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Course No: CAP205 Course Title: Data Structures Batch: 2009-12

Class: MCA Term: 210111 Section: TB903
Note: Answers will be graded on correctness, efficiency, clarity, elegance & other normal criteria that determine quality.

1. Write an algorithm to delete a given node in a two-way link list.
Ans:- Prev holds the previous element and next hold address of the next element. Head
and tail address of left and right node.
1. Loc=search(item)
2. If(loc==NULL)
Write(“item is not found”)
3. While(loc!=NULL)
(end of if statement)
4. exit
2. Discuss the concept to insert an element as a first node in Link List And also
implement the same to insert ITEM=75 in the list where the list is as follow:
33, 39, 45, 49, 58
Ans:- Inserting an element as a first node in the list is the easiest way . To insert a new
node as a first node the following steps are as follow :-
a) create a new node from the free storage lists.
b) point the link part of the new node to the first node of the linked list.
c)Set the HEAD pointer to point to the first new node because the new node
must precede all the nodes and can be represented as HEAD<-New.

33 39 45 49 58 X


new 33 39 45 49 58 X


Discuss the concept to insert an element in Link List at a given position. And
also implement the same to insert ITEM=38 in the list at the location 3 where the
list is as follow:
46, 39, 48, 49, 58
Ans:- for inserting the element at a given position in the linked. First enter the position
where user want to inserted an item . If loc==1 means no node exist insert the item at
first location. Newnode->next=start and start= newnode. And then we assign the link of
new node to the next node of the location. And the link of the node of the before location
to the new.

hold position (increment until position=3)

46 39 48 49 58 X

Loc=3 38 .

46 39 48 49 58 X
3. Discuss the concept to insert an element in Link List where the list is sorted. And
also implement that concept to insert ITEM=45 where the list is as follow:
33, 44, 55, 66, 88, 99
Ans:- In the sorted linked list new data is inserted in such a way that the ordering of the
list is to be maintained . To maintain the order the new data node may be inserted either
at the beginning or at the end. For creating or inserting a new node we need first to create
the space and then assign the data item into the INFO part. The space for a new node is
checked from the AVAIL list.
Suppose ITEM is to be inserted into a sorted list. Then ITEM must be
inserted between node lik INFO (a)<item<=INFO(b)
This find the location of node ‘a’. Traverse the list using pointer variable PTR and
comparing the ITEM with INFO[ptr]. The traversing continues as long as

Start new
45 .

33 44 55 66 88 99 X

(preptr)Save ptr
Start new
45 .

33 44 55 66 88 99 X

(preptr)Save ptr

4. Suppose a list is a linked list in memory consisting of numerical values. Write a

procedure which find maximum value MAX in the list.
Ans:- 1. Initialize MAX=0 to info part of the first
2. PTR point to second node of the linked list
3.repeat steps 4 and 5 while PTR!=NULL
4.while (INFO(PTR)>MAX) then
(end of loop)
(End of loop)

5. Suppose a list is linked list in memory consisting of numerical values. Write the
procedure for finding the average of the values in the list.
2.if begin=NULL then

write "list is empty"

end if
3.set pointer=begin

4.repeat while pointer!=NULL

a.process pointer->info
b. sum=sum+pointer->info
c.assign pointer=pointer->next
d. count++
end loop
6. return average

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