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The Advantage of Globalization

Article · November 2016

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Ananda Majumdar
University of Alberta


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International Journal of Education and Human Developments Vol. 2 No. 6; November 2016

The Advantage of Globalization

Ananda Majumdar1

Globalization has become what is the most talked-about theme of the 1990’s in the western social science.
Though to many it appears simply a magical buzzword. It does graphically convey the process of trans border
enmeshment from which modern day world society has resulted. The society is equally, the ambivalent product of
the capitalization of earth, which began some 500 years ago, is still not complete. It is diversity without unity,
through as far as the developing world is concerned; it has common operating basis- the profit- based expansion
and modernization of commercial concern. Globalization is a catch all phrase used to describe the rapid economy,
it is the process of international economic integration. It is essentially the expansion of production and distribution
of goods, services across national boundaries as well as the associated technological; cultural, political and other
social changes. In the past, it was driven by conquest and force; today it is driven by WTO rules liberalising
market access. Globalization is good for everyone. Often referred to as corporate globalization, the main
proponents are large corporations that benefit from the process. Their Government supports them and mainstream
academics that provide theoretical support. This support relies on the core economic principles rooted in the 19 th
century works of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Revised and elaborated over time, these ideas gives powerful
support to the view that globalization, along with a mix of other key policies such as privatization and
deregulation are necessary to enhance growth and consumer welfare. It is this theoretical tradition that has shaped
the WTO rules and lie at the core of debate today. In Dollar-Kraay World Bank Study (2001), showing that
countries that are more open to the world economy, grows faster and become richer than those that are closed.
The East Asian experience, especially China, is cited as example of dramatic poverty reduction and high growth
in the face of external opening over the past three-and- a half decades. Recently, Mickletwait and Wooldridge in
their book, A Future Perfect concluded “the simple fact is that globalization use richer or makes enough of us
richer to make the whole process worth while.” World growth is a non-profit, non-governmental organization
established to bring balance to the debate over trade, globalization and sustainable development. The world is
becoming increasingly interconnected economically, politically, socially, culturally and academically. Citizens
around the world are able to communicate and trade with each other to an extent never seen before in history.
Nation states cooperate to an unprecedented degree through international forums such as the United Nations, the
World Trade Organization, the European Union, and the G8. At world growth we embrace and celebrate this new
age of globalization. In view, the gradual replacement of trade wars with trade agreements is creating level of
economic growth, social understanding and cultural richness. Economics statistics and ancedotes from around the
world only conform what most people instinctively know. We are better off when we work together.

1. Luis Castro and Sharon, August 2003, Michelle Fertig and Here, November 2005, Keisha Phipps, August
2003 – http://www.nestbillion.net/resources/casestudies -
Advantages of globalization
2. Globalization website by Frank Lechner, Associate Professor of Sociology at Emorg University.
(www.google.com)- Definition of Globalization

I am a B.Ed. after degree student currently at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Faculty of
Education currently. I am an Article Researcher at Antarctic Institute of Canada, supervised by Dr. Austin Albert

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