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Evaluating Faculty:

Student's Name:
Thesis or Project?
Research Title:
Semester/Yr Form Filled:

Rubric for Research proposal (thesis & project options for MSCS Program) - for assessment of SLOs 1, 2, 5 Weight
Weight Total Score (100)
Assessment Assessment Weight
SLO for MSCS program: Topic Selection: 0.142857143
1. Students will have the competence to examine a problem and design a methodology to achieve a solution. 0.333333333 Topic Investigation: 0.142857143
SLO1 (50) SLO2 (30) SLO5 (20)
2. Students will have the competence to assess the performance of a computational artifact, entity, or process. 0.333333333 Literature Review: 0.142857143
3. Students will have the competence to work toward a common objective in a team and contribute effectively. 0 Technical Framework: 0.142857143
4. Students will have the competence to communicate their thoughts and ideas to varied audiences, both orally and through written materials. Topic 0 Topic Literature Organization:
Technical Organization Conclusions limitations & 0.142857143
5. Students will have the knowledge and skill for independent learning and professional development. 0.333333333
Selection Investigation Review Conclusions:
Framework Implications 0.142857143
Total: (5) 1 (10) (10) Limitations
(10) & Implications:
(5) (5) (5) 0.142857143
Total: 1 Faculty: please enter a
score in range of 0-10
in each cell of this
Student Raw Score
SLO Assessment Score 8 - 10 Score 6 - 7 Score 3 - 5 Score 1 - 2
Faculty identified the topics and the student participated Student showed interest/eager to investigate a topic assigned
1 Topic Selection Student identified the topic Student was neutral in the topic selection 10
in selecting a topic for further investigation
Student was focused in investigating the topic, and Student was able to investigate aspects of the research topic
Student was creative and focused in investigating the topic,
identified aspects of the research topic that were explored that are either too narrowly defined to lead to tangible Student was unable to identify aspects of the research topic
1 Topic investigation and identified significant aspects of the research topic not 10
previously (or currently), which merit further investigation contribution, or are too widely defined without much focus or that merit further investigation
explored previously
(i.e., continuation of a research topic) manageability
Student synthesized (compare, contrast, limitation) in-depth Student provided general and non-technical information
Student offered in-depth information from relevant Student offered information from various sources with
1 Literature review information from relevant sources, discussing and presenting from various sources with limited contribution and points of 10
sources and cited different points of view limited citations and points of view
different points of view view
Student missed some critical elements of the research topic
Student included all elements of the theoretical framework, Student included theoretical framework, methodology, Student misunderstood the research topic, did not provide
1 Technical framework or the methodology, or some technical aspects were not 10
methodology, and in depth contribution of the research topic and contribution loosely but with some focus the technical framework, or lacked the proper methodology
developed correctly
Student conveyed various facets of the research topic
professionally by presenting the research problem clearly, Student organized various facets of the research topic and
Student provided some facets of the research topic using
synthesizing insightful patterns (differences and similarities), used proper grammar, but in synthesizing various research Student provided little or some generic information about
proper grammar, but the organization and explanation lacked
1 Organization creating and transitioning between paragraphs/sections elements to reveal important aspects of the research, the the research topic, or used poor grammar, making it difficult 10
cohesiveness to reveal importance aspects of the research
skillfully, using competent grammar (e.g., word choices, organization and transitions among sections needed to comprehend the essence of the research topic
writing style, flow of ideas), and by keeping broader audience improvement
in mind.
Student presented insightful and skillful conclusions Student provided conclusions directly from the research
Student reached at vague and unsupportable conclusions,
extrapolated from the technical framework, the methodology, topic and its framework that focused solely on the Student reached a conclusion that is generic, with limited
1 Conclusions with little or no focus to the overall merit or implications of 10
and the contributions of the proposal, leading to the future research topic and findings, with limited reference to the focus and reference to the future implications of the project
the research topic.
research directions. broader merit and impact of the research topic
Student insightfully discussed the relevant limitations, the
Student discussed relevant limitations and implications of Student discussed some general limitations and implications Student showed little understating of the limitations or the
1 Limitations & Implications implications of the research topic, and provided supportive 10
the research topic. of the research topic implications of the research topic
Student provided all of the evaluation elements to assess the Student was not able to or had difficulty proposing the
Student provided the performance evaluation elements Student provided the performance evaluation elements with
performance of the implemented methodology skillfully and performance evaluation elements, which required direct
2 with some guidance from the supervisory committee continuous assistance from the supervisory committee 10
independently, and/or was able to suggest actions during the intervention and constant assistance from the supervisory
members members
course of proposed implementation in light of new findings. committee members

Student showed independence gradually and steadily but

Student showed independence swiftly throughout the Student showed some difficulty working independently and Student was not able to work independently throughout the
needed some guidance throughout the proposal
proposal development. Throughout this process, the student required guidance often throughout the project proposal development. The student needed continuous
development. The student learned the skills to be a critical
5 learned to be an independent thinker, and learned the skills development. The student showed some difficulty in critical guidance and had difficulty producing an acceptable 10
thinker and investigate technical literature for future
to investigate technical literature with confidence for future thinking and literature investigation as the means for future proposal, and/or to be a critical investigator, which is
research problems and professional development but with
research and professional development. research and professional development. necessary for future professional development.
limited confidence
Student Weighted Total

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