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Naturally Boost Your Growth Hormone

And Testosterone Levels

15 tips to help maximize production of growth hormone and

testosterone. Includes information on testosterone and growth
hormone supplementation.

Growth hormone and testosterone are the two most important hormones in relation to
muscle building. One of the most important distinguishing characters between the two is
that growth hormone actually causes the body to build new muscle cells, while
testosterone does not.

There is no question that testosterone is the king of muscle building, however it lacks
that one important characteristic. That is why boosting both growth hormone and
testosterone levels together have such a powerful effect on muscle building.

The most effective way to do this is with anabolic steroids and synthetic growth
hormone. There are a few problems with this approach though:

1. Both are illegal without a doctors prescription.

2. Synthetic growth hormone can increase the size of bones and organs and increase
hair growth.
3. Testosterone has many possible side effects from gynaecomastia to many more
serious ones.

Many people will tell you that anabolic steroids and HGH are safe if you use them
correctly and this may be true for some people, but everybody reacts differently to drugs
and you may not have the same experience as someone else who uses these drugs.
The other thing to keep in mind is that the long term data on steroid and HGH usage is
limited and nobody knows the possible long term damage they could cause to a healthy

I'm not going too deep into all of the pros and cons of steroids here because I'm not
promoting their use, simply because there are safer routes, that can get you really
impressive results if you're somebody who is dedicated to your diet, training and
supplement routine. Besides, unless you're competing in Mr. Olympia, there's no point
for most people.

By taking synthetic drugs the body will actually shut down its own production of these
chemicals to regain homeostasis. For this reason anabolic steroid users have to finish
their cycles with post cycle therapy (PCT) to stimulate the body to produce its own
hormones again.

Many of the supplements used in PCT are, themselves, very effective natural
testosterone boosters. They work with the body, rather than causing the body to shut
down hormone production. In many ways they could be considered the exact opposite
of steroids. They are safe and effective and, for the most part, side effect free.

There are supplements that naturally boost growth hormone and ones that naturally
boost testosterone. First let's look at the growth hormone boosters:

Growth Hormone Boosting Supplements

GABA – An amino acid that stands for Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid. GABA is a very
unique amino acid in that it actually acts as a neurotransmitter, rather than aiding in
protein synthesis, like many other amino acids. When people say “amino acid” they are
normally referring to alpha amino acids however GABA is not an alpha amino.

Some pre-workout supplements, such as While Flood by Controlled Labs, are beginning
to include GABA in the mix. Of course you can also buy GABA in the powdered or pill
form which is a good option because you can take larger doses that way. Of all of the
natural growth hormone boosters, GABA is probably the most highly regarded.
Amino Acids

Other amino acids that have a "growth hormone boosting" effect include Ornithine,
Lysine, Glutamine BCAA's, Taurine and Arginine. Taking these amino acids together in
sufficient amounts can produce noticeable results.

There are supplements like Fountain of Youth's HGH Complete that include all of these
amino acids along with other HGH and testosterone boosting ingredients. Amino acids
are the basis for all supplements that aim to naturally increase HGH levels.

Testosterone Boosting Supplements

Supplements that naturally boost testosterone usually include natural herbal extracts.
However, one of the most popular natural testosterone boosters available today is not an
herb at all, it is a combination of vitamins and minerals. Many of the most potent natural
testosterone boosters on the market today include a combination of all of these
ingredients. Lets take a look at them:

ZMA - zinc magnesium aspartate is a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 in
some cases. This relatively new development in bodybuilding supplements is really
nothing new. We have known the benefits of zinc and magnesium for hundreds of years,
but it was only recently discovered that the two together, in a high enough, dose could a
substantially raise testosterone levels.
Not only is zinc necessary for testosterone production, but it is a powerful antioxidant
that speeds up healing time. Magnesium is necessary for muscle function and over 300
reactions in the body. What's more is that many Americans are deficient in their dietary
magnesium intake.

Many users of ZMA report deeper and more restful sleep (which in itself is important in
testosterone and HGH production). ZMA was first sold as a supplement on its own, but
now most supplement companies that make testosterone boosters include it as one of
several ingredients, which verifies its effectiveness.

Other Notables
Other popular testosterone boosting ingredients include, but are not limited to, yohimbe
bark, fenugreek, tribulus, saw palmetto and D-aspartic acid (D-isomer amino acid that
acts as a neurotransmitter). All of these ingredients, besides D-aspartic acid, are natural
plant extracts. Some may have more of an effect of increasing sex drive for some people.

Overall, most people will see results with at least one, or a combination of, these
ingredients. Supplements like TestFreak, from PharmaFreak, boast an impressive list of
ingredients that include both testosterone and HGH boosters.

It is actually very common for HGH boosting supplements to include testosterone

boosters and vice versa. That is because supplement companies understand the benefit
of increasing both of these hormones simultaneously and undoubtedly want to make
their supplements as effective as possible, so that people will continue to use them.

Top 3 Ways to Boost Testosterone and Growth

While supplements can be very useful in increasing HGH and testosterone levels, the
most important factors have to do with your diet, exercise and rest. It is rare for HGH and
testosterone to increase or decease independently of one another, because many of the
same the eating habits, exercises and sleep patterns effect the production of both of
these hormones in the same ways.

First, I'm going to list, what I believe are, the top 3 ways to increase these hormones, then
I will move on to other helpful pointers:

1. Powerlifting - Doing squats and deadlifts with heavy weight at low repetition is
probably the single most important tool for increasing HGH and testosterone. You
only need to perform these exercises once or twice a week, as the body needs
sufficient time to recover from powerlifting.
2. Rest - If you're not sleeping enough (7-8 hours) you're robbing your body of the
chance to produce these hormones. About 70% of the body's growth hormone is
produced during deep sleep.
3. Diet – Without the proper fuel your body can't produce enough of these hormones
so weightlifting and rest won't be of much help to you without a sufficient calorie
and protein intake. A high quality whey protein powder is a must!

As you can see, all three of these factors are interdependent, meaning they must all be
"on point" or you really won't see much benefit from any of them. Here are some other
great tips:

12 More Tips to Boost Testosterone and Growth

1. A high carbohydrate diet will cause the body to produce more insulin which can
counteract GH, so focus on a low sugar, low Glycemic Index carbohydrate, high
protein diet, especially before bed.
2. Eat a small meal about 1-2 hours before workouts and again immediately after your
3. Supplement amino acids (glutamine, BCAAs, arginine) before, during and after
workouts ( I love using Jack3d before and X-tend before, during and after).
4. Do high repetition training with shorts breaks.
5. Do maximum intensity training, such as sprints (the very best fat burning exercise
there is).
6. Avoid alcohol.
7. Get your body-fat % down because it causes the body to produce more estrogen
(sprints plus OxyElite Pro plus CLA plus low carb diet equals my cutting routine).
8. Take short 30 minute naps during the day.
9. Have sex.
10. Don't over-train (seriously, it's more important than you might think).
11. Eat a healthy diet high in vegetables and unsaturated fats and take your
12. Don't forget your supplements!

Take it from me (someone who has consistently followed every one of those tips), a
combination of the right diet, training and supplements can stimulate your body to
produce far more growth hormone and testosterone than it normally would.

For males ages 18-25, your hormone levels are already through the roof, so this is a great
time to take advantage of training and nutrition. For men over 30 the supplements I
mentioned will produce even more noticeable results than in younger men because both
GH and testosterone levels begin to drop with age.

For women trying to build muscle natural growth hormone boosters are a usually a
better choice than testosterone boosters (as high testosterone (the male hormone) levels
in women can promote more masculine features in some cases). For men and women
who are 50+ years of age natural growth hormone booster are a great, safe way to
reverse the aging process. They can promote energy, vitality, improved vision, improved
muscle tone and many other benefits.

Use the tips and information in this article and most importantly, be consistent with
whatever you do! Consistency is the most important action when trying to achieve great
results. That 's a little tip straight from 4 time Mr Olympia - Jay Cutler. 

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4.9 19


10 Supplements That Can Boost Athletic ZMA Supplements: Improve Sleep & Powerlifting And Supplements: The Edge
Performance Testosterone? You Need
Nootropics: Best Unknown Performance Learn Why Bodybuilders Need EFAs For 5 Most Important Vitamins For Muscle
Supplements Growth Growth

About The Author

John Mckiernan
John Mckiernan is a health and fitness writer. He is the owner of
Supplement Helper where he writes about supplements, health, fitness and
View all by John Mckiernan »

59 Comments + Post Comment

Posted Mon, 11/03/2014 - 14:39 LIKE 28

Tom Davidson
John, good article content.


Posted Fri, 10/24/2014 - 10:05 LIKE 20

Good article.


Posted Tue, 10/07/2014 - 15:50 LIKE 15

I have low testosteren harmone can you sugest me some diet for high protien & testosteren

Posted Wed, 05/21/2014 - 22:45 LIKE 25
Hi. I'm a female in my early 50s. What do u recommend to use for me to gain some muscle.
I'm not into bodybuilding - just would like look nice.
My diet is good and so is my exercise routine.
Regards. Gail


Posted Fri, 04/18/2014 - 05:50 LIKE 22

Eva Diva
Hello I was wondering if testosterone boosters, with amino acids etc, cause women to gain
body fat, I think I may have gained some fat, I've been doing plenty of exercise so I should be
losing weight. I like taking the boosters though as they do help my sleep. i am worried about
gaining weight though :( Please can someone help, thanks


Posted Tue, 04/01/2014 - 03:49 LIKE 38

Fenugreek isn't good for men


Posted Mon, 06/02/2014 - 02:31 LIKE 24

Can you please sight a source for this?


Posted Fri, 03/14/2014 - 06:53 LIKE 34

HGH definitely is a bit of a wonder, helping with skin, energy, age, weight loss, muscle mass
etc, so many celebrities are secretly using it. It may not be safe to take the actual stuff, but a
supplement like HGH tea we find can work wonders at naturally boosting levels, keeping you
young and fit.


Posted Sun, 02/16/2014 - 20:25 LIKE 48

hey guys..... im 19 years of age 5 feet 4 inches since i was 14 years old and didnt grow
anymore....... pls give some advice to grow more???


Posted Sat, 04/23/2016 - 19:46 LIKE 19

Organic hemp hearts or hemp seeds are known to cause growth spurts in children.
Better do it quick tho if you're 19 already. and avoid smoking weed


Posted Thu, 01/23/2014 - 22:44 LIKE 57

I'm 48 female and thinking of taking freak gh. Any think guy can tell me that would deter me
from taking it. I'm 5.0" 109 lbs and bf of about 20%. Eating clean. And train about 4x a week.
Want to see some lean muscle. Not in any medication.


Posted Fri, 01/03/2014 - 06:22 LIKE 50

Hi, Is the hormon growth supplements and diet will still help me? As I am already using card
buster is it right supplement for human growth?


Posted Sat, 12/07/2013 - 14:34 LIKE 41

Hi, I'm 99 years old and would like to know if I am still growing?
I'd like to get a little taller. How much GABA do I need to take to give me a little growth spurt?
I am currently taking 1 milligram every other, other day. Is that enough?


Posted Sun, 11/10/2013 - 16:28 LIKE 57

"high repetition training with short breaks". Could you give an example of this? Thanks!

Posted Sat, 12/07/2013 - 03:00 LIKE 34
That means in one workout, do every set (3 set ) ,of about 15-20 repetitions(times)..and
with sort interval of maximum 25 seconds between each set.


Posted Wed, 09/04/2013 - 09:54 LIKE 47

why are people so Obsessed with height?? Im 26, short and slowly getting bald bt thts th way
it is.. Jus focus on building Yo body n' forget the rest, cos it nt gona change..


Posted Fri, 08/16/2013 - 12:06 LIKE 60

everyone is young that are making comments, I,m 74 have hepatitis . would HGH and
testosterone give energy and healthier body? and help with the aches and pain?


Posted Thu, 07/25/2013 - 18:35 LIKE 53

John Williams
At thirteen I was only 3 feet 6 inches (112 cm) . I was told to play basket ball And within 2
years I grew to 5 feet 9 inches 127 pounds. At 16 i I took animal pak by universal and in three
months I was 185 pounds. Animal pak is the real deal.


Posted Thu, 07/25/2013 - 09:26 LIKE 79

ganesh shrestha
hello there ! i am 17years old guy and stands as 5.4onliy.. i want to increase my height
although i want to be a male model but my height is not enough .some time i think that i will
loose my this dream because of height problems.. i take calcium tablet for a month but also
nothing change would comes .. so please help me .. what to do ?


Posted Tue, 07/16/2013 - 19:34 LIKE 40

i'm confused.
im 5'10, 160lbs, and im trying to increase size (muscle gain weight gain). i've read workouts
that say to take simple carbs (aka refined sugar) RIGHT after my workout.
does this mean, i should not be doing this, and after my workout, taking a low-carb high-
protein shake instead?


Posted Wed, 07/17/2013 - 17:13 LIKE 76

In my experience, post workout carbs are a good choice. If you're on a cutting diet, then
you'd typically cut carbs pretty low. That being said, I've always included carbs (even on
a cutting phase) after my workout. I wouldn't necessarily use refined sugar, however.
Personally, I stick with waxy maize.


Posted Sun, 11/10/2013 - 16:24 LIKE 55

Be sure that the carbs you are eating are low glycemic. Most simple carbs are high
glycemic, causing a fast rise in insulin, which actually prohibits production of the growth


Posted Tue, 07/16/2013 - 18:30 LIKE 42

Anthony Carter
Hi I am 17, i recently got in a motorcycle accident, and cant workout due to broken bones in
my body. i am looking at growth hormones to help speed the recovery time of my bones. I am
a competitive teenage bodybuilder and want to get back to my sport. However I hear so much
about taking steroids at a young age causes your natural production levels to decrease after
taking the juice. I was wondering if this same thing happens when a teenager would take
growth hormones?


Posted Tue, 07/16/2013 - 18:41 LIKE 61

Definitely consult your doctor before taking any course of action regarding your
treatment and recovery.

Posted Wed, 07/03/2013 - 20:21 LIKE 38


Posted Wed, 06/19/2013 - 07:33 LIKE 37

Hey I take testosterone enchancer Stacker 2 black edition is there gonna be and side effects
like my hair to drop down???


Posted Thu, 05/16/2013 - 14:23 LIKE 50

big dude
i eat 16 cheesesteaks a day along with 45 egg whites and I am getting fat. What am i doing
wrong? Thanks you.


Posted Thu, 07/25/2013 - 17:06 LIKE 41

Rene Mardis
what are you doing wrong? lol, maybe cut back on the cheesesteaks, just a thought


Posted Thu, 08/20/2015 - 23:04 LIKE 48

what are you doing wrong?
Well, if your comment wasn't a troll.
a) eating too many calories
b) not eating a varied diet
c) eating cheese on steak
d) eating cheese
e) not providing any other information about yourself and your training. Age, Training
frequency. Goals. etc

Posted Mon, 05/13/2013 - 00:55 LIKE 51
John, you are great and obviously know your subject extremely well! I think it would be a good
idea for you to encourage others to read around the subject, as well as answering their
questions directly. Better still, give them references to articles etc, where they might find better
understanding. I think that sometimes a one off answer is great, but can only give an
encapsulated focus on one direct point. Some of the posts I've read on this board make it
obvious that your assistance is needed in promoting further knowledge. With kind regards.


Posted Fri, 05/10/2013 - 22:58 LIKE 43

Azmat Ali
I want to grow our body....


Posted Sun, 04/14/2013 - 19:36 LIKE 48

I am 19 and weigh 256. I stand at 5 foot 10 inches. I work out and I am pretty big. I bench
around 300 and can run the 100 meter dash in 12 seconds. I was wondering what could I do
or use to further increase my limit?


Posted Thu, 04/04/2013 - 03:45 LIKE 52

yo thanks alot bro! This information is extremely helpful. As a young and new bodybuilder @
21, this information with supplements and all is very good knowledge to know for life! Thanks
again, rock on.


Posted Fri, 03/22/2013 - 07:07 LIKE 63

how testosterone can cause gynecomastia?


Posted Wed, 05/15/2013 - 12:48 LIKE 67

Your body is always trying to balance itself to be in homeostasis. When testosterone
levels are raised, your body can raise estrogen to counteract high T levels


Posted Wed, 03/20/2013 - 04:45 LIKE 53

Shouri sahs
Hy I am 14+ and my height 5.7 but my heighth have been stoped for 3 month.and I want to
get much
height.is that.possibale?


Posted Wed, 02/20/2013 - 05:35 LIKE 48

Hi im 17, well 18 in a month. and im only 5ft 7. I hate being smaller than most of my mates and
would really like to be at least 5ft 10 (at least) is there anything I can do that will help increase
my height. you have recommended taking a multivitamin in the morning and drinking plently
of water will this help to increase height or are there any legal products or things that I could
do to grow.
P.S. i am a keen golfer and because i am small it means that I am not able to hit the ball quite
as far. So therefore not only will i be able to increase my self esteem, but I will also perform
better at my golf, which is why being small bothers me so much. Please help.


Posted Mon, 02/18/2013 - 03:30 LIKE 52

need help
hey i was wondering if anyone could help me out with weight gain and size building,
im 15 and weigh 55kg (110 lbs approx) anyway, i really need to put on alot of mass what can i
do to help myself?


Posted Sun, 02/17/2013 - 11:02 LIKE 58

i am going to be 19 this march and my height is is a.lil bit greater than 5.10 u can say
179cm...but my father is 5.7 and from mother side all are above 6ft... i also do workout. and k
also want to ask that if i use whey protein and then stop using that...then it will have any effect
on decreased.muscle growth or muscle size will remain that?

Posted Thu, 02/07/2013 - 09:15 LIKE 56
baby face mason
hi my name is mason. I am 26 years old going on 27 in march i lift weights eat healthy, make
sure it's enough protein and zinc in my meals, But for some reason i can't seem to gain facial
hair. Even my cousin at 25-26 is beating me with more facial hair and a manly look! i'm only
5'8" and can only grow a few whiskers under my chin, and above my lip. When i shave it takes
a long time to grow the whiskers back. I'm tired of going to the restaurant and the waiter is
talking to me like i'm thirteen! Well to get to the point my question is are there any foods that
boost testosterone levels?, what should i eat? And are there any supplements i can take that
don't have a or no side-effects?


Posted Fri, 01/18/2013 - 13:24 LIKE 92

One of the warning you said was that synthetic growth hormone can increase hair growth.
That doesn't sound like a negative.


Posted Thu, 07/25/2013 - 17:03 LIKE 58

Rene Mardis
It is if you are a woman


Posted Fri, 01/11/2013 - 23:24 LIKE 57

hey,I'm Brian.I don't use supplements and recently I have been told that I look taller and I have
actually grown about two inches in height,wondering how and why this would happen at age
38,unless my hgh has increased considerably,I don't understand it and neither can my friends
or family.I am now taller than people that were around the same height.I do eat healthy
foods,like lean chicken and lots of broccoli and greens.I omit sugar from my diet most of the
time.Just wondering if anyone could explain this.


Posted Sat, 01/26/2013 - 03:53 LIKE 66

Most likely it is improved posture.

Posted Sat, 01/26/2013 - 03:58 LIKE 73
Most likely you have improved your posture. After puberty your physeal (growth) plates
close and long bone growth ceases. I had a slouch posture. One day I decided to sit up
straight in the golf cart next to my golf buddy. He just looked amazed as now my head
was well above his, almost hitting the cart. I have a little trick to remind me to work on
my posture. Whenever I notice an attractive woman I conciously try to stand in perfect
posture and by the way work on my abs by tightening them (there are a variety of ways
to do this). Works for me...


Posted Mon, 07/13/2015 - 15:13 LIKE 29

Hi brian i m ritik from India can height increase at age of 24....


Posted Tue, 01/08/2013 - 17:18 LIKE 77

I am nearly 16 but only 5'5" and haven't grown in past year, and will protein bars help boost


Posted Tue, 01/22/2013 - 18:19 LIKE 58

Not necessarily. Proper diet is top priority. Trainers around the world and back again
strongly recommend that you eat 5 smaller meals a day about 3-4 hours apart. The
reason for this, is because having steady sugar and insulin levels in your body promotes
weightloss and is much healther for you. You can use protein bars or even fruits and
veggies to keep you full in between "breakfast", "lunch" or "dinner". They usually have
good protein content with some fat and carbs to give both fast and slow burning
My recommendation would be to stay away from processed foods like cereal and
poptarts and start to eat whole foods like nuts, berries, and greek yogurt. Also
remember to take a multivitamin in the morning everyday. Water is also very important.
The same recepters that tell your braing that you are hungry, are the same ones that tell
your brain that you are thirsty. Drink at least 100oz. of water a day to make sure that
your body is constantly flushing out the bad stuff and delivering that good stuff to your
muscles and oragans Hope this helps

Posted Sat, 01/05/2013 - 13:08 LIKE 45
Hello, I'm 16 year old male, and I'm 6'4. I have very high metabolism and although I eat plenty
of food, I still only weigh 155lbs. I want to be around 175-180lbs by 2014. I will be going to the
gym and taking Mutant Mass and eating right. Any recommendations to help me reach my
goal. Also, do you believe it is achievable?


Posted Sat, 12/15/2012 - 00:12 LIKE 89

Lisa B
I'm 43, 5'2, and a very overweight (225) FM. Strenth and energy are just not there. Started
CLA with a pregnancy multi vitamine - extra minerals in one pill. Use Q10 for added heart
strength too. Started kickboxing and love it. Dont want to over doit, but thinking about GABA
or hgh supplements for greater endurance, stronger intencity and faster recovery. Not wanting
to body build or go masculin, but do want to gain strength, tone and lower body fat % quickly
and steadfastly. No major non age-weight issues. Keen and determined. Advise please.




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