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Tugas Ini Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Pada Mata Bahasa Inggris

Oleh :

Arif Rahmahabimantara (P17212195001)

Ahdal Casanoval (P17212195005)
Mardani Banapon (P17212195019)
Asharini Dwi Juniarti (P17212195025)
Nancitya Astri Kurniasar i (P17212195049)
Dwike Hertyana (P17212195060)






1. Health Assessment
a. Biographic Data
Mrs. R is a 32 years. Mrs. R is 12 weeks pregnant. Working as one of the
employees in the company ‘Suka maju mundur’. She was born in East Java,
Indonesia. She currently lives in Sidoarjo of East Java. She is graduated from
senior high school. She is muslim. Mrs. R indonesian is her primary language.
b. Culture And Spiruality
Mrs. R was raised in a tradiotional East Java family where her family’s still
believes in magic and ghost. They have confidence, if eating a banana heart
can endanger pregnancy and if eating octopus will cause miscarriage and a
husband may not climb a high tree can cause a miscarriage. according to her
mother-in-law, the cause of her illness was caused by magic and ghost because
they did not serve the food for the guard there. Mrs. R did not want to do an
abortion because according to her religion it is sinful. rules and policies are
governed by religious leaders and santri
c. Past Health History
Mrs. R said that this is the third pregnancy, she is complained of pain in her
stomach, Mrs. R said she had multiple sclerosis with complaints of weakness
in all four limbs. Relapse 1 month 2 times. Last relapsed in May 2016. rarely
checked because the distance to the hospital was quite far. Mrs. R said her
family had a history of diabetes mellitus. Mrs. R said that when her first
pregnancy came out brown amniotic fluid, in the second pregnancy Mrs. R said
she was under the hospital because she was found unconscious in the bathroom
when she was examined and diagnosed with ante partum bleeding. When she
was child, Mrs R did not have any serious illness. when the teenager said she
had bronchitis and had treated her illness by drinking herbal medicine, she did
not check the disease because the distance from the house to the hospital was
quite far
d. Review of System
Mrs. R had a history of brochitis, in the first and second pregnancies she had
premature rupture of the membranes and ante partum bleeding. awareness of
composmentis, vital signs: blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, pulse 80 x / minute,
respiration 20x / minute, temperature 37.2 ˚C. Face: not pale and swollen.
Eyes: symmetrical pink conjunctiva, white sclera. Nose: symmetrical no
cyanosis, no secretions. Teeth and mouth: no caries not cyanosis, dry mucosa,
no canker. Ears: symmetrical, no pain, no cerumen, can hear well. Neck: no
swelling of the thyroid gland, no enlargement of the jugular vein. Chest:
normal heart sounds, normal lung development, symmetrical movements, no
additional sounds. Prominent nipples, aerola hyperpigmentation. Abdomen:
there is a former surgical site. extremity: Capillary refill time <2 seconds, no
edema varicose veins, patellar reflex, warm, dry, red
e. Functional Assessment
Mrs. R was worried about her current health condition, she did not know about
her illness, the patient said that it was about 700 cc / day with a distinctive
yellow smell of urine. defecate 1 times a day with a soft yellowish brown stool
odor. she has good relations with her familys, husband and neighbors. She
always participates in competitions conducted at his place and often helps
others. She said that she had adapted to his pregnancy, if there was a problem
she relieved his stress by snacking or eating a lot of food, and telling her
problem to his husband.
f. Conclusion
Based on the results of the above data, the illness suffered by Mrs. R can
threaten her life and fetus. She experienced anxiety about her condition and a
lack of knowledge about the disease suffered. Mrs. R also had a history of
premature rupture of membranes and ante partum beleeding and from family
history had diabetes mellitus. She also has healthy psychosocial status with his
family and her friends.

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