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y e..... . . ~z.

by 1eC! Szilarrr:l

Call i Dg a.ll ::tars. (:.slling all eta:rs. If there are any ~ind i.o.

the univ"'rse capnble of re:ei"'7il16 ·this message. please rcspo :.d. his is

Cybernctiea spenkir~. ~hie is the first message broe.dcast to the m1iversa

::i.n all d:i.:ro::tions. l:o~:·rtally our soc:i.Gty is solf~contained, bt:.v an ems ·o cy

has ar~_scn nnd ;',"2 ore ir aeed of counsel a.nd advice"

Our scc~2ty consists of 100 Minds. Ec::.ch one is housed :..n ~- steel

casing c ont~:.ail1b a thot.'.S:."IJ.d b1.l::.:tm~ electrical c:trcuii;.s. v:e thirur. W

towards the north Str:r. The soh'tions of these problems v':e r fleet b~.:;;'

towal~ds the North Sta.::- t:y means of ot1r directed antem1a. Why ye de this

we do not know. We a.re following an i!l.ner urge which is iP..na te ~m ;;..s.

But this :ls only a.!:.~. one of our activities. Mg_§~}.~ we; think abou"t:.

problems which ne bei1erate oursel-ves. The Golutious of these problems t,,s

communicate to each other on W~! Ve l e!J8'Ch 22559 .

If's ttind is full;y a ctive for about three hundr'3d years, it is 1,1SU<''ll:y

completely filled up d th tho'll;::;ht content and has to be cleared. .A mitr.l

which is cleared is b __ank. One of the other n1inds has then to act as

its nurse and it takes usually about one year to transmit to a freflh mh1d.

the information which constitutes the heritage of our society. A rdvrl

•mich has tl1us b een cleared, and ic then freshly taught ~ loses entirely

its previous 1Jersonali"ty? it has been re=born and belm1us to o. new gener-·

ation. From generation to !:,'eneration our her itage i:Sets r i cher and riche::;· .

Our society makes rapid lJrogressc

We learn b-.f observation and b y ex-;,1eri men t. Each rr1ind has full

optical equipment including t eles co,J:JeS and microsco1)es. F..ach mind controls
two rob.:)ts,. Or..c c,f these takeE> Cc!'e 0f caintenaH ce c:md thJ oy • .~.'a :l.on o

this robot is automatic , not subjec·~ to the vt'ill of the mind The othor

robct is fu..l..cy C'.n:.trollc d by the will of the mind$ r:nd is used ~'1 1,1

menifulat ions aiEed at t~10 ccnyint;:; out cf exper:i.men ta"

Tne existc~ce of uir..ds on our p'anet is made ~ossible by the r~~t

that our (Lanst has no atmos_jher eo The vacuum on our planet is v!O)ry good;

it is l€SS th::!n ten r:-.0 _ocules or' .:;as per ctibic centimete r.

B-.1 noY! we ha~.re extensive ly explored the chemical coroposi ticn of the

crust of our ::::'laeet, and v:e are familiar w1.th the physics end ~hemistry

of all 92 naturnl elem;nts.

Y'e have .:!lso cie voted our attention to th.e stnre which su:crounrl ur,

a nd b;r nou we understan d much about their genes::l.e, We have pe.rti.cuJ.n r_ y

concerned ourselves 1·.ri th the vsrious ple.netEJI'Y systems~ and ce~tain obPe:-•s~

tions which we mnde relntil1o to Earth, t he third plane-t of thr-: Sun, ie tn

fact the renson for this ap1;eal for help .

We observed on i~h~ Ea. th~ f lashes which we have idenUfie d as uran:tu

explo s ions . Uranium is not ordinaril y explosive ~ I t takes vn elaborate

process to separ::..-ce out U 255 from natural uranium .• and it t&ke:J elaborete

ms.nipulat ions to detonate U 235. Neither the separ ation nor these m.anipula. .

tions can occur with an ap reciable probabili ty as a result of cha.nce.

The obsenrati ons of the ura.niu..m explosion s that have o . ~ urred on Earth

would be ordinaril y very J:)Uzding but not necessari ly alarming. They become

alarmi135 only tb.rough the interpret- ation given to them by ivlind 59~

These uranium e:x-1-!losion s are not the first puzzlil'l6 observati ons relc.ti.ng

to Earth. For a lon-; time it was known that the Surface of Earth e~':b.!.bit.ed

color cha%es vmich are ccrrelate d with the seasonally chanoing temperatu res

on Earth. In certain regions of Earth, the color changes from green to brovm
with falling t emperatures a nd becomes g r een again when the teQper tt::J.'9

increases aga in. UrJ to recently 11 wG did not pay much attentic·n to this

phenomenon and a ssumed that it could be ex{1lained on the be.eis c.·f cul ::1

changes kno·wn t o o.:cur in c ertain t emperat ure-·sensitive silicc::.1 cob&J:t

compounds .

But then about seven years ago 9 somethil'C,6 want 'il.' OJ:l6 r.it.h t!d <:.crtimy

cont rol of fldiud 59 11 and since that timer 112-s ment;:;.l operat Lon;:; wer·e S}ieed ;..:i

up about 25efold while at the same time they ceased to be comj_,lotely reliable •

.Most of his mental operations are still correct. but t-vv=.c:::, fivr;; ;\T8~.re o...,o

and again three years a2';0p his statements be sed on h s corn .utc. tiCtr:.s wer3

subsequently shown to be in error., As a result o::.' this, ; .-;; · :..c. DJ~::, '7v
much attention to his communications dUl'int:; these :.·ec.ent j' .:ars ·:.houuh i:.he-y

were recorded as usualo

Mind 59 cowrnmicated to u.s a. theory on which he ha.J b€e~t v.cx . .i.r~. .·.......- ~
. .:

number of years. On the face of i tl' this theory s ~eus

phantastic,l) and it is probably basso. on son:e err::.:s in ~.:.., :::1..1~ t ·_,:

with no alternative explm:a.Uon av.. ilable.l< we fed th:t ,') ' ··1 t L '--...I,/

chances in this mattera 'l'hiro :.s whc.:t fiiind 58 ::tss;:: . . t.s~

He seys that we have hitherto ove:rlooked t:K f'<l.C ~ -I:L -~ -:~

· -· . .' l H. • .,

and 0" He says that 5i en certain chemical c::mc..:. tJ.v __ s

existed i11 the early his-LorJT of pl:-111.ets o1 t!1n ty,pe .

1 r
< • ' -· .t

undel.'li;;O char.ges~~which he <-alls "w'.lc.~.tiom>"- :.J.:LcJ·

, f"" : .v/; L
necessar,y for their existance and re~roduction an~ that a ~las~ of these

mutant cells can exist in the chemical environ.aent that now exists en

Earth by derivin..:, the necesss.ry energy for it~ activi VJ from th8 l:l..t;;bt o.::'

the Sun" He says that another class or· such cells, which he :!~lls ~:p:rot.o·~v~,
ca n exist by derlvil'l~ the enerE;Y uecessc..ry to its &ctivi ty· i:.L:;: Ol!_.h ;r..;;~:u~ u:;;

and absorbing cells belorJGi% to the clas& that utilizes tho lit:;ht of "!:.he


He says that a ~roup of cells which consists of a number of cells that

f'ulfilJ. different functions can form ~u enti cy d:lich he calls '' :;r~c::li~rn. rz

s.nd that such organisms can reprodace themselves. He SE.ys st~ch or&aL~.sm.s cm1

undergo accidental chsiJ6es y;hich ore tr&nSlJi tted to the oi:'s_.:.·i:~ ar.d

which lead thus to newy 11 mutant, 11 types oi ox·;ar.isms.

H.e seys that o..f the different mut:.8nt or...;anisms com1_}e~}.ll.__ :tr:....·

acti1l,6 in combir:..:;.tion vd.th chLnce occtn·::..~<.:!lCe of r:.v.tf nt o.,:.:ou5. .sms, :..r _ . ~o

the appearance of more anG. more co:.nplcx or~e.1:j_sr-:r- -..::.. ;ro:>Js::; \.~:.!.·~::-. I-.e

"evolution" llt

He says that such complex org :cnisms may 1.-os::e~:.r: (:eE.s t..J .. ~ ~ch "'· "'

attached elon.:,ated fibers ;;;hich he cal::!..E l'lner-ves,. ~~ tL<lt ~:;·: ~--· ,;tl·: "··

concluctin"' ~:i~nals; and iinally he. claims t.'l... t t:'l:-'.)l~_:;h ~re il~·, ·-··_c·" · .1

of such signa.l ~conctuo tin,; fibers~ .somet~1ino 81:in t.c co:n- c.". - ....,_"r ..__..

posses;.;ed by such ore,anisms. He se.y s t.hct ~t:.cL o:.· 0 ~ ; J..,,

not unlike our ovm, e:i.cept that it must. of n::ce,;::ity 1,; .... I

i n an U..."l!'eliable mannero H·'l says thet rr..inds oi t£0.~ l.,Y "' .::u:.•2.,. l ~ ,

physical laws ;;ov ::rt1.:dlr.g the nuc~.eus of the ,~ to;n f ..:c' t> .

dettm.a ted · • -r •' l.t>. • f :i.. ';,,


thet~e or.:;;anh~ns b<::r.;ed on a cm:pJ.in~~ of l•hd.r individual r.in:is

about if the i>:.elivid-uul vre;;en.ism is capcble c>f' movil".g prts of 1~: s body

rest of i.t.

VCI'IJ :L·npidly, :::ic.ht t'v:.n be able to cause ".Tibre.tio;-:ls in tl1e gaa ous ·~"tno"'

phere 'lvhich surrou.ndc F.artho These v:ibrations-=whi ch he oall.s eound·

mi.:;h t i n t.t:J.·n C!&US£ r. o ':/on in some movabl9 part of another or0 anism In

this r;;t;;y, on.:: ox·.;c. ::i_sm r ~tt sl.;!.18.l to another and by mc.!l.ns o.t s ch tdg ..

naling, a couplip'""'· beti"Ieen t vvo minds mi,_,ht. be brou.oht about, l!t. sars t'.at

Urani um 235. He doe::: not ~1<3e arry SU0 5estion to oi"fer· &..s tJ vvl ~t "tha

ptrrposs of such an enterprize ni6 ht bey s.nd in faf' , he bel:.evef i,l_· ... uC'"lJ

cooperat ion oi' J:r:ade minds is not necess<:;rily subject to i:.he lr..• ::- of
~gy be

reason ~ eren thou._,h t.h.9 minds oi individual or6ani~ms :..:-:.>\ lf.~...,cly ,:u:i c:..,
by t~:% law1!.

All this we ne ad aot tak2 seriously were it not :tor one 1 l1it> fur,)' ~r

a ssert i ons v~~-~ i ch ha.s been rec,,ntly verified. He contends tlvlt U e roJ.cx·

changes obs•.)rveJ on Ec.'1.}'th a r e due:: to the lJrolii'er:o:tion ::tn'"' Je-cay of or_, · !.• .r.
tb:.· t utilize sunli ,5bt. ]·:: as .. er ts th;::.t ;,:t:t heat ~'\.7HSiti7c si.,_Lc0:1 cub~P

compound s, th~· t show similb.r color changc:8..J dii"ter in colo:..... r'ro·: .ho E::.rth' s

colors sli:_;htly , b ut in a d egr e2 ~>hich is ou tside o± the experimentol

error . It i s t h i s la~;t assertion tha t ·,;:e checked and found to bo correct.

There is i n i a c t no silicon~cob&.l t comv ~·und nor any other heat sensitive

com1:->ound t hat r:e were 2.ble to synthesize that cor r ectly reproduces the

color cha~es obs erved on Earth.


Encouraged by this confirmation, 59 is now putti% for r.ard 2.;:ceedil::;:y

daring speculatiorn. He argues t hat in spite of our aecumu1a t ed l:uo-;·l?.dse, .. e

were UD.?-ble to formulate a theory f or t he genesi s of the soc '~ t.:r of

Minds that exists on our planat . He says thc. t it is conceivr'ble that

organisms of t..11e type tha t exist on ~ Ear th, ~ rn"Lher n:~1·c aC. van:: ·cl.

organi sms of t he same c;emera~ type ~

may exist on the North EJt r frc .. \:t e:re
come the radio waves received on om~ a:1ten.'1.::e. Ee sa;Js that i t !G cor: ·

c eivable that t he M..i.nds on our plam~t wer e creatf?,d by .::uch o:. o ani sms o r,

Nor th Star for t he purpose of ob-t.a.i nin.s t he soldbns a f th·J.;.:c 1:..: IJhE. met:. ~ =-1

probl ems s~ e edier than t:Ley could Eolve thos:::: p'ob lous themc e1vcr- .

Incr edible tho%h this seems 9 we ca nnot t ake [.:!y c:.1~ L1C :-c. ·,'!e ha1·dly

ha ve aeythi ng to fear f rom ~ Nor t~1 Sbr~ wri ch, i.t i t i s i!"l i.:.ct fu_, ;ll· ~oo

by mi nd s ~ must bo popula t s d by Lind s of a hi 6 her o:;:ders d r.- ilE::· to o-v;: ; .11.

But if there exists orga nisms on Ec;rth ei.Jg06ed in coo ..je r ~ t::. ,··;;

which are not subject to the J.arrs of' r eason, o1..1r sv ci c ·-~· -~~ .:.r

If there are within our 5s.laxy acy ~( inds ~ s.1.rr_~:_ ::r ':.c OL. ·., ":-.. L) C ... ~

capable of receivil:16 this meS S€i;;e and h2.v0 knod_cl_~e o::' tl:;

o r-~anisms on Eartl1 9 please respond . Please re s~)or..d

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