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-Roman society underwent many changes from the early days of the republic to the period of the pax
Romana ( piece that existed between nationalities within the Roman Empire) .

The wealth of the upperclass increased, cities flourished, and education came increasingly under the
influence of Greek ways. Family life changed and women gained greater freedom.

•Roman cities are centers of culture

Provincial cities tend to copy the city of Rome and they also became the center of culture and




•Public bath

Roman engineers built a network of stone-paved roads linking cities to easily travel within the Empire
and trade.

Great contrast between RICH and POOR in Rome

Roman Republic distinction

• Plebeians - member of the lower social classes

•Patricians- member of long-established wealthy family

Merchants, doctors, lawyers, and goverment official

Wealthy romans lived in luxurious town houses with pools, country yardsbamd etc.

Dressed fine silk amd wore gold ornaments amd jewels

Guest are reclined on couches and they entertained by dancer, acrobats and musicians

Poor people

Share little politics and culture

• lived in wooden houses crowded closely together

Rome depended heavily on agriculture, farmers toiled long hours to provide cheap food for the city.
•Roman society includes slaves

As in other ancient civilizations, slavery was common in Rome.

Early days of republic

-most slaves were poor Italian farmers who had lost their freedom because of inability to repay their
debts. During the time rome expanded numbers of foreign slaves increased.

First war with Carthage

* 75,000 prisoners

Caesar's conquest of Gaul

*thousands of ther captives in Roman slave markets.

Augustus time

*Quarter of population of Italy

Under the repulic

*slaves badly treated

During the empire

*household slaves improved greatly

Educated greeks

*respected teachers

Other slaves

*were skilled artisan

Several emperor

*passed laws protecting slaves from cruel master

•Seneca, Stoic Philosopher

"Kindly remember that he who you call your slave sprang from the same [human] stock is smiled upon
from the same skies and on equal terms with your lives, and dies."

Freed slaves became citizens with most of the rights and privileges of other Roman citizens.

•Family life changes

Early days of the Republic the father, or paterfamilias

Absolute authorities in his household

Second cetury

* family discipline less harsh

*some parents are old fashioned they complained that their children were spoiled and poorly discipline.

Roman Woman

* More freedom

*could own property and money if divorced

*business arrangements

*draw up a will without her husband's approval

Comparison of Roman woman between upper-class women in greece.

Roman women

*enjoyed greater freedom and respect

*Roman went out visiting or shopping

*taught greek and latin literature and skills and music and dance

Upper class Roman woman

*form group that read and discussed poetry

*women are self assured and powerful

Powerful women

Cornelia- the mother of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

*influenced Roman politics through her sons

Livia- dynamic wife of Augustus, often adviced himon decision

*she ensured the succession of her son Tiberus as an emperor

Julia Domna - incharged of government while her son, the emperor of Caracalla was fighting abroad.
AD 211 to 235 influential women from same family in Rome

•Schools educate young Romans

Boys- Formal system of schooling

*older boys- grammar school, they studied music, geometry, astronomy, literature and oratory

Public speaking and debating are essential skills

Girls- generaly taught at home

Litterators-taught young boys reading and writing

Calculator- arithmetic teacher

Thousand of greeks came to Rome as often slaves, many of them bacame private tutors of the welathy,
they introduced the Greek art, sciences, philosophy and literature.

• Roman cities provide popular entertainment

Roman people

Rich and poor love violent sports and games

Republic and Empire

*chariot races

* displays of arm combat

*acts with wild animals

Roman politician sponsored games and parades to win the voters approval

Romes greatest public buildings:

*The Colosseum

* Circus Maximus

Roman crowd also love:

Contest between trained gladiators

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