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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Table Of Contents

About The Author ............................................................................ 3

Chapter 1: Lower Abs (Hip Flexion Exercises) ................................. 4

Reverse Crunch On Floor ............................................................................5
Reverse Crunch On Decline .........................................................................5
Paused Feet To Ceiling ...............................................................................6
Hanging Knee Raise ...................................................................................6
Low Ball Pull In..........................................................................................7

Chapter 2: Upper Abs (Trunk Flexion Exercises).............................. 8

Crunch On Floor.........................................................................................9
Crunch On Ball...........................................................................................9
Intermediate Plank ................................................................................... 10
Ab Wheel Roll Outs .................................................................................. 10
One Arm DB Crunch On Ball ..................................................................... 11

Chapter 3: Oblique 1 (Rotational Exercises) .................................. 12

Lying Single Windshield Wipers.................................................................. 13
Lying Windshield Wipers ........................................................................... 13
Russian Twists On Ball.............................................................................. 14
Lower Body Twists On Ball ........................................................................ 14

Chapter 4: Oblique 2 (Side Flexion Exercises) ............................... 15

Side Flexion With Hip Rotation On Floor...................................................... 16
Side Crunch On Ball.................................................................................. 16
Side Crunch On 45 Degree Back Extension.................................................. 17
Side Plank ............................................................................................... 17

Chapter 5: Integrated Abs (Combo Exercises)............................... 18

Bird Dog ................................................................................................. 19
Alternating Superman ............................................................................... 19
Advanced Alternating Superman ................................................................ 20

Chapter 6: The Ab Routines ........................................................... 21

How to perform the workouts .................................................................... 22
Beginner ................................................................................................. 24
Intermediate ........................................................................................... 25
Advanced................................................................................................ 26

Chapter 7: Closing Words .............................................................. 27

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Copyright © 2008 John Alvino. All Rights Reserved
“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

About The Author

Hi, my name is John Alvino and I’m a strength and

conditioning specialist. I’m a training and nutritional
adviser and writer for Men’s Fitness magazine, and I have
authored hundreds of articles that have been published
for countless fitness websites around the world.

I’m the author of the best selling e-Book Complete Fat

Loss, and the owner of CompleteFatLoss.com.

In this book, you will find some of the most effective abdominal exercises and
routines. Simply incorporate these ab workouts into you Turbulence Training
routines and get the six pack of your dreams!

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Copyright © 2008 John Alvino. All Rights Reserved
“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Lower Abs
Hip Flexion/Posterior Pelvic Tilt

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Copyright © 2008 John Alvino. All Rights Reserved
“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Reverse Crunch On Floor- Lie on your back on a mat. Flex both knees and hips to 90
degree angles. Bring knees toward chest by flexing abdominal muscles, raising butt
from floor while maintaining a constant knee angle. Return until hips and knees are
again extended to 90 degree angles. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

Reverse Crunch On Decline- Lie on a decline bench. Flex both knees and hips to 90
degree angles. Raise knees toward chest by flexing abdominal muscles, raising butt
from board while maintaining a constant knee angle. Return until hips and knees are
again extended to 90 degree angles. To increase difficulty, increase the angle of the
decline bench.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Paused Feet To Ceiling- Lie on your back on the floor. Bring your arms out so they
make in between a 45 and 90 degree angle with your torso. Bring legs up, keeping
them straight, until your hips make a 90 degree angle. While maintaining the 90 degree
hip angle, lift your hips up as high as possible (lifting your butt slightly off the ground)
and hold for the prescribed amount of time. Bring hips down and repeat.

Hanging Knee Raise- Grasp a chin up bar with an overhand grip. Alternately you
could use arm sleeves (not shown here). Initiating movement with abs, raise knees up
until your knees are almost touching chest. Return in a controlled fashion until waist,
hips, and knees are extended. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Low Ball Pull In- Start in a push-up position with your feet on a Stability Ball. Do not
let your hips drop during the exercise. Pull your knees in directly towards your chest
while maintaining a neutral spine. Contract your abs. Extend the legs until they are
straight and in the starting position. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Upper Abs
Trunk Flexion Exercises

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Crunch On Floor- Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degree
angles. Place feet flat on floor and fingertips on temples. This is the starting position.
Now, bring chest towards hips by contracting your abs. Continue to come up until your
abs are fully contracted. Return and repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

Crunch On Ball- Sit on Swiss ball and walk yourself down into a table top position. Set
feet in a slightly wider than shoulder width position. Lie back to allow a pre-stretch of
the abs and then flex the spine until the abs are fully contracted. It’s important to keep
the hips up high during the contracted phase.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Intermediate Plank- Get on the floor in a push up position. Support your body on
your forearms and your toes. Be sure to keep the abs tight and hold your body in a
straight line. Do not let hips sag or hike them up too high. Hold for the prescribed
number of seconds.

Ab Wheel Rollouts- Start in a kneeling position. Grab ab wheel and place it on the
floor below your chest. With straight arms, roll the wheel out until you are laid straight
out with your hips almost brushing the floor (or as far as you can go while maintaining
good form). Return to starting position. If you experience any back pain during this
exercise, it is an indication that your back is over-arched. The key to doing this exercise
correctly is to engage the abs at the start and keep them flexed in order to maintain a
neutral pelvis.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

One Arm DB Crunch On Ball- While holding one dumbbell in your hand, sit on Swiss
ball and walk yourself down into a table top position. Set feet in a slightly wider than
shoulder width position. Lie back over the ball to allow a pre-stretch of the abs. Next,
press the dumbbell up so your arm is vertical and fully extended. Now, flex the spine
until the abs are fully contracted. It’s important to keep the hips up high during the
contracted phase.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Oblique 1
Rotational Exercises

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Lying Single Windshield Wiper- Lie on your back on the floor. Bring your arms out
so they make a 90 degree angle with your torso. Bring one leg up until your hip makes
a 90 degree angle. While maintaining the 90 degree hip angle, rotate your leg across
your body and down towards the floor. Return leg until it is in a vertical position. Full
range of motion is obtained when your foot almost brushes the floor. It may take some
time to achieve this range of motion. Until you reach this level of strength, just rotate
leg as much as you can.

Lying Windshield Wipers- Lie on your back on the floor. Bring your arms out so they
make a 90 degree angle with your torso. Bring legs up until your hips make a 90 degree
angle. While maintaining the 90 degree hip angle, rotate legs from side to side in
windshield wiper fashion. Full range of motion is obtained when your feet almost brush
the floor. It may take some time to achieve this range of motion. Until you reach this
level of strength, just rotate legs as much as you can. Note: Keep feet together during

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Russian Twists On Ball- Start by sitting on a stability ball. Walk your self down the
ball so that your shoulders rest on the middle of the ball. Keep your pelvis up as high as
possible. Grasp your hands together while holding on to a dumbbell. With straight
elbows, hold the dumbbell directly above your chest. Rotate your trunk to the left until
your arms are parallel to the floor. Return to the other side.

Lower Body Twists On Ball- Start in a push up position with your feet on a stability
ball, spread apart. Grip the ball tightly with your feet. While keeping the spine in a
neutral position roll the ball laterally to one side. Repeat on the other side.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Oblique 2
Side Flexion Exercises

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Side Flexion With Hip Rotation On Floor- Lie on your side on the floor. Keep knees
together and bend them to a 90 degree angle. Lift your head and torso up towards
your hip while simultaneously rotating your top leg upward. Contract the obliques in the
top position and then lower under control. Perform all reps on one side, then repeat on
other side.

Side Crunch On Ball- Anchor feet on wall or piece of equipment. Using your hands,
position the ball on the side of your hip. Keep hands up, touching your temples. Side
flex your spine, essentially lying sideways on the ball. To return, side flex waist while
keeping hips in a fixed position.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Side Crunch On 45 Degree Back Extension- Adjust back extension so the pad is on
the side of your hip. Anchor feet on the roller pads. Keep hands up touching your
temples. Side flex your truck while keeping hips in a fixed position. Move waist through
a full range of motion. Repeat on both sides for the prescribed number of reps.

Side Plank- Get on the floor on your side. Support your body on your forearm and
your hip. Raise your hips up so your body is just supported on your forearm and your
foot. Hold for the prescribed number of seconds.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Combo Exercises

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Birddog- Get on your hands and knees. You hands will be directly below your
shoulders and your knees will be directly below your hips. Lift up one arm and the
opposite leg so they are approximately horizontal. Be sure to keep the abs tight (by
sucking in your stomach) and hold your body in a straight line. Do not let your hips sag,
and don’t hike them up too high. Hold for the prescribed number of seconds. Alternate

Alternating Superman- Get on the floor in a push up position. Support your body on
your forearms and your toes. Lift up one arm and the opposite leg so they are
approximately horizontal. Be sure to keep the abs tight (by sucking in your stomach)
and hold your body in a straight line. Do not let your hips sag, and don’t hike them up
too high. Hold for the prescribed number of seconds. Alternate sides.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Advanced Alternating Superman - Get on the floor in a push up position. Support

your body on your hands and your toes. Lift up one arm and the opposite leg so they
are approximately horizontal. Be sure to keep the abs tight (by sucking in your
stomach) and hold your body in a straight line. Do not let hips sag, and don’t hike them
up too high. Hold for the prescribed number of seconds. Alternate sides.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

The Ab
Putting The Pieces Together
For You

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

How To Perform Your Ab Workouts

The abdominal routines in this section are to be performed immediately after your
Turbulence Training full body workouts. You will notice that each phase has two
different abdominal workouts. You will be performing just one (A or B) ab workout
on a given training day.

Simply perform Ab Workout A directly after doing Turbulence Training Workout A,

and Ab Workout B after Turbulence Training Workout B.

You will also notice that there are 3 different routines (beginner, intermediate and
advanced). If you are unsure of what category you fall under, simply start with the
beginner workouts and work your way up to the more advanced options.

Make sure you understand how to perform the workouts correctly. For clarity, let’s
look at an example.
# Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1a Reverse Crunch On Floor 2 20-25 30s
1b Side Flexion With Hip Rotation On Floor 2 15-20 30s

The exercise column contains the name of the exercise. The sets column tells you
how many sets you will be performing of that particular exercise. The rest column is
how long you should rest after each set. This number is always given in seconds.

Notice that the far left column on the chart contains a number sign (#). Below the
sign you will see that each exercise will have a number code. This code tells us how
you will sequence the exercises during your workout. Let me explain how this

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

In the case above, you would perform a set of 1a, then you would rest for 30
seconds (look at rest column), and then you would perform a set of 1b. After you
finish your set of the 1b exercise, you would rest 30 seconds and go back to 1a
again. Then you would rest 30 seconds, perform 1b, rest another 30 seconds, and
then you would be completed. You repeated the sequence of 1a, 1b twice because
under the set column, the instructions were to perform each exercise 2 times.

If you were to see a program that had a 1a, 1b and a 1c then you would follow the
same pattern of performing a set of 1a, resting the prescribed rest interval, moving
on to 1b, resting the prescribed rest interval, moving on to 1c, and resting the
prescribed rest interval, before going back to 1a and repeating the entire process for
the prescribed number of sets.

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Beginner Routines

Workout A

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a Reverse Crunch On Floor 2 20-25 30s
1b Side Flexion With Hip Rotation On Floor 2 15-20 30s

Workout B

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a Crunch On Floor 2 20-25 30s
1b Lying Single Windshield Wiper 2 15-20 30s

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Intermediate Routines

Workout A

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a Reverse Crunch On Decline 2 15-20 10s
1b Paused Feet To Ceiling (6 sec) 2 10-12 10s
1c Side Crunch On Ball 2 15-20 45s

Workout B

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a Crunch On Ball 2 20-25 10s
1b Intermediate Plank (6 sec) 2 10-12 10s
1c Lying Windshield Wiper 2 15-20 45s

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Advanced Routines

Workout A

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a Hanging Knee Raise 2 1<max 10s
1b Side Crunch On 45° Back Extension 2 12-15 10s
1c Low Ball Pull Ins 2 15-20 10s
1d Side Plank (5 sec) 2 10-12 60s

Workout B

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a Ab Wheel Roll Outs 2 15-20 10s
1b Russian Twist On Ball 2 15-20 10s
1c One Arm DB Swiss Ball Crunch 2 20-24 10s
1d Lower Body Twist On Ball 2 15-20 60s

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“21” The Abdominal Exercise Index

Closing Words
I want to thank you for reading this book, and I congratulate you on taking an
important step towards realizing your goals. I have provided you with some great
exercises and routines that if implemented properly, will help get you an awesome
set of abs.

If you are not already a member of my FREE lean body secrets newsletter, you can
subscribe at www.completefatloss.com. Once per month you’ll receive a newsletter
that contains great new strategies and tips on all aspects of fat loss, abdominal
training and fitness in general.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the information contained this book. Immediately
start integrating these ab routines into your full body workouts and go get that six


John Alvino

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Copyright © 2008 John Alvino. All Rights Reserved

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