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MATH FORMULA Exponential Growth Formula - y = a (1 + r), r is a

decimal value for the percent increase

Perimeter of a Square - P = 4s Exponential Decay Formula - y = a(1 - r), r is a
Perimeter of a Rectangle - P=2l+2w decimal value for the percent decrease
Circumference of a Circle - C = 2πr OR πd Arithmetic Sequence Formula - a₁+(n-1)d
Area of a Square - A=s² Geometric Sequence (Definition and Formula) - a
Area of a Rectangle/ Square - A=lw sequence that can be defined recursively as An =
Area of a Parallelogram - A=bh A(n-1)r
Area of a Trapezoid - A=½(b₁+b₂)h
Area of a Circle - A=πr² average = sum of terms / number of terms
Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism - SA = 2lw +
average speed = total distance / total time
2wh + 2lh
mode = value in the list that appears most often
Surface Area of a Circular Prism (Cylinder) - 2pR² +
2pRH median = middle value in the list
Surface Area of a Triangular Prism - bh + (S1+ S2 Area of a Trapezoid
+ S3)H - A=½(b₁+b₂)h
Base shape: Triangle: base 'b', height 'h', and sides Slope Formula
S1, S2 and S3 - m=y₂-y₁/x₂-x₁
Area of base : ½b×h Slope-Intercept Form
Perimeter of base: S1+ S2 + S3 - y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-
intercept of the line.
Surface Area of a Cone - SA=πrl+πr²
Surface Area of a Sphere - SA=4πr² Point-Slope Form
- y-y₁=m(x-x₁), where m is the slope and (x₁,y₁) is a
Volume of a Cube - V=s³ given point on the line
Volume of a Prism - V =Bh
Standard Form (Linear Equations)
Volume of a Pyramid - V=⅓Bh - Ax + By=C, where A, B, and C are not decimals or
Volume of a Cone - V=1/3πr²h fractions, where A and B are not both zero, and
where A is not a negative
Volume of a Sphere - V=(4/3)πr³
average = sum of terms / number of terms Standard Form (Quadratic Equations)
- ax² + bx + c = 0
average speed = total distance / total time
Quadratic Formula
mode = value in the list that appears most often
- x = -b ± √(b² - 4ac)/2a
median = middle value in the list
Standard Form (Quadratic Functions)
Area of a Trapezoid - A=½(b₁+b₂)h
- y=ax²+bx+c
Slope Formula - m=y₂-y₁/x₂-x₁
Intercept Form (Quadratic Functions)
Slope-Intercept Form - y=mx+b, where m is the - the form y=a(x-p)(x-q), where the x-intercepts of
slope and b is the y-intercept of the line. the graph are p and q
Point-Slope Form - y-y₁=m(x-x₁), where m is the Vertex Form (Quadratic Functions)
slope and (x₁,y₁) is a given point on the line - y=a(x-h)²+k
Standard Form (Linear Equations) - Ax + By=C, Exponential Growth Formula
where A, B, and C are not decimals or fractions, - y = a (1 + r), r is a decimal value for the percent
where A and B are not both zero, and where A is
not a negative Exponential Decay Formula
- y = a(1 - r), r is a decimal value for the percent
Standard Form (Quadratic Equations) - ax² + bx + c decrease
Arithmetic Sequence Formula
Quadratic Formula - x = -b ± √(b² - 4ac)/2a - a₁+(n-1)d
Standard Form (Quadratic Functions) - y=ax²+bx+c
Geometric Sequence (Definition and Formula)
Intercept Form (Quadratic Functions) - the form - a sequence that can be defined recursively as An
y=a(x-p)(x-q), where the x-intercepts of the graph = A(n-1)r

are p and q Simple Interest Formula

Vertex Form (Quadratic Functions) - y=a(x-h)²+k - I=Prt
Compound Interest Formula
- A = P(1 + r/n)^(n x t), r is the rate, n is the number
of times compounded, t is time

Distance Formula
- d = √[( x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²]

Midpoint Formula
- (x₁+x₂)/2, (y₁+y₂)/2

Distance Traveled Formula

- d=rt

1 kg (kilograms) --> lbs - 2.2 lbs (pounds)

1 kg (kilograms) --> grams - 1000 g (grams)
1 g (gram) --> milligrams - 1000 mg (milligrams)
1000 mcg (micrograms) --> milligrams - 1 mg
1000 mg (milligram) --> gram - 1 g (gram)
1000 mL (milliliters) --> liters - 1 L (liters)
30 mL (millilters) --> ounces - 1 oz (ounce)
30 mL (milliliters) --> tablespoon - 2 tbsp
5 mL (milliliters) --> teaspoon - 1 tsp (teaspoon)
15 mL (milliliters) --> tablespoon - 1 tbsp

DO NOT WRITE - trailing zeros ex: 5.0

DO WRITE - leading zeros ex: 0.5
Linear Function Format - Y = mx + b
Identity function format - F(x) = x
Square function format - Y = x^2
Cube function format? - Y = x^3
Square root function format? - Y = (x)^(1/2)
Exponential Function format? - y = e^x

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