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3 6499 00387660 6
For Elsk- and Emjk.' Ml.
For JUiecca - A A.

First published in Great Britain in 2007 by Bloomsbury Publishing Pic

36 Soho Square, Bonbon, WiD sQY

This paperback an^ audio CD edition first published in 2008

Text copyright © 2007 iVlichael Rosen

Illustrations copyright © 2007 Ad rian Reynolds

The moral rights o f the author and illustrator have been asserted

Audio CD produced by Jeff Capel at The Audio Workshop

Read by Michael Rosen

Copyright in recording © and © Bloomsbury Publisl iin£ Pic 2007

All ri ;Shts reserved

No part of th is publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic,

mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher

A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 0 7475 7786 7

Printed and bound in Ch ina

13579 10 8642

All papers used by Bloomsbury Publisl iin£ Pic are natural, recyclable

products made from wood ^rown in well-managed forests. The manufacturing

processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin.

Hij Michael Rost it illustrated by .(Adrian Reynolds

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And I sin$> to myself all day.
Do t ee doo
Do tee doo
Dot ee doodily doo.
Tile sound of tlie city in my ears.
Vroomy vroom
Vroomy vroom
Vroomy vroomity vroom.
Sol £>ot a ticket to tke city.
To tke city?
Totk e ci
Ana I travelled to the city far away.
Ch uffity chuff
Chuffity chuff
Chuff chuffity chuff.
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I went to tli
To tlie ma

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itli people shouting out all day.
You ^otta buy tliat
You ^otta buy this
You ^Sotta buy tbissety that.
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I sat on a swin^
On a swin^?
On a swin^
But everyone Iau£>ke<i at me tin
H ee liee \iee
Hee \i ee

I ran away down tin street.

Down tlie street?
Down tJie street.
And I heard some people coming near.
They said, Ihs a hear!"
Its a hear?
Its a hear.
It looks like its lost
Like its lost?
Like its lost.

*Let s take it Jiome ky tke sea

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You ^otta huy this

You $>otta buy that
You 6otta buy tliisse fy tli is.
Fast the cars.
WF oosliy whoosh
Wh oosFy whoosh
Wh oosliy whoosiaity wli
Chuffity chuff
Chuffity chuff
Chuff chuffity chuff. The city in my ears.
Vroomy vroom
Vroomy vroom
Vroomy vroomity vroom.

Spl is If e ty splash
Splisjkety splasliety splisli.




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A bear mho lives by the sea decides to give city life a try.
But the city is so noisy! So busy! And then the bear gets lost . . .

Luckily four children find the bear and shorn him the may home,
mith much fun along the may.

long-awaited near-sequel to
ISBN 978-0-7475-7786-7
the bestselling, much-chanted
W&’re Going on a Bear Hunt
£6.99 9 780747 577867

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