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Cattle Terminology

• 1. Young female that has not had babies yet
• 3. Adult male used for breeding
• 5. Adult female that has had babies

• 2. Male that cannot be used for breeding
• 4. Holds cattle for many things
• 5. A male or female baby

2. By-products- Fun Facts

What are by-products? They are things made from parts of the cow (besides your hamburger!) There are
hundreds of uses for cattle byproducts, which we use every day. Nearly the entire cow is used, but only about half
of the cow is used for beef…. So what is the rest of the cow used for?

Cattle By-products

Hair and skin Fats Horns- Bones Organs

3. Point the parts of beef on the picture: Round/ Loin/ Ribs/ Chuck/ Brisket/ Short Plate/ Flank

4. Match the words to the definitions

Castration Maternal traits Ruminant

Cull cattle Parturition Weaning

Estrus Paternal Traits

______________________- A type of animal that has a compartmentalized stomach; this type of animal will regurgitate
their food, chew the cud, and swallow it down to aid in digestion

______________________- Cattle that you do not want anymore and need to sell

______________________- Taking older calves away from their mothers so they start eating grass and growing on their

______________________- The act of giving birth

______________________- The act of removing a bull’s testicles

______________________- The time in the reproductive cycle when the female cow is in heat

______________________- Traits that influence female characteristics, such as milk yield

______________________- Traits that influence male characteristics, such as muscle growth

5. Label the breeds and write some of their characteristics

Hereford- Black Angus- Charolais- Brahman

6. Reproduction and Breeding

Did you know?

Reproduction is the most important factor in cattle profitability! There are 2 ways to breed cattle, natural service
and artificial insemination (AI).

AI is the most preferred method of breeding!

List some possible advantages of AI
What are some possible disadvantages of AI?

7. Cattle Digestion

How do cattle turn grass into tasty beef that we later enjoy?

In humans, food goes into our mouths, down our throats, and into our stomachs. Cattle are different in one main
way- we have 1 stomach and they have 4!

Did you know?

• This unique digestive system of cattle makes them “ruminants”

• Because cattle have 4 stomachs*, they can digest things humans cannot! (It would not be nice for us to try to eat
grass or hay!)

• In one of the cow’s stomachs, there are “little animals” called microorganisms, which help a cow get all the
nutrients it can from its food

Draw the following path on the cow… Mouth/ Throat/ Stomach1with microorganisms/ Stomach 2/ Stomach 3/
Stomach 4

8. Vaccinations

There are 3 “basic protection” vaccines recommended for all cattle…

1. Clostridial
2. Respiratory
3. Deworm

The 2 types of vaccines are “intramuscular” or “IM” (the vaccine goes into the animals’ muscle) and “subcutaneous”
or “SubQ” (the vaccine goes directly under the skin)

What is the proper location to vaccinate? Point the correct place on the picture.
Breed ____________________ Birth Date ______________________ Tattoo ____________________

Name of Animal ______________________ Ear Tag ___________________

Name of Breeder or Previous Owner ___________________________________

Address of Breeder or Previous Owner ____________________________________

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