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Selection of problems from

the 29th Colombian Mathematical Olympiad

for High School Students
Compiled by
Esteban Gonzáles, Nicolás del Castillo and José Alejandro Samper

1 Introduction 5

2 Intermediate Level 7
2.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Higher Level 12
3.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1 Introduction
The Colombian Mathematical Olympiad fon High School Students
is divided into three levels. The First level, for 6th and 7th graders,
Intermediate level, for 8th and 9th graders, and Higher level, for 10th
and 11th graders. The olympiad consists of three rounds for the first
level and four rounds for the other two. The first round is a mul-
tiple choice test (not made in Colombia) consisting of 25 questions
to be answered in no more than 75 minutes. The second round is a
numerical test consisting of 12 questions to be answered in no more
than 120 minutes. Once these filters have been applied, the semifinal
and final rounds are implemented. The semifinal test is a three hour
examination consisting of three problems which need complete argu-
mentation, and it is the Final round for the first level. To conclude
the national olympiad, just before Team Selection tests (TSTs) are
held, the students have the Final Round examination, which is a two
day event with two tests, each having three problems to be solved in
no more than three-and-a-half hours. At the begining, around 50.000
students participate in the olympiad and as the rounds go by there
are fewer contestants. The TST for the IMO is only presented by 15
people. Some of the problems presented in each test of each round are
created by the colombian group working at the olympiad organiza-
tion, and some are taken from past foreign olympiads, but the entire
final round has colombian proposers. We will expose the Intermedi-
ate and Higher level Final rounds in this booklet. The Olympiad is
not very hard but it is quite challenging. Every student who expects
a good performance at the IMO should tackle almost every problem
without a lot of effort.

Special thanks to the problem proposers.

2 Intermediate Level
2.1 Problems
1. The set {2, 3, . . . , 32} is split into disjoint sets satisfying that
for any two elements in one of the sets, none of them divides
the other. Find the least number of sets needed.
Problem proposed by Ivan Contreras.

2. There’s a circle of diameter 1cm, and several copies are created

by moving it n1 cm, n2 cm, · · · , n−1
n cm, in a fixed direction. Sup-
pose that the plane is divided in k regions. Find the value of
Problem proposed by Esteban Gonzáles.

3. Let ABCD be a square with center O. Let M be the midpoint

of CD. Let AM and BC intersect at P , BC and DO intersect
at Q, and OP and QC intersect at X. Show that AD = AX.
Problem proposed by José Gabriel Acevedo.

4. Find all couples of positive integers m and n such that

m2 + n2 = (m + 1)(n + 1).

Problem proposed by Pedro Luis Barrios.

5. Let ABC be a triangle, and Γ its circumcircle. Let D be the

foot of the perpendicular from A to the side BC. The line BM ,
where M is the midpoint of AD, intersects Γ in N . The line
N E, where E is the midpoint of AC, intersects Γ in P . Show
that AP is a diameter of Γ.
Problem proposed by José Gabriel Acevedo.

6. Find the least integer n > 1 such that n! is multiple of n10 .

Problem proposed by Esteban Gonzáles.

2.2 Solutions
1. The numbers 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 must be in different sets, so the
least number must be greater than or equal to 5. The sets {2},
{3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, . . . , 16} and {17, 18, . . . , 31, 32} satisfy
the condition.

2. First Solution
We claim that the number of regions is n2 − n + 2, including
the outer region.
Notice that the number of regions in the plane does not de-
pend on the distance between the circles, and that those can
be modified as long as the last circle intersects the first one in
two points. So, we use induction over the number of circles by
moving the previous a little and adding a new one in the end.
If there are n − 1 circles, the n−th circle will intersect the oth-
ers in two points, so its circumference will be split into 2n − 2
arches, and therefore the intersection of this circle adds 2n − 2
regions. Now, the induction hypothesis states that there were
(n − 1)2 − (n − 1) + 2 regions in the case with n − 1 circles, so
when we add the 2n − 2 new regions, the result is n2 − n + 2
regions. Finally, the base case of the induction (n = 1) is cor-
rect, which completes the proof.

Second Solution
As shown in the previous solution, we get that each circle adds
2n − 2 regions. We start with 2 regions in the case with just
one circle, so in the case with n circles the number of regions
in the plane will be

2 + 2 + 4 + 6 + · · · + 2(n − 1)

Simplifying the expression we get that there are n2 − n + 2
Other solution: We could get similar sums depending on the
way we count the number of regions. For instance, it’s possible

to count the number of regions that are out of every circle ex-
cept the last one (1 region), then the ones that are out of every
circle except the last two (3 regions), and so on. In that way,
it’s possible to get the sum (1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + (2n − 3)) + n + 1,
which simplified is n2 − n + 2.

3. First Solution
Let ` be the side of the square. Given that AM and DO are
medians of the triangle ACD, then Q it the center of mass of
ACD, and therefore CQ is a median which intersects the side
AD in its midpoint, namely K. Moreover, the triangles ADM
and P CM are congruent, so CP = `.
Let Y and Z be the feet of the perpendicular from X to the
sides AD and BC respectively, and let T be the foot of the
perpendicular from O to BC. Now, KY X is similar to KDC,
so KY KD 1
Y X = DC = 2 . In the same way, P OT and P XZ are similar,
so ZX = T O = 3. Therefore, we get the following relations:

2KY= YX (1)
XZ = ZP (2)
Y X + XZ = ` (3)
P Z + KY = ` (4)
3 6 4
From where we get that KY = 10 `, Y X = 10 `, XZ = 10 ` and
P Z = 10 `. So, the distance AX can be found using Pythagoras
8 2 6 2

Theorem: 10 + 10 ` = `, which is what we wanted to

Second Solution
As shown in the previous solution, let K be the midpoint of
AD, and notice that CQ is median. Consider a circle with
center A and radius `, and let X 0 , T and R be the intersecting

points of the circle with P O, AD and AB. Notice that P OT
is a line. To proof the statement of the problem, we will prove
that X 0 is in the line CQ, and we will do this by showing that
∠DCX 0 = ∠DCQ.
X 0 is in the semicircle with diameter DT , so DX 0 is perpen-
dicular to P O, and ]DX 0 B = 90◦ = ]DCP . Hence DX 0 CP
is cyclic and ]X 0 CD = ]X 0 P D. However, triangles P RT and
CDK are similar, so the angles ∠RP D and ∠DCK measure
the same, concluding the problem.

4. We can assume that m ≥ n because the equation is symmetric.

If m = n, we must have 2m2 = (m + 1)2 = m2 + 2m + 1, which
is equivalent to m2 − 2m − 1 = 0. However the solutions of this
equation are not integers. If n = m − 1 we get m2 + (m − 1)2 =
m2 + m, which is equivalent to m2 − 3m + 1 = 0. The solutions
in this case are not integers either. Finally, if n ≤ m − 2, we
deduce that (n+1)(m+1) ≤ (m−1)(m+1) = m2 −1 < m2 +n2 ,
so equality can never hold. In conclusion, there are no integer
solutions to the equation.

5. Using Thales theorem we get that M E is parallel to BC. So

∠AM E = 90, and AP is diameter if and only if ∠EN A = 90.
Therefore, it’s enough to prove that AM EN (juju) is cyclic.
Note that ∠M EA = ∠BCA, because M E is parallel to BC.
Moreover ∠BN A = ∠BCA because BN CA is cyclic. So ∠M EA =
∠BN A and the quadrilateral AM EN is cyclic.

6. The following results will be used to solve the problem

• The condition a|b is equivalent to say that the exponent

of every prime factor of a is less than or equal to the cor-
responding exponent in the factorization of b.
• Let p be a prime. The greatest power of p dividing n! is
b np c + b pn2 c + b pn3 c + · · · This sum goes on until the power
of p is greater than n.

To find the least solution, we will first search a superior bound

which reduces the cases. If n is a prime power, we find that

26 = 64 is a solution. Moreover, if n < 24 then n! is not
divisible by 310 , so 3 can’t be a prime factor of n. In the same
way, if n < 45, the greatest power of 3 dividing n must be 1
or 0, because n! is not a multiple of 320 , and if n < 63 then n
can’t have more than two 3 in its prime factorization. In fact,
63 is a solution, because we could show that 710 divides 63!.
A similar analysis can be made with the 2, getting that if n <
12, then 2 can’t be a prime factor of n, if n < 24, then n can
have just one 2, if n < 32 it can only be divisible by 22 , and
if n < 44 then it can’t have more than three 2 in its prime
factorization. Finally, the same procedure can be made with
the 5, getting that n must be at least 45 to be multiple of
5 and satisfy the condition of the problem. Besides, 45 is a
solution. If n < 45, then it can’t be multiple of 5, and it can
only be multiple of 3 (not of 9) and of some power of 2 less
than or equal to 8. Finally, if one plugs in the numbers with
the previous conditions, we get that none of them satisfies the
problem, and therefore 45 is the least number which fulfills the

3 Higher Level
3.1 Problems
1. Simon lies some days and says the truth on others following a
certain sequence such that he lies on the same days of every
week, and says the truth on the same days asswell. Sumon
says ” I will lie tomorrow” twice a week, and says ”I won’t lie
tomorrow” five days a week. How many different settings can
Simon’s week have?
Problem proposed by Esteban Gonzales.

2. Let K be the midpoint of side BC of a triangle ABC, and let

H be its orthocentre. The angle bisector of ∠BCA intersects
the line AH at the point T . Show that if M H k CT , then
BH = HT .
Problem proposed by José Gabriel Acevedo.

3. Consider the sequence a0 , a1 , . . . , an , . . . defined by the following

recurrence: a0 = 1, and

an = n2 a0 + (n − 1)2 a1 + (n − 2)2 a2 + · · · + 22 an−2 + an−1

for n ≥ 1. Prove that an+1 ≥ 27 an , for n ≥ 1.

Problem proposed by Fabian Prada.

4. Let ABC be a triangle and Γ its circumcircle. Let D be the

foot of the perpendicular from the vertex A to the side BC.
The line BM , where M is the midpoint of AD, intersects Γ at
N . The line N E, where E is the midpoint AC, intersects Γ at
P . Show that AP is a diameter of Γ.
Problem proposed by José Gabriel Acevedo.

5. Find all monic polynomials satisfying the following conditions:

• P (x + P (x)) = x2 + P (P (x)) for every real value x

• P (0) < −1.

Problem proposed by Esteban Gonzáles and José Alejandro Sam-


6. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be a permutation of {1, 2, . . . , n}. Find all
possible values of

a1 + 2a2 + 3a3 + · · · + nan

Problem proposed by José Alejandro Samper.

3.2 Solutions
1. First Solution
Call a day of type A if Simon lies, and of type B is Simon says
the truth. Note that the statement “I will lie tomorrow” said
in an A-day, implies that the next is a B-day, and the same in
the other way. Also, the statement “I will say the truth tomor-
row” implies that the day type doesn’t change. Then, the days
in which Simon lies are next to each other. So, it suffices to
choose how many days Simon will lie, and which day he begins
to lie. There are 6 × 7 = 42 possibilities.

Second Solution
As shown in the previous solution, the statement that Simon
says each day determines the type of day that is the next one.
So, it’s enough to choose if Monday is an A-day or a B-day,
and the days when Simon says “I will lie tomorrow”. IT follows

that there are 2 × 2 = 42 possible configurations for the week
of Simon.
2. Fisrt Solution
Let Ha be the foot of the perpendicular from A to BC, Hb
the foot of the perpendicular from B to AC, and let a =
BC. As HM k T C, triangles HHa M and T Ha C are simi-
T Ha CHa
lar. Then = . Subtracting 1 from both sides we
HHa M Ha
obtain = , then T H = . Also note that
HHa M Ha 2 M Ha
HHa ∠C a ∠C
= tan . It follows that T H = tan .
M Ha 2 2 2
Lets compute the lenght BH. The triangle BHb C yields ]M BH =
90◦ − ]BCA. Then BHM , gives that ]BHM = 180 − −
(90 − ∠C) = 90 + . The law of sines shows that
sen( )M B a ∠C
BH = 2 = tan
∠C 2 2
sen(90 + )

Hence T H = BH as desired.

Second Solution
Let Γ be the circumcircle of ABC. Let D be the point of
intersection of AH with Γ different from A, and let A0 be the
intersection of the ray HM with Γ. The facts that HHa = Ha D
and that AA0 is a diameter of Γ well known. Also ∠DBC =
∠DAC = 90◦ −∠BCA, and ∠ACA0 = 90◦ . Therefore ∠BCA0 =
90◦ − ∠BCA. AHa M = ADA0 = 90◦ , yields that BCDA0 is an
isosceles trapezoid with BD = CA0
Finally ∠HT C = 90◦ − and ∠A0 CT = 90◦ − ∠BCA +
= 90◦ − . Hence HT CA0 is also an isosceles
2 2
trapezoid, thus T H = CA0 = BD = BH.

Third Solution
Let X be the intersection of BHb and CT . Note that ]CBHb =
90◦ − ∠BCA. ∠BHHa + ∠HBHa = 90◦ , says that ]BHHa =
∠BCA, so ∠T HX = ∠C.
Note also that ∠HT X = ∠Ha T C = 90◦ − 21 ∠BCA. The angles
of T XH add up to 180◦ , ∠HT X = 90◦ − 12 ∠BCA = ∠HT X,
hence the triangle T XH is isosceles, and T H = HX. Thales’
theorem applied to the parallel lines HM and XC, gives that
M C = HX . It follows that HB = HX = HT .

3. Solution
Note that for n ≥ 1:
an+1 − an = ((n + 1 − k)2 − (n − k)2 )ak + an .

=⇒ an+1 − an = (2n + 1 − 2k)ak .

A similar argument gives:
an+2 − an+1 = (2n + 3 − 2k)ak .

Those equations together yield:

(an+2 − an+1 ) − (an+1 − an ) = 2(a0 + a1 + a2 + · · · + an ) + an+1 .

=⇒ an+2 − 3an+1 − an = 2(a0 + a1 + a2 + · · · + an−1 ) (1).

The last result is true for all n ≥ 1. Note now that:

an+3 − 3an+2 − an+1 = 2(a0 + a1 + a2 + · · · + an ) (2).

Subtracting (2) and (1) we obtain:

(an+3 − 3an+2 − an+1 ) − (an+2 − 3an+1 − an ) = 2an .

=⇒ an+3 = 4an+2 − 2an+1 + an .

Also an+4 = 4an+3 − 2an+2 + an+1 , thus:

2an+4 +an+3 = 2(4an+3 −2an+2 +an+1 )+4an+2 −2an+1 +an = 8an+3 +an

=⇒ 2an+4 = 7an+3 + an

=⇒ an+4 = 27 an+3 + 12 an , for all n ≥ 1.

Every term in the sequence is positive, so an+4 ≥ 27 an for all

n ≥ 1. It is easy to show that an+1 ≥ 72 an for n = 1, 2, 3 and
the result follows by induction.
Variant As in the previous solution an+4 = 4an+3 − 2an+2 +
an+1 . Consider bn = an − 72 an−1 . This sequence satisfies the
same recurrence and has positive initial terms. It follows induc-
tively that all the terms in the sequence are positive and this is
equivalent to the desired result.

4. Thales theorem says that M E is parallel to BC. So ∠AM E =
90, and AP is diameter if and only if ∠EN A = 90. There-
fore, it’s enough to prove that AM EN (juju) is cyclic. Note
that ∠M EA = ∠BCA, because M E is parallel to BC. More-
over ∠BN A = ∠BCA because BN CA is cyclic. So ∠M EA =
∠BN A and the quadrilateral AM EN is cyclic.

5. Let r be a root of the polynomial P . Replacing this root

p in the
given condition, yields that 0 = r + P (0), so r = ± −P (0).
It follows that the polynomial has at most two distinct roots,
whose abolute value is greater than 1. P is monic so P (x) =
(x − r)n (x + r)m for some nonnegative integers n, m. Plugging
x = 0 yields (−1)n rn+m = −r2 , thus m = n = 1. Plugging
P (x) = x2 − r2 into the condition gives no solution, so there
are no such polynimials.

6. Let kP
be the desired sum. The rearrangement inequality implies
that nj=1 j(n + 1 − j) ≤ k ≤ nj=1 j 2 . Note also that

X n
X n
j(n + 1 − j) = (n + 1) j− j2
j=1 j=1 j=1
3n(n + 1)2
− n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
n(n + 1)(n + 2)

We claim that for n 6= 3, k can take any value in this interval,

and in the case n = 3 the possible values of k are 10, 11, 13, 14.
For n = 1, 2 the statement is trivial. For n = 3 we obtain
k = 10, 14 as minimal an maximal values. Furthermore 11 =
1 × 3 + 2 × 1 + 3 × 2 and 13 = 1 × 2 + 2 × 1 + 3 × 3. The value
k = 12 can’t be obtained. The other cases will be proved by
induction. Note that
X n(n + 1)(n + 2)
jbj = +t

X n
X n
j(n + 1 − bj ) = (n + 1) j− jbj
j=1 j=1 j=1
n(n + 1)2 n(n + 1)(n + 2)
= − −t
2 6
n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
= −t
Thus it suffices to show that the upper half of the interval can
be obtained doing that procedure.
Lemma The following inequality holds for n ≥ 4
n(n + 1)(2n + 1) n(n + 1)(n + 2) 1 (n + 1)(n + 2)(2(n + 1) + 1) (n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 3)
− ≥ −
6 6 2 6 6

This inequality is equivalent to 2(n−1)n(n+1) ≥ n(n+1)(n+2)

or 2(n − 1) ≥ n + 2 that is true for n ≥ 4.
Base case (n = 4) In this case 20 ≤ k ≤ 30, then it’s enough
to obtain 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Adding 16 to the values obtained
at n = 3 we get 26, 27, 29, 30. Also 25 = 1×2+2×4+3×1+4×3
and 28 = 1 × 2 + 2 × 1 + 3 × 4 + 4 × 3. Thus the base case is
Inductive step
Assume that for n ≥ 4 any value of k between n(n+1)(n+1)
6 and
n(n+1)(2n+1) Pn
6 is of the form j=1 jbj for some permutation bj of
{1, 2, . . . , n}. This means that any value between n(n+1)(n+2)
6 +
2 n(n+1)(2n+1) 2
(n + 1) and 6 + (n + 1) can be obtained in the
same form with a permutation of of {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1} with
bn+1 = n + 1. Using the lemma, those numbers are at least
the upper half of the desired interval of numbers, so the result
holds for n + 1 by the previous remarks.


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