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The Correlation between Students’ Motivation in Learning English and

Their Vocabulary Mastery at The Third Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Pekalongan in Academic Year 2017/2018

An Undergraduate Thesis







A. Problem Background

Now that language is a means of communication, it follows that the goal of

language instruction is to equip the learners with the ability to use the language

for communication, namely, communicative competence. Communicative

competence comprises of four competence areas. One of them is linguistics

competence that consists of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and intonation.

Vocabulary is a part of linguistics competence. According to Canale and

Swain, “linguistics competence is concerned with mastery of the linguistic code

(verbal or non-verbal) which includes vocabulary knowledge as well as

knowledge of morphological, syntactic, semantic, and phonetic rules.”

Vocabulary is an essential component should be learnt in language learning. In

relation to this, Thornbury (2002:13) stated that without grammar can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. The most important

point of the statement above is that mastering vocabulary for students is the main

component in order to learn a language successfully. In listening, students’

vocabulary influences their understanding towards teacher’s speech, class

discussion, and other speeches. The words that they choose in speaking affect

how well they deliver a message. In reading, students’ vocabulary affects their

ability to understand and comprehend a text. In addition, dealing with writing,

students’ vocabulary also influences how clear they convey their thought to the

reader. In short, vocabulary takes an important role in equipping the students to

be able to communicate in English.

In fact, the student has their own motivation to study vocabulary

intensively. Their motivation depends on their will in getting new vocabularies. It

can be seen from the observation at second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Pekalongan who has low motivation in learning vocabulary intensively. Their

vocabularies are still limited on the general words. Students need to be motivated

to learn vocabulary intentionally as well as incidentally. In the educational arena,

researchers have stated the fact that vocabulary learning occurs both in explicit

instructions in classroom and incidental learning in written and oral language


The students tend to find difficulties in learning vocabularies. It seemed

that they are not interested in the learning process. Meanwhile, the students said

that English was difficult to learn because they did not know the meanings of the

words they read, wrote, or heard. Vocabulary learned from explicit instructions in

classroom is far less than the total vocabulary that students actually learn

throughout academic years. In line, their awareness in enriching new

vocabularies is still low.

Based on the observation of the researcher which was conducted at Third

grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in analyzing English scores showed

as follow:

Table 1. Students’ Score of English Subject at IX.1

No Score Student Percentage Category
1. 70-100 8 24% Good
2. 60-69 10 30% Medium
3. <60 15 46% Poor
Total 33 100%
Source: Pre-survey data at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in
academic year 2017/2018

Based on the data score above, it can be analyzed that from 33 students

who got good score was only 8 students represented as 24%, medium category

was 10 students in 30% and the poor category was in the biggest value that was

15 students in 46%.

From some problems above, the researcher is interested in finding “The

Correlation between Students’ Motivation in Learning English and Their

vocabulary mastery at tenth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in

Academic Year 2017/2018”.

B. Problem Identification

From the problem background above, the researcher could identify the

problems as follow:

1. The students have low motivation in learning vocabulary intensively.

2. The students’ vocabularies are still limited on the general words.

3. The students’ motivation in learning English is still low.

4. The students tend to find difficulties in learning vocabularies.

5. The students are not interested in the learning process.

6. The students did not know the meanings of many words.

C. Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification above, the researcher focuses on the

correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their vocabulary

mastery at the third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan.

D. Problem Formulation:

According to the research problem background above, the problem formulation

are as follow:

1. Is there any correlation between students’ motivation in learning English

and their vocabulary at the third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018?

2. How significant is correlation between students’ motivation in learning

English and their vocabulary at the third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018?

E. Research Objective

According to problem formulation of the research, research objective are

as follow:

1. To test whether there is correlation between students’ motivation in

learning English and their vocabulary at the third grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018.

2. To test the significant of the correlation between students’ motivation in

learning English and their vocabulary at the third grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018.

F. Research Scope

The scopes of the research are as follow:

1. The characteristic of this research is an experiment research.

2. The subject of the research is the students of third grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan.

3. The object of this research is “the correlation between students’

motivation in learning English and their vocabulary at the third grade of

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018.”

4. The place of the research is at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan.

5. The time of the research is in academic year 2017/2018.


G. Research Benefit

After this research done, the benefits will be reached are as follows:

1. For Education

It will give some information about the correlation between students’

motivation in learning English and their vocabulary.

2. For Lecturer

The result of the research will be used to improve the quality of learning


3. For Researcher

The researcher will get more knowledge about correlation between

students’ motivation in learning English and their vocabulary.

4. For Other Researchers

This research will be used as reference for other researchers who want to

conduct research about the correlation between students’ motivation in

learning English and their vocabulary.




A. Previous Research Overview

There are some researchers who do the research about motivation in

learning vocabulary and writing ability which are used by the researcher to be the

references for this proposal. Here are the previous research overview is as


The first researcher is from Deng, Qizhen entitled “Motivation for Vocabulary

Learning of College Students.” The purpose of this study is to construct and

validate an instrument to measure motivation for vocabulary learning, opening the

door to more studies on motivation for vocabulary learning in reading and

listening. In the new 34-item questionnaire: Motivation for Vocabulary Learning

Questionnaire (MVLQ), eleven subscales were examined within two motivational

constructs, namely, self-efficacy and attitude. Participants in this study were 121

traditional undergraduate students from a Midwestern research university.

Students responded to two self-report questionnaires: the Motivation for

Vocabulary Learning Questionnaire (MVLQ), and the Motivation for Reading

Questionnaire (MRQ) (Wigfield & Guthrie,1997). The results suggested that

MVLQ had good reliability and validity. Self-efficacy for vocabulary learning in

reading was higher than that in listening. No difference in motivation for

vocabulary learning was found between reading for leisure and academic goals.

English native speakers had higher motivation for vocabulary learning than

English language learners. Significant differences were found for students from

different majors (grouped into colleges), while no difference was found for

students with different genders and average GPAs.

The second previous research overview is from Rosadi, Erson (2008)

“Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Contextual Instruction (CTL) to

The First Year Students of SMP Ma’arif 5 Kota Metro Academic Year 2007/2008”.

He said that after administering the research, it was found that CTL approve gave

the significant increasing on students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on the

research, some suggestion can be drawn that generally the teachers in SMP

Ma’arif 5 Kota Metro have to apply Contextual Instruction (CTL) approach in their

teaching because it can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. In addition, by

conducting Contextual Instruction (CTL) in the process of instruction, the teacher

will know or ask the students to use name tag since it will be helpful for observing

the development toward the material and even help them to be more active in

class, and the teacher should motivate the students to be active in the classroom

and not afraid or making mistakes.

Considering to those previous research overviews above, the researcher

wants to compare this research to those previous overviews. By seeing the first

previous research overview entitled “Motivation for Vocabulary Learning of

College Students” it can be seen that its research was not too clear in giving the

result of the research. It only showed the theories which was used on the

research. Then, for the second previous research overview with the title

“Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Contextual Instruction (CTL) to

The First Year Students of SMP Ma’arif 5 Kota Metro Academic Year 2007/2008”

the lack of that research is there is no explanation how far the increasing of the

techniques towards students’ vocabulary mastery. Even the vocabulary mastery

is very important on English subject, but he did not show the standard of

achieving vocabulary mastery.


In conclusion, based on both previous researches which have been

conducted, the researcher tries to do a research in order to know correlation of

two variables those are motivation in learning vocabulary mastery and writing

ability in descriptive text. For the differences of two previous research overviews

and this research is on the kind of research used. This research will be qualitative

descriptive on correlation type and this research will also used both variables

from those previous research overview (motivation in learning English and

vocabulary mastery). The researcher believes that this research will be better

than before researches and will uses good instruments to measure the result of

this research.

B. Preview of Literature

1. The Conceptual Definition of Motivation in Learning English

In doing something someone will have a reason why they do that.

The reason can be a negative or also positive. Usually, the person do

something with positive reason is called as motivation. For further

information, the researcher will describe what motivation is by some

experts’ explanation bellow.

Motivation is an essential factor for second language acquisition. As

teachers, when they find students who are not motivated nor interested in

the learning process they use different strategies in order to motivate

them. Teachers make our lessons more interesting, praise, penalize or try

to make students more participative. Although most times they try hard, it

is not enough. It is necessary to know why the student is sometimes

motivated by the task or activities he or she has to do and why sometimes

he or she is not.

Nunan (2003: 22) says that motivation and learning attitude are

important predictors of achievement. In relation with that statement, Slavin


(2009: 302) says that students who are highly motivated to learn

something are more likely than others to consciously plan their learning,

to carry out a learning plan and to retain the information they obtain.

Motivation and engagement contribute to vocabulary mastery. It is

increasingly evident that the acquisition of vocabulary mastery demands a

large amount of effort and motivation. One reason that motivation and

engagement may influence the development of vocabulary mastery is that

motivated students usually want to understand text content fully and,

therefore, process information deeply.

Students with high motivation to learn English will better prepare

themselves to engage the process of teaching and learning in the

classroom. Teachers, parents or observer will be easy to recognize

student with high motivation to learn and will also be easy to differ them

with one with low motivation. Students with high motivation will prefer to

memorize more new vocabularies, ask many questions to teachers, do

the exercises, expose themselves to English language using, trying to use

their English skill to communicate with others, or happily engage in the

process of teaching and learning English. Meanwhile, students with low

motivation usually have no strong will to engage in the process of

teaching and learning English. They rarely ask questions even though

they do not understand the subject. They will have to be forced by teacher

or parents to read the book, do the exercises, and or do the tasks from

teacher. Students with low motivation usually assume English subject as

a difficult or even the most difficult subject to be learned.

The low or high motivation to learn English finally influenced the result

of the learning. The higher motivation will result in higher achievement,

while the lower one will also result the lower achievement. It means that

the high motivation has encouraged and supported students to put all of

their effort to master English subject. It leads them to get better result in

the test or examination. Intrinsically motivated students do much better in

classroom activities, because they are willing and eager to learn new

things. Their learning experience is more meaningful and they go deeper

into the subject to fully understand it Learning motivation is all of inner and

psychological drive which pushes or prompts students to study and to

learn, which guarantee the continuity of learning activities and which gives

the goal to be achieved.

Based on the explanation above, the writer draws a conclusion that

learning motivation is an inner and outer drive or force or desire, consist

of intrinsic and extrinsic factors which forces student to engage actively in

learning English so that his certain objectives can be achieved


Based on the explanation above, the researcher draws a conclusion

that learning motivation is an inner and outer drive or force or desire,

consist of intrinsic and extrinsic factors which forces student to engage

actively in learning English so that his certain objectives can be achieved


2. The Conceptual Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

In learning a language there will be some components which can

affect the capability of a language skill. In English itself, there are some

components such as phonemic, grammar, and vocabulary.

Vocabulary is one of the components in English which become the

main basis of other skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Then, Barnhart (2008:697) states that vocabulary is as a stock of words

used by person, class of people, profession, and a collection or list of


words, usually in alphabetical order and defined”. Besides, according to

Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is the core component of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak,

listen, read, and write”. Jackson and Amvela (2000:11) say that the terms

of vocabulary, lexis, and lexicon are synonymous. Henceforth, vocabulary

as a list of words and sometimes phrases, is usually arranged in

alphabetical order and defined; a dictionary, glossary, or lexicon. All the

words used by a particular person, class, profession, etc: sometimes, all

the words recognized and understood by a particular person, although not

necessary used by him.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher may conclude

that vocabulary is a compilation of words or phrases even idioms in

foreign language which commonly arranged orderly and defined the

meaning based on people’s needs. Knowing the difficulties find in the

students thought, it can be said that students must able to give a solving

way to know and define huge vocabularies for being applied as their

communicative way for other people. Because as we know all of the

words, phrases, sentences, idioms and texts in grammar, listening,

speaking, reading, and writing of English certainly use the vocabularies


C. Thinking Framework

According to Arikunto (2010:60), thinking framework is a conclusion about

correlation among variables in which arranged of the theory that has been

described and that. The thinking framework in this research consists of the

researcher’s assumption that motivation in learning vocabulary mastery and

writing descriptive text has correlation. The students have motivation to write

well by having many vocabularies. The researcher believes if the teacher gives

some ways to increase their vocabulary, their ability in writing will increase also.

Figure 1. The relationship between both variables:

Motivation in learning Vocabulary Mastery

(Y Variable)
(X Variable)


X : Motivation in learning English

Y : Vocabulary Mastery

: Correlation


In this research, there are two hypothesises as follows:

Hypothesis 1

Ha : There is correlation between students’ motivation in learning English

and their vocabulary mastery at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in

academic year 2017/2018.

Ho : There is no correlation between students’ motivation in learning

English and their vocabulary mastery at SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018.




A. Research Design

Research design is all processes designed that is required in planning and

doing research. This is what the researcher plan for getting more information,

data and accurate sources of the research. In addition, the research design in

this research is quantitative research design. According to Margono (2005:105)

quantitative research is the process using numeric data to find knowledge. The

data of this research will be taken from the tests which are given to the sample

those are vocabulary test and questionnaire. Then, the researcher can analyze

the data become a result of the research.

B. Research Variable

Variable is totally crussial in a research. According to Sugiyono (2012:38)

variable is anything that shaped anything what established by researcher to be

studied in order to be obtained the information about it, then giving the

conclusion. In other words, variable is a changed factor will be studied by

researcher. There are two kinds of variables namely independent and dependent

variable. In addition, Sugiyono (2012:39) states that independent variable is a

variable that affects or the cause of change or the emergence of the dependent

variable. Whiles, dependent variable is a variable that is affected or become

effect, because of the independent variable. This can be defined as any aspect

of a theory that can vary or change as part of the interaction within the theory. In

other words, variables are anything can effect or change the results of a study.

Every study has variables as these are needed in order to understand


differences. One devides into two types, those are independent and dependent

variables. In this research, the independet variable students’ motivation in

learning English and the dependent variable is students’ vocabulary mastery. The

description as follow:

1. The independent variable is students’ motivation in learning English (Y).

2. The dependent variable is vocabulary mastery

1. The Operational Definition of Variables

a. The Operational Definition of Motivation of Learning English

The operational definition of motivation in learning English is taken

from the questionnaire which is given by the researcher to the

students. The total question is 10 questions from three aspects.

b. The Operational of Vocabulary Mastery

The operational definition of students’ vocabulary mastery is taken by

their score in multiple choices test. Students are given 25 questions

about kind of part of speech.

C. Research Population, Sample Technique and Sample

1. Research Population

According to Sugiyono (2012:117) population is generalisation area

consisting of object or subject that has particular quality and characteristic

which is decided by the researcher to learn and make a conclusion. It is

people or other thing discuss in the research. On the other side, a

population is the group to which a research would like the result of a study

to be generalized.

So, it can be concluded a population is an object that will be observed

by the researcher. In this research, the population of research is students

of third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan academic year

2017/2018. The students of third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1


Pekalongan are decided as the population of the research with total 113

students. For further data it can be seen on the table below:

There are 4 classes at third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan

in academic year 2016/2017.

Table 3.1 The Population at third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

No Class Total
1 IX.1 28
2 IX.2 29
3 IX.3 28
4 IX.4 28
Total of students 113
Source: by the central information of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan

2. Research Sample

Sugiyono (2012:127) states sample is part of total and characteristic

of the population as the representative of the population which will be

studied by researcher. It means that the sample is the object that has

been selected to research.

Based on experts’ statements above can be taken conclusion sample

is miniature of population or part of the population where all individual give

data in the research. It means that the sample is the object that have

selected to research. In this research, the researcher will be class IX.2 of

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan.

3. Research Sampling Technique

As Stated by Sugiyono (2012:119), sampling technique is a technique

to take the sample. It is a technique to take sample in research. It is the

way to take sample from population that is used in research In deciding

sample that is used in research, there are some sampling techniques that

can be used. Basically, there are some varieties of sampling techniques,

which are grouped into two namely probability sampling and non-

probability sampling. In this research the research use non-probability

sampling namely saturated sampling. Sugiyono (2012:125) declares that

Saturated sampling is the technique to determine sample if all of the

members of population are used as sample. This mater often be done if

the amount of population is relative small.

To determine the sample in this research, the researcher will use

cluster random sampling technique. The sample will be selected by these

steps below:

1. Write classes in a piece of paper.

2. The paper is rolled and then put into the glass.

3. Then, the glass is shaken until getting rolling of paper out.

4. The roll of paper out will be the subject of the research.

Finally, the researcher finds class IX.2 as the sample of the research.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument of research is extremely needed in a research as a tools

used to while collecting the data of research. It is the equipments or tools used

all the research conducted to get the final goal of the research. It should be

valuable in the research. According to Arikunto (2010:136), research instrument

is a device used by the researcher while collecting data to make their work

become easier and get a better result, complete and systematic in order to make

the data easy to be processed.

In addition Sugiyono (2012:137) states that there are two sources to get the

data namely primary and secondary data. Primary data is the data which gives

direct data to the collecting data and secondary data is the data which does not

gives direct data to the collecting data. From the statements, it means that

research instrument is essential to collect the data systematically. After getting

the data, the researcher will analyze it. In addition, there are two sources to

collect the data namely primary and secondary. Primary data is taken directly but

secondary data is got indirectly.

In this research, the researcher uses test instrument as the main instrument

to get more information about the research done. The test instruments used is

writing test in descriptive text. Below is explained completely:

1. Questionnaire Instrument

Table 3.2 Questionnaire for Students’ Motivation in Learning English

Aspect Indicators
Yes No
Effort Students attempt to learn English hard
Memorizing some vocabularies everyday
Asking to teacher when getting
Doing English assignment
Looking for new vocabulary to be
Desire Student have strong desire to master
English skills
Student want to enrich their knowledge
about English skills
English is important in daily life for
human communication
Attitude Students like to know about all English
Students consider English as an
interesting lesson
Students try to be habitually in using
English for their daily conversation.

2. Test Instrument of Vocabulary Mastery

To know about the students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher will use

multiple choice test of vocabulary in past tense.. For the specification of

the instruments are as follow:


Table 3.3 Specification Table of Instrument Vocabulary Mastery

Indicators Predictors Items
Identifying the The students are
Identifying verb
vocabularies in able to identify the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
which is used in
past tense verb which is used 9,10
past tense
past tense
Identifying to be The students are
which is used in able to identify to
past tense be which is used in
past tense

E. Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

Validity means that how far the neatness or the coincidentally of the

measurement of instrument in a measuring the data. Validity is refers to

the degree to which a study accurately reflect or assesses the specific

concept that the researcher is attempting to measure. Validity is

concerned with the study success at measuring what the researcher set

out to measure. In this instrument development, the researcher will use

construct validity. In addition, Sugiyono (2012:177) states to test construct

validity, it can be used the experts judgement. In this case after the

instrument is constructed about some aspects which are measured based

on the particular theory, then it can be consulted by the experts they are

Mrs. Fenny Thresia, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Mrs. Fitri Palupi, S.Pd., M.Pd.

2. Reliability

Reliability is one of characteristic of good test. Reliability refers to the

consistency of the measurement, if doing the measure twice or more to

the same instrument. In this research, the researcher uses KR-21 formula

to know the reliability of vocabulary test instrument as follow:

k  M k  M  
ri  1
k  1  ks t2



K :total item of instrument

M :mean of total score

st2 :total of variances

Besides, the coefficient criteria of reliability based on Sugiyono (2016:214)

as follow:
Interval of Coefficient Degree of Correlation
0,00 – 0,199 Very low
0,20 – 0,399 Low
0,40 – 0,599 Medium
0,60 – 0,799 High
0,80 – 1,000 Very high
Source : Sugiyono (2016: 214)

In addition to, to know the reliability of writing test the researcher will use

Cronbach Alpha Formula as follow:

 k   t2 
r11   1  2 
 (k  1)  t 


r11 = reliability of instrument

k = total number of instrument

∑  t2 = total number of total variance

 t2 =total variance

F. Data Collecting Technique

Sugiyono (2012) said that collecting data can be done in various settings,

various sources, and various ways. To collect the data, the researcher is going to

use test. In this research, the researcher wants to measure the students’

motivation in learning vocabulary and writing ability in descriptive text.

1. Students’ Motivation in Learning English


The questionnaire of motivation in learning vocabulary consists of 10

questions with yes or no answer. When the student answers all as yes, it

will be counted as 100 score. Every single question has 10 score.

2. Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

To analyse descriptive text test, the researcher will focus on component of

writing, namely content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and

mechanic. Therefore, the criteria of writing score on Brown in Novrianda

(2014, 35) as follows:

G. Data Analysis Technique

1. Normality Test

Normality test is used to prove whether the data of the sample is

normal or not. Normality test us used to determine whether a data set is

well-modeled by a normal distribution or not. Some statistic techniques,

especially parametric statistic ordered that should be folowed normal

distribution form. The statistic formula which is used to test the normality

of data is namely Chi-Square, Liliefors Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, etc.

To know the normality of the data the researcher will use Lilliefors.

According to Budiyono (2015:171-172) Bellow is the procedure of the

data calculating:

(a) Observation X1,X2,X3,.... Xn make into new numerical such Z1,Z2,Z3,Zn

xi  x
the formula is Z i  Where = x : average from sample and S:

standard deviation.

(b) For every numerical use data distribution normal of data then count

the chance uses F(Zi) = P(Z ≥ Zi)


(c) Then, count the proportion Z1,Z2,Z3,....Zn which smallest or equal with

average with Zi. If the proportion find by S(Zi) so, the formula is

z1 , z 2 , z3 ....z n  zi
S ( zi ) 

(d) Count quarrel F(zi) = S(zi)

(e) Take the high cost of data between the others then mention the high

as L0.

The criteria of normality test are:

Ho : L-ratio is lower than L-table (the distribution of the data is normal)

Ha : L-ratio is higher than L-table (the distribution of the data is not


The criteria of testing is received Ho if x2ratio < x2table (I – α), (k – 3)

2. Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis test is used to know the correlation the hypothesis

proposed by the researcher is accepted. In this case, the steps of

hypothesis test are as follows:

a) The formula of Product Moment Correlation:

In this research, the researcher will use Product Moment

Correlation, the formula of Product moment Correlation:

N ( XY )  ( X )( Y )

rxy =
N  X 2
( X ) 2 ( N  Y 2   Y 


rxy : Correlation coefficient between X and Y

x : The Score of questionnaire

y : The Score of vocabulary mastery

N : Total number of sample

(Arikunto, 2010:38)

Coefficient of Correlation

0,000 – 0,200 = Very low

0,200 – 0,400 = Low

0,400 – 0,600 = Average

0,600 – 0,800 = High

0,800 – 1,00 = Very high

b) Significant Test of Product Moment Correlation:

After calculating the correlation of the variables, the researcher

also makes sure that the correlation has the significant result by

the formula below:

r n2
1 r 2


t = level of significant

n= the amount of sample

r2 = square of coefficient correlation

Statistical Hypothesis


Ho :There is no any positive and significant correlation between students’

motivation in Learning English and their vocabulary mastery. If rxy < rtable, Ho

is accepted.

Ha: There is positive and significant correlation between students’ motivation in

Learning English and their vocabulary mastery. If rxy < rtable, Ho is accepted If

rxy > rtable, Ha is accepted




A. General Description of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan

The research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan

which is located at Jl. Raya Pekalongan RT/RW. 09/03 Pekalongan, Kec.

Pekalongan, Kab. Lampung Timur. This school is existed since July, 1st


1. The Vision of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan

a. Forming the human being with a noble character of skill and


2. The Mission of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan

a. Carrying out the value of Islamic religion and behave well in daily


b. Implementing innovative, creative, and active of learning to

develop students’ scientific potencies.

B. The Result of Validity and Reliability

1. The Result of Validity

In this research, the researcher used construct validity for

validation. Construct validity is a validation from expert judgement that

consists of indicator, domain, number of item, quetion and signature of

expert. Before getting the validation from the lecturers, the researcher

provided instrument of the test which is consist of standard

competence, basic competence, indicator, domain, item and question

the testThe validators compare these instrument is suitable or not


between indicator and question. From those instruments, validator

decided that the instrument is valid.

The instruments got the approval from some lecturers. They are

Fenny Thresia, M.Pd and Fitri Palupi, M.Pd. as the validators of

questionnaire instrument. Then, Fenny Thresia, M.Pd. and Fitri

Palupi.K,M.Pd B.I as the valiadator of vocabulary mastery. After

getting validation from the validators, it means that the instrument is

ready to use.

2. The Result of Reliability

a. The Reliability of Questionnaire

After getting the result of the test, the reseracher calculated

the data to know the reliability. In this research to measure

reliability of questionnaire, test the researcher used the

following formula :

 k   t2 
r11   1  2 
 (k  1)  t 

 3  204,6 
r11   1  
 (3  1)  384,6 

r11  0,70

From the result of reliability above, the instrument of students’

questionnaire high reliability because the result of r11 is 0,70.

The complete calculating data of reliability in students’

questionnaire score can be seen on appendix.


b. The Reliability of Vocabulary Mastery Test

It was same to the reliability of questionnaire the researcher

also counted the reliability of vocabulary test used Kuder

Richardson as follow:

k  M k  M  
ri  1
k  1  ks t2

20  14,0320  14,03
 1
20  1  (20)( 22,1)

ri  0,85

Based on the calculation of Kuder Richardson above, it is

gotten ri= 0,85. According to the criterion of reliability test, that

score has high reliability. The complete calculating data of

reliability in students’ reading motivation score can be seen on


The coefficient criterion of reliability based on Sugiyono

(2012:257) is as follow:

Table 15. Rating Scale of Reliability

Coefficient Interval Classification
0.00 – 0.199 Very low
0.20 – 0.399 Low
0.40 – 0.599 Medium
0.60 – 0.799 High
0.80 – 1.000 Very High
Source : Sugiyono (2012:257)

C. Description of The Data

1. The Result of Questionnaire Score

The first instrument which is used in this research is questionnaire test.

The test consists of 10 questions which was categorized in 3 aspects.

Every single question has 10 score for answer yes, and 0 score for

answer no. After getting data from the result of questionnaire test, the

researcher found that the highest score is 80, the lowest is 40 and the

average score is 57,7. Based on the data frequency distribution of the

resut it is obtain that from 30 students there are 9 students who got score

between 40-49, 6 students got 50-59, 6 students got 60-69, 5 students got

70-79, 5 students got 80-89. For further data can be seen on appendix.

2. The Result of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

The second instrument which is used in this research is vocabulary

mastery. The test is consisted of 20 items. The score is gotten by using

the formula below :

score : x100

R : the right answer

N : total number of questions

After getting data from the result of vocabulary test, the researcher

found that the highest score is 75, the lowest is 30 and the average score

is 55,7. Based on the data frequency distribution of the resut it is obtained

that from 30 students there are 4 students who got score between 30-39,

5 students who got score 40-49, 7 students got 50-59, 5 students got 60-

69, 9 students got 70-79. For the clearer data can be see on appendix.

D. Data Analysis

1. The Result of Normality

The data of students’ questionnaire and vocabulary test which were

gotten from the research result, it will be tested of normality by using

Lilliefors formula.

The summary data of normality test from each variable are provided in

table bellow:

Table. The Data Result of Normality Distribution

Variable X SD L-ratio L-table Conclusion
X1 55,7 14,2 0,15 0,886 Normal
Y 57,7 14,5 0,08 0,886 Normal
Source: The result of normality test.

From the data result above, it is obtained that L-ratio of each variable

was lowest than Ltable in the significant level 5% (α=0.05). Thus, it is

implied that the data distribution test is normal. For the clearest

explanation see on appendix.

2. The Result of Hypothesis Test

After giving the test and getting the result data of the test in this

research, the researcher uses quantitative analysis in order to prove the

hypothesis that there is correlation between each variable. To analyze the

result data, the researcher used the product moment and multiple

correlation formula. Before conducting the hypothesis, the researcher

proves that test result has normal data. It’s hoped that there will be no

mistake in taking a conclusion, as the effect of inappropriate formula

usage. The test of hypothesis is described as follow:

The hypothesis state that there is positive and significant correlation

between students’ motivation in learning English and their vocabulary


The researcher uses the formulas below:

a) The formula of Product Moment Correlation

rxy 
 xy
(x 2 )( y 2 )

1) The Calculation of Hypothesis

Table 17. The Data Result of X and Y Variable

X n1 = 30 x 2 = 5886,7 xy
Y n2 = 30 y = 6136,7
2 5696,7
Source : Table data result of hypothesis test

Correlation Calculation

rxy 
 xy
(x 2 )(y 2 )

(5886,7 )(6136,7 )



From the data calculation above, it is gotten rxy = 0,94. This

value is consulted by rtable(30;0,05) =0,361 and rtable(30;0,01) = 0,463.

On the calculation of correlation test result is 0,94. It can be

proven that 0,94>0,361>0,463 therefore there is positive

correlation between X variable and Y variable.

b) Significant Test of Product Moment Correlation

r n2
1 r 2

0,94 30  2
1 - 0,94 2

0,94 28

1 - 0,8836




 14,62

From the data calculation above, it is gotten rxy = 0,94. This value

is consulted by rtable(30;0,05) =0,361 and the result is 0,94>0,361,

therefore there is positive correlation between X variable and Y

variable. For the significant tes is gotten t = 14,62, this value is

compared with t table for the degree of error 5% by two tail test and

dk= n-2 =28, so it is obtained t table = 3,74. because of  ≠0 it can

be said that between X variable and Y variable has significant

correlation. At the conclusion Ha is accepted which indicates that

there is positive and significant correlation between students’

motivation in learning English and their vocabulary mastery.

E. The Discusion of the Result

After doing the correlation test and significant test to test the hypothesis,

so the discusion of the result from this research as follows:

Based on the result of the hypothesis there is positive and significant

correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their vocabulary

mastery at the third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan.

Considering to the result of this research, the researcher agreed to some

theoretical reviews which were declared by some experts about motivation in

learning English and vocabulary mastery. First theory came from Nunan (2003:

22) says that motivation and learning attitude are important predictors of

achievement. In relation with that statement. Motivation is an essential factor for

second language acquisition. As teachers, when they find students who are not

motivated nor interested in the learning process they use different strategies in

order to motivate them. It was proven by the field fact that in motivate the

students is not easy doing. The teacher should use different ways and unique

strategy. Then, second theory about vocabulary mastery is from Barnhart

(2008:697) states that vocabulary is as a stock of words used by person, class of

people, profession, and a collection or list of words, usually in alphabetical order

and defined. As the researcher observed during the research, the researcher

found that the activity of enriching vocabulary was done by the students actively.

From the questionnaire given most of the students do it often in their daily


The result shows that the higher students’ motivation in learning English,

the better students’ vocabulary mastery. It also supported by their score who get

good average on two instruments given. Based on the data frequency distribution

of questionnaire instruments, there are some students who have not gotten good

score and it influences their vocabulary score.




A. Research Conclusion

In this last chapter the researcher explains about conclusion and suggestion

of the research. The researcher answers the research formulations as follow:

1. Based on the calculation of hypothesis, it is described that the hypothesis

of Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that there is correlation

between students’ motivation in learning English and their vocabulary at

the third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in academic year

2017/2018. It can be seen from the hypothesis test which has been

counted below:

It is gotten rxy = 0,94. This value is consulted by rtable(30;0,05) =0,361 and

rtable(30;0,01) = 0,463. On the calculation of correlation test result is 0,94. It

can be proven that 0,94>0,361>0,463 therefore there is positive

correlation between X variable and Y variable.

2. Based on the calculation of Significant Test of hypothesis, it is described

that the hypothesis of Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that

there is significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning

English and their vocabulary at the third grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Pekalongan in academic year 2017/2018. It can be seen from the

hypothesis test which has been counted below: the significant tes is

gotten t = 14,62, this value is compared with t table for the degree of error

5% by two tail test and dk= n-2 =28, so it is obtained t table = 3,74. because

of  ≠0 it can be said that between X variable and Y variable has

significant correlation. At the conclusion Ha is accepted which indicates

that there is positive and significant correlation between students’

motivation in learning English and their vocabulary mastery.

B. Suggestion

Based on description above, the researcher tries to give some

suggestions correlated to the students’ motivation in learning English and their

vocabulary mastery:

1. For Education

This research result can give some information about the result of the

correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their

vocabulary mastery. The institution can use this research as the

references for the next research related to the design used in this


2. For Teacher

The teacher can use this research result become a basic knowledge to

know the students’ motivations in learning English because it can give

contribution in learning process in making the students easier to know

their motivation in learning English.

3. For Students

As language learner, the students must learn to master their ability in

basic skills such as vocabulary mastery as the component of learning


4. For Other Researchers

This research is hoped to be a good reference of previous study which

can be used by the other researchers to conduct a further research

relating to the used of research design. Then, the things which is not clear

yet can be researched by others.

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