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A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a


1.0 Introduction

According to Bellini (2004), Anxiety can be a debilitating disorder, often associated with
excessive worry, fear, isolation, depression, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, and other forms of
psychopathology. Everyone feels anxious now and then. It is a normal emotion. (Hurley, 2017). They
may feel nervous when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important
decision. Anxiety disorders are different, though. They are a group of mental illnesses, and the distress
they cause can keep a person from carrying on with your life normally. For people who have one, worry
and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be disabling. But with treatment, many people can
manage those feelings and get back to a fulfilling life. All teens experience some amount of anxiety
at times. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, and sometimes it helps teens deal with tense or
overwhelming situations. For many teens, things like public speaking, final exams, important
athletic competitions, or even going out on a date can cause feelings of apprehension and
uneasiness. They may also experience an increase in heartbeat or excessive sweating. That is how
the brain responds to anxious feelings. For some teens, however, anxiety can go beyond these
typical symptoms to negatively affect friendships and family relationships, participation in
extracurricular activities, and even their schoolwork. When feelings of anxiety interfere with
normal daily living, the presence of an anxiety disorder should be considered.

According to Rauch (2017), Dating someone with anxiety issues or an anxiety disorder can
be horribly stressful. Sometimes it can feel like the anxiety is a third person in the relationship, someone
who wriggles in between partner. This person constantly sows doubt and confusion. In the Philippines,
one in five people suffers from a mental health problem. In a country with a population of 100
million, there are presently only 700 psychiatrists and a thousand psychiatric nurses. Between 17
to 20 percent of Filipino adults experience psychiatric disorders, while 10 to 15 percent of Filipino
children, aged 5 to 15, suffer from mental health problems. A 2010 national census that found 1.4
million people with identified disabilities showed that mental disability accounts for 14 percent of
all disabilities. In the same NSO study, 88 cases of mental health problems were reported for every
100,000 Filipinos (Magtubo, 2016). Sometimes your partner does not want to tell about their
anxiety, they are scared because they may lose their partner if they tell them that they have anxiety.
(Rauch, 2017). Whether they ask or deduce it after months of dating, there will be a point when a
partner discloses they deal with anxiety. It is a crucial moment in the relationship, so be sensitive and
do not judge. Let them trust a person with this information that they have, they are most likely not
shared with their relatives or friends. See it as the beginning of a discussion they can resurface
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

occasionally. (Meek, 2019), Excessive anxiety can lead to inappropriate suspiciousness or paranoia.
For instance, in a partner relationship, suspiciousness may manifest as concern that a partner is not
faithful or does not love or care for their partner as much as you do. In friendships, they may be
suspicious that a friend is leaving, out of activities or talking badly, they are stabbing their friends
in the back. People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and overly dependent relationships may
also develop excessive anger, acting out in ways that are destructive to their relationships. A partner
or a friend may find this disruptive, and it can weaken their ability to trust a person with an anxiety.

The researchers aim to measure the anxiety level of an individual that has an anxiety with
and without a relationship. The researches want to know if they can manage their anxiety with
themselves or with their relationship partner.

This is significant to the individuals who have an anxiety disorder on how they can manage
themselves as a person and a friend. This is also significant to the students who have an anxiety
with and without a relationship, this study will help them to entrust their partner or their friends to
tell them about their disorder. It is significant to the school for this study to be added with the same
research as ours, the researchers, so that the future researcher that will conduct the same topic will
have some information with this study.

1.1 Review of Related Literature

It is critical to realize that when someone is anxious, talking at them can increase their
anxiety and behaviors. More visual, less verbal is a good rule of thumb. Both home and school
could have small white boards available that can be used to write simple and concrete messages to
the individual, such as, they are safe, no one will hurt them or take slow deep breaths instead of
merely talking to the person. The written message is there for them to see as they need it. Often,
teachers and parents can exacerbate an anxious moment by pushing too hard for immediate relaxing
of the body or verbal responses from the student. Be quiet, reassuring, nonconfrontational, and
calm each time they are needed to support an anxious student. Remember that the individual is not
thinking clearly, and a person who comfort will have to become their rational, calm support (David,
2012). It is said here that an individual that has an anxiety can be worried a lot of things, even the
simple ones, if someone is going to talk to an individual with an anxiety, she or he must remain
calm when talking to them. According to Page (2009), That means that you might sit near them,
not demand any eye contact, be genuine in your caring and reflect that caring in your vocal tone
and pace. Be sure to allow for processing time and when appropriate use a bit of humor to ease the
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

Anxiety does not have to break a relationship or put a strain on it to the point where it is hard
to enjoy. By understanding anxiety in general and how it affects both partners relationship, they can
love each other more deeply and connect in a new way. Educating themselves can also relieve a lot of
the stress (Rauch, 2017). It does not have to end the relationship between both partner if either one has
anxiety, if an individual is feeling a little irritated, they must remain calm and talk to their partner and
try to sympathy them. (Smith, 2019). Pursuing a romantic relationship can sometimes feel like a
dangerous game. Dating requires a certain amount of vulnerability, and it comes with the risk of
getting hurt or being disappointed. Because of the uncertain outcome, people can experience a fair
amount of anxiety about their current romantic relationship or the hurdles of pursuing a new one. -
It is hard to find the right partner; they have to wait a little longer for them to see them.
(Kinsman,2016) the act of throwing a deep, dark fear into the spotlight and spinning it out to its
worst possible outcome can have the effect of neutralizing it. And for the love of all that is holy,
don’t make fun of them for it. Let them be the one to point out how silly it sounds out loud, or you
might run the risk of them clamming up and feeling like they have something new to fret about. Do
not say something that may trigger their anxiety, say something funny. (Hunt, 2016) Normalizing
anxiety disorders and using the word anxiety as an adjective is not okay. Everyone gets worried at
times. Everyone gets stressed out. However, mundane worries that don't confine you to your bed
and stress are not equivalents to anxiety. Stress over schoolwork does not constitute as anxiety. My
anxiety disorder is something I am going to have to live and cope with my entire life; it will never
disappear. So please, stop with this trend of having anxiety it really is not cool. My anxiety disorder
is not a joke. Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorder and if not taken care of it can
cause effects to the individual who has it. If a person wants to talk about it they must avoid putting
it into a joke.

The duration of an anxious feeling can sometimes be out of proportion to the original
trigger, or stressor. Physical symptoms, such as increased blood pressure and nausea, may also
develop. These responses move beyond anxiety into an anxiety disorder (Felman, 2018). Symptoms
can be restlessness, uncontrollable feelings, feeling irritated always, hard to focus, and sleeping
deprivation. Person with an anxiety that have this incontrollable feeling they could be irritated,
worried and sometimes they could lose focus. Anxiety can be treated except for severe or long-
term anxiety disorders. There are some exercises or actions to help the person to cope with their
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

1.2 Conceptual Framework

Conceptual frameworks are products of quantitative processes of theorization. To explore the

process of building conceptual frameworks, I first define the terms concept and conceptual
framework and then outline the processes and procedures of conceptual framework building.
(Jabareen, 2009)


What is the difference of anxiety Get feedback from the The gathered information will
level of students with and without selected respondents through help the researchers
a relationship? interview and surveys comprehend the conclusion of
Apply t -test to measure the this study
anxiety level of the data

1.3 Variable Discussion


The study is about the correlation of an individual with an anxiety with and without a
relationship. (Felman, 2018). Anxiety has causes like environmental factors, genetics, medical
factors, brain chemistry, and use of or withdrawal from an illicit substance. Sometimes, stressful
events occur as the result of a third party, such as an employer or partner, but anxious feelings
might emerge from people telling themselves the worst will happen. An anxiety disorder may
develop without any external stimuli whatsoever. Disproportionate anxiety can result from a
combination of one or more of the above causes.

With a relationship
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

Anxiety causes fear or worry that can make the individuals less aware of their true needs
in a given moment. It can also make them less attuned to the needs of their partner. When they feel
overwhelmed, their partner may feel as though they aren’t present. Someone who tends to be
anxious may have trouble expressing his or her true feelings. It also may be difficult to keep
reasonable boundaries by asking for the attention or space that is needed. Since experiencing
anxiety is uncomfortable, subconsciously you may try to postpone the experience of it. On the other
hand, anxiety can cause them to believe that something must be talked about immediately, when in
fact a short break may be beneficial. (Tye, 2015).

Without a relationship

All teens experience some amount of anxiety at times. Anxiety is a normal reaction to
stress, and sometimes it helps teens deal with tense or overwhelming situations. For many teens,
things like public speaking, final exams, important athletic competitions, or even going out on a
date can cause feelings of apprehension and uneasiness. They may also experience an increase in
heartbeat or excessive sweating. That’s how the brain responds to anxious feelings. For some teens,
however, anxiety can go beyond these typical symptoms to negatively affect friendships and family
relationships, participation in extracurricular activities, and all teens experience some amount of
anxiety at times. For some teens, however, anxiety can go beyond these typical symptoms to
negatively affect friendships and family relationships, participation in extracurricular activities, and
even their schoolwork. When feelings of anxiety interfere with normal daily living, the presence of
an anxiety disorder should be considered. even their schoolwork. When feelings of anxiety interfere
with normal daily living, the presence of an anxiety disorder should be considered. (Hurley, 2018).

1.4 Statement of the Problem

The researchers want to know what causes the participants’ anxiety, how they can cope
their anxiety.

1. What are the levels of anxiety of individuals with a relationship?

2. What are the levels of anxiety of individuals without a relationship?

A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

3. Is there a significant relationship among an individual that has an anxiety with a

relationship and without a relationship?

1.5 Hypothesis

H0: There is no significant difference between the anxiety levels of individuals that have
relationship and no relationship

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Research Design

The researchers will be use Quantitative research approach, the aim of quantitative is to
know the relationship of one variable to another variable. According to Labaree (2009),
Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or
numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating
pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on
gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular
phenomenon. Non-experimental will use to measure the sample using survey research. According
to Kowalczyk (2018), Non-experimental is the label given to a study when a researcher cannot
control, manipulate or alter the predictor variable or subjects, but instead, relies on interpretation,
observation or interactions to conclude. (Linda, n.d.) Comparative research enables you to identify
and explore the similarities and differences between chosen phenomena or groups. Your study will
focus on different cases, processes and geographically defined accords that are comparable.

2.2 Research Locale

The participants for the study will be coming from the Our Lady of Fatima University in
Valenzuela. The researchers chose this as a research locale for it is more convenient and more
suitable for conducting this research. The study is about the individuals that has an anxiety with
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

and without a relationship. Since the university accommodates high school, we will be choosing
our participants in the senior high school students.

2.3 Population and Sampling

The researchers will use Non-Probability Sampling Technique, specifically Purposive

sampling. According to Stephanie (2015) Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where
the odds of any member being selected for a sample cannot be calculated. (Crossman, 2019) A
purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a
population and the objective of the study. Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental,
selective, or subjective sampling. The researchers chose 100 participants, (50) males and (50)
females, each gender we will have (25) with a relationship and (25) without a relationship. The
participants must be willing and inclined to answer a ready questionnaire from the researchers.

2.4 Research Instrument

The researchers prepared a measuring tool and provide a questionnaire that included a
content of any signs of anxiety or being worried or if the participants has a relationship or without.
Particularly, according to McLeod (2019) Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and
efficient way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of people. Data can
be collected relatively quickly because the researcher would not need to be present when the
questionnaires were completed, this questionnaire will be the based on how the participants with
or without relationship can affect their behavior disorder like anxiety and the participants’ score
will be the outcome of how anxiety can generate the participants life. The researchers will measure
the severity of anxiety of the sample that has a relationship and a no relationship samples. The
researchers will measure the severity of anxiety of the sample that has a relationship and a no
relationship samples. The researchers will use Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). This
widely used interview scale measures the severity of a patient's anxiety, based on 14 parameters,
including anxious mood, tension, fears, insomnia, somatic complaints and behavior at the interview
(Pormerantz, 2013). HAM-A help to know if a person has an anxiety.

2.5 Data Collection

A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

The researchers will find the key informants of the study. Fist, they will go around the
Valenzuela Campus of Our Lady of Fatima University to find the possible respondents. Once they
find a potential key informant, they will utilize the information consent form with respect of the
privacy of the key informant. The respondent will then answer an anxiety level which is provided
by the researchers. The gathered information will soon be analyzed through statistical analysis.

2.6 Research Ethics

The assigned researcher introduced themselves to the participant and discuss the methods
and general direction of the survey questionnaire that has been conducted. The researchers will
utilize an informed consent which will serve as a request for permission from the respondents.
(Bryne, 2001) Informed consent is an essential part of all research endeavors that involve human
participants. The human rights of research participants must be protected. It is incumbent upon the
qualitative researcher to provide a dynamic informed consent when study outcomes change. The
violation of privacy is more apt to occur with in-depth interviews, which has implications for
researchers to protect human rights throughout data collection, analysis, and dissemination. Every
participant will be given a questionnaire that outlines the purpose of the study. Since the research
will involve participants commencing with a door to door survey. Participants were asked to answer
the question without fabrication and falsifying of data and to promote the pursuit of knowledge and
truth which the primary goal of the research, anything that the respondent disclosed regarding
information would be treated anonymously. The integrity and reliability and validity of the research
finding rely on heavily on adherence to ethical principles.

2.7 Data Analysis

The researchers will start analyzing data by putting the data gathered in a computer
software. The obtained information is in numerical form, hence statistics will be used to analyze
the data. (Chen, 2019) A z-test is a statistical test used to determine whether two population means
are different when the variances are known, and the sample size is large. The test statistic is
assumed to have a normal distribution, and nuisance parameters such as standard deviation should
be known in order for an accurate z-test to be performed.
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level of Senior High School Student with and without a

𝑥̅ −𝑢
Formula: 𝑧 = 𝜎

𝑥̅ = Sample mean 𝑢= Mean

𝜎= Standard Deviation 𝑛= Number

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