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“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.

The most certain way to succeed is

always to try just one more time.” (Thomas A. Edison)

Respected Chief Guest and worthy fellows.

I will admit it. When I was a little boy, I gave all types of excuses, reasons, and
justifications to stay in my comfort zone. Yes, me. I lied and cried when adversity
or opportunity demanded that I stretch my wings, enlarge my heart and expand
my mind. I was not interested in doing anything new, difficult, different or
creative. I wanted to stay in my secure silos even if staying meant missing out on
the fun, missing a meal or not getting an ice cream cone. I didn’t want to budge; I
was obstinate.
Yes, me. I would cry, but really sob uncontrollably, if pushed to try anything that
required extra effort or too much energy. Due to my painful childhood
experiences, I lived in a spirit of defeat. I expected to lose. I anticipated failure. I
was convinced that I could not win. So, I always cried; crying was my preemptive
strike to encourage adults to excuse me from trying anything that I deemed too
hard. Of course, I deemed everything too hard.
But when I was little boy, one of my elders gave me some sage advice. He said,
“Boy, don’t cry until you try”.

This life turning advice is the topic of my speech today,

As a child, I thought that advice was foolish. I didn’t feel that crying was
something that had to be earned. I wanted to cry so I didn’t have to try. I wanted
to cry so people would accommodate me, care for me and expect nothing from
me. I wanted my tears to invoke sympathy so that people would let me off the
hook. I wanted my sobbing and sniffling to exempt me from hard labor, which for
me meant trying anything that exacerbated my already deteriorating self-esteem.
But somewhere along the way, my elder’s advice resonated me and I realized that
crying before I tried to do something was crippling me. Crying and getting all
worked up only drained my energy and dampen my spirit. And let’s be honest.
The crying really didn’t work. My tears convinced no one to let me settle for
mediocrity, ordinary or average. My runny nose and blood-stained eyes didn’t
encourage my parents to let me to exist on the sidelines. No way!
Eventually I gave up my crying strategy and made a promise to myself to actually
try something before I conceded defeat. I abandoned such phrases like:

 I don’t know how

 It’s too hard
 I never done that before
 It will take too long etc etc.

My list was comprehensive and I was creative. I had all types of excuses and
rationale to escape doing something new.
Thankfully, I grew up and grew out of that self-sabotaging behavior. I stopped the
excuses, and I discovered that I actually loved trying new things. I loved the
feeling that I got when I was doing something that I have never done before. It
was exhilarating.
Trying new things made me proud of myself and did wonders for my re-emerging
self-esteem. The more I tried new things, the more I wanted to try. Stepping
outside of my comfort zone encouraged me to live fully, love freely and trust
deeply. The adage is true: Nothing beats a try.
If you cry before you try or complain before you pursue, I want to encourage you
to Try Before You Cry. Maybe you will fail, or find out that you don’t enjoy
something. But maybe, just maybe, you will discover new skills, revisit a dormant
talent, reclaim your power, reignite an old passion or experience an adventure.
There is nothing wrong with crying; crying is cleansing. But getting all worked up
before you even exert any energy, effort or enthusiasm to try something new,
does not serve or support you. It actually limits and hinders you. Trust me, I know.
My proactive crying strategy did nothing but make me miss out on life –
experiences, opportunities, love and pure joy.
Try Before You Cry! Give yourself a chance! You deserve it!
Blessings to you always!

I was thinking for a while to communicate with people who are similar to my
mindset, to

achieve a common goal for a noble cause. But, I was not sure Where to start?
How to start? What kind of approach to follow to have immediate impact? and so
on.. Also my current hectic commitments play a role to pause this pursuing. I am
sure many of us, might come across this situation THINKING BIG with NO

We all are familiar with olden adage "Crying Babies get Milk". It is applicable,

1) if we don't have choice for "Try" or

2) If we are not willing to "Try".

Otherwise, we need to follow the new version of the adage "TRYING is better
than CRYING".

Once we are firm with our TRY attitude, we need to have innovative
implementation methodologies for sustainable business in long run. I think, most
of us won't get opportunity to implement all our innovative ideas because we are
unable to go beyond theories only and by the end of day we are doing nothing
but just making complaints regarding pathetic system, lack of resources and
above all unrecognization of the talent.

Currently, most of the successful START UP or TOP ranked companies (like Uber,
Alibaba and Facebook) business are related E-commerce platform. The fact is that

 'Uber' doesn't own a single car but still they are world largest Taxi
 'Alibaba' has no inventory and still they are world most valuable retailer.
 'Facebook' - The world most popular media owner but creates no content.
Success and crying have inverse relationship. People who achieve success they
never cry; and people who cry never achieve success. The romance of chasing
success lies in the challenges one has to overcome between the pursuer and the
victor’s cup.

I tried but failed,

I cried and nothing changed.

I shall again try,

But this time I won’t cry.
For every time I cry,
I loose hope to try.

For I still remember,

A line from my school days
Try try and you will succeed

For every failed try I make,

I learn how not to partake.
For every chance I take,
Is my another shot at the cake.

Everyone is so much crazy about success. All long for the victor’s cup. All want to
be famous, rich, and show-stoppers. However, success is very elusive. Only a few
out of the many millions clinch it! The world has given us a few truly successful
personages. By thinking about them we can truly feel the wonder and grandeur of
being successful. Even after their demise, people quote them and just try to
emulate them. Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Socrates, Thomas
Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney,
Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. are some of the names that amaze us!

All the above mentioned personages taught us the secrets about achieving
success. Trying again and again without quitting is one of them. Success is
undoubtedly very hard to achieve. Its path is riddled with formidable failures. If
failures make one daunting, success is not for him or her. The only thing that
works is PERSEVERANCE and the DETERMINATION to succeed.

It’s never over till you give up… so never give up! You would have heard the quote
“Nothing succeeds like success” add “Try…try till you succeed” to this and you
have just brewed the perfect formula for unstoppable success. And believe me
when I tell you, it holds true every time you attempt to succeed.

An outstanding quality of a winner is the power to hold on despite the most

adverse circumstances. Sure, you are going to fail a lot. Not every endeavour is
going to be successful the first time. Some might take forever to succeed. But the
secret is to never give up. A winner is not a person who does not fail but, it is he
who rises up every time he fails and tries again.

Don’t ever give up trying. Be stubbornly persistent. Remember that these

ceaseless efforts will eventually help you overcome your obstacles. You will need
to take pains to be persistent. Every little detail needs to be taken care of. You
have to do everything and do it right to reach your goal.

Some anonymous poet has very poetically given the inspiration to keep on
moving ahead in spite of the obstacles in the following verse:

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit-

Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Often the goal is nearer than

It seems to a faint and faltering man;

Often the struggler has given up

When he might have captured the victor's cup;

And he learned too late when the night came down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Thank you

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