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1. During ancient times the smallest possible particle of

matter was considered to be an atom which was
regarded to be the fundamental particle (could not be
decomposed into smaller particles any further).
However subsequent experiments performed by J.J.
Thomson(cathode ray tube
experiment),Rutherford(alpha-particle scattering
experiment) and by several other scientists revealed the
presence of smaller constituents of atoms namely
electrons , protons and neutrons respectively. Thus
atom could no longer be regarded as the smallest
particle constituting matter.

2.Mass of 1 atom of Oxygen=16.00 a.m.u.

Number of atoms in each mole of Oxygen=6.033 x 1023
Therefore,mass of one mole of Oxygen=16 x 6.022 x 1023
1 a.m.u=1.66 x 10-24 grams
Therefore,mass of one mole of Oxygen in grams=1.66 x
96.35 x 1023 x 10-24=15.99 grams
3.The emissions in order of increasing wavelength are:
i)Gamma rays
iii)Ultraviolet rays( sun lamp)
iv)microoven emissions
v)radio waves

As we know that wavelength is inversely proportional to
Emissions in decreasing order of frequency are:
i)Radio waves
ii)micro-oven emissions

iii)sun lamp emissions

iii)Gamma rays
4. Types of Quantum numbers:
Principal Quantum Number (n)
It helps to denote the principal electron shell of an atom.
Greater the value of n, larger the atomic radius and
consewuently size.
Azimuthal Quantum number (l)
It describes the shape of orbital and its value is equal to
number of angular nodes in the orbital.
Value of l ranges from 0 to (n-1).
Magnetic Quantum Number (mi)
It determines the total number of orbitals in a subshell and
orientation .
Value ranges from (-)l to l.

Spin Quantum Number (ms)

It describes the direction in which electron is spinning.
Its value can be specified by +(1/2) and -1/2).

5. Factors affecting packing efficiency are:

(i) volume of the unit cell
(ii) number of atoms in lattice
(iii) volume of an atom.
Examples of ionic siolid is common salt (NaCl)
Example of covalent solid is dry ice (CO2)
6. The required properties can be summarised as follows:


These have high Variable melting High melting
melting points. points which vary point.
upon strength of
metallic boning.
Brittle Variable hardness Hard
Good conductor Conduction of Non-cinducting .
Of heat and heat and
electricity. electricity is
Example: NaCl, MgO Iron(Fe) diamond

7. Types of inter molrecular bonds or secondary bonds:

(These are forces between molecules rather than atoms.they
hold compound molecules internally.)
i)Van Der Waal’s forc
they are weaker than primary bonds. Examples include
Metrhane(CH4) ii)Hydrogen Bonding these arise diue to
dipole-dipole and are permanent or temporar in nature.
Examples: hydrogen with nitrogen and fluorine.
8.diameter of follicle=40 x 10-6 m
Radius of pluto(r)=1180 x 103 m
Volume of Pluto assuming it to be perfect sphere=4/3 *pi* r3
Volume of each hair follicle having radii 40 x 10^-6 m/2=20 x
Is 52794*10-18
No of hair = volume of Pluto/vol. of hair follicle=33510*1027
number of moles of follicles=33610*1027*Na=202400*10^4
9.number of moles of gold=0.0278=weight of gold/molar
=>weight of gold=5.4488g(molar mass of gold=196)
Similar, weight of Pd=8.9464g
Total weight of substance=8.9464g+5.448g=14.3962g
% of Pd=weight of Pd/weight total=62.14 %

10. Mass of relic=350g

Weight of Cu(copper)
= 38.6% of 350g=125.51g
Weight of platinum=61.4% of 350 g
Number of moles of Cu=weight of Cu/molar mass of Cu
Similarly, number of mole of platinum=1.17
Atomic % of Cu=1.96/(1.96+1.17) *100=62.61%

11. energy of one photon = h * f

Where h=6.63*10-34
C=3*108 m/s
Initially heat energy=mcdT=33.44 k J
Therefore c = 33.44 x 1000/(0.1*80)=4180
Now let no.of photons be n
n* h* c/lambda=mcdT=4180*0.15*80
n=12.7 x 1016 photons

12.a) force net= coulombs force + repulsive force

F=1.58*10-8 N
=9*109 * (1.6*2*10-19)/r2
R comes out to be
2.414 nm
b)interionic distance R is radius of cation +radius of anion
therefor, radius of cation=rB2-=2.380nm
e}potential energy=9*109*q1q2/r=43.06*10-18 joule

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