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Chapter 2 brain and behavior

The part of the neuron that specializes in receiving messages from other neurons is the axon.

- Soma: body of neuron, receives messages and sends messages down
- Axon: carries info away
- Synapse: microscopic space between two neurons over which
messages pass

The whitish, fatty substance that surrounds the axon and aids conduction of a nerve impulse
down the axon is called neurilemma.

A barefoot child steps on a bee, then jerks his or her foot back in response to the sting. This
response has likely involved all parts of the nervous system without any immediate help from the

A functional MRI gives both a three-dimensional structural view of the brain as well as making
brain activity visible.

Superior human intelligence is related to the fact that humans have brains with larger

Concerning information processing, the left hemisphere utilizes simultaneous processing and
tends to focus on the overall pattern.

Visual images are accurately represented in miniature in the occipital lobes much like a "little TV
screen" in the brain.

Musicians, who practice special motor skills throughout their lives, have larger than average

As you are walking down a dark street, you hear a noise directly behind you, and you
immediately dart off the sidewalk because of the activation of your amygdala.

Clear hand preferences have been shown in fetal ultrasound images.

10. True

The branching fibers of the ________ and ________ link with parts of other neurons.

a. axon; axon terminals

b. nucleus; nucleic dampers
c. dendrite; dendritic arcs
d. soma; somatic membranes

During an action potential, the axon's ion channels pop open to allow ________ ions to rush into
the axon.

2 a. iodine
. b. sodium
c. chlorine
d. potassium

Communication between neurons is considered to be a(n) ________ change involving ________.

a. electrical; sodium ions

. b. chemical; potassium ions
c. electrical; neurotransmitters
d. chemical; neurotransmitters

Your instructor announces a "pop" test. You have not read the chapter yet. Your heart and
breathing rate increases, and your mouth becomes dry. Which nervous system was responsible
for this reaction?

a. sympathetic
b. somatic
c. parasympathetic
d. central
The behavior sequence resulting from the actions of a sensory neuron, a connector neuron, and
an effector cell is a(n):

5 a. autonomic chain.
. b. reflex arc.
c. cranial arc.
d. effector reflex.

Dave has just had some medical tests conducted. One of the tests recorded Dave's brain waves
on a moving sheet of paper. Dave was probably given the:

6 a. CT scan.
. b. MRI scan.
c. PET scan.
d. EEG.

Martina has what appears to be a seizure, and her doctor believes that she may have epilepsy.
So, her doctor affixes electrodes to Martina's scalp in order to obtain a recording of her brain
waves. Martina's doctor is using a(n) ________ to identify the brain wave patterns of epilepsy.

a. MRI
b. ablation
c. CT scan
d. EEG

Broca's area is located in the ________, while Wernicke's area is located in the ________.

a. left parietal lobe; right parietal lobe

. b. left frontal lobe; left temporal lobe
c. right temporal lobe; right occipital lobe
d. right parietal lobe; left parietal lobe

You begin to doze off in class but suddenly come to awareness when your name is called. The
brain part responsible for your sudden arousal is the:

9 a. pituitary gland.
. b. reticular activating system (RAS).
c. thalamus.
d. sympathetic nervous system.

Which system within the forebrain has a major role in producing emotions and motivating
behaviors, including rage, fear, sexual response, and laughter?
1 - limbic system: part of the structures in forebrain, closely linked to emotional response and
0 motivating behaviour. (THAH)
. *Thalamus: relays sensory info
*Hypothalamus: regulates emotional behaviours and motives (sex, hunger, rage, hormone
*Amygdala: associated with fear response
* hippocampus: storing permanent memories and navigate through space

a. limbic system
b. reticular activating system
c. endocrine system
d. somatosensory cortex

The pineal gland releases a hormone called ________ which helps control ________.

1 a. melatonin; body rhythms and sleep cycles

1 b. thyroxin; growth
c. endorphins; body pain
d. testosterone; the male sex drive

If you gesture more with your left hand, you probably process language:

1 a. more inefficiently than if you gestured with your right hand.

2 b. in your left hemisphere.
c. in your right hemisphere.
d. in both hemispheres, since you do not have a dominant hemisphere.

________ is the process by which nerve impulses conducted down the axons of neurons coated
with myelin jump from gap to gap in the myelin layer.

1 a. Neuroplasticity
. b. Saltatory conduction
c. Synaptic transmission
d. Positive after-potential

If damage to a particular part of the brain consistently leads to a particular loss of function, then
we say that the function may be ________ in that structure.

1 a. generalized
. b. common
c. deintegrated
d. localized

The wrinkled surface of the cerebral cortex can be divided into two ________ and smaller areas
known as ________.
5 a. hemispheres; lobes
b. amygdalas; reticular formations
c. lobes; hemispheres
d. reticular formations; amygdalas

After having a stroke, Rich can speak and understand what has been said to him, but he now has
great difficulty understanding the context in which something is said. Rich also misunderstands
sarcasm and jokes. Rich has most likely suffered a stroke to:
a. the left hemisphere.
b. the corpus callosum.
c. the right hemisphere.
d. Broca's area.
( know what to say but cannot say the words)

The ________ receive(s) incoming signals from other neurons.

a. soma
b. terminal buttons
c. myelin sheath
d. dendrites

A(n) ________ facilitates or mimics the activity of a given neurotransmitter system.

a. axon
c. agonist
6 d. antagonist
Multiple sclerosis involves a breakdown of the ________.

a. soma
b. myelin sheath
c. synaptic vesicles
d. dendrites

An action potential involves Na+ moving ________ the cell and K+ moving ________ the cell.

a. inside; outside
b. outside; inside
c. inside; inside
d. outside; outside

Our ability to make our legs move as we walk across the room is controlled by the ________
nervous system.

a. autonomic
b. somatic
c. sympathetic
d. parasympathetic
If your ________ is activated, you will feel relatively at ease.

a. somatic nervous system

b. sympathetic nervous system
c. parasympathetic nervous system
d. spinal cord

The central nervous system is comprised of ________.

a. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

b. organs and glands
c. somatic and autonomic nervous systems
d. brain and spinal cord

Sympathetic activation is associated with ________.

a. pupil dilation
b. storage of glucose in the liver
c. increased heart rate
d. both A and C

The ________ is a sensory relay station where all sensory information, except for smell, goes
before being sent to other areas of the brain for further processing.

a. Amygdala (fear responses)

b. Hippocampus (storing permanent memories; help to navigate to space)
c. hypothalamus(regulates emotional behaviours and motives)
d. thalamus (relays sensory information)

Damage to the ________ disrupts one’s ability to comprehend language, but it leaves one’s ability
to produce words intact.

a. amygdala (fear responses)

b. Broca’s Area (grammar & pronuaciation, know what to say but dk how to say the words)
c. Wernicke’s Area (language comprehension)
d. occipital lobe (primary visual area)

A(n) ________ uses magnetic fields to create pictures of a given tissue.

a. EEG
b. MRI
c. PET scan
d. CT scan

Which of the following is not a structure of the forebrain?

a. thalamus
b. hippocampus
c. amygdala
d. substantia nigra
The two major hormones secreted from the pancreas are:

a. estrogen and progesterone

b. norepinephrine and epinephrine
c. thyroxine and oxytocin
d. glucagon and insulin

The ________ secretes messenger hormones that direct the function of the rest of the endocrine

a. ovary
b. thyroid
c. pituitary
d. pancreas

The ________ gland secretes epinephrine.

a. adrenal
b. thyroid
c. pituitary
d. master

The ________ secretes hormones that regulate the body’s fluid levels.

a. adrenal
b. pituitary
c. testes
d. thyroid

Information enters a neuron through the axon. (dendrites)

1. False

The Soma or cell body of a neuron is where the processing

of information takes place.
2. False

The neurotransmitter most associated with anxiety is

* acetylcholine: activates muscles
* dopamine: reward and muscle control
* serotonin: mood and appetite control
3. * endorphins: reduce pain

The motor cortex is located in the frontal lobe.

4. False
The processing of touch, temperature, and pressure take
place in the parietal lobe. (primary somatosensory cortex)
5. False

The transfer of information from short term to long term

memory is regulated by the amygdala. (hippocampus)
6. * amygdala: fear response

The hypothalamus controls the autonomic nervous system.

(regulates emotional and motives)
7. False

All senses, except the sense of smell, go through the

thalamus (relays sensory info)or central switching station.
8. False

Fight or flight is stimulated by the parasympathetic

nervous system.
*The parasympathetic nervous system
(PNS) controls homeostasis and the body at
rest and is responsible for the body's "rest and
digest" function. The sympathetic nervous
system (SNS) controls the body's responses
to a perceived threat and is responsible for the
"fight or flight" response. The PNS and SNS
are part of the ANS, or autonomic nervous
system which is responsible for the involuntary
functions of the human body.

When the autonomic nervous system is stimulated, we

experience increased heart rate, decreased digestion, cold
sweaty skin, and other symptoms of anxiety.
10. False

The brain consists of two hemispheres, each controlling the opposite side of the body. Each
hemisphere can be subdivided into different lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. In
addition to the lobes of the cerebral cortex, the forebrain includes the thalamus (sensory relay)
and limbic system (emotion and memory circuit).

Midbrain contains the reticular formation: important for sleep and arousal, as well as the
substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. These structures are important for movement,
reward, and addictive processes.

Hindbrain contains the structures of the brainstem (medulla, pons, and midbrain): control
automatic functions like breathing and blood pressure.

Hindbrain also contains the cerebellum: helps coordinate movement and certain types of

Individuals with brain damage have been studied extensively to provide information about the
role of different areas of the brain, and recent advances in technology allow us to glean similar
information by imaging brain structure and function. These techniques include CT, PET, MRI,
fMRI, and EEG.

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