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Ukrainian Orthodox Church has three division.

First, - Kyiv Patriarchate, the second is Moscow

Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church

Constantino1240 pol. Ukraine 996. King Vladimir from Constantinopol.

Differencies + Doctrines

1) Faith and Reason

Following the Holy Fathers, Orthodoxy uses science and philosophy to
defend and explain her Faith. CTH makes no effort to prove by logic or
science what Christ gave His followers to believe
2) The Orthodox Church does not agree that the teachings of Christ have
changed from time to time; It affirms that "the faith once delivered to the
saints" (Jude 3) is now what it was in the beginning. - CHT doctrinal
3) ORT we can’t receive the knowledge of God unless God speaks to us,
human reason cannot know more.
4) Christ, on the Cross, gave "His life a ransom for many" (Matt. 20:28The
"ransom" is paid to the grave. As the Lord revealed to the Prophet Hosea
(Hosea 13:14), "I will ransom them (us) from the power of the grave, I will
redeem them from death." In a sense, He pays the ransom to the devil who
has the keeper of the grave and holds the power of death (Heb. 2:14).
----Catholic theology, God became man in order to satisfy the divine Justice
which was offended by the sin of Adam. In other words, by his sin Adam
offended the infinite God and, therefore, his sin had infinite consequences.
5) The Church
The CHT teach that the visible head of the Church is the Pope, the successor
to St. Peter, who was appointed to that sacred position by the Lord Himself
The Pope is, then, "the Bishop of the Catholic Church," her teacher, the
agent of Christ on earth. He is the interpreter of the Christian Tradition.
When he speaks for the whole Church

The Orthodox Church teaches that all bishops are equal. To be sure, there
are different ranks of bishops (patriarch, archbishop, metropolitan, bishop);
nevertheless, a bishop is a bishop
6) CTH A canon is a "rule" or "guide" for governing The Church. Only, the
head of the church, applies them.

the Orthodox Church does not think of canons as laws, that is, as regulating
human relationship. They are meant to produce holiness by obedience.
7) The Mysteries
The Orthodox call "the mystical Supper." is mysteriously the Body and
Blood of Christ. We receive Him under the forms of bread and wine,
because it would be wholly repugnant to eat "real" human flesh and drink
"real" human blood.
The Orthodox faithful receive both the "body" and "blood of Christ" in
Holy Communion; Roman Catholics receive only the "bread," a wafer.
8) Marrige –
CTH Holy Matrimony is contract. no divorce under any conditions - no
divorce but annulment of the marriage

Orthodoxy, Holy Matrimony is not a contract; it is mystical union of a man

and woman - in imitation of Christ and the Church. Second and third
marriages are permitted - not as a legal matter after the death of a spouse.
9) The Mother of God
Orthodox reject the Roman Catholic "dogma of the Virgin Mary,"
preserved from all stain of Original Sin. She did, however, inherit the
mortality which comes to all on account of Adam's Fall. she had sinned. the
Wedding at Cana where she presumed to instruct Him

she was taken into the heavens, body and soul. She now sits at the foot of
her Son, making intercession for all those who implore her mercy.

Both also believe in the intercessions of the Virgin Mary and all the Saints.
Such intercessions reflect the unity of the Church in heaven and the Church
on earth.

Both also believe that the Mother of God is the Church. The Church is the
Body of Christ. Jesus iso our "brother" (Rom. 8:29). If Christ is our brother,
then, the Virgin Mary is our mother.
10) Icons
The icon is an artistic depiction of Christ, the Mother of God and the Saints.
God the Father cannot be painted, because He has never been seen. God the
Holy Spirit has appeared as a dove and as "tongues of fire." He may be
shown in this way. God the Son became a man, and He may be painted in
His human form.
Again, icons are a necessary part of Orthodox piety. The Orthodox honor
and kiss icons, a devotion which passes from the icon to the person or
persons represented in them. Icons are not idols and the Orthodox do not
worship them. Worship is reserved for God alone. The statues set up in
Roman Catholic temples are visual aids and decorations.

There are no orders of Orthodox monks (Dominicans, Benedictines) male and

female Orthodox clergy wear beards; Papist clergy are generally beardless.

ORTH do not fast on Saturday and Sunday.

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