viscosity reduction.
3 There is a practical limit to reducing the land width of a
bearing pad. In the event that the land width is too small in
comparison to the bearing clearance, edge effects make the In the case of rotating bearings the parameter is defined by
prediction of flow rate less accurate. Edge effects are negli-
gible if the land width is greater than 100 x the clearance.
ie t > 100 h

62 TRIBOLOGY February 1969

Fig 66 shows the curves of S, plotted against land width ratio
for values of k = I,3 and 9, for the case of a square bearing
in translational (sliding in a straight line) motion. The rela-
tive temperature rises for these lines are 1: 2 : 5. The area
contained between k = 1 and k = 3 is the optimized region of
minimum total power. The best optimum design is shown for
square, circular and rectangular pads. For a square pad this
is when G = 0.716, C/L = 0.25 and h, as stated previously
should be at its minimum possible value. The variation of
optimum S, for the various shapes of pads whether circular,
square or rectangular is small compared to variation with k .
Thus the area of minimum power loss is the same.
Increas’ed temperature
Use of the Design Parameter S,
In a given design the desired value of S, based on a minimum
film thickness, supply pressure, available space and viscosity
may be considerably larger than the optimum range 0.716 to
1.24. Economic or other considerations may make it imprac- ‘\\\ I \ Opt/mum*
ticable to reduce the viscosity in order to optimize the design
to best advantage. Before increasing the film thickness the
designer should reduce the land width ratio. Thus by using a
thin land width ratio 0.05 the maximum value of S, in the
optimised area is 4. ‘7. As a general design rule C/ho should
not be less than 50. If at this minimum land width S, still
falls outside the optimized area then ho must be increased. .i Ideal optimum cir&l
.6 Ideal optimum sqare
Example 8.2 3 ideal optimum recta
.L ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 8-t ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
Consider a bearing B/L = 2 which supports a load of 2751bf. 0 0.1 0.2
The initial values of viscosity, supply pressure and oil film Z. or I
thickness are 8 X lo-sreyns, 3001bf/in2 and 0.0005in respec- L 0
tively. The velocity is 30in/s. Tabulated design variations
are shown below.
Fig 68 Design parameter S, against land width ratio
- Rectangular pads B/L = 1
r) A Hf --- Rectangular pads B/L = 10
reyns h lbf/in L lbf. in
. . . . Circular pads
X 10-s in C/L X 10s in HP s Ht
1 8 0.0005 0.25 0.4 1.375 10.3 388 398
2 1.3 0.0005 0.25 0.4 1.375 63 63 126 If the viscosity can be reduced design 2 results in lowest
3 2.26 0.0005 0.25 0.4 ,1.375 37 110 147 power but if viscosity must be kept at the initial value, the
advantages of design 5 over 4 are lower overall power loss
4 8 0.00094 0.25 0.21 1.375 68 206 274 and higher stiffness. It should be noted that if p is considerably
5 8 0.0005 0.06 0.4 1.15 49 148 198 different from 0 5 the curves for S, are shifted vertically by
a factor equal to**

REFERENCES 5 Mohsin, M. E. ‘The use of controlled restrictors for

compensating hydrostatic bearings’, Advances in machine
tool design and research, Pergamon Press (Sep 1962)
6 Rowe, W. B. Patent Application (British), No 22072/66,
Hydrostatic Bearings (18 May 1966)
1 Neale, M. J. ‘Selection of bearings’, International 7 Wong, G. K. British Patent 1 107 721 (27 March 1968)
Lubrication and Wear Conference of the I.Mech. E, 8 Fuller, ‘Theory and practice of lubrication for engineers’,
Paper No 35 (September 196’7) Wiley, New York (1956)
2 De Gast, J. G. C. ‘A new type of controlled restricter 9 Raimondi and Boyd, ‘An analysis of irifice and capillary
for double film hydrostatic bearings’, Advances in compensated hydrostatic journal bearings’, Lubrication
machine tool design and research, Pergamon Press Engineering (Jan 1967) pp 28-37
10 Stansfield, F.M. ‘The design of hydrostatic journal
3 Rippel, H. C. ‘Design of hydrostatic bearings’ Machine bearings’, Presented at 8th International M.T.D.R.
design in 10 parts (Aug 1,1963 to Dee 5,1963) conference held at University of Manchester,
4 Royle, J.K., et al, Proc. Inst.Mech. E. 176, No 22 (1962) Pergamon Press (September 1967)

TIUBOLOGY February 1969 63

Design procedure 1 H~&OS~MC bearing with a single plane pad
and to optimize the “ize and shape of the pad
Symbol Description of operation Result fps metric

W Enter normal load lbf N

W’ Enter extreme load lbf N
Decide supply pressure lbf/ina N/ma

4 B Choose po/ps i

Land-width ratios -
Land-width ratios -

h0 Decide gap in m

a iii Read -
9 K Read -
10 A Calculate A from A = W/p& ina m2

11 Calculate bearing dimensions in m

12 Calculate bearing dimensions in m

13 Calculate bearing dimensions in m

14 Calculate bearing dimensions in m

15 V Enter sliding speed in/set m/s

16 A, Calculate recess area from bearing ina m2


17 Af Calculate Af from Af = A - ? ina m2

la II Calculate n from 7) =* f- E reyn Nsec/m2
V Af
19 Absolute Change to familiar units if required cP
20 90 Calculate leakage rate. ina/sec m3/sec
rcs’$i -
Use q, = rl 6B and n from 16

21 Flow Change leakage rate to familiar units gal /min N. sec/m2

of flow ie gal/min
22 A0 Read off h for X = I. See Figs 30-36 -

23 AO Calculate k. from ‘Lo = -psfi h0 lbf /in N/m


W CalculateW’ from W’ = - W’
25 Read ft’ from Figs 30-38 for the calculated
value of W’ in 24
26 h’ Calculate h’ from h’ = h$’ in m

27 Read h’ from Figs 30-38 for the W’ -

calculated in 24

28 A’ Calculate .k’ for A’ = p&&‘/h, lbf /in2 N/ma

29 9l Calculate q’ from q’ = qoW(X’)a/6 ’ in3/sec m3/sec
30 Flow Change flow q’ to familar units gal/min
ie gal/min
31 AT Cakdate temperature rise AT
and choose appropriate sliding velocity “F -K

64 TRIBOLOGY February 1969

Example - Single circular pad, capillary controlled, translation
speed v = 20 in/set normal load 1000 lbf. maximum load 1600 lbf.

Notes Symbol Example Result

From design requirements W Normal load 1000 lbf

From design requirements W’ Extreme load 1600 lbf
Decide that ps = 3001bf/in2 unless this proves Supply pressure 300 lbf /ina
Take p as 0.5. For larger range of loads P PO ‘Ps 0. 5
read section 5
Choose optimum values from section 2 K Land-width ratio 1.89
- -
ho should be 5-10 times the manufacturing h0 Bearing gap 0.0010 in
tolerances on ho
See section 2 ix Flow factor 0.82
See section 2 K Area factor 0.56
If A is too large, increase ps and repeat from 1000
A 11.90 ina
3. A = projected bearing area 300 x 0.5 x 0.56
Calculate bearing dimensions from land-width R 1.95 in
ratios and total projected bearing area A
Calculate bearing dimensions from land-width R
-=- 1.95
RO 1.03 in
ratios and total projected bearing area A R 1. 89
Calculate bearing dimensions from land-width -
ratios and total projected bearing area A
Calculate bearing dimensions from land-width -
ratios and total projected bearing area A
If v = 0 or is very small, go to 18 and write V Sliding speed 20 in ‘set
a convenient value, say 7.25 X 10-e
Ar nRoz = ~(1.03)a 3.33 ina

Af 11go= 3 x 3.33 9.40 in2

If n is too low, reduce the land width or 300 x 10-e
increase ho and repeat r) 3.1 x 10-e reyn

Divide by 1.45 x lo-’ to convert reyn to Absolute Familiar units 21. 6 cP

Cp . 1Nsec/m2 = 103cp viscosity
340 x 10-e
qo 3 1 x 1o-s x 0.5 x 0.82 0.04 in3/sec

Multiply by 60/277.4 to convert ine/sec to Flow Familiar units 0.0086 gal ‘min
See section 5 for X = 1 0.75
300 x 11.90 x 0. 56
A0 x 0.75 1.5 x 106 lbf /in
--I 1600
W 0. 8 lbf
300 x 11.9 x 0. 56
See section 5 -,X For W’ 0.63

h’ 0.001 x 0.63 0.00063 in

See Fig 32 and section 5 A-, For W’ 1.5 x 10s lbf /in2

300 x 11.9 x 0.56

A’ x 0.75 0.75

9’ 0.04 x i!d x (0.63)s 0.016 in3/sec

0. 5
Multiply by 60/217.4 to convert ina/sec to Flow Familiar units 0.0035 gal /min

This applies to light/medium oils AT 0.015 x 300 4.5 “F

AT(fpd AT(metric)
v*o 0.015 ps 4 x lo-sp,
v=o 0.0075ps 2 x 10-6~~ TRIBOLOGY February 1969 65
Design procedure 2 TO design a hydroetati~
bearing with double plane pads and to optimize the size


Symbol Description of operation Result fps metric

1 W’ Enter extreme load lbf N

2 Decide supply pressure lbf/in* N/m2

3 ? Choose pressure ratio po/ps

4 Calculate land width ratios

5 Calculate land width/ratios

6 Decide bearing gap in m


I B Read flow shape factor from chart

a x Read area factor from chart
9 Wult Read w,lt from chart for x = 0
10 Amin Calculate A,m from in2 m2

Amin= --1.7W’
PSA Wult
11 Aactual Decide convenient value of A,tl in2 m2
12 Calculate bearing dimensions in m
13 Calculate bearing dimensions in m
14 Calculate bearing dimensions in m
15 Calculate bearing dimensions in m
16 V Enter sliding speed idsec m/set

17 A, Calculate recess area in2 m2

ia 4 Calculate Af from in2 m2
A 3Ar

19 ‘I Calculate viscosity from =eyn N. set/ma

-P&2, 13B
V J- 4
20 Absolute Convert absolute viscosity to cP
viscosity familiar units
21 qo Calculate flow rate from in3/sec m3/sec
P&l 2@B
q. = --+-

22 Flow Convert flow rate to familiar gal/min

23 TO Readx, for z = 1
24 A0 Calculate Ao from lbf/in N/m
ho=-A 0
25 -,W Calculate W’ from
w’ = w’/p&i
26 %rnin Read %min for calculated W’
27 hmin Calculate hmm in m
28 -,A ReadX’ for calculated w’ _
29 A’ Calculate h’ from A’ = -Psfi -th

30 AT Calculate AT (For 0.015 p and “F “K

0.0075 ps if working in fps 7

66 TIUBOLOGY February 1969

Example-swe, double plane bearing pads, capillary
controlled, aliding speed 20 h/set. Maximum applied
load 16OOlbf

Notes Symbol Example of working Result

From design requirements W’ Extreme load 1600 Ibf

Decide ps = 3001bf/in2 unless this proves Ps Supply pressure 300 lbf/in2
0.5 for optimum stiffness P Pressure ratio po/ps 0.5
Choose optimum land-width ratios from C/B Land width ratio 0.5
section 2
Choose optimum land-width ratios from
section 2
Bearing gap ho should be 5-10 times the h0 Bearing gap 2 x 10-a in
manufacturing tolerances on ho
Read from section 2 B Flow factor 0.82
Read from section 2 x Area factor 0.53
Read from section 5 %l1t For x = 0 0.44
Amln = A, + A,, ie, the sum of the areas 1.7 x 1600
Amin 38.88 in2
on both pads. If Amin is too large, increase 300 x 0.53 x 0.44
ps and repeat from operation 2

Increase A for high stiffness Aatl Say 4.5 x 4.5 40.5 in2
B 4.5 4.5 in
C = 4.5 x 0.5 = 2.25 2.25 in

If v = 0 or is very small, go to operation 19 V Sliding speed 20 in/set

and write a convenient value of n, eg
7.25 X 10-s reyn
A, is the recess area of one pad only Ar Recess area = (2.25)a 5.062 in2
4 --40.5 3 x 5.062
16.46 in2
2 4

If h is too low, either reduce the land-width: 300 x (“,o” lo-s)2 jc)
or increase ho and repeat from appropriate 9 9.47 x 10-s reyn’

Divide by 1.45 x lo-’ to convert reyn to Absolute Familiar units 65 cP

cp. 1Nsec/m2 = 10%~ viscosity
qo is a flow rate for 2 pads. Use n from 300 x (2 x 10-3J3 x 2 x 0 5 y 0 82
operation 19 90 0.208 inz/sec
9.47 x 10-s

Multiply by 60/277.4 to convert lns/sec to Flow Familiar units 0.045 gal/min

ReadTo from Fig 39-47 in section 5 For x = 1 0.75
300 x2 4y_x3 0.53 x o. 75
2.4 x 10s lbf/in

-,W = 1600
300 x 40.5 x 0.53
Read?min from Figs 39-47 in section 5 %min For %J 0.65
hmin = ho x x,,, h’mm 2 x 10-3 x 0.65 0.0013 in
Read%’ from Fig 39-47 in section 5 x for G 0.64
300 x 40 - 5 x 0.53 x o 64 2.1 x 10s
A’ lbf/in
2 x 10-3
AT(fpd AT (metric) AT 0.015 x 300 4.5
v*o 0.015 ps 4 x 10-s ps
V=Oor 0.0075 ps 2 x 10-s ps
very small

TRIBOLOGY February 1969 67

Design procedure 3 A general procedure ror
designing and optimizing a hydrostatic journal bearing

Symbol Description of operation Result fPs metric

1 Decide extreme load lb1 N

2 Decide number of pads in bearings

3 Decide pressure ratio 0 = po/ps

4 Decide diameter D that will carry load. in
Use D = m* in fps system
5 Decide length of bearing L in
6 Decide bearing gap ho in

I Decide axial-flow land width in

6 Calculate circumferential-flow land in
width. Use b = nD/Jn

9 Calculate axial slot width. It no axial in m

slots use second iormula for 7 in opera-
tion 10. Use c = aD/Bn
10 Calculate )
na(L - a)
With ‘axial slots use 7 =
b(nD - nc - nd)
na(L - a)
Without axial slots use 7 = --__
(b + c)
11 With axial slots, calculate 0. Use 0 = 1 - ~
n D

12 With axial slots, calculate K. Use K = Sin6 6Cosfi

13 Calculate X’

14 Calculate minimum source pressure Ps lbt/ina N/ma


Use ps =
X’D(L - a)
15 Choose nearest convenient source Pressure ps,,, lbt/ins N/m*
16 Calculate X0 lbt/ina N/111”
psD(L - a) -
17 Calculate Xo. Use Xo = ---A, lbf/tn N/m

16 Calculate h’min. Use h’min = hn - W’/A, in m

19 Calculate 8. with or without axial slots

20 ” Enter v, the sliding speed. Use v = y. in/see m/set

21 A, Calculate recess area A, for one pad only in2 ma

22 At Calculate At. Use At = %” - 2 ina m*

i@: @
23 rl Calculate viscosity n. Use 71= T- J reyn N. set/ma

24 Absolute Convert viscosity to familiar units CP

25 q. Calculate flow rate q, ina/sec m3/sec

26 Flow Convert flow rate qo to familiar units gal/min

21 AT Calculate temperature rise AT “F x

69 TRIBOLOGY February 1969

ExampleAournal to C-V 2000 Ibf at
lOOOrev/mln with capillary control,
without tia.I exhaust slots.

Notes Symbol Example of working Result

From design specification W’ Extreme load 2000 Ibf

Four pads for most bearings, six for high n Number of pads 4
precision bearings, ie. n = 4 or n = 6
Choose 0 = 0.5 P PO& 0.5
D 30.02 x 2000 6.32 in

Choose L = D II possible L = D 6.32 in

ho should be 5-10 times the manufacturing 0.0020 in

tolerance on ho
Land width should be L/4 for optimum a Axial flow land width = 6.32/4 1. 58 in
n x 6.32 1.65 in
C Inapplicable -

7 4 X 1. 58(8.32 - 1. 58) 0.91

II x 6.32 x 1.65

n Inapplicable

K Inapplicable

Use capillary equation and p = 0.5 3.82 x 0. 5(1 - 0. 5) 0.65

from Tables 2 and 3 1 + 0.91(1-0.5)
3 x 2000 308 Ibf/in2
0.65 x 6.32(6.32 - 1.58)

300 lbf/ina
Nearest convenient value

Use Tables 2 and 3 0.65

If A0 is too low, increase D and/or 300 x 6.32(6.32 - 1. 58) X 0.65 2.9 x 10s lbf/in
ps and repeat operation 11 2 x 10-z

0.0020 - 2000 0.0013 in

h’ min
2.9 x 10s
use B = (nD
---- - nc - nb)(l + y) -
With axial slots B
n x 6.32 0. 52
Without axial slots,
use B = “D gx1.
II v = 0 or is very small,go Lo operation 23 = X 6.32 x 1000
” 331 bl/SZC
and insert a convenient viscosity 71, say 80
11= 7.25 x 10-s reyn

15.69- in2

n6.32 x 6.32
--- - a/, x 15.69 19.61 in*
If calculated rl is too low, either reduce land --300 X 4 X 10-s 0.48 x 10-s reyn
widths or increase ho, and repeat from 331
appropriate operation
Divide by 1.45 X 10-7 to convert reyn to cp. Absolute Familiar units 2.88 cP

Use qo = T) nfiB qo 3oo ’ 8 ’ ‘O-9 x 4 x 0 . 5 x 0 . 52 5.94 inz/sec

0.42 x 10-s
Multiply by 60/277.4 to convert i$/sec Flow Familiar units 1.28 gal/min
to gal/min
AT(fps) AT(metric) AT 0.015 x 300 4.5 “F
vgo o.o15p, 4 x lo-sp,
very small
0.0075ps 2 x lo-sp,

TRIBOLOGY February 1969 69

Design procedure 4: Complex pads

1 Write operating loads

Fx in x-direction
Fy in y-direction
F z : Moment about 0


2 Equate to bearing thrusts

Fx = psAe,B, cos0 x1 + PsAeaPa case x2 . . .

Fy = P&elPl case yl + P.@,,& cc@ yz . . .

F, = PsAerB,Rr + PsAeaBaRa - * .

3 Select value of ps

Select values of A,,
r Select values of Bn to -1
leave three unknown values of on
I t I
’ 4 Solve three values of on I
L Check values in correct range I
If necessary, readjust selected values
at previous stage I
i I
f I
5 Write extreme loads and equate to bearing thrusts I
FL = psA,, xoI (1 -x,) case,,
+ PsAe2 .Xo2(l - E2) COSe x2 . . .

r Fi = PsAe, iol(l -Xl) c0se yl

i + PsAe2 iio2 (1 -X2) c0sey2 . . . i
Fk = PsAei - (1
Aoi -‘ilr)Rr - I
I + psAe, &,a(1 -X,)R, . . .
I 6 If there are more than three pads, write:
- I
” -xl = h, c&lx1 +ETs+~
: I
‘--X,=), c&e
I 0 x2
Solve for p, 5 and z, and substitute for 1 - ?T, at
I stage 5
0 0 I
I 0 I
I 7 Solve for 1 - Z1, 1 - Xa etc
Summarize these results and check for safety
L, with Flgs 30-38
If necessary, readjust values and repeat from stage 3

70 TRIBOLOGY February 1969

Design procedure 5: Capillary restrictor
1st 2nd
value value Units Notes

1 P =SG x 9.33 x 10-s lbf. in-‘keca

(1 -PIP,
2 Kc = inW3
3 d Read in
4 l/d Read - Fig 14 l/d > 100 preferably
5 1 = d x l/d in
4m, -
6 Re =- If Re > 1000 increase d and
ndv Gpeat
Example To design a capillary restrictor for the following bearing: ps = 2001bf/ina. 6 = 0.5,
oil of viscosity g = 5 x 10-s reyn, and specific gravity = 0.87. q. = O.l53ins/sec
1st 2nd
value value units

1 P =SGX 9.33X 10-5 8.1 x 10-5 lbf. ine4sec2

(1 - P)Ps -
2 Kc 1.33 x 10s
= qfgJ
3 d Read 0.038 in
4 l/d Read 200 - Fig 14. l/d> 100
5 1 = d x l/d ‘7.6 in

6 Re =- +-o -82 - > 1000


Design procedure 6: Orifice restrictor

1st 2nd
value value Units Notes

1 so2 Wsec-2
2 P = SG x 9.33 x 10-5 lbf . in-% ecs
= (I- B)Ps
3 K lbf. in-ssecs Fig 18
4 Cf Read - 1st estimate Cf = 0.6

5 A ina

6 d in

7 Re =- 4PQ -
8 Read - Fig 18. If necessary repeat
from operation 4

Example To design an orifice restrictor for the same bearing

1 4 0.0234 inssec-a
2 P = SG X 9.33 X 1O-5 7.5 x 10-5 lbf. in-4seca
= (l- B)Ps
3 K 4.27 x 103 lbf. in-*seca
4 Cf READ 0.6 0.7 Figure 18. 1st estimate
Cf= 0.6

5 A =+a 1.562 x 10-4 1.308 x 10-4 ins

7 Re 175 - Cf = 0.7

TFUBOLOGY February 1969 71

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