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OSMENA COLLEGES Information Sheet 3.4 - Install the Printers Server (SYS1) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is far more modular than prior versions of the Server 0S, and though the print spooler is installed and running out of the box, management of the printers is, not: this has caused no end of surprises while trying to configure printers on a new application Install the “Print Services" role The first step is to insure that the/Print Services role is installed, which enables a nimber of required administrative steps. This is nOt the same as thé Printers applet in the Control Panel: the latter doesn’t run in an administrative context, afid will not allow many of the required operations. to installation and management of printers. 1, Launch the Administrative Tools > Server Managers 2, Launch Administrative Tools > Server Managers from the StartMefiu, expand the local server's ame, and then expand the Rolesitem. ifPrint_and Document Services are already found, then stom, Otherwise right-click on Roles and select Add Roles from the context menu. SS stora ilPage OSMENA COLLEGES Enable the checkbox on Print and Documents Services, then click Next. This is a good services if you think you need them, though many application servers won't. After clicking Next, an "Introduction to Print Services” dialog is displayed. Review, then lick Next on this as well. aks pb sceserenseareonbeti v a a al sf gps i 4, Most users require only Print Server — this provides normal ordinary Windows printing support. LPDis an older UNIX-style printing that’s. not commonly used in Windows. environments. If not sure, leave-unchecked. The Internet Printing Protocol is likewise not common used. It not sure, leave unchecked. es sbtect RbIE/Services =] ‘ 2[ Page OSMENA COLLEGES 5. This final dialog confirms what's about to be performed, and though it warns that a system reboot may be necessary. It didn't require one when we added print services to our server. But removing the Print Services role did require a restart before any additional role-related changes could be made. Re Confirm Installation Selections fefene You Bec @ fs bar hit rovcto be ested after tho rstaltionconpltor. Fe re ne eaeieg Neer eeanees) co Frowtess Print Server esuts At this point, the machife is configured. with full Print Se a|Pag OSMENA COLLEGES Managing Remote Printer Servers With Print Services fully installed, there are several places that can perform printer administration > The Print Management Console 1. Start - Administrative Tools - Print Management. Expand the Print Servers tree, then your Server and click “Printers Servers" to view the prititers already installed: ‘| Fie Acton ew \ He Y [= => | 2H) | er Print Management (Bi Gaston Fiters H AllPrinters (1) = allorivers ©) Hl Gl Printers Not Ready 4 @ G/ Printers with iobs Print Servers \ sve decal) 4|Page OSMENA COLLEGES Deploy Printers via Group Policy on Windows Server 2008 R2 After you have installed the Role services, Browse to Administrative todls > Print and Document > > >< > >I Right-click on the printer you want to deploy, and choose Deploy with Group Policy [inne eae Fie Acton View Helo @=s| all ale ern rensaenent EB] Custom Filters’ & Gi allzrinters (2, Ol All Drivers (6) (Gj Printers Not Ready ib] Printers With Jobs o Ag” print Servers Gi syst focal) 2 |e) Onvers a @ Ferris

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