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Audit Committee, Underpricing of IPOs, and

Accuracy of Management Earnings Forecasts
Jean Bédard, Daniel Coulombe* and Lucie Courteau


Manuscript Type: Empirical

Research Question/Issue: This paper examines the role of audit committees (AC) in the initial public offering (IPO) process
in a governance environment where AC best practices are well established but their adoption is voluntary. We consider the
creation and characteristics of the committee as signals that issuing firms can use to reduce the underpricing often associated
with IPOs. We also examine the effect of the committee on the quality of management earnings forecasts included in the
Research Findings/Results: Our empirical analysis is performed on a sample of 246 IPOs issued in the Canadian province
of Québec. We find that the creation of an AC at the time of the IPO has no effect on underpricing unless its members are
independent and have expertise in financial matters, in which case it decreases significantly the level of underpricing of the
IPO. However, we find no significant association between these two governance attributes and the accuracy of forecasts
included in prospectuses.
Theoretical Implications: Our results suggest that the AC is a credible signal that could be used in the firm’s signaling
strategy and the results provide support for the monitoring role of the board of directors, as proposed by the agency theory.
Practical/Policy Implications: Our results support the worldwide movement in legislations requiring AC independence
and expertise. They stress the importance of the presence of qualified members on the AC with sufficient knowledge of
accounting and finance.

Keywords: Board Composition, Board of Directors Issues, Audit Committee, Board Committees, Canada, Agency
Theory, Corporate Governance

INTRODUCTION and managers have to establish disclosure and signaling

strategies that will convince investors to purchase the

A ccounting scandals such as those of Enron and World-

Com have triggered first an awareness of the effects of
weak corporate governance and then an increase in the
newly issued shares.
The IPOs are characterized by a large information asym-
metry between the existing shareholders, who have private
regulation of governance mechanisms in the U.S. and knowledge about their firm’s expected future cash flows,
around the world. Some questions remain about the effec- and investors, with whom they want to share the firm’s
tiveness of these regulations (Romano, 2005). We contrib- ownership and risk. This information asymmetry drives the
ute to the debate by examining a setting where governance existing shareholders to “underprice” the issue, asking for
best practices are known and available, but not mandatory.1 an offering price which they know to be lower than the
In particular, we examine the decisions relative to the cre- intrinsic value of the shares being issued in order to attract
ation and the characteristics of an audit committee (AC) investors. Underpricing represents a wealth transfer from
made by companies in preparation for an initial public the firm’s founders and existing shareholders to the new
offering (IPO), and their impact on the pricing of the issue. investors (Filatotchev and Bishop, 2002).
The IPO setting is ideal for this type of study because, in The existing shareholders can use signals to communicate
preparation for the issue, the firm’s existing shareholders their private information to investors and hence reduce
underpricing. Prior studies have shown, both analytically
and empirically, that signals such as the retention of a sig-
*Corresponding author: Université Laval, Département des sciences comptables, Cité nificant percentage of firm ownership (Leland and Pyle,
Universitaire, Québec, Canada, G1K 7P4 1977; Datar, Feltham, and Hughes, 1991; Courteau, 1995) or

© 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008

the hiring of underwriters and/or auditors of prestige voluntary. Contrary to previous studies (Wild, 1994; Bédard,
(Beatty and Ritter, 1986; Feltham, Hughes, and Simunic, Marakchi-Chtourou, and Courteau, 2004; Klein, 2002; Kara-
1991; Clarkson and Simunic, 1994; Bédard, Coulombe, and manou, and Vafeas, 2005), we find no significant effect on
Courteau, 2000) can convince potential shareholders of the the credibility of disclosure as approximated by forecast
quality of the issue, thus reducing the need for underpricing. precision.
Recent studies suggest that the structure of the board of The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The
directors may also be used as a signal of quality of the next section introduces some characteristics of corporate
issuing firm (Certo, Daily, and Dalton, 2001a; Filatotchev and governance in the Canadian context. The third section devel-
Bishop, 2002). ops our research hypotheses from existing theories and pre-
The objective of this study is to extend the IPO literature vious studies. The fourth section presents the research
by examining the effectiveness of the existence and charac- design used to test these hypotheses, the sample selection
teristics of the AC as a signal and as a monitor of the quality procedures and the measurement of variables. Our empiri-
of information provided in the prospectus. Like the board of cal results are presented in the fifth section and a conclusion
directors, the AC has the potential to play an important follows.
monitoring role, especially regarding the quality of the infor-
mation (financial and non-financial) that is communicated to CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN CANADA
the markets, through the prospectus in the specific case of
IPOs. Since the AC is the component of the governance Weimer and Pape (1999) classify Canada as having an Anglo-
structure that is the most closely related to the production Saxon corporate governance system, along with the U.S., the
and disclosure of information, its creation and characteris- U.K., and Australia. Indeed, like the U.S., Canada is charac-
tics are the most likely to be used by existing shareholders as terized by shareholder orientation, one-tier boards of direc-
credible signals of the quality of their firm and of the quality tors, shareholder rights, a capital market orientation, and the
of the information it is providing. existence of a market for corporate control. Compared with
Because of the limited knowledge investors have about the U.S., however, the ownership concentration is higher
IPO companies, they must place substantial reliance on the (Gadhoum, 2006) and the legal enforcement system weaker
prospectus prepared by the new issuer. The presence of an (de Carteret Cory and Pilkington 2006; Clarkson and
AC with adequate characteristics helps ensure that the infor- Simunic, 1994).
mation communicated before the issue is credible and that The corporate governance of Canadian companies is regu-
the firm’s managers will continue to provide quality infor- lated by the act under which they are incorporated, the stock
mation even after the IPO. If the signal is effective, investors exchanges, and the Provincial Securities Commissions.
will be confident that the AC in place provides this assur- Private companies are not required to have an AC even if
ance and that they are likely to require a lower level of they are preparing an IPO. Once they become public,
underpricing of the issue. In addition, the presence and however, companies incorporated under the Canadian Busi-
characteristics of an AC may have an effect on the credibility ness Corporation Act (CBCA section 171[1]) have to create an
of the information disclosed in the prospectus. AC with a majority of non-executive members. Companies
We provide empirical evidence on the role of ACs in IPOs incorporated under the Québec Incorporation Act, however,
using a sample of 246 IPOs in a context where both the are not required to have such a committee. Between 1995
creation of the AC and the disclosure provided are volun- and 2004 the corporate governance guidelines of the various
tary. Our results show that while the mere existence of an AC Canadian stock exchanges recommended that listed compa-
does not seem to have any effect on the level of underpric- nies have an AC composed only of outside directors (TSX,
ing, the independence and the financial expertise of the com- 2003, Sec. 473 and 474). Compliance with these guidelines
mittee members seem to significantly decrease the level of was not mandatory, as long as the non-compliance was dis-
underpricing of the IPO. It is not clear that the presence or closed. In 2004, the Canadian Securities Commissions
the characteristics of the AC have an effect on the credibility adopted Multilateral Instrument 52-110 (MI 52-110), making
of the prospectus content, however. Indeed we find no sig- independent AC mandatory for all public companies for
nificant association between the existence, independence, or fiscal years ending on or after June 30, 2005 (after our sample
financial expertise of ACs and prediction errors in the period). For IPO firms, this requirement does not apply for a
earnings forecast included in prospectuses. period of up to one year after the issue if the majority of the
Our study contributes to the signaling literature by exam- committee members are independent (MI 52-110, par. 2.1).
ining the role of the AC as a signal in the IPO context, which For the other governance guidelines, the application is still
to our knowledge has never been studied in the past. Our voluntary and companies must indicate each year whether
results suggest that the AC is a credible signal that could be or not they comply with the guidelines and explain why
used in the firm’s signaling strategy. The mere existence of they have chosen not to comply.
an AC is not sufficient, however, the committee must be In summary, before 2004 Québec public companies were
composed of a majority of independent members and required to have an AC with a majority of non-executive
include at least one financial expert for the signal to be members only if they were incorporated under the Canadian
credible. Business Corporation Act (CBCA section 171[1]). Between
The study also contributes to the corporate governance 1995 and 2004 the (non-mandatory) guideline #13 applied to
literature by examining the effect of AC characteristics on the various stock exchanges of the country and recom-
the credibility of disclosure in a context where both the mended that ACs be composed of only outside directors
creation of the AC and the disclosure provided are (TSX, 2003, Sec. 473 and 474).

Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008 © 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

This set of regulations makes Québec IPOs an excellent with additional bargaining power in its relationship with
terrain for examining the role of the AC at the time of the the underwriter and investors, enabling firm owners to
IPO. Our study examines a country characterized by an extract a higher value when setting the opening price (Fila-
Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance and a North- totchev and Bishop 2002; Certo et al., 2001a). In addition,
American economic setting, but where AC formation is not investors may perceive the benefits of a larger pool of
mandatory. Our results may shed light on the role of the ACs resources and thereby require a lower level of underpricing
in other countries, since corporate governance reforms are when the board is larger (Certo et al., 2001a).
often influenced by the principles underlying the U.S. model The agency theory emphasizes the monitoring role of the
of corporate governance (Jackson and Moerke, 2005). board. From an agency perspective, the board is the “ulti-
Indeed, in their analysis of corporate governance codes mate internal monitor . . . whose most important role is to
issued by 20 European countries, Collier and Zaman (2005) scrutinize the highest decision makers within the firm”
find that ACs are widely accepted in 16 countries with both (Fama, 1980: 294). Accordingly, a greater proportion of inde-
unitary and two-tier governance systems. Extrapolation to pendent board members and the separation of CEO and
emerging economies might be more risky, because of the chair positions provide better monitoring to minimize
absence or inefficiency of formal institutions such as laws opportunistic behavior by management and thus maximize
and regulations (Young, Peng, Ahlstrom, Bruton, and Jiang, firm performance (Fama and Jensen, 1983; Shivdasani, 1993).
2008). Given the value placed on independence by key shareholder
groups, in an IPO context, board independence may serve as
a proxy for firm quality, enabling firm owners to reduce the
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND underpricing (Certo et al., 2001a). Contrary to the resource
AND HYPOTHESES dependence theory, the agency theory suggests that a larger
board is less likely to function effectively and is easier for the
Our examination of the role of the AC in the IPO process is CEO to control (Jensen 1993).
articulated around two questions: 1) what is the effect of the In contrast with this, the stewardship theory presumes
AC on the equilibrium pricing of securities in the context of that executive managers, far from being opportunistic, are
an IPO; and 2) what is the effect of the AC on the quality of honest and that they are good stewards of the corporate
the information disclosed in the IPO prospectus? assets (Muth and Donaldson, 1998). Given the absence of an
inner motivational problem among executives, the steward-
ship theory focuses on facilitative, empowering structures
Audit Committee and IPO Underpricing that allow effective and efficient decision making by man-
The IPOs are characterized by a large information asymme- agers. According to the stewardship view, such structures
try between the existing shareholders who have private should include a significant proportion of executive direc-
knowledge about their firm’s expected future cash flows tors and the fact that the CEO is also chairperson (CEO
and investors with whom they want to share the firm’s duality) is beneficial to the firm (Donaldson and Davis, 1991,
ownership and risk. Prior studies have shown that existing 1994). Executive directors, due to their detailed firm-specific
shareholders attempt to communicate to investors their knowledge, can be superior to outside directors in formu-
private information about the quality of their firm by choos- lating firm strategy and policy and in maintaining a clear
ing from a set of signals such as ownership retention (Leland strategic focus. For IPO firms, where “potential investors
and Pyle, 1977), auditor and underwriter reputation (Datar critically view and value clarity of strategic direction,”
et al., 1991; Hughes 1986), and underpricing (Grinblatt and having more executive directors might result in less under-
Hwang, 1989; Welch 1989). Each of these signals generates a pricing (Certo, Covin, Daily, and Dalton, 2001b: 647).
cost to the issuer that is high enough to discourage low- Table 1 provides a summary of the relationships predicted
quality firms from incurring them and mimicking the behav- by these three theories. Although the theories prescribe dif-
ior of higher-quality firms. In preparation for the issue, the ferent board characteristics, a commonality among them is
shareholders responsible for the issue can choose a combi- that board characteristics have the potential to influence
nation of signaling devices that maximize the expected issue firm performance and, because they are publicly observable
proceeds, net of issuing and signaling costs. before the IPO, they may act as a credible signal of expected
The board of directors represents another signal that can future performance. Two recent studies have examined the
be used by the existing shareholders to communicate infor- use of boards of directors as signaling devices in IPOs. Certo
mation about firm quality. The dominant theoretical per- et al. (2001a) find that board size is negatively associated
spectives on the role of the board suggest various ways in with underpricing, a result that is consistent with both the
which board characteristics may constitute credible signals. resource dependence and the agency theories. The results
The resource dependence theory suggests that the board’s regarding board independence are contradictory. On the one
primary role is to assist management in strategic decisions hand, Filatotchev and Bishop (2002) find that boards with
and to secure critical resources. From the resource-based more nonexecutive directors have significantly lower under-
point of view, larger boards and nonexecutive directors pricing, which is consistent with the resource dependence
provide the firm with a larger pool of resources and are and agency theories. On the other hand, Certo et al. (2001a)
associated with higher levels of firm performance (e.g., find that the proportion of outsiders on the board seems to
Alexander, Fennell, and Halpern, 1993; Goodstein, Gautam, increase, rather than decrease, the level of underpricing.
and Boeker, 1994). In an IPO context, resource dependence While inconsistent with agency theory, this last result is con-
suggests that nonexecutive directors may provide the firm sistent with the stewardship theory. Regarding CEO duality,

© 2008 The Authors Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Relationship between IPO Underpricing and Board Characteristics under Three Theories of Board Efficiency

Expected Relationship Empirical Results

Resource Agency Stewardship Sign Study

dependence theory theory

Board size - - - Certo et al., 2001a

Nonexecutive directors - - + - Filatotchev and Bishop (2002)
+ Certo et al., 2001a
CEO duality - + ns Certo, Daily, and Dalton, 2001a
ns Filatotchev and Bishop (2002)
Reputation of nonexecutive directors - - - Certo et al., 2001a
- Filatotchev and Bishop (2002)

both studies find no significant effect, a result that is incon- quality and timely disclosure of financial and other material
sistent with the agency and stewardship theories. Finally, information to the board, to the public markets, and to share-
both Certo et al. (2001a) and Filatotchev and Bishop (2002) holders” (BRC 1999: 20). This oversight function is normally
find a significantly negative relationship between underpric- delegated to the AC. Because of its mostly monitoring role,
ing and the reputation of non-executive board members, the effect of this committee on firm performance is better
which is consistent with the resource dependence and explained by agency theory than by the alternative ap-
agency theories. proaches examined earlier.
These results support the idea that governance can be part Because ACs are voluntary for private companies, existing
of the signaling strategy in firms preparing to go public. shareholders can use the creation of an AC as a device in the
However, given that the different theories lead to contradic- IPO company’s signaling strategy. It has all the necessary
tory recommendations about board structure it is difficult to attributes to constitute a credible signal–the creation of an
determine which structure is a better signal or why it may be AC is costly for the entrepreneur, both in terms of direct
so. For example, the agency theory prescribes a greater pro- disbursements and by the fact that a well-functioning com-
portion of independent board members and the separation mittee has the knowledge to understand and the power to
of CEO and chair positions while the stewardship theory reduce the firm’s ability to manage earnings in the future.
prescribes the contrary. For these characteristics, a positive Moreover, the costs related to this constraint are higher for
or a negative association with IPO underpricing may both low-quality issuers who, according to the agency theory,
suggest a successful signaling strategy. A non-significant may have greater incentive to use earnings management to
association may even suggest that each of the two theories present a performance which is deemed satisfactory by
play a predominant role for some companies and not for investors. For example, DuCharme, Malatesta, and Sefcik
others and that the effect is zero on average. (2001) find that pre-IPO earnings reported by IPO firms
While the board as a whole may play various roles (e.g., contain on average abnormally high levels of positive
oversight, service, advice), its committees have more spe- (income increasing) accruals and that these accruals are posi-
cific roles. For example, the finance and long-term invest- tively related to initial firm value. The presence of a best
ment committees have a primarily advisory role while the practice AC could restrain the management of earnings
primary role of the audit and executive compensation com- (Bédard et al., 2004; Klein 2002).
mittees is to act as independent monitors (Klein 1998). For this reason, the creation of an AC is expected to
Because a committee has a specific role, it is possible to increase investor confidence about the quality of current and
focus on one board role by studying the relevant commit- future financial information. Indeed, Wild (1994) finds that
tee. This study is concerned with the effect of the board on the earnings of U.S. companies which formed an AC
the quality and credibility of the financial information between 1966 and 1980 are significantly more informative to
included in the IPO prospectus, so it focuses on the AC market participants after the formation of the AC than
which exercises the board’s monitoring role over financial before. This finding is consistent with the notion that the
disclosure. presence of an AC in the governance structure improves the
As indicated in the Blue Ribbon Committee Report (BRC), shareholders’ perception of earnings quality. Yee (2006)
the “audit committee’s role flows directly from the board shows that poor earnings quality increases the firm’s funda-
oversight function” (BRC 1999: 20). A key element of mental risk for investors, which prompts them to require a
board oversight includes “ensuring that quality accounting higher risk premium for investing in the firm. Beatty and
policies, internal controls, and independent and objective Ritter (1986) show that there is a positive relationship
outside auditors are in place to . . . promote accurate, high between ex-ante uncertainty and expected IPO underpricing.

Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008 © 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Hence, if the presence of an AC increases the quality of Klein (2002) and Bédard et al. (2004) find that AC indepen-
earnings, it should help reduce the uncertainty generated by dence and financial expertise are negatively associated with
information asymmetry and the typical adverse selection earnings management as measured by discretionary accru-
problem in an IPO context and thus reduce the underpricing als. To our knowledge, no studies have examined the rela-
required by investors. Accordingly, we hypothesize that: tionship between AC and the quality of financial disclosure
by IPO companies (see DeZoort, Hermanson, Archambeault,
H1a: The presence of an audit committee is negatively
and Reed, 2002, for a review of the literature on AC charac-
associated with the level of underpricing of the IPO.
Creating an AC is a good governance practice, but it is not Information quality is difficult to measure in general, but
enough. The AC cannot be effective if it does not have the even more so in the context of IPOs. Several proxies have
“right people” as members (Sabia and Goodfellow, 2005). been used for disclosure quality. A recent literature review
Regulators recognize that some attributes are important for by Pomeroy and Thornton (2007) lists 13 different measures
AC membership, among them independence and financial used in studies of the effect of AC independence on financial
competency. reporting quality. The measures most often used are the
Given its oversight role, listed companies in most jurisdic- level of discretionary accruals in accounting numbers and
tions are required or encouraged to maintain an AC with abnormal market returns associated with the release of
either a majority or all of its members being independent accounting information, but these two measures are impos-
from management. For example, since 2005 all Canadian sible to use on firms for which prior financial information is
public companies must have an AC composed exclusively of scarce and whose shares have never been traded before.
independent members. In addition, because of its primary The Canadian setting of our study provides us with a
responsibility in overseeing the financial reporting process measure that is not available for IPOs in the U.S. and in
and ensuring high-quality financial reporting, the AC clearly several other countries. Indeed, Canadian disclosure regu-
has a need for members with accounting and/or related lations allow the inclusion of management earnings fore-
financial expertise (BRC 1999; SEC 2003) and this need has casts in IPO prospectuses. Before 1989, these forecasts were
been recognized by regulators. For example, in the U.S. only reviewed by the external auditors but a 1989 recom-
public companies have to disclose whether or not a financial mendation of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accoun-
expert is serving on their AC. In Canada, public companies tants requires that all forward-oriented financial information
are required to provide, for all members of the AC, informa- included in the prospectus be audited. The choice to include
tion about their education and their experience that relate to forecasts and the requirement that those issued after 1988 be
their specific responsibilities as committee members. audited apply to all Canadian issuers, whatever the jurisdic-
As is the case for the creation of an AC, previous research tion under which they are incorporated or listed.
shows that investors perceive that some of the committee’s We use the precision of management earnings forecast
characteristics enhance its monitoring capacity. For example, included in the IPO prospectus as a measure of the quality
some U.S. evidence indicates that market participants react of the information disclosed. It is an imperfect measure
favorably when firms appoint financial experts to their ACs because precision is measured ex-post as the forecast error
(Davidson, Xie, and Xu, 2004; DeFond, Hann, and Hu, 2005). and many factors outside of management’s control can
The BRC recommendations and research results highlight affect the error. However, a similar measure was used by
the importance of independence and financial expertise in Karamanou and Vafeas (2005) in their study of the effect of
enhancing the AC’s monitoring role. According to the rec- AC independence and financial expertise on disclosure
ommendations of the BRC, the SEC, and numerous stock quality of Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. Given the role
exchanges around the world, a strong AC is one whose of the AC as overseeing the process of preparation of finan-
members are both independent and competent. Hence we cial disclosure, we expect that the presence an AC in the
define a competent and independent AC as one having a governance structure of the IPO results in more precise
majority of independent members and at least one with management earnings forecast and make the following
financial expertise (Geiger and Rama, 2003). This provides a hypothesis:
basis for the following hypothesis:
H2a: The presence of an audit committee is positively associ-
H1b: The presence of an independent and competent audit
ated with the precision of earnings forecasts included in the
committee is negatively associated with the level of underpric-
IPO prospectus.
ing of the IPO.
Consistent with the expectations of regulators and with
results of several empirical studies of the independence
Audit Committee and Forecast Errors and expertise of the AC (Klein 2002; Bédard et al., 2004;
An underlying assumption in the use of the AC as a signal is Karamanou and Vafeas 2005), we also expect that these char-
that the committee has a positive effect on the quality of acteristics help the committee to better discharge of its
financial disclosure. Previous empirical research on public duties and have a positive effect on the quality of earnings
companies has shown that ACs are positively associated forecasts.
with the quality of financial information. For example,
McMullen (1996) finds that the presence of an AC is nega- H2b: The presence of an independent and competent audit
tively associated with financial restatements and sanctions committee is positively associated with the precision of
by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, while earnings forecasts included in the IPO prospectus.

© 2008 The Authors Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

METHODOLOGY AND H1b we examine the impact of two AC characteristics–

SAMPLE FORMATION independence and financial competence.
The concept of AC independence has two dimensions–the
Sample independence of individual members and the independence
of the committee as a whole. The independence of a member
We test our hypotheses on a sample of IPOs by Québec- is generally defined as the absence of relationship between
based corporations during the period 1982 to 2002. All issues the member and the company or its executives that may
that pre-date the 1999 reform of Canadian stock exchanges interfere with the exercise of her or his role as representative
were made on the Montreal Stock Exchange, while the of shareholder interests (BRC 1999). Historically, regulators
issues made after 1998 were listed on the Toronto Stock and researchers have defined independence in terms of the
Exchange (TSE) but still under Québec Securities Commis- absence of employment relationship and considered all non-
sion rules. The sample includes all corporations that made management directors as independent. This definition of
an IPO in the province of Québec in that period, except those independence does not take into account personal and busi-
in the mining and resources sector, because their prospectus ness relationships that may influence the member to favor
is based more on geological than on financial data (Lee, management’s positions. Following Certo et al. (2001a) and
Stokes, Taylor, and Walter, 2003), and spin-offs as they were Carcello and Neal (2000), we classify a committee member
not privately owned before the IPO.2 We also exclude 16 as independent if she/he is not employed by the firm and
companies with missing price data in the aftermarket. Our has no personal ties to the firm’s executives nor any profes-
final sample comprises 246 firms, 116 of which incorporated sional association with the firm or its management, e.g. pro-
an earnings forecast in their prospectus. fessional advisor, officer of a significant supplier, or
The prospectuses were obtained directly from the Québec customer, etc.
Securities Commission for the issues prior to 1997 and from The second dimension of the concept of independence is
the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval that of the committee as a whole. In general, researchers and
(SEDAR), the database of documents and information filed regulators agree that at least a majority of the AC members
by public companies in Canada. Accounting and other pro- should be independent. However, they disagree on the ideal
spectus data were collected manually from the prospec- proportion, i.e., whether a majority of independent directors
tuses.3 Aftermarket prices were collected manually from the is sufficient to ensure the independence of the committee or
Financial Post. whether it is necessary that all members be independent
(e.g., Klein 2002; Bédard et al., 2004). Consistent with the
TSX governance guidelines, which were applicable to Cana-
Underpricing and AC dian firms after 1995, and previous studies (e.g., Klein 2002),
we use 50 per cent as a threshold and consider the AC as
In order to test Hypothesis H1a (H1b), we examine the rela- independent (AC = 1) if it is composed of a majority of
tionship between the level of underpricing of the issue and outside directors with no personal or professional associa-
the presence of an AC (the presence of an independent and tion with the company or its management.
competent AC). To isolate the effect of the committee on As underlined in the BRC Report of 1999, the AC clearly
underpricing, we control for other variables which have needs members with accounting and/or related financial
been found to affect the underpricing of IPOs in previous expertise because of its responsibility in overseeing cor-
studies. We test the hypotheses with the following cross- porate accounting and financial reporting. Consistent
sectional regression model. with this report and studies such as Bédard et al. (2004)
and Beasley and Salterio (2001), we consider that a member
Undpri = α + β1 ACi + β2 ACquali + β3 Bsizei has financial expertise if she/he holds an accounting or
+ β4 Bindi + β5 Bduali + β6 %Ret i CFA title or has some previous experience as a CFO. In
+ β7UWi + β8 Audi + β9 Agei tests of hypothesis H1b, a firm’s AC is classified as inde-
+ β10 Levi + β11RiskFacti + β12Uniti pendent and competent (ACqual = 1) if more than 50 per
+ β13 IPOpricei + β14 LnAssetsi cent of its members are independent and at least one has
+ β15TaxDedi + ∑ γ k Yearik + ε i (1) financial expertise, as defined above.

Underpricing. Underpricing (Undpr) is the initial return

Control variables
from investing in the new issue of company i. It is typically Given the extensive theoretical and empirical literature on
calculated as the difference between the closing market price the determinants of IPO underpricing, the tests of Hypoth-
on the first trading day, P1, and the offer price from the eses H1a and H1b must control for factors that have been
prospectus, P0, expressed as a percentage of the initial price shown to affect the pricing of IPOs.5
P0. That is, underpricing is equal to 100*(P1 - P0)/P0.4
Board Characteristics. Certo et al. (2001a) and Filatotchev
Audit Committee Attributes. We measure the existence of and Bishop (2002) find a significant role for some board
an AC with a binary variable (AC) that equals 1 if the firm characteristics in IPOs, so we include as control variables in
has an AC at the time of the IPO and 0 otherwise. This our tests the board’s size (Bsize) and independence (Bind)
variable is used to test Hypothesis H1a. In Hypothesis as well as CEO duality (Bdual). Following Beasley and Sal-

Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008 © 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

terio (2001) and Certo et al. (2001a) among others, we quality services compared with other suppliers in order to
measure Bsize as the number of directors, Bind as the per- protect their investment in reputation capital. Beatty (1989)
centage of outside members on the board of directors and finds significantly lower underpricing for IPOs where a
we set Bdual equal to one if the CEO is also chairperson. reputable auditor is involved. Following Michaely and Shaw
However, since the various theories on the role of the (1995) and Clarkson and Simunic (1994), among others, we
board of directors lead to contradicting predictions as to classify as high-reputation auditors (Aud = 1) the major
the effect of these characteristics, we restrain from predict- international audit firms (known as the Big 8, Big 6 or Big 4,
ing the direction of their effect on underpricing. depending on the degree of concentration of the audit sector
over the sample years).
Retained Ownership. In 1977 Leland and Pyle identified
retained ownership as a signal entrepreneurs can use to Risk. Rock (1986) analytically demonstrates that investors’
communicate their firm’s type to prospective investors. The uncertainty about an IPO firm’s value increases the level of
fact that an entrepreneur who has private knowledge about underpricing. Uncertainty being a function of risk, the
her/his firm’s future performance is willing to retain a sub- issuing firm’s riskiness has been found to be associated with
stantial portion of the firm’s risk has been found to be suf- higher levels of IPO underpricing in various empirical
ficient to convince investors of the value of the issue and to studies (Feltham et al., 1991; Clarkson and Simunic 1994). We
decrease the level of underpricing. Our variable % Ret rep- use three ex-ante measures of risk: Age which proxies for the
resents the percentage of common shares retained by the stage of development of the firm (older firms being assumed
main pre-IPO shareholders listed in the prospectus. While to be less risky, financial leverage (Lev) a proxy for cash flow
the signaling literature predicts that this measure is risk, and the number of risk factors listed in the prospectus
negatively associated with IPO underpricing (Downes and (RiskFact). We expect lower levels of risk to be associated
Heinkel, 1982; Datar et al., 1991; Firth and Liau-Tan, 1998), with lower levels of underpricing.
Beatty and Welch (1996) report that the sign on this param-
eter depends on whether the sample consists of young
Units. Firms that go public via an IPO may choose to issue
and/or small company IPOs or of older/larger ones. Hence,
units (i.e., bundles combining common shares with other
no prediction is made on the sign of this parameter.
securities such as warrants) rather than common shares
alone. Unit IPOs (Unit = 1) have been found to be issued by
Underwriter Reputation. Hughes (1986) and Willenborg firms that are smaller and younger than those that issue only
(1999) show that the reputation of the underwriter hired for common shares and to experience significantly higher levels
the issue serves as a signal of firm quality. Beatty and Ritter of underpricing (Schultz 1993; Hogan 1997).
(1986) suggest that underwriters, through repeated busi-
ness, can develop a reputation and that an underwriter with
a good reputation can earn higher returns through lower Share Price. We also control for share price-related effects
distribution costs or by being able to command higher that have been found in previous IPO studies by using the
underwriting fees. Carter and Manaster (1990) suggest that inverse of the offering IPO price per share, expressed in
the desire to protect their reputation leads underwriters to constant dollars, as a control variable (IPOprice). Based on
prefer low-risk IPOs. Consistent with this view, Carter, the results of Guenther and Willenborg (1999) we expect
Dark, and Singh (1998) find that the often-documented long- issues with a lower price per share (higher value of IPOprice
term underperformance of IPO stocks relative to the market as defined here) to have higher levels of underpricing.
is less severe for IPOs handled by more prestigious
underwriters. Firm Size. Larger firms are usually older and less risky than
Following Holland and Horton (1993) and Clarkson and smaller firms and they have been found to have lower levels
Simunic (1994), among others, we use the underwriter’s of underpricing when they go public. Following Ibbotson,
ranking to proxy for its reputation. Because the market for Sindelar, and Ritter (1988), Tinic (1988), and Guenther and
investment bankers in Québec is characterized by the pres- Willenborg (1999), we control for firm size (LnAssets) mea-
ence of large firms that do business only in the province, we sured as the natural log of pre-IPO total assets in constant
use Bédard et al.’s (2000) classification in which underwriter Canadian dollars.
reputation (UW) is defined as a categorical variable which
equals 1 if the underwriter is a large Canadian firm, 2 if the Tax Incentives. The last control variable in Equation 1 is
underwriter is one of the largest Québec firms, and 3 if the related to the specificity of our sample. Québec residents pay
underwriter is a small Canadian firm.6 Larger Canadian income taxes at both the federal and provincial levels. Indi-
firms are expected to be associated with lower levels of viduals who are resident in the province at the end of the
underpricing. taxation year are entitled, in computing their taxable income
for provincial tax purposes, to deduct a stipulated percentage
Auditor Reputation. The role of the auditor in an IPO is to of the cost of qualifying shares that they have purchased
add credibility to the financial disclosure included in the during the year and included in a stock savings plan. The
prospectus. The higher the quality of the audit, the more deduction rates range from 0 to 150 percent of the purchase
easily investors are convinced of the value of the issuing firm price, depending on the class of shares, the size and type of
and the lower the underpricing they require. DeAngelo the issuer, as well as the year of the issue. Bédard, Coulombe,
(1981) argues that large accounting firms supply higher and Paquette, (2007) examine the issue of implicit taxes and

© 2008 The Authors Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

the sharing of the benefits between the entrepreneur and (when the forecast is for a longer period in the future there
investors and they find that these tax incentives constitute an is more chance of error), and negatively to the number of
important element in explaining underpricing in this particu- hypotheses mentioned in the prospectus as basis for the
lar market. We use the deduction rate stipulated for the issue forecast, Fhyp, a measure of the care with which the forecast
(TaxDed) to control for this implicit tax effect. is prepared. In addition, the fact that the forecast is audited
(Faudit = 1) as opposed to having only an auditor review,
which represents a lower level of assurance (Faudit = 0), has
Issue Year. Finally, because the IPOs included in the sample
been found to reduce the error in forecasts made at the time
are spread out over 21 years, we include a series of dummy
of the IPO (Clarkson 2000; McConomy 1998; Davidson and
variables (Yeark) indicating the year of each issue to control
Neu 1993).
for inflation and economic growth over the sample period.

Other Control Variables. Firms with more operating expe-

Forecast Precision rience (Age) are expected to have lower forecast errors
Our second set of hypotheses concerns the effect of AC (Clarkson 2000) while growth firms (Growth), because their
presence and characteristics on the precision of the earnings future earnings are more difficult to forecast, are likely to
forecasts included in the prospectus. To test H2a and H2b, we have higher errors. We measure growth as the average
run a series of multivariate tests from a cross-sectional regres- growth in revenue in the three years preceding the issue.
sion model where the dependent variable is the ex-post fore- Similarly, larger firms (LnAssets) have been found to have
cast error, which is an inverse measure of the precision of the lower forecast errors (Clarkson 2000). Finally, given the asso-
forecasts, and the explanatory variables are measures of the ciation of auditors with earnings forecasts we control for the
attributes of the AC. We also control for factors that have been reputation of auditors (Aud).
shown in previous studies to affect the accuracy and bias of
earnings forecasts. These factors include the other features Descriptive Statistics. Table 3 presents descriptive statistics
of the governance structure, here proxied by characteristics of for the sample of IPOs. A brief look at the statistics shows
the board of directors, characteristics of the forecast itself, and that board features are significantly different between the
characteristics of the firm making the forecast. firms with an AC (61 per cent of the sample) and those
without. The median board size is seven members for both
FERRi = α + β1 ACi + β2 ACquali + β3 Bsizei subsamples, but the mean is significantly higher when there
+ β4 Bindi + β5 Bduali + β6 Fhypi is an AC (p < .01). Further, in both groups the average board
+ β7 Fhori + β8 Fauditi + β9 Agei is composed of a majority of independent directors but the
+ β10Growthi + β11 RiskFacti percentage is higher for firms with an AC (60 per cent vs. 53
+ β12 Audi + β13 LnAssetsi + ε i (2) per cent, p < .05). We also find that in a large proportion of
our sample firms the CEO plays a dual role by serving also
Forecast Error as chairperson of the board (Bdual = 1), and this dual role is
Forecast errors are computed by comparing the earn- more prevalent in firms without an AC (79 per cent vs. 66 per
ings prediction with its realization. FERR stands for both cent, p < .05). Given the relatively small size of the sample
signed percentage forecast error {([Forecast – Actual]/ firms (with median assets of 16.6 and 11.2 million $CAN),
|Forecast|)*100} and its absolute value, where the actual this prevalence of the dual role of the CEO is to be expected.
earnings is collected from the first annual report after the A quarter (25 per cent) of the ACs have a majority of inde-
IPO. Like Karamanou and Vafeas (2005) we consider both pendent members and at least one with financial expertise
the signed error, which is a measure of the bias of the fore- (ACqual).
cast, and the absolute error, which is an inverse measure of Issuers with an AC are on average larger (Assets),
accuracy. although the difference is not significant, and they disclose
more risk factors in their prospectus (RiskFact) (the
difference is marginally significant, p < .10). The other firm
Control Variables characteristics do not seem to differ significantly across the
two groups. Both subsamples have an equivalent propor-
Board Characteristics. A large number of studies have
tion of firms issuing earnings forecasts (Forecast), except
found a positive relationship between best practices board
that those with an AC disclose marginally more forecast
attributes and the quality of disclosure. Karamanou and
assumptions (Fhyp, p < .10), and their forecasts are audited
Vafeas (2005) find a similar relationship between board
in a larger proportion (Faudit, p < .01). Panel B of Table 3
attributes and management forecast accuracy and unbiased-
indicates that although our sample IPOs are clustered in
ness. For this reason we expect best practice board variables
the years leading to the stock market crash of 1987, the
(Bsize, Bind, Bdual = 0) to be associated with lower forecast
presence of ACs is fairly well distributed over time. In all
bias and higher accuracy.
years except 5, there are issuers with and without a sepa-
rate AC.
Forecast Attributes. We also control for factors that have Table 4 presents the correlation between the various inde-
been found to be associated with forecast errors. In the pendent variables used in the regressions. Our variables of
context of Canadian IPOs, Clarkson 2000) finds that forecast interest, AC, and ACqual, show very little correlation with
errors are related positively to the forecast horizon, Fhor the other control variables. Their correlation with the other

Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008 © 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Description of Variables

Undpr Percentage of underpricing, computed as the difference between the closing price for the first day of trading
and the initial offer price, as a percentage of the initial offer price.
AC Categorical variable that equals 1 if the firm has an audit committee at the time of the IPO and 0 otherwise.
ACqual Categorical variable equal to 1 if 1 if at least one member of the audit committee has an accounting title, is
a CFA, or has experience as CFO, and more than 50 per cent of the audit committee members are
independent, and 0 otherwise.
Bsize Number of directors on the board.
Bind Per cent of members on the board who are not managers of the firm and who have no business or family
relationship with the firm or its managers.
Bdual Categorical variable that equals 1 if the CEO also chairs the board and 0 otherwise.
%Ret Percentage of the firm’s shares retained by initial owners.
UW Categorical variable which takes the value of 1 if the firm’s underwriter is a large Canadian firm, 2 if the
underwriter is considered one of the largest Québec firms, and 3 if the underwriter is a small Canadian firm.
Aud Categorical variable equal to 1 if the auditor at the time of the IPO is a Big Eight/Big Six Firm (highest
quality), and 0 otherwise.
Age Number of years from the foundation or incorporation to the IPO.
Lev Financial leverage, defined as total debt over total assets.
RiskFact Number of risk factors listed in the prospectus.
Unit Categorical variable equal to 1 if the IPO is a unit offering and 0 otherwise.
IPOprice The inverse of the IPO offer price per share or per unit, in constant dollars.
Assets Pre-IPO total assets in millions of constant Canadian dollars.
LnAssets Natural log of pre-IPO total assets in constant Canadian dollars.
TaxDed Tax deduction rate allowed for Québec income tax purposes on the IPO issue.
Yeark Categorical variable equal to 1 if the IPO was made in year k and 0 otherwise, k = 1982 through 2001.
Forecast Categorical variable equal to 1 if the prospectus includes an earnings forecast and 0 otherwise
FERR Percentage forecast error ((Forecast - Actual)/|Forecast|) ¥ 100. The signed error measures bias while
accuracy is computed as the absolute value of the percentage error.
Fhyp Number of assumptions on which the earnings forecast is based, as listed in the prospectus.
Fhor Number of months between the date of approval of the prospectus by the board and the end of the
forecast period.
Faudit Categorical variable equal to 1 if the forecast was audited and 0 if it was only reviewed by the auditor.
Growth Average growth in revenue in the three years preceding the issue.

board variables is relatively low, but slightly higher than results show that in our sample the board variables have no
with the control variables. Given that the AC is a subcom- significant relationship with the level of underpricing. The
mittee of the board, it is expected that its existence is related lack of significance of the double role of the CEO (Bdual) is
to board size and board independence. Signs are as consistent with the findings of both studies cited above, but
expected, AC and ACqual are positively correlated with Bsize Certo et al., (2001a) find a negative relationship between
and Bind, and negatively correlated with Bdual. Among the board size and underpricing in a sample of U.S. IPOs over
other variables, firm size (LnAssets) is showing significant the period 1990 to 1998. As for the effect of board indepen-
correlation with the other control variables. dence, Certo et al. (2001a) find a significantly positive rela-
tionship while Filatotchev and Bishop (2002) find a
significantly negative one on a sample of U.K. IPOs made in
EMPIRICAL RESULTS 2000. The other control variables included in the model have
either a non-significant coefficient or the expected effect on
Audit Committee Characteristics and IPO
the dependent variable. In particular, the reputation of the
Underpricing auditor (Aud, t = -2.66, p < .01) and the importance of the tax
Table 5 shows the results of testing Hypotheses H1a and incentives related to the issue (TaxDed, t = -3.43, p < .01)
H1b on the relation between ACs and underpricing. Model seem to have a negative effect on underpricing while finan-
1a is presented as a benchmark. It is similar to the models cial risk (Lev, t = 3.16, p < .01) seems to have a positive effect.7
used by Certo et al., (2001a) and Filatotchev and Bishop Model 1b tests Hypothesis H1a on the effect of the pres-
(2002) and includes only governance explanatory variables ence of an AC at the time of the IPO on the level of under-
related to the board of directors, Bsize, Bind, and Bdual. The pricing. Compared with Model 1a, the coefficient estimates

© 2008 The Authors Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


Volume 16
Descriptive Statistics of the Sample, Partitioned by Audit Committeea

Panel A: Mean and Median of Explanatory Variables

Firms with an audit Firms without an audit Difference

Number 6
committee (n = 150) committee (n = 96) in meansb

Mean Median Mean Median

Undpr (%) 5.44 .00 3.64 .00 1.80

Bsize 7.71 7.00 6.82 7.00 .89**
BInd .60 .60 .53 .57 .07*

November 2008
Bdual .66 1.0 .79 1.0 -.13*
ACqual .25 .0 – –
Age (years) 20.28 11.59 20.50 14.17 -.22
Assets (M $CAN) 61.04 16.63 35.84 11.22 25.20
Growth 1.36 .30 .76 .27 .60
RiskFact 11.60 7.00 8.98 6.00 2.62†
%Ret .68 .71 .69 .72 -.01
Aud-h .53 1.00 .46 .00 .07
UW 1.90 2.00 2.07 2.000 -.17
Forecast .45 .00 .52 1.00 -.05
Fhyp 10.01 8.00 8.02 7.00 1.99†
Fhor 7.74 7.00 7.92 8.00 -.18
Faudit .31 .00 .04 .00 .27**

Panel B: Distribution of IPOs Across Years

Yearc 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02

No audit committeec 1 3 5 14 40 12 2 0 3 0 0 2 3 5 2 3 0 1
Audit committee 0 1 6 19 49 19 0 1 14 4 3 10 7 1 5 7 3 1
Total 1 4 11 33 89 31 2 1 17 4 3 12 10 6 7 10 3 2
Sample of 246 primary issues in the Province of Québec between 1982 and 2002. See variable definitions in Table 2.
Test statistics are for t-tests except for categorical variables for which a c2 test for independence is used.
Number of issues in each year where the issuing firm did not have an audit committee.
†p < .10; *p < .05; **p < .01(two-tailed tests).

© 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
© 2008 The Authors
Correlation Coefficients Between Variables (Pearson [Spearman] correlation coefficients are above [below] the diagonal)a

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Taxded Unit Age UW LnAssets Growth %Ret Aud Dey Fhor Risk Faudit Fhyp IPO Lev Bsize Bind Bdual AC ACQual
fact price

Taxded 1 -.14 .05 .18 -.08 -.09 .07 -.18 -.39 -.11 -.41 -.22 -.39 -.16 -.18 -.05 -.21 -.03 -.04 -.03
Unit -.15 1 .01 .10 -.14 -.02 -.01 -.14 -.07 .02 -.02 -.18 .09 .17 -.04 .02 .02 .01 -.01 -.04
Age .04 .01 1 -.22 .32 -.19 .08 -.00 -.16 -.08 -.20 -.03 .02 -.32 -.14 .02 -.17 -.04 -.05 .05
UW .22 .10 -.22 1 -.47 .02 .03 -.09 -.13 .17 -.06 -.20 -.13 .43 .10 -.15 -.05 .12 -.10 .02
lnAssets -.16 -.17 .35 -.50 1 -.01 .10 .18 -.00 -.21 -.04 .29 .30 -.61 -.37 .31 .04 -.14 .11 -.03
Growth .16 -.10 -.26 .12 -.20 1 -.12 .06 .13 -.03 .35 .05 -.14 .01 -.03 .04 .15 -.04 .09 .12
%Ret -.05 -.02 .08 -.02 .17 -.03 1 -.17 -.34 -.24 -.27 -.24 -.22 -.16 -.02 .02 -.29 .14 -.03 -.03
Aud -.09 -.14 .00 -.09 .21 -.00 -.18 1 .39 .05 .27 .23 .11 -.05 .08 .00 .06 -.15 .07 .10
Dey -.26 -.07 -.18 -.13 .00 .08 -.34 .39 1 -.04 .70 .95 .62 .18 .12 -.12 .18 -.03 .18 .15
Fhor -.04 .03 -.08 .18 -.25 -.08 -.23 .04 -.03 1 -.06 -.06 .22 .18 .06 -.16 .25 -.04 -.02 -.00
Riskfact -.25 .04 -.24 -.04 -.18 .16 -.29 .24 .72 -.06 1 .60 .56 .11 .08 -.03 .22 -.08 .10 .17
Faudit -.12 -.18 -.06 -.20 .30 .07 -.29 .23 .95 -.06 .55 1 .55 -.19 .18 -.08 .15 -.05 .34 .20
Fhyp -.27 .11 .07 -.23 .35 -.21 -.16 .10 .55 .17 .36 .52 1 -.11 .11 .02 .17 -.10 .21 .18
IPOprice .16 .23 -.29 .62 -.71 .10 -.09 -.19 -.06 .21 .08 -.20 -.16 1 .32 -.19 -.01 .17 -.04 -.11
Lev -.01 -.08 .13 -.03 .29 -.09 .02 -.03 -.13 .08 -.17 .18 .19 -.01 1 .02 .09 .05 -.10 -.04
Bsize -.07 -.06 -.01 -.17 .31 -.13 -.01 .08 -.10 -.06 -.11 -.14 .17 -.25 .15 1 .25 -.18 .18 .17
Bind -.17 .01 -.16 -.06 .04 -.10 -.32 .09 .20 .28 .14 .14 .20 -.08 .05 .25 1 -.35 .16 .26
Bdual -.04 .01 -.05 .12 -.11 .21 .13 -.15 -.03 -.07 -.01 -.05 -.07 .15 .01 -.18 -.37 1 -.14 -.18

Volume 16
AC -.06 -.01 -.07 -.10 .10 .04 -.06 .07 .18 -.03 .14 .34 .22 -.07 -.02 .16 .14 -.14 1 .34
ACQual -.04 -.04 .04 .02 -.03 -.00 -.06 .10 .15 .03 .15 .20 .13 -.10 -.11 .13 .26 -.18 .34 1

Sample of 246 primary issues in the Province of Québec between 1982 and 2002. All variables are defined in Table 2.
Bold: p < .05.

Number 6

November 2008

GLM Regression of Underpricing on Audit Committees Attributes and Control Variables

Undpri = α + β1 ACi + β2 ACquali + β3 Bsizei + β4 Bindi + β5 Bduali + β6 %Ret i + β7UWi + β8 Audi + β9 Agei
+ β10 Levi + β11RiskFacti + β12Uniti + β13 IPOpricei + β14 LnAssetsi + β15TaxDedi + ∑ γ k Yearik + ε i

Variables Predicted Model 1a Model 1b Model 1c

Coefficient t-valuesb Coefficient t-valuesb Coefficient t valuesb

estimate estimate estimate

AC - 4.80 1.44
ACqual - -8.83 -1.87*
Bsize ? -.88 -1.28 -1.05 -1.50 -.62 -.88
Bind ? 3.85 .46 3.31 .39 7.47 .87
Bdual ? 2.28 .60 2.81 .74 1.99 .53
%Ret ? 5.32 .51 4.24 .41 7.34 .71
UW + 2.86 1.35 2.99 1.41 3.14 1.49
Aud - -9.12 -2.66** -9.17 -2.68** -8.77 -2.57**
Age - -1.13 -.68 -1.10 -.66 -.63 -.38
Lev + .17 3.16** .18 3.32** .16 2.96**
RiskFact + .05 .22 .06 .25 .07 .30
Unit ? -1.67 -.41 -1.63 -.40 -1.98 -.49
IPOprice + -1.46 -.21 -2.04 -.29 -3.16 -.44
LnAssets - -1.96 -1.28 -1.96 -1.28 -2.60 -1.67*
TaxDed - -18.84 -3.43** -19.34 -3.52** -18.84 -3.45**
Year nsc ns ns
Intercept 41.20 1.29 43.01 1.34 41.09 1.29
N. 246 246 246
Model F Value 3.12 <.01 3.10 <.01 3.17 <.01
Adjusted R2 20.6% 21.0% 21.6%
Sample of 246 primary issues in the Province of Québec between 1982 and 2002. The variables are defined in Table 2.
We report one-tailed tests where prediction is supported.
Coefficients non significant.
*p < .05; **p < .01.

of this second model are almost the same and adding the test In summary, it seems that it is the independence and the
variable AC just barely increases the explanatory power of expertise of the AC, not its mere existence, that constitute a
the model since the R2 increases from 20.6 per cent in Model signal which is credible enough that investors require
1a to 21.0 per cent in Model 1b. Given the lack of significance lower levels of underpricing for the issue. The AC
of the AC variable, it seems that the presence of an AC at the attributes play an important role, decreasing the underpric-
time of the IPO does not have any effect on the level of ing of IPOs by 8.83 per cent (ACqual coefficient = -8.83).
underpricing and hence does not constitute a credible signal This effect is economically important, the reduction of 8.83
for outside investors. per cent in the level underpricing is of a magnitude similar
Model 1c tests Hypothesis H1b by replacing the presence to that of hiring a prestigious auditor for the prospectus
of an AC by a measure of its attributes, ACqual, which equals (Aud coefficient = -8.77, t = -2.57, p < .01). Moreover, con-
one if the AC has a majority of independent members and at sistent with results of other studies on IPO underpricing,
least one member with financial expertise. The coefficient the reputation of the auditor seems to reassure investors
estimate of this test variable is -8.83 percent and it is signifi- and to be negatively related to underpricing while the riski-
cant at the 5 per cent level (t = -1.87, p < .05). Thus, Hypoth- ness of the firm as measured by its leverage seems to
esis H1b seems to be supported by the data of our sample. increase significantly the level of underpricing. Finally,
The control variables that are significant in the two previous larger firms seem to suffer less from underpricing than
models retain their significance and firm size (LnAssets smaller ones and the tax advantage provided to investors
t = -1.67, p < .05 one-tailed test) becomes marginally signifi- from the issue decreases the level of underpricing neces-
cant and negative. sary to ensure a successful issue.

Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008 © 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

GLM Regression of Forecast Errors on Audit Committees Attributes and Control Variables

FERRi = α + β1 ACi + β2 ACquali + β3 Bsizei + β4 Bindi + β5 Bduali + β6 Fhypi + β7 Fhori + β8 Fauditi + β9 Agei
+ β10Growthi + β11 RiskFacti + β12 Audi + β13 LnAssetsi + ε i
Variablesa Predicted Model 2a Model 2b Model 2c Model 2d
Biasb Biasb Accuracyb Accuracyb

Coefficient t-valuesc Coefficient t-valuesc Coefficient t-valuesc Coefficient t valuesc

estimate estimate estimate estimate

AC - 11.02 1.28 -2.77 -.44

ACqual - 3.67 .28 -5.53 -.58
Bsize - -1.28 -.58 -1.30 -.57 -2.36 -1.44 -2.24 -1.36
Bind - -6.16 -.27 -5.92 -.25 6.81 .40 8.51 .49
Bdual + 16.83 1.58 16.79 1.56 -1.76 -.23 -1.88 -.24
Fhyp + 1.73 1.37 1.68 1.33 .60 .64 .63 .68
Fhor + 2.60 2.74** 2.64 2.75** 2.13 3.06** 2.09 2.99**
Faudit - -27.66 -1.89* -24.48 -1.67* -20.70 -1.92* -20.68 -1.94*
Age - -.15 -.77 -.16 -.83 -.27 -1.88* -.25 -1.73*
Growth + 2.87 .85 2.91 .85 5.88 2.37** 5.96 2.40**
RiskFact + .77 .68 .82 .72 1.50 1.79* 1.48 1.77*
Aud - -.14 -.02 -.87 -.10 -6.91 -1.09 -6.28 -.98
LnAssets - -8.13 -1.86* -7.36 -1.64 4.74 1.48 4.19 1.28
Intercept 63.50 1.59 61.72 1.53 -9.10 -.31 -7.10 -.24
N. 116 116 116 116
Model F Value 3.25 <.01 3.08 <.01 3.02 <.01 3.04 <.01
Adjusted R2 18.9% 17.7% 17.3% 17.4%
Sample of 116 primary issues in the Province of Québec between 1982 and 2002. The variables are defined in Table 2.
Bias regressions use the signed FERR as dependant variable, Accuracy regression use the absolute value of FERR.
We report one-tailed tests where prediction is supported.
*p < .05; **p < .01.

Audit Committee Characteristics and the auditor (Faudit, Model 2a, t = -1.89, p < .05; Model 2b,
Disclosure Quality t = -1.67, p < .05) seems to decrease the bias of the forecast.
Moreover, firm size (LnAssets, Model 2a, t = -1.86, p < .05) is
Table 6 reports the results of testing Hypotheses H2a and negatively associated with the signed forecast error, larger
H2b on the relationship between ACs and the quality of firms having relatively more stable earnings that make them
management earnings forecasts included in IPO prospec- easier to predict. These results are consistent with those
tuses. In Model 2a and 2b, the dependent variable is the of other studies on the determinants of forecast errors
signed forecast error, a measure of the bias of the forecasts. (McConomy 1998; Clarkson 2000).
Neither the presence of an AC in Model 2a nor the combi- Models 2c and 2d examine the accuracy of the forecast,
nation of independence and expertise of the committee rather than its bias, by replacing the signed forecast error as
ACqual in Model 2b seem to have any effect on the optimism the dependent variable by the absolute error. What matters
or pessimism of the forecasts, when we control for other here is not whether the forecast is optimistic or pessimistic,
factors that have been found to affect forecast errors. Among but rather how close it is to the actual earnings realized in
these factors, the length of the period to the forecast horizon the future. The results shown in the last four columns of
(Fhor, Model 2a, t = 2.74, p < .01; Model 2b, t = 2.75, p < .01) Table 6 seem to indicate that neither the presence (AC) nor
seems to increase the optimism of the forecast, i.e., the fore- the independence and expertise of the AC (ACqual) has any
casted earnings number is on average higher than its real- effect on the accuracy of the forecast. Moreover, in neither of
ization. This is to be expected since unexpected events the models does the board of directors seem to have any
affecting earnings are more likely to happen over a longer impact on forecast errors. Among the control variables, it
period in the future. On the other hand, the fact that the seems that not only the characteristics of the forecast, Fhor
forecast is audited, rather than only reviewed by (Model 2c, t = 3.06, p < .01; Model 2d, t = 2.99, p < .01) and

© 2008 The Authors Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Faudit (Model 2c, t = -1.92, p < .05; Model 2d, t = -1.94, ible and that the firm’s managers will continue to provide
p < .05) but also the characteristics of the firm whose earn- quality information even after the issue. For these reasons,
ings are forecasted have an impact on forecast accuracy. the presence and characteristics of an AC may have an effect
Firms that have been in operation for a longer period (Age, on the credibility of the information disclosed in the
Model 2c, t = -1.88, p < .05; Model 2d, t = -1.73, p < .05) have prospectus.
more experience at predicting their future earnings, so their We hypothesize that an AC reassures investors in an IPO
forecasts should be more accurate, and hence their absolute context, decreasing the level of underpricing they require,
forecast error lower. On the other hand, more risky firms and that this effect is greater if the AC is composed of a
(Model 2c, Growth, t = 2.37, p < .01 and RiskFact, t = 1.79, majority of independent members and at least one financial
p < .05; Model 2d, Growth, t = 2.40, p < .01 and RiskFact, expert. We further examine whether the monitoring role of
t = 1.77, p < .05) have more variability in their earnings, the AC has an impact on the quality of information disclosed
which makes them more difficult to predict, leading to by the firm, which we measure as the precision of manage-
larger absolute forecast errors. ment earnings forecasts for the subset of firms that chose to
In summary, neither of our Hypotheses H2a or H2b seems incorporate a forecast in their prospectus.
to be supported in our sample.8 Although corporate gover- We test our hypotheses in the context of IPOs in the Cana-
nance and in particular AC attributes have been shown in dian province of Québec, where IPOs are characterized by a
numerous studies to be positively related to disclosure large information asymmetry between existing shareholders
quality, it does not seem to be true for voluntary manage- and potential investors, where AC are not mandatory, and
ment earnings forecasts in the particular setting of Québec where firms can voluntarily incorporate an earnings forecast
IPOs. This is partly consistent with the results of Karamanou in their IPO prospectus.
and Vafeas (2005) who find no significant relationship Our results strongly suggest that it is both the indepen-
between AC characteristics and either signed or absolute dence and the expertise of the AC, not its mere existence,
errors in the forecasts U.S. managers voluntarily provide to that constitute a signal which is credible enough for inves-
market participants. They do find, however, that board size tors to require lower levels of IPO underpricing. They
has a significantly negative relationship with signed forecast provide support for the perception of the monitoring role of
errors and that board independence seems to significantly ACs by investors, as proposed by the agency theory. In
decrease the absolute forecast errors. Our result may be particular, we find that the effect is economically important,
explained by the fact that earnings are very difficult to with a reduction of 8.8 percent in the level underpricing, an
predict at the time of an IPO and that the forecast error is due effect similar in magnitude to that of hiring a prestigious
more to factors related to the firm’s operations and charac- auditor for the prospectus. This result lends support to the
teristics than to its governance structure. world-wide movement in legislation requiring more inde-
pendence and competence of AC.
We do not find any significant effect of AC presence or
CONCLUSION characteristics on management forecast precision, however.
This could be due to the fact that only a subset of our sample
The objective of this study is to extend the IPO literature by firms incorporate a forecast in their prospectus, reducing
examining the effectiveness of the existence and character- sample size, and that the precision of forecasts is affected by
istics of the AC as a signal of firm quality and as a monitor- many factors over which ACs have no control.
ing device of the quality of the information contained in the Our study contributes to the IPO literature by examining
IPO prospectus. the role of the AC as a signal in the IPO context which, to our
Because of the limited knowledge investors have about knowledge, has never been studied in the past. The results
IPO companies, they must place substantial reliance on the suggest that an AC is a credible signal that could be used in
prospectus prepared by the new issuer. Since the AC is the the firm’s signaling strategy, but that the committee must
component of the governance structure that is the most be both independent and competent for the signal to be
closely related to the production and disclosure of informa- credible.
tion, its creation and characteristics are the most likely to be We also contribute to the corporate governance literature
used by existing shareholders as credible signals of the by examining the monitoring role of the board in an IPO
quality of their firm and of the information it is providing. If setting. Because the resource dependence, stewardship, and
the signal is effective, investors will be confident that the AC agency theories may lead to similar recommendations about
in place provides this assurance and they are likely to board structure, it is difficult to determine from previous
require a lower level of underpricing for the issue. studies whether the role of the governance structure in an
Like the board of directors, the AC has the potential to IPO is that of advice, service, or oversight. Examining the
play an important monitoring role, especially regarding the AC, which has mostly an oversight role, allows us to test this
quality of the information (financial and non-financial) that role which is predicted by the agency theory.
is communicated to the markets, through the prospectus in Previous studies have shown that ACs are associated with
the specific case of IPOs. This monitoring role of the AC is more informative earnings (Wild 1994), lower earnings
well documented in non-IPO settings and it is consistent management (Bédard et al., 2004; Klein 2002) and more fre-
both with the agency theory and with current regulations quent and accurate management earnings forecasts (Kara-
(BRC 1999, MI 52-110). In preparation for an IPO, the pres- manou and Vafeas 2005). Our study contributes to this body
ence of an AC with the adequate characteristics helps ensure of literature by showing that a competent and independent
that the information communicated before the issue is cred- AC also reduces IPO underpricing. It also suggests that the

Volume 16 Number 6 November 2008 © 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

AC’s effect on the accuracy of management earnings fore- Council of Canada and Fonds québécois de la recherche sur
casts is different in an IPO context. While Karamanou and la société et la culture.
Vafeas (2005) find that an AC increases forecast accuracy, we
find no such effect in an IPO setting. The reason might be
that in this context, the existing shareholder’s motivation is NOTES
to sell part of the firm’s ownership to the public, not to build
1. A setting where best practices are not mandatory allows for a
a reputation of providing repeated precise forecasts, which greater variability in governance structures across firms and
is the case in the Karamanou and Vafeas study. avoids the problem caused by ritual conformity, which may
From a practical point of view, our results suggest that an confound the results in cross-sectional analysis.
independent and competent AC, by increasing investor con- 2. These Québec-based IPOs were identified using the Bulletin de la
fidence, decreases the level of underpricing of IPOs, and, statistique (Statistical Bulletin) and the Répertoire des placements
accordingly, the amount of money “left on the table” by the avec prospectus (list of issues with prospectus) published by the
existing shareholders. Indeed, our results suggest that the Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec (Québec
existence of an AC with independent and competent Securities Commission).
members reduces underpricing in the same proportion as 3. The data collection process involved multiple coders. However,
does the association of a Big 4 auditor with the issue. Given the only item that involved judgment in data collection was the
number of risk factors in the prospectus. This information was
the premium that has to be paid to hire a Big 4 firm, an coded by a Ph.D. student under the supervision of one of the
independent and competent AC might be a cost effective authors. The other variables, namely accounting data, auditor,
way for firms to reduce the cost of going public and increase underwriter, and forecast data were only copied from the pro-
the net proceeds from the issue. It seems that a majority of spectus to the database by research assistants and then sample-
our sample firms did perceive the benefits of ACs since more checked by the authors. Auditor and underwriter reputation
than 60 per cent of them had such a committee even if it was variables were coded by the authors.
not mandatory. 4. See Table 2 for a description of the variables used in this study.
Moreover, the absence of a significant effect on the fore- 5. See Welch and Ritter (2002) for a recent review of the literature
cast error suggests that the monitoring role of the AC may on IPO activity, pricing, and allocations.
not extend to forward-looking information presented 6. There is no official classification of underwriters in Canada.
Bédard et al.’s (2000) classification is based on the number of
separately from the financial statements. This may be an employees of each underwriting firm in Canada and in Québec
indication that improvements are needed in regulatory as published every year in Les affaires 500. Moreover, all issues
requirements to broaden the AC’s oversight role to include are underwritten on a firm commitment basis.
all information disclosure, not only the content of financial 7. p-values are for one-tailed tests where the prediction is
statements. Furthermore, regulators might consider making supported and two-tailed tests otherwise.
ACs mandatory at the date of the IPO given the benefits that 8. We also performed our analysis of Model 2 incorporating indus-
we measure. try controls. None of the industry parameters were significant,
Regulation changes should not be made hastily, however, results are not tabulated.
as suggested by Romano (2005). More research is needed on
the relationship between the AC and the quality of forward- REFERENCES
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We thank participants at the following for their comments: Beatty, R. P. and Ritter, J. R. (1986) Investment banking, reputation
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International Conference on Corporate Governance, Geneva, Financial Economics, 15: 213–32.
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Meeting, Halifax, 2007; AIDEA Workshop, Bolzano, 2007; supply of auditing in IPOs: An empirical analysis of the Québec
and research workshops at l’Université de Lausanne and market, International Journal of Auditing, 4: 227–45.
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