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First of all, Katha Advertising Company would join bazaars and conventions held
in different PICC, SMX Convention Center, World Trade Center, etc. The company will
send representatives who will promote and inform potential clients of what Katha can do
to advertise their business and incorporate with it the Philippine tourism.

Second, Katha will look for businesses that market anything Filipino and offer them
packages and unique strategies to promote their business not just within the country but
in the international market as well. This strategy will not only boost the business per se,
but also the country’s GNP and GDP.

Third, Katha will upload sample advertisements like commercials, photos, fliers,
and posters in different social media sites to promote the company. However, Katha will
not solely depend on social media for its promotion but it will also use other forms of
advertisement like magazines, billboards, radio, brochures, and portfolio to further
promote the company.

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