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Healing Ministry 1

Volume 17, Number 2

R eflectio ns

Simply be: How to be

a caregiver amid the
frozen periods of life
Father Dn. Tho m as Jo hnso n-Med land , CSJ, OSL

Imagine my surprise when this third response to the pres- the inside of this trauma it is the
“Googling” the fight or flight ence of conflict and stressors in first place the mind goes.
response to stress and finding our lives, but in my 49 years on I remember having written a
that “or freeze” was also listed as this earth, I have seen countless poem in my early adulthood
part of the medical response to people just drop everything and about a recurring image that I
stressors and conflict. Here, I stare off into the headlights, had–over and over again. The
thought I had discovered that all frozen in time and space–com- line that has been in my heart
“on my own” by watching peo- pletely out of energy and will to ever since is: “I do not know
ple respond to critical situations do anything at all. A lot of it is what it is that caused you to lay
in their living and dying. Alas, no personal baggage from living down your sword on the field
Nobel Prize for that discovery– with and loving a father who was of battle that day, or what it
at least not for me. finally successful in taking his was told you to place me on the
We don’t often banter about own life. field as well–me, your swad-
Up until his final attempt on dled and infant son. I have no
Fath e r Dn. Th o m as Jo h nso n-Me d land , his life–he and we who loved idea. I do know that it has taken
CSJ, OSL is o ne o f th e m anage rs o f th e him–lived through a series of every ounce of my energy and
Po co no Plateau Cam p + Retreat Center, his immobilizations and retreat- will to emerge from your field of
Cresco , Pennsylvania. He also p ro vid es
ing from what seemed to be a battle.”
Sp iritual Directio n + Fo rm atio n as a p ri-
vate co nsultant. He lives in the Po co no s “will to live and the good sense There are moments in life
w ith h is w ife Glind a, and his tw o so ns: to enact that will.” I know it is not when people freeze and just
Zachary Aid an and Jo siah Gabriel. that simple, but having lived on never are able or enabled to pull
2 Healing Ministry
Volume 17, Number 2

it all back together again. It is a presentation of contradictory tends to hardwire these reactions
good thing for us to acknowl- reality is not only unable to stim- into the circuitry and automati-
edge this and discuss the sort of ulate a different response, it may cally begin fulfilling previous
therapeutic response that may be actually deepen the individuals responses in the present.
used in cases like this and how to “frozen stature.” Being able to just simply be
disentangle ourselves from the From where I have been, it has yourself and be among frozen
“apparent lack of success” that become vital to develop an people offers a sense of normalcy
comes from being a caregiver in understanding and acceptance of for them in their condition. It
this situation. “simple presence” as a way of gives them an underlying “nor-
Some people will just freeze at being with people in the frozen mal” to interpret things by–par-
the end of life and die frozen. It is state. People freeze for reasons. ticularly if they emerge from
not a reflection of the interven- We may or may not know the their state. It also provides some-
tions applied at this critical junc- reasons, but there is a reason one who will be there when they
ture by teams and family mem- behind the frozen state they awaken that can help them sort
bers that emerge at the end of life enter. In my Dad’s case, he was out where they are and what is
to provide care. It is a reflection dealing with the murder of his going on. It requires being your-
of a life lived and choices for cop- mother–by his father–and then self and not shielding the frozen
ing that have been utilized all his father’s subsequent suicide. one from hidden or difficult feel-
along the way. “We die the way Add to that that he found the ings, notions, and realities.
we live.” bodies. There are reasons that In the hospice ministry we
Standing on the inside of a people freeze. have clearly learned the art of sit-
family that has survived two sui- Those reasons make it no less ting with and being with
cides and countless attempts painful and difficult for the peo- patients. So many people go into
from family members has taught ple involved, engaged, and inte- a nonresponsive state as they
me this. There is a response to grated into the lives of the ones approach death that it has
these situations that we can who freeze. It is agonizing. But, become wired into our way of
have–it does not mean that they have reasons. being with people that we sit,
these events of frozenness are not I think what happens when read, sing, pray, and just “exist”
painful–in order to still bear out people freeze is that they become in the presence of the silent ones.
our presence in the life of the still inside and out while the This is a witness to life it is also a
“frozen one.” majority of the rest of the uni- way of decreasing the isolation
At times we will have the per- verse (both inside and outside– that individuals face at this time
sonal need to confront the frozen that is emotionally, ethically, and in living and dying.
individual with contradictory spiritually as well as socially, This ability is perhaps one of
reality in order to help “snap vocationally, and fiscally) moves the greatest gifts that the commu-
them out of it.” In some cases, on. When the frozen one “wak- nity of hospice has to offer to the
and particularly early on in the ens” or “comes to” they no longer human family and the therapeu-
onset of “freezing” as a response, recognize the world around tic community at-large. Take the
this contradictory reality is able them because it has shifted. This time to share this hospice gift
to remediate the situation. But, gives them a chance to fight, flee, with caregivers in your area.
as a person sinks further and or freeze all over again. Once the Teach them how to “simply be”
further into depression and anx- brain and the entire nervous sys- with other people. No judgment.
iety (deeply connected to pain; tem goes through a series of these No preaching. No agenda.
both physical and psychic) the encounters and responses, it Simply be.

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