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English Reviewer


Lexical Verbs-has meaning

Ex. Issha has two siblings.

Auxiliary Verbs-they add sense to the maid verb and have no meaning

Ex. Issha has read "Po-on".

-2 Types:

1. Helping Verbs


-Ex. Does Issha have 2 siblings?

2. Modals

-ought to/will/may/might/etc.

-It will rain.(with certainty)

-It may rain(stronger possibility)

-It might rain(possibility)


-denotes property or quantity of a noun

-we can add intensifiers like very,more,etc. to identify it.

Adjectival functions

-Present Participle- These floating restaurants are unbelievably great!

-Past Participle- The ousted Supreme Court cheif justice has eaerned overwhelming
support from various individuals and organizations.

-Infinitive- Guns n' Roses is the band to see.

-Prepositional Phrase- The woman in the kitchen is my mother.

-Relative/adjectival clauses- The woman who is in the kitchen is my mother.


-describes a verb, adjective, adverb

Adverbial Functions

-Infinitive- My father left the country to seek better employment oppurtunities.

-Prepositional Phrase- My mother really loves working in the kitchen.

-Adverbial Clause- My father shall leave after he has cooked dinner.



-words that show/express emotion


-used as substitute for nouns

-has all noun functions except vocative and objective complement


1. Personal- I, we, me, us, mine, ours, myself, ourselves

2. Demonstrative- these, that, those, this

3. Indefinite- everyone, several, some, each, both, few

4. Interrogative-how, why, where, what, which, whose, whom, who

5. Relative- that, who, whom, which

6. Cardinal Numbers


-they come before nouns

Gab is the student. The student has been granted a scholarship.

Gab is the student who has been granted a scholarship.


1. Articles- a, an, the

a- is used when rhe succeeding SOUND is a consonant sound

an-used when the succeding SOUND is a vwel sound

the- only used when the word is already defined

2. Possesive-her,its,our,Gab's

3. Interrogative- which, whose

4. Quantifiers- few, many, one, first, some, both, each, several


-aka Pang-ukol

-placed before a noun

-used to show relationship between noun/pronoun and verb

-under, inside, at, beside, in front of, with regard to, across from, over, in,
on.according to, etc.

in 1981

in September

in September 1981

on September 12


-join/connect words/classes


1. Coordinating- connect 2 gramatically equal adjectives








2. Subordinating- subordinating an idea to a new one

because, after, before, while, etc.

3. Correlative-come in pairs
either or, neither nor, not only, but also, etc.



-time and place in which the short story happens



Protagonist- central person

Antagonist- character that represents opposition against which tje protagonist must

Anti-hero- Major character that lacks conventional nobility of mind

Foil- Any characater whose personal qualities contrast with another character

Symbolic- character that represents some major aspect of society


Major/Central characters-vital to development of conflict

Minor characters- serve to compliment major events

Dynamic- person who changes overtime

Rounded- person that has a complex personality

Static- person who doesn't change overtime

Stock- stereotypical character(ex. Marga)


Direct Presentation- refers to what the speaker/narrator directly says/thinks about

a character

Indirect Presentation- refers to what the character says/does


Rising Action


Falling action


Conflict- struggle between 2 people or things

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Fate/ CIrcumstance

Point of View

First Person- a character in the story is the narrator

Omniscient- a narrator is telling the story without bias

Limited Omniscient- a narrator only states what the main character is thinking

Objective- a narrator only states facts


-a central topic that a text treats

-2 categories

1. Work's thematic concept- what readers think the wrk is about

2. Thematic statement-what the work says about the subject


1. Simile- makes comparisons using 'like' and 'as'

2. Metaphor -make comparison

3. Hyperbole-exaggeration

4. Litotes-understatement by using double negatives

5. Meiosis- witty understatement, ex. shrink (pyschiatrist)

6. Metonymy- replaces part with whole, ex. government(part)= England(whole)

7. Synecdoche- replaces whole with part, ex. mouths=people

8. Oxymoron-contradictory terms, ex. awfully good, deafening silence

9. Paradox- statement that contradicts itself but may be true, ex. The only thing I know
is that I don't know anything

10. Irony-contradiction

11. Personification- giving human qualities to non-living things

12. Onomatopoeia- naming of a thing or an action using a sound associated with it, ex.
The buzzing bee flew away

13. Alliteration- tounge twister, repetition of consonant

14. Consonance- repeating o consonant sound which can't be found at the beginning of
the sentence

15. Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds

16. Apostrophe- speaker speaks to someone who isn't present

17. Allusion- when a person makes an indirect reference to a text, movie, cartoon, etc.,
like descriptions of things or people ex. Your backyard is a Garden of Eden

18. Antonomasia- substitution of title for a proper name to express a general idea

19. Euphemism- replaces offensive words, profanities, etc.


20. Flashback- transition in story to an earlier time, that interrupts the normal
chronological order of events

21. Flash-forward-a scene that temporarily takes the narrative forward in time which
enables the writer to give logical explanations of the actions of the characters

22. Cliffhanger- it features the main character in a precarius or difficult dillema, or

confronted with a shocking revelation at the end of an episode

23. Deus Ex Machina- it is when an unsolvable problem suddenly becomes solvable or a

soultion to an unsolvable problem suddenly appears

24. Dream Sequence-technique used to set apart a brief interlude from the main story,
the interlude may consist of a flasback, flashforward, vision, fantasy, a dream or
other elements

25. Side Story- it is written to fully write or flesh out a side character that the audience

26. Twist/Suprise ending- A sudden change in direction or expected outcome of the

plot, it may change the perception/opinion of the audience

27. Narrative hook-opening of the story that hooks the reader's attention so that they
will keep reading, usually found at the start of a story

28. Eppiphany- when a character is suddenly struck with a life-changing realization

which changes the rest of the story

29. Poetic justice- the good characters are awarded and the bad characters are

30. Symbolism- means to mbue objects with a certain meaning that is different from
their original meaning or function

31. Foreshadowing- in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in
the story, like a spoiler

32. Allegory- it conveys a hidden meaning through the use of symbolic characters and
events, it came from the word Allegoria which means speaking to imply something
types: historical allegory, biblical allegory, political allegory

33. Local color-it is udes to refer to customs, traditions, dress and other things which
give a place or period of time its own particular character

34. Imagery- creates visuals for the reader that appeal to our senses

35. Sattire- humor that is used to expose and criticize the negative characteristics of an
individual or society


36. S-IV
37. S-TV-DO

38. S-TV-DO-OC (noun)

39. S-TV-DO-OC (adjective)

40. S-LV-SC (noun)-you can add intensifiers like very, really, etc.

41. S-LV-SC (adjective)

42. S-TV-IO-DO

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