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THE COVER-The satellites a t top.

left to right: Telstar. Applications

Introduction 2
Technology Satellite, Syncom. Lower
right: Relay. Historical
Background 2
The Need 3
The Solution 3
Moon Contact 3
Passive and
Active Satellites 4

Echo I 4

Echo I1 5

Satellites 7
T elst ar 7
Relay 9
Project Syncom 10
Broad Conclusion 13
Uses of Television 13
Applications 15
Technical Questions 15
ATS Project 16
Introduc A cenrury ago, aramatic changes began t o occur.
Man was launched then on the incredible adventure
With the birth of the space age, the United States
which would transform his world and alter the structure
immediately set to the challenge of bending the great
of his society: the accelerated acquisition of scientific
promise of space to the world's growing need for com-
knowledge, and the application of that knowledge-
munications. In 1958, the National Aeronautics and
through technological advances-to the forces of nature.
Space Administration initiated an experimental program
The breakthrough which first catapulted communi-
to develop the technology for an artificial communica-
cations beyond its line-of-sight and range-of-sound
tions satellite and make that technology available t o the
limitations was Samuel Morse's development of the
designers of operational systems.
technique of transmitting signals by electrical impulse
Seven years later, the first phase of NASA's vigorous
along a length of conducting wire. His electromagnetic
program was completed, and the fruit of its effort could
telegraph became the first commercial application of
be seen in the plans of a consortium of 20 nations,
together with the U.S. Communications Satellite Corp.,
Voice transmission broke out of that same confine-
to establish an international operational system.
ment a few decades later with Alexander Graham Bell's
This i s a report of what happened during those 7
invention of the telephone i n 1876.
years, of the historical elements which shaped them,
With the telephone and the telegraph, man's ability
and of the futurewhich they in turn have helped t o mold.
to communicate rapidly over distance was limited only
by his capacity for stringing wire and cable. But already
Historical men of the new technology were experimenting with a
Background force which would permit communications t o leap even
Civilization has always been dependent on com- this barrier: electromagnetic wave radiation. It was
rnunication-the transmission of information and ideas reasoned that i f this radiation could be controlled and
between individuals and between groups. But until a regulated, it could provide fast communications not
century ago, men concerned themselves primarily with requiring wire or cables.
the content of communication: they explored the impli- Guglielmo Marconi discovered a practical way t o
cations of the ideas that stirred them; they developed accomplish this, and in 1896 the first wireless radio
the tools-the words and the images and the sounds, communication was completed.
and the physical tools, too, the stylus and then the Hard on the heels of their development, these
printing press-which raised the act of communicating devices were put t o the task of bridging the oceans and
to among the most exalted, necessary and meaningful linking the continents. Twenty-two years after Morse
of human adventures. But the meansof communication proved that telegraphy was workable, President Bu-
changed very little over the centuries: the visual signal chanan and Queen Victoria exchanged messages over
was effective as far as the eye could see, the spoken the first transatlantic telegraph cable. Marconi sent
w o r d - o r the shouted warning-as far as the voice could signals with his wireless radio across the English Chan-
reach; and the message, oral or recorded, could travel nel in 1898, and across the Atlantic i n 1901. The
only as fast and as far as the courier who was carrying it. human voice spanned the seas i n 1915, when the Bell
The absence of communications capable of keeping Telephone System, with the help o f the U.S. Navy, made
pace with history was keenly and often tragically felt: a radio telephone hookup linking Honolulu, Washington,
men died at the Battle of New Orleans, t h e last engage- and Paris.
ment of the War of 1812, unaware that t h e Treaty of The effect of these technological triumphs and their
Ghent, which ended the conflict, had been signed 2 subsequent commercial development was t o link the
weeks before. civilized world in a single community for the first time.
Passive and Echo I
Active Satellites NASA’s first experimental communications satellite,
Echo I, was a passive one. It was launched into orbit
The moon had served as what i s called a passive August 12, 1960. A metalized balloon. made of alu-
communications satellite-one which simply acts as a minum-coated mylar polyester plastic approximately
radio mirror, reflecting the signals transmitted by one 500-millionths of an inch thick (about half the thickness
ground station t o the receiver of another. of the cellophane on a package of cigarettes), Echo I
The passive satellite is one of two basic types left earth folded inside a canister 26 inches i n diameter.
possible. The other kind-the active satellite-amplifies It was launched into space by a Delta rocket.
and retransmits the signals it intercepts. Once in its 1,000-mile-high orbit, Echo I was ejected
Of the two, the passive satellite i s simpler and from its canister and a special material inside it changed
potentially more reliable. for it has no working parts, from solid state t o gas, expanding the folded balloon t o
no electronics which can fail. However, since it can a sphere 100feet i n diameter and weighing 124 pounds.
only reflect signals, it requires extremely powerful Echo 1 has also been called the symbol of NASA’s
transmitters and sensitive receivers on the ground. research efforts. Readily visible to the unaided eye, it
NASA’s program was designed t o include develop- has been seen by and has fired the imagination of m i l -
ment of both types of satellites. lions around the globe. Newspapers throughout the

Echo I was NASA’s first passive satellite.

But there was a solution, or at least the promise of
one, and it came with the knowledge that man would be
n these srriwng aeveloprnenrs were rlaraly able t o orbit artificial satellites around the earth. For
story was moving fast. In a world expanding a microwave repeater placed i n a satellite thousands of
)pulations and new nations and international miles above the earth would be able t o span whole
the need for adequate communications continents and oceans.
to outpace accomplishment. What else,
!phone cable, offered hope? Moon Contact
Ever since Marconi, low-frequency longwaves which
can propagate signals that follow the curvature of the When NASA’s program t o develop the technology
earth had been used for telegraphy, and still are widely for a communications satellite began in 1958, a form of
used today. But they offered no real solution to the earth-space communications had already been effected :
expanding needs of the future: they are limited in the i n 1946, the U.S.Army Signal Corps made radar contact
amount of telegraphic information they can carry, with the moon, and subsequently conversation was
and they cannot be used at all for voice or television possible between Washington and Hawaii by reflecting
transmission. signals off the moon’s surface. The moon thus actually
Nor was shortwave radio the answer. It i s a useful served as a communications satellite-although its
medium for voice communications, but its vulnerability extremely high altitude and slow orbit of the earth made
to weather and ionospheric disturbances affects its it an impractical one for regular communications.
The full moon;age 14 days. Radio signals have been reflected
from the moon and received on earth, using it as a passive
The Solution communications satellite.

By the 1950’s, one medium was recognized as being

ideally suited to carrying vast quantities of every known
form of communication, immune to disturbance: the
extremely short, ultrahigh frequency radio signals known
as microwaves.
But there was a problem: microwaves, like light,
travel in a straight line, and thus are limited to line of
Over land, this limitation has been overcome by the
use of repeater systems: antennas mounted on towers
spaced 2 0 to 30 miles apart, which relay the microwaves
in a straight line from point to point. Obviously, how-
ever, such a system offers no solution for transoceanic
communications. (The 20-30 mile interval between
towers can be extended by increasing the height of the
towers; b u t a single tower, even i f it could be constructed
in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean t o link the
States and Europe, would have to be more t t
m i Ies high.)
United States and i n many other countries ran schedules
giving its orbital information after it was launched.
Echo 1's public notice and acclaim were exceeded
only by its scientific usefulness. It proved conclusively
the feasibility of using manmade passive communica-
tions satellites. Its aluminum-coated surface reflected
about 98 percent of the radio waves transmitted t o it,
up t o frequencies of 10,000 megacycles. Those signals
reflected from it made possible long distance telephone
conversation, and the transmission of photographs and
music. i

Echo I1
Using information gained from the Echo I project,
NASA scientists developed Echo I I , a larger and more
durable passive satellite. On January25. 1964, Echo I I
was placed i n orbit by a 76-foot, liquid-fueled Thor-
Agena rocket which developed 170,000 pounds of
When fully inflated, Echo II is 135 feet i n diameter
and weighs about 575 pounds. Its skin i s mylar plastic
bonded on both sides t o aluminum alloy foil, and is some
40 percent thicker than that of Echo I .
NASA's scientists determined from their experience
with Echo I that a slight initial overpressurization of the
balloon would improve its surface smoothness and
sphericity and thus greatly enhance its performance as
a communications satellite. To achieve this they
developed a controlled inflation system.
A number of packets containing pyrazole were
sealed closed with temperature sensitive wax and at-
tached t o the inside of the balloon prior t o folding and
packing i n the canister for launch. After launch and
canister opening, the sphere was initially inflated with
only residual air, which. as the television camera aboard
the orbiting launch vehicle showed, carried the balloon
to full extension in 20 seconds, but did not pressurize
it. As the sphere absorbed heat from the sun, the wax
seals on the pyrazole packets melted and the chemical
was transformed into a gas which pressurized the bal-
loon. This pressurization gave the skin a permanent
set or stress which overcame its tendency to resume its
Echo 1 as photographed b y the Boston University felescopc
earlier folded, wrinkled shape. Echo I I has remained i n a time exposure. The long streak represents the satellite.
lit and is now circling m e satellite ~y stations i n tne u.S.S.R. during its early
as it is expected t o orbits when it was not i n view of any of our own tracking
stations. The agreement also provided for the per-
te, accomplished the formance of a series of communications experiments
between the Jodrell Bank Radio Observatory of the
a long-lived, rigid
University of Manchester, operating on NASA’s behalf,
iunications use;
and the Zimenki Observatory of the Gorki State Uni-
test techniques for
versity, northeast of Moscow.
f these structures;
The completion of the Echo II program brought t o
Developed a controlled inflation system;
an end flight experiments with passive satellites. NASA
Developed a TV system for observing the inflation
of these structures. is continuing, however, with a small laboratory program

Echo II provided the United States with an oppor- to improve the characteristics of such satellites through
tunity to engage in a program of scientific cooDeration the development of new construction materials and

if passive communications sate!Ilites shou Id be used in the future. nd

tested in a vacuum sphere, irt NASA’s ILangley Research Center.
An active communications satellite amplifies t h e
signal it receives from one ground station and retrans-
mits it t o another. Since it i s itself a station i n the sky,
it i s considerably more complicated than the mirror-like
passive satellite. This i s balanced, however, by the
fact that much simpler equipment i s required on the
ground stations which work in conjunction with it.
The era of active communications satellites began in
December 1958, when an Atlas rocket launched a U S .
Army relay satellite called Score into orbit.
Score carried a radio transmitter and prerecorded
Christmas greetings from President Eisenhower; ground
commands triggered transmission of the message.
Score was relatively short lived-approximately 30
days-but during that time it dramatically demonstrated
its ability t o relay voice, code, and teletype messages.
Courier. developed by the Army Signal Corps, fol- Telstar was deveioped by the American Telephone & Tele-
graph, launched for A. T. & T. by NASA.
lowed on October 4. 1960, when it was launched into a
500400-mile-high orbit.
A 500-pound sphere, measuring 5 1 inches i n diam- Telstar
eter, and powered by 20,000solar cells, Courier carried
Project Telstar was developed by the American
4 receivers, 4 transmitters, and 5 tape recorders.
Telephone & Telegraph Co., in cooperation with NASA.
Its purpose was t o demonstrate the use of an active
The first of the two satellites in this project-Telstar
repeater for both real time* and delayed transmission
I-was launched by NASA on July 10, 1962. It was
of messages. In operation, it received signals and
placed i n orbit by a three-stage Delta rocket.
stored them on tape while it was in view of one ground
It advanced considerably the active repeater con-
station; then on command it retransmitted the signals
cept, and its impact on the public's attention was
when it was i n sight of another station.
substantial. United States and European television
Technical difficulties ended Courier's ability t o send
stations exchanged some 50 television programs-both
messages after 18 days i n orbit-but during that time it
black and white and color; telephone calls were made
received and retransmitted 118 million words.
i n both directions, and facsimile and telephotos were
I n addition, t h e satellite performed more than 300
* R e a l time transmission is the reporting of information valuable technical tests, almost all of them with suc-
simultoneously with the acquisition of that information. cessful results.
During the first Telstar experiments the satellite was aboard another Delta rocket 10 months later (on May 7,
t racked by ground stations i n Maine, England, and .,.p-.
I .I
was mucn rne same as I eisrar
7 , . *
I, except for a few
F:ranre __
Fvidpnce nf the cnrnrnunicatinn+ ____ _...__ -
_ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ I _ _ _ _ .+atpllitc.’c improvements that made its weigh t 5 pounds heavier.
contribution to international cooperation was the estab- A redesign of some of the second Telstar’s electronics
lishment of other ground stations i n Italy, Brazil, Ger- . . . . . .. . . .
provided it with greater resistance to radiation change,
many, Japan, Sweden, and Spain by late 1964. and i t s elliptical orbit has an apogee (the farthest dis-
For 4 months Telstar I functioned as planned, tance from the earth reached i n the orbit) almost twice
handling more than 400 transmissions. I n November as high as that of Telstar I.
1962 the satellite unexpectedly provided U.S. scientists This higher altitude keeps the satellite out of the
with another “first”-ground diagnosis of a malfunc- high-radiation regions of space for a greater part of the
tioning communications satellite. It was determined 225-minute orbiting time, and also provides it with
that unexpectedly high levels of radiation had damaged longer periods when it is visible from, and consequently
some of the transistors i n the satellite’s command can communicate with, both United States and European
C ircuit. ground stations.
On February 21, 1963, after failing to respond t o The satellite was mysteriously silent fro m July 17
C ommands from the ground, Telstar I went silent. t o August 12, 1963, but with that exception it has
Telstar 11, which followed i t s predecessor into orbit functioned well.
. . . .

NASA-DOUGLAS DELTA FLIGHT SEQUENCE FOR TELSTAR Il-Figure I shows separation of first stage. Figure 2 shows second stage
separating from third stage with attached Telstar payload. Figure 3 reveals separation of Telstar II from third Stage. In figure 4 9
Telstar I1 is i n orbit around the earth.

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