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Psalms119 65-72

John 17 vs 17

Sancify them by the truth, your word is truth

I can some up what I have learnt so far from Psalm 119 to this. “The important of God’s word in our live.
The Psalmist has emphasized this in every verse of this Psalm. He emphasized the importance of
understanding God’s law and his need for God in his life.

Verse 65 “You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord according to Your word”

Let us look at driving. What would happen if anyone without any knowledge of how to drive, get up one
morning, get into someone car and decide to take a drive downtown. This would obviously cause a
calamity which may include your death and the death of others. But what if you were taught how to
drive properly. How to read road signs, what side of the road to drive on, etc. What happens when you
hire a driving instructor. That instructor will teach you for a couple of months and in those month a
driver’s manual will be implanted in your brain that will stay with you for life and would key to your
survival on the road and if you forget those instructions calamity will ensue. So, how can we like the
psalmist say “You have dealt well with your servant, according to your word……. How can we say what
the Psalmist said and with the confidence? How do we know that God is dealing well with us? WE
MUST READ HIS WORD. It is full of parables, stories of love, wars, joy, pain, not like a list at all but it is
no fear in his statement but a full and complete confidence and understanding about the Law of God
which he used as a template for his life and which he realizes is meant for his prospering and NOT FOR
HIS DEMISE. We must have that same confidence.

Verse 66: “Teach me good judgement and knowledge for I believe your commandments”.

The psalmist exhibits a firm desire to learn from God’s word and he also desire God to guide and direct
his path. Do you know, that it is our personal choices that leads to sin? When we read God word and
we ask him to change us, we are telling him that we have read and believe his word and that we trust
him and want him to strengthen us that we may make choices in our lives that are according to his will.
We must remember that God is our support, we cannot half trust him, we can’t have half faith in him.
The psalmist asked God for Good discernment for he trust his commandments. He trusts that list of
instructions. He knew that the house that God built was solid, able to withstand any storm, and he was
willing to dwell in it. So, must we. Our judgement, our choices in life must be according to the will of
Verse 68: “Before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey your word.

When trouble comes our way, far too often we go astray. The psalmist reflect that this is how he used
to react to trouble and affliction… he would go astray, now he has learn to trust in God’s word to guide
him and his reactions to affliction within his life. Like the psalmist, we also face afflictions in life and we
take matters into our own hand and sometime things get worst. We need to focus on God’s word, on
his promises. God word is filled with promises to provide and deliver. It frees us from sin and evil in
every form. It gives us hope when we feel lost and hurt, it helps us overcome depression, material
situations, health issues, fear of just living, it gives us strength. It is a gift for all who believes in him. It is
the ultimate source of truth. Number 23 vs 19 “Good is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man,
that he should repent. Has he said and will not do it, or has he spoken, and will he not make it good?
Romans 4:21 And being fully assured that what Go has promised, he was able to perform.
Joshua 21:45 Not one of the good promises which the Lord has made to the house of Israel failed; all
came to pass. What the psalmist is charging us to do is to focus on obedience to God’s world. This
obedience will lead and guide us when we face afflictions and it is going to teach us how to live
according during those afflictions… all according God’s word.

Verse 68: You are good and do good teach me your statues

Have you ever sat down and really contemplate on the world today? As Christian we have to told to
separate ourselves from this world but we ignore this and many time we are caught us with the “good”
of this world as our standard and this is where we suffer. When our focus is in the right place it must be
on God. God is the only “Good” in the world today. Our standard should always be God’s goodness.
The goodness of God resides at a higher plane than that of the goodness of humanity. God’s goodness
is something we must ascribe to not what we must see as “good” in this world. John 4 vs 24 say hat God
is spiritual and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Like the psalmist we
must ask God to teach us his statues so that we can worship him in spirit. So that we can put on the
fruits of the spirit Love: Joy: Peace: Patience: Kindness: Goodness: Faithfulness: Gentleness and Self

Verse 69: The proud has forged a lie against me but I will keep your precepts and with my whole heart.

We need to keep our focus where it needs to be. No self-pity, no grumbling. In our lives we are going to
be faced with the smears and taunts of the world. We are going to be attacked from every angle. In the
work place, at school, in our homes and even in the Church. We will be attack with lies and perversions
of truth of God. We cannot avoid this. Look how the psalmist handled this situation. He said he will
keep God’s percepts with his whole heart. “Whole Heart” Meaning he will not do it halfheartedly. He
would focus completely with all his heart of God’s world. When we focus on the world of God and the
precept that he has set forth for us in this life, the slander and slights of those who seek to put harm in
our way cannot touch us. The fiery darts of Satan would fall harmlessly away when we are protected by
the armor of God through his Word. It is our habit that when we come under attack that we run and
hide … we shut out the persons who tried to cause us harm and even those who loves us. We need to
find shelter in God. No self-pity but trust in God promises.
Verse 70 There heart is as fat as grease, but I delight in your law

The psalmist here is going back to the those who lied against him in verst 69 and once again his focus is
revealed.. It is on God’s word not on the one who is trying to cause us harm. The psalmist is saying
that the inner heart or the soul of these people are unhealthy. Today we have so many unhealthy
spiritual hearts who do not realize that God will choose them if they will only accept Him, they cannot
see because they are carnal but we who are spiritual because we have the spirit of God in us must focus
on God’s word and lives our lives as according to the will of God. We must show them Christ in what we
say but more so in what we do and how we act. We must trust God in the mdist of attacks and slander?
The psalmist did and he rejoiced in knowing the will of God.

Verse 71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted

Why do we moan and groan when we are going through some sort of affliction and the psalmist here is
saying that it was good for him to be afflicted? James us in James 2 vs 3 to count it all joy when we fall
into divers’ temptations; knowing this that the trying of our faith worketh patience. Yet we complain
bitterly. James is telling us to rejoice in trial and tribulations as it helps us to mature and grow in our
faith. We need to cling to God’s Word. The old people tells us that it is good to catch a cold
occasionally. It strengthens your body. . We need trials and tribulations to test our faith in God.

The psalmist is also telling us how valuable the word of God is to him. It is a safe haven in time of
trouble. In time of trouble when he runs to it, it heals and strengthens him at each affliction. He is
learning to depend on God.

Verse 72: The law of your mouth is better for me, than thousand of coins gold or silver.

When I read this verse, I understand how the psalmist feel, how precious the word of God is to the
psalmist. To us today, the word of God is Christ. The Old testament points to him. In the New
Testament, he lived, he died, he was resurrected, his Church was formed. He gave us the perfect
example to live by. He left us a set of instructions that will allow us to please God. For us his presence
in our lives is more precious than any amount of treasure.

I want to end by reading Romans 12 vs 1

“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable services.

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