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SOUND BATH: Meditate, Heal & Connect Through Listening

A Sound Bath, is a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience, intentionally using sound to
invite gentle yet powerfully therapeutic and restorative effects to the mind and body.

The sound of harmonic vibrations created by singing bowls are intended to stimulate the alpha
and theta brain waves. These waves are associated with deep meditative and peaceful states that
are highly conducive to healing.

What to expect from a sound bath?

The experience begins with each person lying down or seated in a comfortable position. After a
few minutes of guided focus on the breath and meditation, the remainder of the experience is
filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in succession created by Himalayan
singing bowls.

We invite you to allow yourself this time to bathe in the sounds of the bowls. Sit or
layback, listen and relax.
No experience is necessary for sound healing. Please dress in comfortable clothing and bring a
light blanket/scarf to cover yourself. Yoga mat will be provided by the studio.

Please try and arrive 10 minutes prior to this event to allow yourself enough time to settle
in by 4:30 pm.

Duration: 1 hr

How will the bowls make me feel? Some experience relaxing on a deep physical and
mental state. Others experience sensations of floating. This experience can unblock any
energetic and physical obstructions to offer deep healing.

How will the bowls make me feel? Some experience relaxing on a deep physical and
mental state. Others experience sensations of floating. This experience can unblock any
energetic and physical obstructions to offer deep healing.
We invite you to allow yourself this time to bathe in the sounds of the bowls. Sit or
layback, listen and relax.
This experience can be helpful for anyone who wants to access the benefits from meditation or a

moment of relaxation. A sound bath is an opportunity to explore what a meditative state is and how
it feels. For this reason, it can be beneficial for both beginners of meditation and experienced

meditators as well. The goal of the experience is to invite deep rest and relaxation, and explore self-

inquiry and self-discovery.

Please try and arrive 10 minutes prior to this event to allow yourself eno ugh time to
settle in by 2pm.

Join us this full moon in June for a very special Singing Bowl Sound Bath and Meditation Circle with
the largest selection of beautifully hand-crafted and exquisitely engraved Tibetan singing bowls in
Nashville brought to you by Ngawang Losel, Nashville's own Tibetan Refuge, Musician, Artist and

During a Sound Bath, participants lie on a yoga mat with the optional use of
pillows/bolsters and blankets for comfort. A harmonious sleep-like, meditative state is
reached while lying comfortably on your back in Shavasana (corpse pose) as Christina and
Paul play soothing sounds to wash over you. Individual private therapy sessions will also
include the use of bowls placed and played on the body by Christina while the participant is
fully clothed.

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