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Asimov 101: Your Ultimate Guide to

the 'Foundation' Series
Isaac Asimov's 'Foundation' series comprises seven
of the most legendary novels in science fiction, but
you might need a guide to help you navigate the
whole of the author's rich, fictional universe.
2 years ago

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Photo Courtesy of Douglas Kirkland/Corbis

Long before the incessant arguments among Star Wars fans were heard
all over the galaxy about when to watch which episode, Isaac Asimov had
his fans up in arms about which books of the Foundation series should—
no, must—be read before the others. And rest assured that the Asimov-
split had far more to contemplate given the complicated timeline of the
seven books' releases; prequels and sequels were added to the
original Foundation trilogy over a real-time span of 42 years from 1951
(the release of the original Foundation trilogy) to 1993 (the posthumous
release of Asimov's second prequel Forward the Foundation).

This timeline, of course, mustn't be confused with the fictional time span
covered in the books themselves—over those real-time 42 years Asimov
chronicled almost 550 years of fictional endeavor for a better future in
the future.

Bearing in mind that Isaac Asimov is widely considered one of the most
creative minds and prolific writers in the genre—his critical acclaim

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includes eight Hugo awards, two Nebula awards, and a crowning "All-
Time Best" science-fiction short-story award from The Science Fiction
Writers of America, to name a few—I undertook this painstaking project
in the spirit of codifying the fictional bequest of a truly visionary

And thus, as we begin our journey into the future of the future as
envisioned by the late, great Isaac Asimov, we start at the very beginning:
the post-facto prequels to the Foundation trilogy…

Prelude to Foundation (1988)

“Historians pick and choose and every one of them picks and chooses
the same thing.”
–Isaac Asimov, Prelude to Foundation

Prelude to Foundation is the first of two prequels added to the original

Foundation trilogy. The style of this prequel is nothing like the original
1951 Foundation, focusing on the actions of one protagonist over a
relatively short duration of time. When compared with the original style of
the trilogy, i.e. chronological chapters set to follow one another between
long intervals, the difference in format alerts the reader as to how Asimov
went about allocating significance to the characters or to the events that
play a role in his macro-plot of his future of humanity. As a rule of thumb,
the novels in the series that focus on one character without highlighting
the chronological flow of time validates that they are as important as the
events narrated through the book. By the same token, when the events
are intended to take precedence over the characters introduced, Asimov
reverts back to the original emphasis on chronology, paying minor
attention to people referenced within major events. Think of this as
Asimov's using relative "face-time" of events and characters within the

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book as a visual aide to direct readers' attention as they navigate the

complicated plot. And with that, we begin.

It is 12,020 G.E. (Galactic Era). For more than 12,000 years, the human
race—thanks to hyper-space traveling technology—has colonized the
Milky Way Galaxy in the form of a far-reaching Galactic Empire. The
Galactic Empire, whose failures have started to outnumber its successes,
is still able to hide its faltering behind the Gordion Knot of a social,
economical and political mess comprised of millions of habitable worlds
and over 500 quadrillion people. The oppressive and authoritarian rule of
Emperor Cleon I is at its peak. Young mathematician Hari Seldon, hailing
from a backwater planet called Helicon, arrives at the Galactic Capital,
Trantor, to present his latest research at a mathematical convention.
Having become associate professor at a considerably young age, Seldon
proposes a new field of science that could be used to predict the future
actions of the galactic society and humanity. He cites the law of mass
action, explaining that advance mathematical calculations can analyze
the aggregate behavioral data of an enormous number of people to
deduce the patterns of behavior of the masses.

Hari Seldonʼs presentation grants him a short but enlightening interview

with Cleon I, during which the (perceived) scientific naïveté of Seldon
bores Cleon I, who insists on capitalizing on the outcomes of such
statistical predictions thus crafting a plot to direct the masses by way of
fortune-readings in order to gain political advantage over his opponents
(or, as simplified in real-world politics, “for the greater good”).

Having been dismissed by the Emperor and terrified-to-the-spine by his

newly-dawned fear of politicians using his method to better manipulate
the galactic society, Hari Seldon decides to take a tour of the Imperial
District to collect his thoughts. After a chance altercation with some
ruffians at a public park he runs into a reporter, Chetter Hummin, who
persuades Seldon that his life in danger. Hummin admits that Seldonʼs

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theory that the Empire has entered a period of collapse is significant and
offers help both for Seldonʼs safety and further development of Seldonʼs
studies through his vast contacts as a media-person.

Here marks the beginning of the inevitable “journey” central to most

works of fiction. However, since Asimovʼs style tends to utilize already-
developed characters, he primarily uses Seldonʼs journey around Trantor
to throw at the reader bits and pieces of information related to his other
equally successful Robot series whose timeline was set roughly 20,000
years before the Foundation series. These "bread-crumbs" appear
throughout his Foundation books and create an incredible continuity of
the macro-plot to a Tolkien-esque level, connecting almost all his works,
starting from I, Robot to convey a single epic about the future of
humanity only visible when analyzing his body of work in its entirety.

The Seldon Discovery

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Mycogen Microfarm; Illustration by Dániel Plesa

The secondary purpose of Seldonʼs journey seems to have a more

pragmatic objective in reflecting the socio-cultural observations Asimov
had made at the time. The districts in Trantor that are visited by Seldon
are reminiscent of a somewhat distorted projection of Earth and its
countries. This interpretation will become evident later on in the macro-
plot time-line once Trantor is revealed to have been settled by
descendants from Earth. As such, some the districts in the capital of the
galaxy feature distinct and largely insular cultures that are in constant
opposition to each other, similar to the historical and socio-cultural
positions of countries in the real world both then and now.

Two examples in particular illustrate this point well, plot points which are
central to the “micro-plot” of Prelude to Foundation. The Mycogen
District features heavily fundamentalist practices similar to some
religious autocracies on real-time Earth as seen in their value system that
de-individualizes citizens by using numbers after clan names and in
which showing oneʼs hair or touching someone outside oneʼs immediate
family is considered to be one of the gravest sins. Meanwhile over in the
Dahl District, the laborers seem to have a somewhat proletarian rule over
the other classes, who in turn become minorities in the course of the
fictional time-line.

It is in Mycogen that Hari Seldon discovers major references to the pre-

Imperial history of the galaxy and to a unique planet known as Aurora
(Latin for "dawn") from which the humans are thought to be originated.
Also, it is here that he becomes familiar with a school of thought and
tradition that proposes there had once been mechanical entities called
Robots which Seldon and his scientifically-trained mind immediately
suspects may have recorded the behavioral patterns of large quantities
of people.

Seldon, though, cannot yet draw a definitive conclusion; he must

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reconcile the Mycogen account with the conflicting version of events he

encounters in the Dahl District. Dahl's oral tradition holds that the original
planet is actually called Earth and that Aurora is in fact its arch nemesis,
causing in a now-obscure way the destruction of the original planet from
which humans first spread to the galaxy.

Forward The Foundation (1993)

"The word 'tradition' covered it all, as it covered so many things, some
useful, some foolish."
–Isaac Asimov, Forward the Foundation

Prelude to Foundation closed with Seldon forced (both by his own

reasoning and by external influence) to accept two divergent paths to
develop his theories on the prediction of the behavioral patterns of the
masses, a discipline he now aptly calls “psychohistory.” The first option
was to remain in Trantor, whose great cultural diversity is highly
conducive to develop psychohistory. The second option came from the
shocking revelation that Chetter Hummin—our media man from earlier
and Seldon's main source of help—was actually a high-ranking
bureaucrat and moreover, had an alter-ego, R. Daneel Olivaw, whose first
initial "R" indicated that was one of the long-lost human-manufactured
Robots (and a very special Robot at that). The revelation lended itself to
the plausible scenario that the robots have existed throughout the course
of the known human history, and already recorded the data that Seldon
has been looking for.

These break-points not only create the ultimate philosophical foundation

of Seldonʼs newly-coined scientific field of psychohistory, but also invites
the reader to plunge into a science-fiction Grand Master's reckoning of
human destiny.

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The Man with the Plan

Keeping in mind Asimov's method of switching between character

development and setting up the overall plot for future events, the author
opens the second prequel to Foundation with some context.
Asimov temporarily abandons his focus on the former à la Seldon
in Prelude to elaborate on the latter at the start of Forward the

Eight years have passed since the events of the last book, and Hari

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Seldon has since been able to apply his once-theoretical concept of

psychohistory and predict more or less accurately how the masses will
react to a given stimulus. Seldon's initial “fall of the Empire” hypothesis
has been refined into a theory that the Galactic Empire will fall relatively
soon; with millions of inhabited worlds and a population of over 500
quadrillion people, there will be a post-Imperial barbaric chaos all over
the Milky Way Galaxy that may continue for 30,000 years as a result of
the power vacuum set off by the collapse of the Imperial power structure.

Seldon's dedication to his field of work, together with the help from his
high-level bureaucratic ally (Hummin-slash Robot R. Daneel Olivaw)
escalates him to the center of galactic politics and power as Cleon I's
First Minister. It will suffice to note that Seldonʼs rise to power is closely
related to the mysterious disappearance of Cleonʼs previous First

Seldon is able to hold his position for a mere 10-year period when the
Emperor Cleon I is assassinated. This incident not only serves as the
turning point in Seldonʼs short but influential political career but also
allows Seldon to experience first-hand that psychohistory cannot be
applied to predict the fate of a single individual; the statistical predictions
only work on the masses.

While Seldon's public life is flourishing, his private life lies on a course of
tragic deterioration. Everybody who has a close relation with Seldon is
lost to him, either with untimely deaths because of political conspiracies
or under civil unrests, save for his granddaughter Wanda. Once Seldon is
statistically certain about the time-line of the collapse of the Empire and
the ensuing period of barbarism he starts to draft his Grand Plan (known
as the Seldon Plan) to shorten this period of Gothic rule (which Asimov
loosely based off of the fall of the Western Roman Empire in real world
history), helped by Wanda's innate abilities.

Seldon, having suffered deep personal tragedy and now bearing witness
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to increasing galactic decline as well as his personal health decline, is

filled with renewed resolve to alter the course of human history by
mapping out a plan for post-Imperial survival.

Foundation (1951)
“It is the chief characteristic of the religion of science that it works.”
–Isaac Asimov, Foundation

Foundation is the first book of the original trilogy and thus the
foundation, if you will, upon which the great Isaac Asimov would build his
ever-lasting philosophical and science-fictional empire. The trilogy was
first printed in the form of a series of eight short stories published in a
popular sci-fi magazine, now called Analog Science Fiction and Fact.
Foundation encompasses four of those stories while the second and third
in the trilogy cover the rest.

As will be evident soon, the stories reflect some sort of hierarchy with
regard to the importance attached to the protagonists mentioned in
them. For instance, while Salvor Hardin—the first Mayor with real political
power in the Foundation society and the founder of a long line of
powerful and active Mayors—is allocated two chapters in Foundation, the
rest of the protagonists, however significant they may seem within the
micro-plot of the book, is allocated only one.

I've preserved Asimov's original chapter demarcation in the following plot

analyses so as to convey at least a general sense of the grand design of
one of the greatest authors of the genre.

The Psychohistorians

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Now, it is the 0th year of the Foundation Era (12,068 Galactic Era).
Continuing the events described in the prequels, Hari Seldon has
perfected his scientific method of psychohistory and calculates the
remaining and irrevocable life-span of the Galactic Empire as a mere 300
years; Seldon has a plan in the works to preserve the cumulative human
knowledge of civilization while humanity lays dormant: Enter the

By strategically publicizing parts of psychohistorical predictions in

Trantor, Seldon manipulates the bureaucratic behemoth of the Empire
into arresting him over his traitorous comments about the fall of the
Empire. He uses his subsequent trials as a platform to introduces to the
Committee of Public Safety his idea of the Encyclopedia Galactica, the
written form of the Foundation. Seldon emphasizes that if only the
Encyclopedia could be finished before the fall of the Empire, the dark

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ages to come would be reduced to a mere millennium.

The Committee seems to agree, but only tepidly, and Seldon is exiled to a
remote planet in the periphery of the galaxy to start acting on his theory.
Seldon is joined on planet Terminus by a band of followers that will help
him in his seemingly crazed and eccentric effort to create the
Encyclopedia. Thus, “the Seldon problem” is solved in the eyes of the
galaxy's higher-ups, who rest assured that in a remote world with no
mineral resources, the name Seldon and his psychohistory will be lost
forever to the average galactic citizen.

What the Committee did not take into consideration, though, is the fact
that Hari Seldonʼs Grand Plan had actually been initiated with the first
spoken words of Seldonʼs defense at the trials; in other words, whatever
verdict they would have passed regarding the future of Seldon and his
psychohistory movement was reflected in one of the many statistical
alternatives that Seldon had long since been aware of. To that end,
Seldon had a secret fallback plan should the scientifically-inclined
Encyclopedia Galactica Foundation on Terminus not work out, that being
a sister planet ("Second Foundation") said to be located “...at the other
end of the galaxy, …at Starʼs End”…

The Encyclopedists

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Fifty years after the Seldon plan was initiated, the Foundation's
members (solely comprised of scientists, the scientific colonists) reside
in Terminus City, effectively the only habitable piece of land on the entire
newly colonized planet. The Board of Trustees of the Encyclopedia
Galactica Foundation oversee the scientists (aka the Encyclopedists) as
they work tirelessly to bring the Encyclopedia Galactica to fruition. On the
other hand, the bureaucracy of Terminus City is placed under Mayors to
keep the Board of Trustees away from the mundane tasks of running the
city itself.

The current Mayor of Terminus City, Salvor Hardin, believes he has

stumbled upon a divergence in the great Seldon Plan. With the tension
escalating between the Foundation and its neighboring prefects that
have recently all but severed diplomatic ties to Trantor and started calling
themselves The Four Kingdoms, Hardin believes that the survival of
Terminus, and hence the Foundation, lies with a politically and
bureaucratically empowered Mayorship. Hardin had recently managed to
prevent a ploy by one of Four Kingdoms to establish military bases on
Terminus in order to exploit the advanced nuclear power of the

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Foundation (which, as a science-based colony, has achieved highly

sought after technological advances), a telling ploy given that the Four
Kingdoms had been refraining from anything scientific as the decline of
the Empire had become evident in the peripheral sectors. In this Hardin
finds proof to his beliefs and concludes the ultimate solution for
Terminusʼs survival.

Knowing of no other political maneuver to circumvent the Board of

Trusteeʼs influence on the scientific community than a coup dʼétat, Salvor
Hardin schedules his bold and risky move on the same date that the
great (and by now deceased) Hari Seldonʼs holographic image is
supposed to appear before the Encyclopedia Foundation and convey his
most up-to-date advice. All of his messages have been prerecorded and
preserved in the Time Vault of Terminus City and released in installments
as Seldon's various psychohistorical models come to fruition. This time,
Seldonʼs message delivers the final blow to the Board of Trustees. He
finally reveals that the Encyclopedia had always been merely bait for the
Imperial bureaucracy, and that even though there is much to be salvaged
from the cumulative human knowledge of 12,000 years, the Foundationʼs
real purpose was less publishing house and more to pave a more stable
path to the formation of a Second Galactic Empire.

As the First Seldon Crisis involving the actions of the Four Kingdoms
threaten the very existence of the Foundation, its solution is also offered,
however cryptically, by the holographic image of Seldon from years ago.
Hardin, a politician among a colony of scientists, seems to be the only
one to have understood the possible uses of science in other walks of life
better than the scientists themselves.

The Mayors

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It is now 80 F.E. (Foundation Era). Three decades after the consolidation

of Mayoral power by the indirect use of science, the Foundation's
scientific advance has provided it with an advantage when dealing with
its neighboring Four Kingdoms. Moreover, as Salvor Hardin foresaw
politically and as Hari Seldon calculated psychohistorically, the lack of
scientific studies in the Four Kingdoms—and across most of the Empire's
outskirts, for that matter—provided an excellent opportunity for the
Foundation to indoctrinate the ignorant populations of the peripheral
kingdoms with a new “religion” called Scientism. It is through Scientism
that the Foundation successfully shares technological products with the
semi-barbaric kingdoms, keeping the scientific teachings and studies
required in producing technology as secrets under the guise of this
information being the sacred core of said religion. The maintenance
technicians trained in the Foundation comprise the priesthood of
Scientism, while higher echelons of religious leaders—who are aware of
the real agenda of Scientism—are appointed as ambassadors to the Four

Salvor Hardin has been consecutively reelected Mayor and remains the

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sole ruler of the Foundation. His major opposition within the Foundation
has, for some time, been demanding that the Foundation cease the
sharing of technology with the Four Kingdoms and enter a state of war
against the kingdom or kingdoms that pose an eventual military threat.
On the eve of a Second Seldon Crisis, when the contenders for galactic
power both within and outside the Foundation openly praise one sort of
violence or another to bring an end to the stalemate, Hardin himself is
tasked with defending the truth behind his most famous creed:

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent”

As the escalation of tension between the most powerful of the Four

Kingdoms (Anacreon) and the Foundation brings them to the brink of
full-fledged war, the invention and successful planting of Scientism
among the ignorant masses proves to be more effective a weapon than
atom-blasters and nuclear spaceships; or, in more subtle words from
Hardin: “An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways.”

The Traders

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By 135 F.E., the Foundation had spread its influence over a great number
of neighboring planets in exchange for shared technology to attain an
ever-growing political, social, and economical power. This period of the
history of the Foundation marks a shift in strategy from “the spread
through Scientism” toward a “spread through trade” ethos.

Traders, a socio-economic class of Foundation citizens, boldly trespass

the borders of individual entrepreneurship and are tasked with advancing
the sphere of the Foundation's influence throughout the galaxy.

One such Trader named Linmar Ponyets becomes ultimately instrumental

in defying a major clog in the spread pattern of the Foundation. Since the
use of Scientism has been identified as part of the Foundationʼs strategy
to exert its power, some planets reacted by reverting back to religious
fundamentalism to stave off the Foundation's advances. The religious
taboos that are in place in such planets are so effective that Foundation
agents and individual traders caught so much as advertising
technological productions might find themselves counting their days on
death row.

It is on such a planet that Linmar Ponyets discovers the next strategy,

(naturally, one already foreseen by psychohistory) in order to secure the
Foundationʼs advance further into the galaxy. To be able to hack into the
rigid social structures of religious fundamentalist societies, the
Foundation needs to have more liberal individuals with more liberal minds
(in both the philosophical and economic sense) than most others trained
in Scientism. Ponyets figures this out during a crisis in which he uses
every alchemistsʼ dream of a machine, the transmuter, to convert iron
into gold in order to be able to bribe the leader of one of the religious
fundamentalist planets called Askone.

Ponyetsʼ major success in paving the way for a more secure advance of
the Foundation came by way of his use of the transmuter itself as another
bribe for another high-level bureaucrat within the religious power
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structure of Askone. By doing so, he not only proves that a more liberal
approach would fare better when dealing with fundamentalist and taboo-
based societies, but also that planting technology itself as a bribe into
the bureaucratic power structure would inevitably lead more demand for
once-hated technology, thereby legitimizing its use in due time.

The Foundationʼs move toward a new era of liberal and overtly-

pragmatist strategies is underlined when Ponyets, facing criticism
regarding his seemingly lack of morals during the recent crisis, refers to
yet another famous quote by the First Mayor Salvor Hardin: "Never let
your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"

The Republic of Korell

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155 F.E. The Foundation has become a serious power in the Galaxy. It had
long since wrestled its neighboring Four Kingdoms into submission and
managed to expand to various solar systems thanks to its technological
and commercial ingenuity. However, as its sphere of influence continues
to reach out of the periphery of what was once known as the Galactic
Empire, a new threat to the Grand Seldon Plan emerges.
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The mysterious disappearance of three Foundation ships around planets

within the Republic of Korell raises suspicions of technological
development that might be developing elsewhere. In fear of a new Seldon
Crisis, administrative and religious bureaucrats of the Foundation design
a scheme of their own not only to tackle the too-liberal methods and the
unchecked autonomy of the Traders, but also to be able to appraise the
unknown technological source or sources of the Republic of Korell.

Master Trader Hober Mallow, a fast-rising Trader who is also offered a

place in politics, is selected for the Foundationʼs mission in Korell. His first
test is thrown at him—a legal crisis with religious undertones erupts as
soon as he lands on Korell. Scientism missionaries are not allowed to
operate on Korell, like many other systems, lest they meet the fate of
Askone, which has now been converted into another Foundation colony
by the influence of technology and Scientism. When an alleged
missionary, escaping from a mob of angry Korellians, seeks asylum in
Mallowʼs ship as he waits for clearance in a space-port, Mallow manages
to turn the crisis into an opportunity by handing over the missionary to
the local authorities. The clearance and an actual invitation Mallow
receives a mere half-hour later to meet Korell's authoritarian president
proves that Mallowʼs instincts were correct regarding the missionary

During a tour to one of the steel factories of the Korellian Republic,

Mallow notices that the guards there are carrying nuclear blasters.
Moreover, these guns have the markings of the Galactic Empire, whose
influence and control over the periphery is thought to have been lost for
quite some time. Mallow has found the evidence he has been looking for
with regard to the unknown source of Korellʼs technological advances.
Suspecting that the Empire is trying to rebuild its control and presence in
the peripheral systems, he decides to pay a visit to one of the Imperial
provinces. What he learns there regarding the technological and military
power of the Empire will help him form the next strategy of the

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Following his success in averting the Korellian crisis and bringing to light
the political coup designed to disgrace the Traders in favor of a
fundamentalist Scientism movement within the Foundation itself, Mallow
gets elected the Mayor of the Foundation and the High Priest of the
Scientism Religion. Thus, when confronted with the third Seldon Crisis
since the initiation of the Foundation—in which, as foreseen by
psychohistory, a war is declared upon the Foundation by one of the
barbaric states in the periphery—he has the ultimate power to do
absolutely nothing other than cutting out trade with the Republic of Korell
which in only three years brings the now-technology-dependent Republic
to its knees. This turn of events also marks the end of pseudo-religious
practices and the beginning of a plutocracy, along with the first-drawn
lines of economic warfare against the possible enemies of the
Foundation, to be expounded upon in the next book.

Foundation and Empire (1952)

“The human mind works at low efficiency. Twenty percent is the figure
usually given. When, momentarily, there is a flash of greater power, it
is termed a hunch, or insight, or intuition.”
–Isaac Asimov, Foundation and Empire

Although the style of Foundation and Empire is not starkly different from
that in its predecessor Foundation, Asimov chose to reduce the number
of segments to two rather than five. It would be safe to assume that the
reason for this minor change in style is two-fold, as conveyed through
Part I: "The General" and Part II: "The Mule."

In the first part of Foundation and Empire, Asimov clearly intends to

highlight the one and only instance of backlash of the old Galactic Empire
against the Foundation, the latter having vastly surpassed the successes

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in the golden-days of the original Empire. To that end, the great master of
science-fiction describes that the Empire, which still has the most
powerful navy despite its sociological and technological decline, is
doomed to fail against psychohistorical calculations. The Foundation has
been forged and shaped by a series of Seldon Crises and proved able to
correctly identify and apply the correct solution for each of the different
types of crises. The Foundation now shines as a beacon toward an
eventual galactic dominance as opposed to the 30,000 years of barbaric
violence that was expected to ensue after the colossal fall of the Galactic
Empire. The era of physical threats is over, and there is only one possible
risk that threatens to bring the Seldon Plan to a premature halt.

In the second part of the book, a more sinister and deadly enemy makes
himself known to the Foundation and threatens to bring down the relative
comfortability the Foundation has been enjoying pretty consistently. As
far as the Foundation is aware, the Seldon Plan has calculated every
possible hindrance on their path from scratch to the Second Galactic
Empire. However, with the rise of a protagonist, only known as the Mule—
a mutant with semi-psychic abilities—the Foundation faces a divergence
from the Seldon Plan with possible catastrophic outcomes that had not
been previously conceived. Deducing from the limited knowledge they
have been provided about Hari Seldon and his Grand Plan since the
establishment of their Foundation, which would, from now on, be called
“the First Foundation,” the Foundationers swiftly get on with their search
of a fail-safe mechanism that may or may not have been devised by
Seldon the Savior…

The General

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It's now been 200 years since the establishment of the Foundation. Apart
from the indirect technological help it provided for the Republic of Korell
during its unsuccessful confrontation with the Foundation, the old
Galactic Empire had until now never directly challenged the Foundation.
In fact, until one of the prominent and fast-rising generals, Bel Riose,
hears of certain mystical and mythical rumors about some “magicians”
located somewhere in the periphery, the Galactic Empire had no inkling
of the Foundation's progress made toward galactic dominance, save
perhaps for some obscure information about a colony of scientists
moving to a remote planet of Terminus some 200 years ago.

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In a chivalrous and romantic attempt to bring back the golden days of the
Imperial power, Riose believes that if he can reestablish the influence and
presence of the Empire to the peripheral systems, he would be fulfilling
his duty to the Empire and the Emperor. As he follows the rumors of so-
called “magicians,” he discovers for himself what the Foundation is and
what the Foundationers firmly believe their role in the future of the galaxy
will be. Although being warned about the great Seldon Plan, however
vaguely, he dismisses his chances of failure by comparing the Plan to the
“dead hand” of Hari Seldon.

What Riose refuses to see, in his self-imposed ignorance of the Imperial

structure, is that the Empire has moved far too much downward in the
spiral of collapse that his success as a capable general would bring
unwanted attention to his would-be ulterior motives; many generals
before him have craved for and tried to grab the title of Emperor and his
failure would force the Imperial political bodies to dismiss him as another
short-lived hero. Since there is no third option other than success or
failure in his military campaign against the Foundation, Bel Riose was
doomed by the current political paranoia of the falling Empire, which
means that the “dead hand” of Hari Seldon check-mated the Imperial
interference against the Foundation almost 200 hundred years ago.

The Imperial threat comes to an end, as implied, without any direct action
on behalf of the Foundation other than fighting some defensive battles.
Thus, as in Mallowʼs time, the faith in the Great Seldon Plan, which by
definition advises the Foundationers to do absolutely nothing (since the
Foundation's influence all over the periphery has been managed by
technology, religion, liberalism, and plutocracy respectively) saves the
Foundation and coddles its citizens and administrators alike in a soon-to-
be-falsified sense of security.

The Mule

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It has been roughly 100 years after the defeat of the Galactic Empireʼs
last major threat to the Foundation. During the years that followed the
first and last military confrontation between the Empire and the
Foundation, the Galactic Empire has been reduced to only a handful of
agricultural planets; the once-proud Galactic capital, Trantor, has been
sacked; and most of the galaxy (save for the periphery which is under the
influence of the Foundation) has deteriorated into barbaric kingdoms.

The Foundationʼs last strategy shift from religious manipulation to

plutocracy has already bore its fruits and now, just as the case was with

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its former strategies, has started to ooze poison into the social and
economic progress of the Foundation. The once-upon-a-time-saviors of
the Foundation—the Traders—have been cast down to the pits of the
socio-economic structure and the Mayorship of the Foundation has
become a birth-right rather than the ultimate prize of free and
democratic elections. As the acknowledgement of the Seldon Plan
spreads, so does the semi-religious belief in the inevitable and
mysterious ways of the Great Hari Seldon in forging a Second Galactic
Empire; and hence, the core Foundation world's population and the
administration alike have become stagnant and conformist. It seems
highly likely that for the first time in its 300-year history, the Foundation
will be facing civil war.

However, an unpredicted development occurs. Defying psychohistoryʼs

statistical ignorance of the fate and the deeds of a single individual as
opposed to the behavioral patterns of the masses, a man single-
handedly brings destruction into the doorstep of the Foundation. Until
the Foundationers gather reliable intelligence on this new threat of this
dictator, known only by his alias The Mule, the planets on the outer circle
of the Foundationʼs influence fall into his control. And soon enough, the
Muleʼs forces start their attack on Terminus and the Foundation collapses
into surrender.

The Traders, who form the majority of the dwindling pockets of

resistance against the Muleʼs tyranny, quickly gather an expedition party
in search for the rumored Second Foundation, which may possess the
knowledge how to defeat the Mule and set the Seldon Plan back on track.
The expedition party consists of Toran and Bayta Darell, a resourceful
couple with ties to the Foundation and the Traders, along with
psychologist Ebling Mis and former court-clown Magnifico Giganticus
(who had escaped from the Muleʼs oppression). As the expedition party
travels though numerous star systems, it becomes evident that the Mule
is a mutant and that he possesses the ability to sense and manipulate

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emotions of the others even through vast distances.

The party decides to visit the former galactic capital Trantor to gain
access to the Great Imperial Library located on the planet. Shortly after
they set foot on Trantor and Ebling Mis starts his research in the library
with hopes of uncovering the secret location of the rumored Second
Foundation, the events take a dramatic turn. Bayta Darell, suspecting that
the semi-telepathic presence of the Mule is among the expedition party,
feels obliged to shoot and kill Ebling Mis before he can reveal the location
of the Foundation.

With Ebling Mis dead, the rest of the expedition party is sure that the
secret location of the Second Foundation, now more than a rumor with
tangible evidence of its existence, cannot be retrieved in time by the
Mule or his followers before the Second Foundation is ready to make its
move and take the abhorred mutant down.

Second Foundation (1953)

“It was a sign of decaying culture, of course, that dams had been built
against the further development of ideas.”
–Isaac Asimov, Second Foundation

The series of events leading up to Second Foundation reflect Seldon's

brilliantly-orchestrated dispersal of knowledge, falsehoods, deception,
and enlightenment. The First Foundation is a community that gains its
advantage through development and implementation of the physical
sciences. To that end, all of the crises and confrontation we've seen thus
far were in some way or another connected to the tangible universe:
technological advance, military power, or plain old political maneuvers.
The basis of Hari Seldon's psychohistorical analysis was the specific and
predictable nature of each crisis the Foundation faced; there was always
“one, correct strategy” to be selected among a myriad of others, and as

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the crises progressed toward their peak, the singular option would
inevitably reveal itself for the Foundationers to act upon.

Through a succession of maneuvers that changed their strategies in the

face of their impending doom (i.e. librarians to preserve the galactic
accumulation of knowledge evolved into a technological superpower in a
hostile environment; the technological superpower evolved into a
religious center of power; the religious center of power evolved into a
liberal trade-based economic kingdom; and eventually the economic
kingdom evolved into a plutocracy of a real kingdom), the Foundation
managed to survive in accordance with the Seldon Plan. However, with
the rise of the Mule, an individual with semi-telepathic powers that create
mind-slaves, the physical defense system of advanced technology and
Hari Seldonʼs calculations of psychohistory are not enough to ensure the
survival of the (First) Foundation.

The Great Hari Seldon, though, knew something that the others didn't—
he did not entirely depend on physical sciences to assure the rise of the
Second, and better, Galactic Empire. Having been so far only a rumor
with intangible and hearsay evidence, the Second Foundation is finally
revealed to be real. More importantly, it's revealed that the they have
been focusing on social sciences, especially psychology and mental
powers, as well as developing the psychohistory as Seldon intended in
their establishment.

The Search By the Mule

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The third book in the original trilogy begins with the "Search by the
Mule"; the Muleʼs search for the rumored Second Foundation continues
with renewed vigor and concentration but also brings his advance toward
galactic dominance to a halt. Expecting a counter-strike from the Second
Foundation against him at every corner, he postpones his expansion over
the star systems to be able to concentrate his undivided effort on
uncovering the Second Foundation which he believes has already started
plotting against his rule over the (First) Foundation. His hesitancy, along
with the misinterpreted words of the Great Hari Seldon about the
whereabouts of the Second Foundation, will be the root of his demise.
The delay gives the Second Foundationers the time they need to develop
a strategy to bring him down, which they achieve by way of misleading
and then debilitating the Mule's power to such an extent that he gives up
his search and lives out the rest of his days alone on an isolated planet.
The "Search by the Mule" is finally over, as is Part I of Second

Since the most dangerous enemy to the First Foundation, and therefore,
to the Seldon Plan itself, is taken care of, the Second Foundation must
now direct its concentration on how to bring the Seldon Plan back on

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The Search by the Foundation

Part II of Second Foundation jumps ahead 55 years after the threat of the
Mule was neutralized. The First Foundation is still trying to repair the
damage left in his wake, in terms of both the political integrity of the
Foundation and implementation of the Seldon Plan. Since some rumors
surfaced about the involvement of the Second Foundation in the Muleʼs
demise, a major part of the First Foundationʼs population has now
transferred their faith and focus toward the supervision and protection of
the Second Foundation.

There is, however, a small group of eminent people from various

professions within the First Foundation, who remain unconvinced about
the superficial benevolence of the Second Foundation. They believe that,
armed with their mental powers and intimate knowledge of the intricacies
of the Seldon Plan, the Second Foundationers conspire to take over the

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First Foundation and become the rulers of the soon-to-be-established

Second Galactic Empire.

Little do they know, though, about the true contents of the Seldon Plan.
The Great Hari Seldon designed the Second Foundation to be the de-
facto rulers of the Second Galactic Empire, while the First Foundation
was devised to be a mere infrastructural and technological spear-head
aimed at the shortening of the barbaric interval between the two Empires.
Therefore, any direct threat from the First Foundation to the Second
Foundation is deemed a threat to the Seldon Plan itself and must be dealt
with by the Second Foundationers who have been supervising and
adjusting the mathematical calculations of the Plan since Seldonʼs

Meanwhile, the First Foundationers, with the cessation of the flow of the
Seldon Plan by the Muleʼs interference, figured out their lack of
knowledge on social sciences, and especially on psychology, and have
been focusing on the intricacies of the human mind with regard to
telepathic abilities. The small, disgruntled group within the First
Foundation develops a device that can jam telepathic abilities and trigger
an enormous mental pain to telepaths.

Acting on yet another misinterpretation of one of Seldonʼs cryptic

revelations on the secret location of the Second Foundation, the one
about the Second Foundation being “at the other end of the galaxy” the
group of First Foundationers, envisioning the Milky Way Galaxy as a circle
rather than a spiral, come to the conclusion that since a circle does not
have an end and when a trace is started on any given point of a circle,
that trace ends up on the same initial point. In other words, they suppose
that Terminus has been the secret location of the Second Foundation all

Little did they suspect, however, that the Second Foundationers killed or
apprehended were only false-flag agents exposed to the device willfully
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in order to mislead the First Foundationers into being convinced that the
Second Foundation is destroyed. The authentic Seldon Plan continues to
progress with the true location of the Second Foundation hidden and the
population of the First Foundation unaware of the real path the Plan rides
them through.

Had they not been manipulated into seeing the galaxy as a circle, had
they actually considered the Milky Way as a spiral, with Trantor at the
center and Terminus at the furthest point, “at the other end of the
galaxy”, i.e. at its periphery, it would have dawned on the First
Foundationers that since the defeat of the Mule on Rossem, everything
that came to pass was designed by the Second Foundation with clock-
work precision.

Foundation's Edge (1982)

“We abandoned the appearance of power to preserve the essence of
–Isaac Asimov, Foundation's Edge

As the fourth book in the order of publication and the sixth installment of
the chronological plot, Foundationʼs Edge was written 29 years after the
completion of the original Foundation Trilogy. The book was Asimovʼs
first novel to be presented in The New York Times best-seller list, and
won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.

The character at the center of Foundationʼs Edge is Golan Trevize and,

with almost minute-by-minute narrative of his journey to “the other end
of the galaxy," is described with high praise on par with that given to Hari
Seldon in the early books. Just like his other significant characters,
Asimov grants Trevize not only an already developed psyche but also a
deeply intuitive mind and an ability to reach infallible conclusions with
inadequate evidence.

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With the First and Second Foundations rapidly moving toward a course of
collision once again, the burden now rests on the shoulders of Golan
Trevize to find a solution to the last and most unexpected of Seldon

It has been 408 years since Hari Seldon established The Encyclopedia
Galactica Foundation. After the defeat of the Mule and the seeming
elimination of the Second Foundation, the First Foundation believes it still
lies firmly on its intended path to rule the galaxy via the establishment of
the Second Galactic Empire. However, the reality is quite different from
what they are led to perceive. The Second Foundation is still in ultimate
control of the Seldon Plan, supervising and altering its equations as it is
deemed necessary for the successful implementation of what Seldon
envisioned for the covert group almost 500 years ago.

A member of the Council of the Foundation and a former Navy officer,

Golan Trevize is the only one to dare defy the galaxy-wide belief in the
destruction of the Second Foundation and asks the Council to
investigation further. He is certain that the Seldon Plan is working
perfectly, perhaps too perfectly, which would mean they are under
constant supervision and control by the Second Foundation.

The current Mayor of Terminus, Harlo Branna, responds by sending

Trevize into exile, which will keep Trevize (and the only opposition she
has against her in the council) away from Terminus while simultaneously
allowing for the possibly discovery of the remnants of the Second
Foundation. For a successful cover-up of the true intent of Trevizeʼs exile,
Branno orders Trevize to be accompanied by a professor of Ancient
History and Mythology, Janov Pelorat, whose ulterior motive is to find the
original home-planet of humankind—Earth. Branno also sends another
Councilman after Trevize to monitor and report Trevizeʼs actions.
Unbeknownst to her, however, is the true identity of Councilman Munn Li
Compor, who's actually a Second Foundation Agent.

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As Trevize and Pelorat become acquainted, Pelorat reveals his

fascination for Earth and the myths surrounding the long-lost home-
planet of the mankind. As another one in the long and prolific history of
the misinterpretations of Hari Seldonʼs cryptic revelations about the
location of the Second Foundation, Trevize comes to believe that
Seldonʼs phrase "at the other end of the Galaxy" may be about Earth
itself; his logic is that if Terminus is the last planet to be inhabited by the
humans and Earth is the first, it follows that "the other end" of
humankind's spread to the galaxy is in fact Earth, the place that it
originated. But their search for any planet named Earth or likewise in the
galactic table of planets fails; all references to Earth or its whereabouts
seem to have been expunged from galactic sources. They are able to
isolate a name from the long-list of planets, Gaia, which Pelorat assures
Trevize is one of the names used in reference to Earth.

The Gaian Collision

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Once the duo arrives on Gaia, Trevize and Pelorat discover that the whole
planet is a “super organism,” with animate and inanimate entities forming
a planet-wide collective consciousness. Each individual living or non-
living thing, while maintaining their own consciousness, thoughts or
memories, participate in a collective decision making process that affects
the whole entity.

As Trevize and Pelorat try to familiarize themselves with the

incomprehensible notion of a collective consciousness—an alien concept
against every single argument of free will and individualism—Pelorat
gradually falls in love with a Gaian woman, Bliss, who implies to Trevize
that he was selected for his uncommonly strong intuition and hints that
he will soon be making a very important decision.

The nature of this decision becomes clear when the three most powerful
forces of the Milky Way Galaxy come head-to-head in orbit over the
planet Gaia: the First Foundation (symbolizing physical sciences and
Imperial politics), the Second Foundation (symbolizing social sciences
and rule over mind-control) and Gaia (symbolizing the next step in the
evolution of the humankind into literally becoming one with the galaxy).

Meanwhile, Trevize is told by Bliss that, despite his fears, his mind is not
tampered by Gaia so as to keep his inherent intuition intact. She
elaborates that he had been led to “find” Gaia in order to observe the
alternative for the First and Second Foundationʼs rule over the galaxy,
that being a gradual spread of Gaiaʼs collective consciousness to
encompass the entire galaxy and eventually form Galaxia.

Golan Trevize decides to favor Gaia, which in turn will become Galaxia.
His decision is based on the fact that Galaxia will take much longer to
form than either of the Foundationist alternatives; thus, should it
necessitate change or cancellation, there will be ample time to revert
from the selected course of action and bring Galaxia to a halt. However,
Trevize believes that there is a much more significant aspect of his
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reasoning that he cannot even explain to himself. He conveys his firm

resolution that until he figures out more clearly why he is compelled to
favor Galaxia, he would not live in peace with his own decision. To do
that, he must find Earth and uncover its long-held secrets…

Foundation and Earth (1986)

“Where is the world whose people don't prefer a comfortable, warm,
and well-worn belief, however illogical, to the chilly winds of
–Isaac Asimov, Foundation and Earth

Being the fifth book in the order of publication and the seventh and last in
the chronological events, Foundation and Earth was written 33 years
after the completion of the original Foundation Trilogy. Foundation and
Earth is the book that incorporates the Robot and Foundation series into
one fictional universe and brings the macro-plot of the great Isaac
Asimov to completion.

Golan Trevize is still ruminating on his decision to select Galaxia over the
First and Second Foundations. His uncanny intuition in arriving to correct
conclusions with inadequate data or evidence now directs him to the
long-lost home-planet of all humanity. With the mental force of the planet
Gaia at his side, Trevize embarks upon a journey to uncover the mystery
surrounding Earth: who deleted all the information about Earth from all
galactic archives and more importantly, what are they hiding?

Golan is determined to find Earth and reveal its long-lost but still
vigorously protected secrets. The crumbs of hints and hearsay he and his
companions discover help them learn about a 30,000-year-old conflict
between two groups of direct descendants of Earthmen: the Spacers and
the Settlers.

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The Spacers and The Settlers

It is apparent that the Spacers have lost the conflict and the Settlers
eventually colonized the Milky Way. This constitutes the completion of
the first circle, which can be considered a conceptual one throughout the
Macro-Plot in the Asimov Universe. The conflicts that in turn brought
about the current state of the Galaxy, namely the Empire versus the
Foundation, the First Foundation versus the Second Foundation, and
ultimately the Seldon Plan versus Galaxia, are all based on the dual and
conflicting nature of the first hyper-space travelers filing out into the
Galaxy from Earth—the Spacers versus the Settlers—whose struggles
detailed in the Robot series actually shaped the future in the future of

Trevize and his expedition party find three sets of ancient coordinates
that they think belong to three Spacer worlds along with rumors about
robots that once served humanity. Even though there are no planets
listed in the galactic archives around the stars that the coordinates point
to, Trevize once more acts on intuition and decides to pay a visit to all

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these stars. The party discovers the three Spacer planets Aurora,
Melpomenia, and Solaria.

Planets Aurora and Melpomenia have been sitting idle and unoccupied
under the disastrous impacts of gradual un-terraforming caused by the
lack of humanity on both planets. This constitutes the completion of the
second circle throughout the macro-plot in the Asimov Universe and
bolsters the main argument presented in the Robot series that robots, in
spite of offering tremendous help in the daily workload of humans and
the colonization of new worlds, will eventually lead humanity to be
lethargic and—for lack of a better word—lazy. Aurora and Melpomenia
are meant to confirm that when humans lose their will and drive to propel
the species forward, it instigates the cessation of the human colonization
of the Galaxy. But Solaria's fate tells us a different story...

The decadence of the Spacer culture on Solaria is not a physical one but
a philosophical one, with only 1,200 Solarians each running an estate of
enormous size on the planet and degrading the universal values of what
it means to be human-beings. Starting from the early years of the
Spacer-Settler conflict and the subsequent race to colonize the rest of
the galaxy, the Solarians have isolated themselves from the rest of the
galaxy—Spacer and Settler alike. Through genetic modifications, they
have become a closed-circuit population of hermaphrodites so as to
terminate the last remaining necessity to get into physical contact with
other individuals. This, in turn, nullifies perhaps the most important axiom
of humanity: being social animals.

The strategy of Solarians is disturbing and brilliant: this oxymoronic

“asocial society” is determined to wait out the extinction of the
descendants of the Settlers until such a time when they will be left as the
only true humans in the entire galaxy. In other words, they are letting the
universe do the work for them.

The Solariansʼ robotically and genetically-enhanced claim of being the

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“true humans” and their 20-millennia-old-feud against the Settlers and

their descendants leads Trevizeʼs expedition party into an inevitable
confrontation with one of the Solarians. The foreigners escape, but

The Revelation
With all their hopes about discovering the location of Earth by direct
inquisition gone awry in the Spacer worlds, Trevize and Pelorat decide to
use the coordinates of the Spacer worlds to deduce the location of Earth.
They are eventually successful in locating the long-lost home-planet of
mankind, thus revealing the third complete-circle in the Asimov Universe.
This is the notion that intelligent life started on Earth, ventured away, and
now finally return back home. Nevertheless, the expedition party plunges
into despair since Earth is now excessively radioactive and cannot
support any form life on its deadly crust.

The excessive radioactivity of Earth, which was an actual attack of the

Spacers during the Spacer-Settler conflict that was manipulated into a
very brave strategy of ensuring continuous spread of humanity into the
Galaxy (as described in the Robot Series) constitutes the fourth
complete-circle in the Asimov Universe. Trevizeʼs last hope of finding an
answer to his preference over Galaxia lies on the unusually large and
close satellite of the long-dead home-planet of humankind.

The moon contains the answer, indeed. Asimov draws yet another
complete circle, this time between science and fiction, by selecting the
last scene where the whole Macro-Plot is revealed to the reader: the
moon. This indeed reflects real-world events; the moon was the first
astral body to be landed on by the first outer-space expedition party,
Apollo 11. Asimov's bringing the last expedition in his fictional universe to
the Moon is appropriate, a true blending of science and the genre he so
greatly impacted: science-fiction.

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On the moon comes the final revelation of the series, for the expedition
party is met by the “humaniform” robot, which was known as R. Daneel
Olivaw by Elijah Bailey who almost single-handedly set the Galaxyʼs
successful colonization into motion 20,000 years earlier and who is now
considered to be a mythical and fictional figure; this is the same
character we once knew as Chetter Hummin back during Hari Seldon's
initial invention of psychohistory and the Seldon Plan.

The Fate of the Galaxy

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Daneel explains to the party that Galaxia is the only way to bring all
humanity together in one super-organism, a necessary measure as per
the Laws of Robotics designed to protect individual human-beings. For
almost 20,000 years, Daneel had been using telepathic powers, passed
to him by a fellow robot during the Spacer-Settler conflict, in line with the
original set of the Laws of Robotics and an extra and ulterior one

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Asimov 101: Your Ultimate Guide to the 'Foundation' Series | Futurism 10/01/19, 12(32

conceived by the said fellow robot.

Daneel had helped both Bailey and Seldon, by far the most influential
protagonists in the Macro-Plot that encompasses the Robot and
Foundation Series. He protected the Seldon Plan from faltering after the
Muleʼs rise to power. He designed and created the super-organism of a
planet, Gaia. But now, at long last, he is dying and to be able to ensure
the successful establishment of Galaxia he needs to merge his positronic
brain with a human one.

After observing, experiencing, and learning a myriad of novel things and

entities during his expedition, Trevize now understands and recognizes
the reason he opted for Galaxia. There is a possibility that new and
different-than-experienced threats may be lurking in other galaxies of the
universe, and to be able to defend humanity against these threats,
individual freedom must be sacrificed for the sake of collective survival.
Thus, he confirms his choice about the fate of the Galaxy, and decides on
the fate of the Solarian child, who, by mere existence, proves his point of
view. In its purest form, Asimov's Foundation Series is a testament to the
power of preservation; there's a universe of difference between
information lost and information idled; with a foundation of ideas,
humanity is immortal.

Read More of Isaac Asimov's work:

Transcript of Asimov's 1974 lecture on "The Future of Humanity"

Novels by Isaac Asimov
Short Stories by Isaac Asimov

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