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E i
Part 1
whal is your full name? How should I call you?
Urere do ]rou come ftt,m?

How do you usually travel around yourtown or city? Why?
What do you thinkofpublia transport in your town or city?
ii-ur.i^ v-'t rhihr u,o m'rl.l n6rc,,.rlA hor. hc^hlo r^ n,,hii. iEn.n^n,ti.n?

Do you go out a lot or do you preferhome entertainment?
Whet kinri nfthings do Jvnn u,atcrh on TW
Can you easiiy entenain yoursei f wh en you areaione?
Are there manyplaces for entertainment in your area?

Describe someone who has Eughtyou
You should sayl
who ihe pelsoll is,
what he/she taughr yor!
I how he/sh e raught ycu,
and explain why the thingyou l(eamed was useful,
you still
Do meetthispe6on or not?
Do you knowsomeone else who was also taught by that person?

What wouldyou say the mostimportant thingyou leamt for are leaming) atschool?
C o uld you compare lhe effectiven ess of s€hools in the past with that at presen l?

ID what ways do you think schools will change ,n the fiiture?

How importantis itforpeople in your countryto get a university education?
Whatkindofjobs can people do without a unlversity education?
What are the advantages ofstarting work at a young age?
Doyou agree with the saying that we are nevertoo old to leam?
What are the advantages ofcontinuing education as high as posslble?

Part 1
What isyourfuliname?Howshould I call you?
Where do you corne fmm?

What wouldyou suggesl a visitor should see and do in your country?
Are th€re any traditional arts or music you would rccommend?
Tell rne abo,.rt the !.lDd of foreisn .risitors ortourists who go,/come to,.,out count+,.
ln what ways has tourism changed yourcountry?

Tell me about the mostimportant festj!'al in your country.
speciai iood and activiriesare connected with fiis fesrivai?
Whal do you most enjoyabout it?
Do you thinkfestivals are important fora countryTWhy?

DEiriSe i mernora6l-e Cibntli-i,ou r 1i6.

You should sdyl
wheB the eveft took place,
where rhe event tookplace,
what happened exactly,
and expialn wtythis event was m€morable for],ou.

Would you think that something could have made this eventeven morememorable?
ls ita good thing to remembersu.h events?

T'ne roie ofceremony in our lives
How important ar:e ceremonies irl our lives?
Do you see the role ofprivate and public ceremonies changing in the future?

Att.rh:a!.s h mar:-i:rg. ill i:c.Jr countr./

Have attitudes to marriage changed in recent years?
ln what ways do men and women feeldifferently about mar age, inyour opinion?

Events of natiohal/globel signlEca[ce

What sort of national events make headllnes in yourcountry?
Does the media in your countly pay more attention to global ornational events?

Part 1
What is yourfull name? How should I callyou?
Where do you clme frcm?

Do you have a large familyora small family?
Can you teli me somethingabout them?
How much lime do you manage to spend \.r!! h menbers ofyour family?
Whatsort ofthings do you like to do togelher?
Did/do you get on wellwith your family?

Daily Routtue
What wouidyou iike to change in your daiiy rcurine?
Are ali your days thesame?
Tell me about your typical weekdays andweekends.
Whatis the balance ofwork/studyand free time inyour normal day?

wherc you met hiln/her,
what subject helshe taught,
what was spe€ial abotrt him/her,
ard explail why this person int]uenced you so much.

Doyoustill meet this person or not?

Doyou knowsomeone else who was also taught by that person?

Pa.t 3
Deveiopment io education
Howhas educatioo changed inyourcountry in the last 10 years?
What changes do you foresee in the next 50yeafs?

A naiioEa! cd[c4tion sistcrEr

How are expectatioN of today's school leavers compared with those of the previolrs generation?
What role do you thinkextracurricular activities play in education?

Dificrent st!,Ies/mettods of tea.lring

What method oflearnlng works best tbryou?
Howbeneficial do you think it is to group students according to thelr level ofability?

Part 1
What isyourfullname? How should I callyou?
Wher€ do you come from?

Are your friends mostiy yo u r age or different ages? Why?
Do you usually seeyour friends during theweek or at weekends? Why?
The lasttime yo,r saw)/our friends, uJhaf did yo!r rlo toeether?
In whatways areyourfriends jmportant toyou?

Dou you have any hobbies or inteftsrs? What are they?
How didyou become interested in lhai ariivity?
What is there to do in your free tlme ill your home town?
How do you usually spend yourholidays?

an lntere toric

what kind ofplace it is,

wh€re it is located,
whal you can see there now,
and explain why this piace is interesting.

Will you go to that place again sometime in the futurc?

Will you recommend this place to yourfriends?

Part 3
Looldng after historic piaces
How do people in yourcountryfeel about protecting historic buildings?
Do you thinkan area cEn benefit from having an intercsting histo ric place locally? In whatway?
What do you thhk will happetr to historic places or buildirgs i[ the future? Why?

The teactiBg of history at school

Howwere you tadghthistory when you were at school?
Are there other ways people can leam about history, apart from at school? How?
Doyou think history will stfll be a school suqect in the futureT WhyT

Part I
What isyourfull name? How should I callyou?
where do you come from?

Food and cooking

What kiod offood do you like to eat?
What kind ofnewfood would you Iike to try? Why?
Do you lik-e coohng? Why,/WhY n.o?
What was the last mealyou cooked?
Do you prefer home-cooked or food from restaurants? Why?

cold weatter
ilave you ever been rn a very colci wea*leri Wheni
How olten is the weather cold whereyou come from?
Are some parts ofyour country colder than others? Why?
Would you preferto live in a hot plaae ora cold place? Why?


how Iongyou havebeen doing it,

whyyou enjoyit,
and erelain what benefits you 8et from this interest or hobby'

Do many ofyour friends also enjoythis?

Willyou recommend this interest or hobby to yo[r other ltiends?

The socral b€neiits of hobbies
Do you thinkhaving a hobby isbeneficial for peopidssocial life? ln wh"t-1y1-
Are there any negaiive effeats ofa person spendingtoo much time on their hobby?What are
Why do you thi..k FeoFle lreed t: have all inr,?resi 6i bobbr?

Leisure dme
ln your counEy, how much time do people spend on work and how much time on leisure? ls this
a goodbalanae, do you think?
Would you say the amount of free time has changed much in the last fifty years?
Do you think people will have more or less free time in the tuture? Why?

Part 1
What isyour full name?
Howshould I callyou?

Do you have anyhobbies or interests? What are they?
Howdidyou become inlerested in this activity?
What is there to do in your fiee time in yolri hoineto!,\'n?
Howdo you usually spend your holidays?

Your favorlte plac€

What place do you most like to visit? Why?
iiow oiten do yor.l visit this piace?
Is it populerwith many otherpmple?
Has it changed verymuch sinceyou first wentthere? In what way?

Part 2

You should say:

what t]]e website was,
howrou found the address for this website,
whatthe website contained,
and explain vu&y it was useful to yoI

Do yourfriends have the same opinion asyou?

Isbrowsing the internetan en,oyable activity for you?

Part 3
'Il|e internet and commuDicrtion
What effect has the intemethad on the way people generally clmmunicatewith each other?
Why doyou think the internet is being used moae and more for communiaation?
How reliable do you think the iDfonnatiotr/news froE the intemet js? Why?

The lnternet and shopping

Whydoyou thinksome people use the intemet for shoppinS? Why doesn't everyone use it this
What kinds ofthings are easy to buy aod sell onlire? Can you give me some eraanrples?
Do you thinkshopplng on the internet will be more or less popular in the future? Why?

Part 1
Whatisyourfullname?llowshould I callyou?
where do you come from?

Keeping in contact with people

Howdo you usuaily contactyour friends? Why?
Do you prefer to contact differentpeople in different ways? Why?
D.v,, fin.l irp,(vin kpF.,n..nr,rrwirh lricn.l<,n.1 fzmllv?Whv/Whvn6r'
In yourcountry did people in the past keep in contactin the same ways as they do today?
Why/Why not?

What kir{.ls oithing makeyou iaugh?
Doyou like making otherpeople laugh? Why/Why not?
Do you think it's important forpeople to laugh? Why/Why not?
Is iaughing the same as feeling happy, do you think? Why/Why not?


whatpeopledid during the party,

"*j; -h"{:y"" ;.*

Do you always go to a party ifyou are invited?
Have you ever thrown a party?

Part 3
Family Parties
What are the main reasons why people organize family perties in your countly?
In some places people spend a lot ofmoney on parties that celebrate special family events, Is
lhjs ever true j-u yo ur country? Do you tiink it js a go od tren d or a bad ue-od?

think this is7

National celebrations
What kinds ofnational celebration do you have in your country?
Who tends to enjoy national €elebrations more, young people or old people?Why?
Why do you think some peoplethinkthat national celebrations are a waste ofgovernment
money?Would you agree or disagree with this view?Why?

what is your full name? Howshould I call you?
where do you come from?

Travelling to work or college

How do you usually rravel to workorcollege?Why?
Haveyou always travelted to work/crllege in the same way? \'Vhy/lrvhy not?
Wla! d^ vn" liLa ,h^r,' h,rjpllino r^ !,^rLlaollege this s,r3',,?
What changes would improve the way you Lravel to work/college? why?

Howmuch time doyou spend with yourfriends?
What kind ofrhings do you iike to do with your friendsT
What kinds ofworkdo your friends do?
What does bein8 agood friend mean toyou?

Descrlbe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful.

ou should saJ
what it i5
howyou learned to use il
how long you have hed it,
and explain why you find this piece ofelectronic equjpment useful.

Is iteasy to find electronic equipmentwherc you live?

Doyou liketo buy eiectronic equipment?

Part 3
Techuolory and housework
What kinds ofmachlne are used for housework in modern homes in your country?
How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects ofusing them?
Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machine! in the future? Why?

Techtrplogy ilt the workplace

What kinds ofequipment do most workers need to use in offices today?
How have developments in technolog/ affected employments in your country?
Some people think that te€hnology has brousht moae stress than beoefits to employed people
now'adays. Would you agree or disagree?
Part 1
What is your full name? How should I call you?
Where do you (Dme from?

Student's life
A-re you currently studying or working?
Whatqualities doyou thinkyou need to have to be asuccessful student?
To uA,r adanr h'wo w-!!r n,ranr. .^nhihtrro.l r^ wn,,r <,,..o<s rc , cr!'.lanr?

Are computersan important part ofyour iife? Whyorwhy not?
Would you say thatyou are a person wto enjoys new tecbnology?
ls new technoi,ogy iroportatrt in yo ur pmfessionai fieid? ln what way?

Describe ri event"i a.dvity thrt ha. made y"u happy. - l
You should say: -- I

what this event or activity is, I

howoften you have participated in this event oractivity,
lvhether you would do it ,nore ollen ifyou could and why, j
rand explain how your life has been enaiched by this event oracrivilyl
Do you thinkofyourselfas generally a person who enjoys life?
Do you always feel happy?

Part 3
Describe some ofthe factors which make one family and anotherunhappy?
Doyou think that it is essenhallythe same thingthat makes all peoplehappy? Whatabout
F.ssess tLe irirporlairae cf wenltil in d€teitDh;tig: peason's hailphiess,
Can people in developing countries be as happy aspeople in developed ones?

Could !,ou define happiness?
Whatare the things that can steal people's happiness?
Do you think it is still possible for someone to be happy in the midst of un fortunate evenB and
What €an ensure p€opl€ to alweys be happy h any circuhstaBaes?

whatisyour fuil name? Howshould I callyou?
where do you come fmm?

Beinga visitor
Tell me about a place that yorl iust visited lately.
Was that the first time you went to thatplace?
wh.r.l. un" thinL ^frh,t hl...?
Where d; you think ls thetest place to live in yourcountry?

How did you get here today?
Is this howyou usualiy travel? Why orwhy not?
Has travel been an important part ofyour life so far? In what wey?

Descdbe a iob thatyou think would be ideal for you.
You should say:
what rhisjob is,
what qualifications people usually have to get this kind o frob,
why you thinkthisiob would be ideal fo. you,
aDd explainwhy itis likcly or unl;kelythatyou will havc a job like this in the future.

Howimportant do you think it is to have a iob that you enjoy?

Is it easy to have a,ob where you live?

Part 3
Iob choice
Compare the importance ofsalary and job satisfaction in choosing a,ob or career.
Evaluate the importance ofgood relatio$hips in a workenvironmenl
Whel ala the thin€s thal catr attlact oEe job seeker to be employed in a particular comPany?

cender and employdent

Are there any jobs orfields ofwork which are considered to be rnore appropriate for males or
females? Why?
Consider ernployment in your country Do you think it is more or less segregated in terms of
gendea than h previous generation?
Is it common to have women sitting in hiSh posltions in the companies where you llve?

Part 1
What isyour tuil name? Howshould I callyou?
Where do you (!me from?

Tell me aboutyou hometown.
Do you thinkyou willbe living there in 10 years time? Why or why not?
ls rhere an)4h!ng about,,,o,.1r hometol4,ii r-hat would be interestlng to foreign visitors?

Tell me something thatyou have really enioyed learning aboul
Whydid you choose this topic in the first place?
Is it something rhatyou are sriii interested in?

ap you.
You should say:
what the possession js,
how you got it,
what it looks like,
and in what way it isimportant toyou.
Willyou always keep it?
Is it worth much?

Part 3
The importance ofpossession at different ages
Describe the kinds ofpossessions which are important to chlldren in your culturc these days.
Hovydo these t] rrgs differ from the kinds of possessions that were important to you oryour
parents' gen eratiou when you were children,

These days individualsand families seem to have more possessior6 than they did in previous
generations. Doyou thlnkthis it ls true? Why, why not?
Most people these days have more fhan they need. Do you think this is a good or bad situation?
Wili people in the hrture generations be more consumptive?

Part 1
what isyourfullname? Howshould I callyou?
wherc do you come from?

Tell me aboutyour hometown.
Is it an econohically successful city? Whylwhy not?
What hcto!€ do !,o'r lbink mak-esome regions o!-.ities moresuccessful thae othe$ in i/our

Do you ofien write?
When you oo write, is it ior pieasure orbecause you have to?
Whal type ofwritingdo you usually do7
Willyou ever considerto write for magazines or newspapers? Why orwhy not?

Desc be a great achievement ofyour Iife. --_-]

ou should say:
what the achievemeft was, I
why you consider it to be a great achievcment,
in what way, ifany, il has allected your lile,
what yo u th in k made you successful.

Do you tend to talkabout thiswith other people?

Is it something you would recommend other people doing?

Part 3
People who achlev? great things
Many achievements are due to people who performed in exlraordinary ways. What made them
do this?
can greatness b€ leamed?

l/t/hat are some of the qualities of a great leader?
Which is rnorc lmportant:The qualities ofthe leader or of the team?
Do !,ou believeth:tshared leadership amongthe term mPlhhers r_s hetterthen one-man show?
Why/Why not?
Some people sald that leadership is influenceand influence is leadership. Doyou agreeto that

Prrt 1
What is yourtull name? How should I call you?
Where do you cime from?

What has the weather been like latelywhere you are living?
Is this the typical weather for this time of year?

Is Manado your hometown?
Describe your favorite part ofyour hometown,
Whatis so special aboul this place?
ls this area going lo chalge or do you erpec! it to aiweys be the same? ln whal way?

Describe a holiday destination you have experienced going to.

You should say:
where, when aod howyou gol there.
why you went to this place,
howyou heard about Lhis place,
and explail what you expected it to be like bcfo.e you weDlard whetler it lived up to you
expectations. l
Did you go there alone?
Have yourfriends evertried the same method oftravel?

The tourlsm industry

Compare the tourist trip oflocal people and foreign visitors Lo your country.
Evaluate how important tourism isto yourcountry.
Dlscuss any disadvantages you think tiere mav b€ foryour country jn hevinga Iarge tourist
What can a government do to promote itstourism to a widetworld?

Do you thinktourism shouid also payattention to ihe surrounding enviroitment?
What can a govetnment do to make surc that the toulists do not destroy the environment?
Wlll eco-tourism be popularin the future?

Part 1
Whal is your fullname? How should I callyou?
where do you colne from?

Are you working orare you a student?
Can you tell me about your job/study?
Tell me aboll the people l,ou wo.k/shrdywjth.
Do you socialize with them too? Why/Whynot?

Eating habits
What are yoff fuvourite and Ieiast hn"otrite foods?
What did you eat thc last time you invited a friend iora meai?
Doyou prefer eating at home or in a restaurant? Why?
What speclal dish fromyourcountry would you recommend to avisitor?

Desc be a film or TV performer you admire.

You shouldsayi
what he/she Iooks like,
what he/she does,
where and when you saw him/her,
explair why you admire this person.

Do you see a lotofftlms/Tv?

Wouldyou recoll]mend the performance you mentioned to a friend?

A famous person
What would itbe like to be famous in yourcountry?
Evaluate the contribution ofa hmous person inyourcountry

Do you think that acting is a good profession for young people to en ter? Why/Why not?
Whatwould be the advantagesand dlsadvantages ofbeing a famous actor cradress?
Do you thinkthere is too much interest in the private lives offamous people?
What do you think about wellknown TV and movie stars appearing in advertisements?
Are there any ways they muld use their 6me to do good in the world?

PaIt 1
what isyourfullname? Howshould I callyou?
where do you come from?

Tell me something about your hometown.
What is the main building in your city?
Whal !! the mai! tla4sFortatior i! yolrr clly?
What's the besi thing you like in this part ofyourcountry?

Does your country have some special occasions or celeMiom?
What wiil you do in ihisnext hoiiday?
lvhat is the changing pattern, ifany, in going holidays in recent years?


Gi-in" jr,"a-ii--.r,r,. p*.on y." aa-iii,.

who he/she i
what he/she does,
lvhy he/she is weu knowo,
and eriplain l^hy you admire him/her.

What kind persontendsto be famous?

Would you wantto be a famous person?

Part 3
Belng famous
What are the advantages and disadv-antages ofbeing famous person?
Are famous person being shown in advertisement ir your aountry? Why?
Generall, are there any cha$ges in the attitudcs of the farro$s people? Why?
Wirgl is !redi3'! ui.Liiude airoul pul.Jlic pcr'sL,!r?

ls fame always associated with arrogance?
Vvhat are the negEtive things that fame can brirg about to people?
whatshould famous people do to make sure thatthejrfame is used forsomething helpful to
most people?

Part 1
What is your [ullname? How should I call you?
Where do you come from?

Do you work orstudy now?
Tell me somerhing aboutyour iob/study
Do:/ou plat to chsrge:/our iob,/stud:/?
Wha!'s your future Plan?

Wha! are the advaDtages and the disadvantages ofliviflE ill your curent
W'rat'< Lhc wearher like rn I our homPlur n.' \!hr.h season do vou mosll
Is your accommodation weather'prooP

Describe one sportthatyou like to play or watch
You should say:
howyou began to like il,
whyyou like i!,
howyou play or watch it, i
nd explain why you preferthis spoftto other spot'ts. l

What do you lhinkthe importance oFplaying sports?

Ifsomeone doesn't like spofi, how do you push him/her?

Part 3
What are the differences between watchingsports on TV and in !he stadium?
Whydo peopte iike to watch sports on TV?
Do iou tirink that the high pIice of tkkets €or d djscoxrage th€ }lrr}}Ib€r of
on thc numbci offioivd aiicnding iivc matcrlcsl
","iii-rbroadcr Tv cotcra;c hanc anj-'ir,paci

Do you thinkplayingtoo many sports is harmful?Why?
How does advertisements a ffect sports?
Which sports do you thinkdemand courage?
With the increasing popularity ofcomputer games, do you thinksports will have fewer

Part 1
Could you tell meyourname pleaseT
Where are you from?

Can you desc beyour hometowfl?
What are the advantages and disadvantages ofliving in your hometown?
What charges have.vo'! s€en taEllg Flaceir yor(r homero$,n i!! the last 5-10 yeers?

What are yourpeak hours for wo rking/study ing?
Do you suffer from clutter at home o r work? Wkat's the best \s-,y to prevmt it?
is iherc anyone you can delegate jobs to when you're short of iime?
How do you prioritize?

Descrjbe your hobby or interesl
You should sayr I
what yourhobby orinterest is, I
how you began to love iL :

how LoE€ you have kept your hobby, I

ard explair whyyou lil(e ll.

Why do people need hobbies?
What do you thinkabout the balance between the workand the leisure?

Part 3
Hobbies and leisure activities
Is it dangerous forpeople to spend too much time on hobby?
Do you thinl(hobbyis beneficial to social life?
Why is it a good idea fo! a child to have a hobby?

Watchlng televlsion
ls watching televlsion a good way of relexing?
Do you thinkthe time that people spend watching televtsion should be limited?
What leisure activlties would you recommend as a way ofcombating stress?
The number ofhomes with television in their children's bedro om has lncreased.ls ita good
trend or something that has to be curbed?

Part 1
Could you tellmeyourname please?
Wherc do you corne from?

Do you study or work?
Tell me something about yourstudy/r.vork
Whatis so spe4!a! about yo rstudy/wnrk?

What\ your counrys main food?
What do you like to e.at best?
Do you often eataionc or with others?
Do you iike western food?

Describe your Uest friend,
You should say:
who he/she is,
when you first met him/her, l
how he/she iEDresses you, i
and explal why you consider him/he r your bes t fiiend. i

llow many close frierds do you have?

Will you add more?

Part 3
making triends
Doyouthink it is easy to make friends in your country?
What do you thinkthe d,fference between adult and children in making friends?
H ow do childlen makE frierrds?
Do -+. e n€ed ani' spe.ial skills in making frieirds?

lmportant thlng in ffendship

What is the most important thing in friendship?
What is these.ond important thing in frierdsbip?
What makes friendshlp breaks up?
How do we mend broken friendshlp?

Part 1
Could you tell me your name Please?
where were you t om?

Desc be your hometown.

Whal is the wedlher like in your homelown?
Whi.h season do yoLI like most?
What are the disadvantages and advantages ofliving in yourhometown?

Tell me somethirg about the acctmmodation j,'ou iive ifi, either here or in ylurhometown,
'vvhat are the alivantases and ctisadvaniages oiyo r aecomrnodation?

Deaaibe ore thhgyou wouid iike to leanl.
whalit is,
whyyou want to learn il,
where you would like to leam it,
od erelarn no\ rt may be rmForunL lor Iou.

What js the mosL importanlskill nowadays?

Are there any traditional skills in your country? \4tlat are they?

Part 3
llducational style
Is there any ch;nge on ealucational style between generation ofyourparents and current
Do sludents get some tron-academic ffailing at schoop Give some FEmlles'
Sh-!uid s.h6ol3 b. .e3Poi,sible fo. taa.Sitg iheseIicn_a.ad€ini"!'ui3'sl

Teachers and students

What is the most important quality inagooal teacher?
Do well-behaved chiidren de;erve more ofateache/s attentionthan badiy-behaved
Should a teacher encourage children to $ear him/herlike a friend?
Which is more important for children: freedom ofexpression or formal correctness?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourname please?
Are you cuffently stidying or working?

What do/did you enjoy about schoo ldays?
What are/were your favourite subjects?
How m(ch homeworkdn/did yo4 have ea.h night?
What was your worsL e&rm result?

What is the maiD building in yoxr cify?
Whar isthe Lransportation like inyourrity?
What is the most popular transport system irl use? Talk about its reliability, frequency, and fare.
Do you have any problems using the public transport?

D"*rit" " t."t yo,, tt*e rera -t ictr y." tL".
You should sayr
when vou read iL.
I what it was about,
i who wrote i!
lAnd explarn why you Irke rt.

Whatare the popularbooks in your country?

Why do people in yourcountry read books?

Part 3
Book preferences
Whai books do men generaliy like to read? Why?
What books do women usually like to read? Why?
W}lst are the impa€ts of the developnent oftechnol,op on books?

childre[and books
Why do children like to read books?
what should children read?
Whyshould children read books about the an imals?
what do you thinkofthe role ofbooks in the nextgeneration?

Part 1
Could you tell meyourname please?
Where are you from?Areyou living there now?

What do you do?
Can you tell me one of your typical worklng days?
Do .vou like yourcurrentiob?
Howdoyou spend the weekends?

Learning language
How lrrany foreign langurges san you speak of?
'yvhat'syour opinion o[ihe importanre of learninga ibrei8n )anguage?
What do you hope to do in the future with thelanguageyou are currently learning?

fo""..iu u,u t"rr pr"."r,tZgIr vou r"."ir"a. - --l
i You should sayl
I' whar it ir l
whogave il to you,
I wnen yo,r recerved rL
i and explain why this gifi is important toryou.
L_ _.__,.__-_,
.,_-. _..---.1
in yourcountrygive presents/gifts?
When do people
What khd ofgifts/presents do peoplegive there?

Part 3
Kinds of gifts
Compare the gifo which people received l0years ago to lhe presents that people now are
rcceivrn8. What's the difference between them?
Imaeine theglfu in the fuiure people w l receive.
Irnaginc thc gifts in thc i.rh.rrc chiidrcn ,r4ii rcccivc.

Value ofgifts
How do people think of the value of gifts?
What do you thinkabout the brand name ofthe gifts given?
What do you thinkofthe meaning ofthe brand name to a company?
Do you think people who receive the gifts consider the values ofgifts that they receive?

Part 1
Couldyou tell me yourname please?
Where do you come from?
LaI yuu uEsLr,uE ruur
Can you tell me about yourhometown history?

What ls rhe meaning ofyour given naBe?
Does yo ur name affect you r peBonality?
Who can give childrcn's names in yourcountry?

How do you usually spen.i yourholiday?
What'sthe best holiday you everhad?
Howdo you prefer to travel, by road, rall, orair?
Would you rather go on holiday with one or two friends, or in a group?

be your English leaming.
ou shouid say:
where and \,r.hen you started to Ieam English,
when you had the most intercsting Elglish clasg
what the most diificult thing to learn is,
explain the best way to learrl English.

What othea languages can you speak oe

Ca[ yourfriends also speak English?

Part 3
The impoftance of learning language
Doyou think leaming foreign languages like English will benefityour furtherstudy?
Whatshould be changed in learniDg larguage process in your country?
What are the di(iaulties wh€n foreigners learn yo{r owo bEguage?
\dlrui d'r iuu Li!ink tl,:it iu c lh! d;tliLuiiic! ir: kur::i'rii, r :re* iu,itu:-riic?

Tbe process oflear ng a new language

Howhaslearning foreign languages changed jn whereyou live?
What should people consider when they lrant to leam a newlanguage?
Compare the waysoflearninga language byyouEelfand with a help ofateacher
What would language learningbe !ike in the future?

Part 1
Couldyou tell me yourname please?
What do you do?
Wh, do you choose iilat stu.iy/joL7
What will you do in the next 10 yeals?

Do you like !!rusic?
What kind ofmusic do you enjoy listening to most?
Is there any kinds ofmusic you don't particularly like?
Howdoyou feel about modern folkmusic?

Free iimc
Do you have any special hobbies or interests?
How long haveyou been interested in that?
What do you enjoy about it?

Describe a big public event tlat you have attended.

You siould say:
what it was,
when it was held, and why,
what happened,
And describe how you felt airout being there.

Did many people attend it?

What benefits can you get from it?

The way to crlebrate
What changes havetherebeen in the last 10 years or so in the w:ry people celebrate public
WouH you say that the comm$€ializatbn io th€ way people celebrate thir€s have b€en for the

What newdevelopments will there be in celebrating events in theirture, doyou think?

More slgnificance of such events

What is the role of med ia in th is particu lar event?
Do you think it ls a good idea to invite visitors from foreign countries to attend such
Can these events foster mor€ cultural understanding among different people from different
naiionalities? Why or why not?

Part 1
Could you tell me your name please?
What isyourhometovrn shape? Can you describe it for me?
!Vi-ra'( is yo-,ii i,omEio vvir ir:siory?

Do you prefer going out orstaying at home?Why?
what will do ifyoL! go oLlf?
Do you enjoy going oul by yourselfor with otherc?
Will you stay outside until late at night or do youhave yourlimit?

Futurc p*rrrs
'vUnd, Jrc yur pianri,,g r,J liu alicr i r" iiLTS 'Les:l
Whatabout longer term? Do you have any long_lelm plans forworkorstudy?
Where \/ould you like to be living in liveyears?

Describe an equipmerlt ofyour household

You should say:
wlat it is.
what yolr do it for,
howyou use it,
and explain why it is importani for yon

will you always keep it?

Is itworlh much?

Pafi 3
Could you please explain with some examples about the changes oftechnology which are used
by people in our daily life between nowand lhe past 20 years?
Do you still use th€rn in your home? How ebout ill other homes?
,:cmiraic i- o ir6u3.hoid ::rines ihdr ar. siili Lraiiiion.i anc mod.ffl

The significance oI housebold invenlions

What are the most significant household inventions do you thinkcreated in the last20years?
Do you think thatgood and effective products should be expensive?
Wh;t new househ;ld inventions you thinkwill further improve the way we live today?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourfull name, pieas
Ho\irshould I callyou?

What do you do?
where doyou study/work?
Whatdoes 2!r average rlayal schorl,/L!r tly/wa rolve2
Howdid you become interested in the i fstud) .kyou do?
Are there things you would like to char out yor rdy/work?

Tell me aboulthe mosi imporianticsii\
Whai spe.ial food and activities are col rd with festival?
What do you mostenjoy about it?

Describe a film orTV programme whicl ,ng impression on Y

You should say:
\,vharkinrl offilm or TV Prograr
when you sawthe film orTV Pr :1me,
whatthefilm or TVprogramme rboul
nd explain why lhis film or TV progral

Do yourFriends have the same opinion l/ou?

Do you wantto watch itall over again?

Part 3
Feople's cinema-going habiis n{twa!i
Do you thinkthe cinemahas increased opularity in recentyears? Will this
trend continue into the future?

M2king e fihr oi TV drema of re3!/fi,

Whatare the advantages and di$dvant ofmak ilms ofreal life events?
Howimporiant do you ihink it is fora f rakert( rain true to the original story?

Censorship and dtefreedom ofthe fi !aker/' )roducer

shouici irims and teievision be censorer iouid u tlee to choosewhat we seeT
How do you thinkcensorship laws will te in th .t 20 years?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourflrllnamq please?
Howshould I callyou?
'vvi'e.e do you livei

Your country
What's the best thing about Iiving in your.ountry?
Ilow do DeoDle enio,/ themsel,.,es in their lTee time !here?
what plu.eiare ttieie fora tourist to visit there?

Whatwouldyou suggesta vis,torshould see and do in yourcourtry?
Arc there ar,y traditionai arrs or music you wouid recommendT
Tell me about the kind offoreign visitors or tounsts who come/go to your country?
In what ways has tourism changed yourcountly?

Der.rihe a memorahle event in vour life.

ou should sa)
when th€ event took place,
wh€re the event took place,
what happened exactly
and explain whythis evenr !ras memorable forr,.ou.

Doyou like to capture events through camera orvideo?

How do you usually remember good events?

Part 3
The role ofcertmony ln our lives
How important are ceremonies in our lives?
Do you see the role ofprivate and public ceremonies changing in the future?

Attitudes io marriage in roni .ounE,

Have attitudes to marriage changed in recentyears?
In what ways do men and women feel differentlyabout marriage, in your opinion?

Events of national,/global slgrifi cance

What sortofnational events make headlines in yourcountry?
Do the media inyour country paymore attention to globa I or national events?

Part 1
Could you tellmeyourfull name, please?
Howslrculd I €a1lyou?

Where do you live?
Whatfamily members doyou live with?
Whal are you studying?
What do you like aboutyour studies?

Studying English
What do you tike abDut le'-aming English?
lvhen did you fiIlst sLari learnin8 English?
Howoften do you use English?
Wtich Engllsh skill do you find easiestto l€arn? Why?
In what ways doyou practice your English?
l!o..v rvill ihpro.,,irE ycur English beleflt you personatli?

rPart 2 _
Describe a clry you have visited thal
lYou should say:
I --- ofthe cfty It
what th€ narhe
where it is situated,
when and why you visited it,
and exp lain why this city is so spectacular.

Do you like cities generally?

Would you liketo live in the city you spoke about?

Part 3
City llfe
What are the advantages of living in a big city?
What are the negatlve aspects ofcrowded cities? What can be done about it?
Do you think v/e should pay fur the seryi€es that tde get from tlrc city?

City design
Tell me about the architedural desig[ that is very interesting for the tourists.
Comparethe cities thatstill preserve theirhistorical buildings with those that are modem-
looking. ,rn.I
Wifh the lackofspace, cities tend to grow upward. What are the advaotagessrdisadvantages of
this development?

Part I
Could you tell me your ful]name, pl€ase?
Howshould i callyou?

Which sports doyou enjoy watchingonTW
Do you prefer to watch or play sports?
tvhar kind.tFhysi.al arlivities doldid yo(,.1o whpn l,o', a!-e,/werE,l schnnl)
What are the hol popular sports in your country? Has this changed in recent years?

What wouldl'ou like io chenge in your daily mutine?
Are aii yuur days ihesame?
Tel) me about your typicalweekday andyour typical weekend?
what is the balance of work/study and free time in your normal day?

' whatyou Lrse it for,

and explain why it is important to you.
Do you still have itnow?
Do you want to replace it wilh something newer?

Ilow values can change
What kind ofpossessions shows status inyourcountry?
Do you think it was different for your grandparents?

Thc corsuhcr socicqr

Itlodem society is often called 'materialistiC. Why do you thinkthis is?
Do you think consumerism is a positive ora negative development?

Ihe consumer rharket

What is the role ofadvertising?
Howdo you thinkthe lnternetwill affect buying pattems in the futurc?
MOD|n.E 29

Part 1
Could you tell me your lull name, please?How should I call you?

What kind ofartwork do You ljke?

When did you )ast visit an afi exhibition?
Where do they usually hold exhibitions irl your country?
Wo ld,,o,r rai\er ha"e 4 Painling or a phologralh ofa person? Ho!^/ aborltofa Flace?

What kinds ofpublic transportation which is available in your home town?
Ho'w mlch do you haveto triy for the cost?Are there any disconnts forstudents?
lvhat iime does the pubiic irarsporiation operaie evervday?
ls there anytranspoitation syst;m thatyou will recommend to your state government?


whatthe meal would be like,

where you wouid eat it,
who vou wouid rvite,

"I:'l-'lyou --"1'l*-
this kind ofmeal.
you live?
Is it common to invite friends to €ome for a meal together in where
Do you like this kind ofoccasion?

Can vJu describe some ofthe eating habiis in families where
you live?
Can you consiiler how eating habits have changed in recentyears?

D'rfier'eiit ryPes'Jf io'r'i

Can you deiiribewhat kind of looals people eat to be healthy?
Can you considerwhat other factols influence people's choice ofdiettoday?
Can you explain why some peopie become vegetarians?

The food industry

Can you compare different places forbuying food where
you live?
Oo y'ou ag."" ot ai."g."e ;th the idea that the food produced and sold today is ofpoorer
oualirv than in Lhe oast?
Ja,: ,,ou .p..uioi" on .irarBr ) in rc,nJ pro,i'.i(: iun an'i siropping ii i hi i'ilui'

Paft 1
Could you tell me yourfullname, please?
Howshould I call you?

Where do you Iive?
Do you Iike the town or cityyou're livingin now?
u^!,,1^ v^', r'.".llv ra,,.l ".n,,"rl rhi( r^um /.in/ h,hu,l
' '
Would you preter io live in a ,arger or smaller towr I

Do you have a iarge fumily or a smallfamily?
Can you teii me somethingabout them?
How much time do you manage to spend with members ofyour famjly?
What sorts ofthings do you like to do together?

b.'criue a tn"at eu"nt ttrar ieqularli Ldkerplaceinvo,,ihbr"e.,"n-

You should say:
what tl]e event is.
how often it lakes place,
who is involved in.
and explain what happens dnring that events.

Do you enjoy it?

Whal could make it more inieresting?

Local events
Can you describe the types oflocal event that are eommon in your culture?
Can you explain what makes some events more popular than others?
Do yo u agree or disagree that lo.al eve&ts are very irnportant for building tl1e sense of

organizii local evens

Can you suggest what sol'ts ofpeople enjoy helping to organize local evenls?
Can you identifuwhatis needed to puton a lo€al event?
can you consider how the local eventshould be funded?

Local r€rsus National events

Can you €ompa.e how rosting local and natiDnal eve[ts can affe.t l,o€a] areas?
Lan iou iutri.ll r !j,( i.,;rt ir:dr
u u) s,L Liir ii iolai anc niiiJia' ai anis.
Can you predictthe future ofboth types ofevents?

Could you tellme yourfull nanre, please?
Howshould I call you?

Where do you live? Do you like the town orcityyou're living in now?
would you prefe. to livein a large r or smaller town?

What kinds ofpublic transportation which is available in your home town?
How much do you have fo pay for the cost?Are there any discounts for students?
Whattimedoes the public hansportation operate every day?
ls thereany transportation system thatyou wiii rccommend ro yourgovernment?

escribe a photograph you llke.
what ir shows,
when ilwas taken,
who tookit
and explaiB why you like lhis photograph.

Do you still keep itwlth you now?

WhatdoyouI friends think about it?

Part 3
Persoral and travel photograph
can you explain whysome people use a personal photographer for family photos?
can you considerthe importance of photographs as a record of family life?

PhotosraFhs for publi.

Can you considerwhy photographs are used in the advertisement?
Can you assess theimpact ofphotographs in communicating the news?
Can you evaluatethe importance ofphoto$aphsas a record ofhistory?

Photography and otlrer media

What is your opinion about the function ofthe photograph ofthe author or perfomer on a book
Can you speculate on th€ ways in whkh techrploB/ will affect the future ofphotog.aphs?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourfullname, please?
Howshould I call you?

What kinds ofclothes doyou Like to wear?
Doyou always wear the samestyle offashion everyday?
Do,/ou o!"efer bright-.o!ou!'ed clorles or r-he dark ones?
Howoften do yoribuyyour clothes?

what kinds ofmusic do you like to listen to?
Who are your favourite artistslbands/singers?
Do you prefer to only listento the songs oralso watch the musicvideos?
Would you spend your money on the merchandises €ndorsed byyour favourite musicians?

Describe someone from yourpast who you would like to meetagairll

who thet person is,

howyou first met fi;s person,
what yoL Iiked to do together,
land explain why you like to meet this penson again.

Do you often meetpeople fiom your past?

Do you usually keep in touch with old friends?

Part 3
Past failures and mistakes
How important do you thlnk it is to not dwellin the past failures?
Howcan we learn from the mistakes we made in the past?
How \so{ld you eDcourage people who stop trykB becaus€ they kept makir€ mistakes aeain

Why do people cherish past memories?
Whatdoyou thinkofthe people who like to live ln the pestglories?
People often said that the crov!,n ofthe elderly is their memory. Would you agree ordisagree
with this statement?

Rarriniscqceof ttte pest

Peupiegerer'ally rrEke slalues, iowers, ur'nrunurtrcllis ir rrtcrriuiiitl ul pasiherucs ol evenLs. Do
you think it is an appropriate token?
Canyou speculateon the ways in which technologr will be used in the future to memorise
important events?

Part 1
Could you lellrhe yourfull name, please?
Howshould I callyou?

Do you like the town or city you're living in now?
How do you usually travelaround thls town/city? why?
lLl^r l.l v.r nraFor rn Iiua in . lardar r^um,
' ^r.hrll,r
Are yo; a student orareyou -o"rking?

Do you like to spendyourtime tlrows,ng on the intemet?
Do you ofieD use internet ior entenainmenl stud, or work?
Do you always open the same websites every time you browse? Why/Why not?
Do you buy orsell things on-line?

what the progEmme was about,

what you wat.hed/listened ro,
where you watched or liste,red to it,
end explain why you enioJ,€d this programme when ).ou were a child.

Did you iisten to the radio orwatch the TV a Iotin yourchildhood?

Did you iisten to the radio orwatch the TV aione or with other people?

Part 3
TV or radio ir your courfy
In your country, which do peopleprefei watchjng TVor Iistening to radio? \ivhy?
What kinds ofprogrammes are most popular?
Do men and woman tend to like the satDe kind of programrna? Why/Why not?

The effects of TV
Some people th in k that watching TV can bea negative iDfluence, do you agree?
What berefits can TV bdng to people?
What priorities doyou think TVstations should have?

Developme[t in progumming
What kind of interactive' programmes are therc in your country?
Are these a good or bad development? Why?
"Jvhat kind ofprogramnres will there bc in the future, do you think?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourfull name, please?
Howshould I callyou?

Whatyou do in your spare time

Do you have any hobbies or interests?
How didyou first become interested in that?
\/}rat otherthings like that would !,cu like to do?

Travelling and transport

What kinds oftransport do you use regulariy?
How do people in your muntrytravel on lonS,oumeys?
How has tansport there changed over the last fifteen years?

Describe someone you Iclow or somebody fumous, who has achieved great success.
You should say:
who they are and whatthey do,
where they mme from: their background,
hDw tley become successful,
and explain why you :dmirc this person.

Is success something you are lryingto achieve?

Are successful peop le admired whereyou live?

Part 3
Persolal Success
How does present-day soaiety measure the success ofan individual?
Howcan we ensure that more people achieve their aims in life?
Would you rather be successful in yourjoborin yoursocial life?

Winning and losing

Which is more important in sportr winningortaking part?
What makes some sports people take drugs to improve their performarce?
Whyaresome countries more successfrrl than others in events such as the OlymPics?

The competitive society

How do competitive relationships between people differ from coopelative relatlonships?
In what lrays has society become more comp€titive in the last tv/enty years?

Pa.t 1
Could you lell meyour full name, please?
Howshould I callyou?

Foodand eating
What are your favorite foods?
Is there a nything that you nevereat?
\M.Iere do you normally eet? 1/h:,,?
In what ways are peoples eating habits changing these days?

The news media

Wh ere do you normal ly get your news from?
iiow do you think news reporring in your country {iiffers irom abroad?
Tell me aboulan interesting news item yoll've read ol heard rccently.

Part 2
n escrrbe a music v idEo o r a con-iinEii trairfr Ed-e a n inip re'niin offi n I
lYou should say:

I which kind ofrnusic it w€s and who performed it I

whatit r,{€s Iike musically,

I whatit was like visuall,
iand explain why you liked or disliked it.

Do you alriLays lvatch your favourile bands'concertf

Doyou like to collect interesting musicvideos?

Paft 3
Music in tte woriri
Why is pop music so popular globally?
\,yhtch do you prefer: traditional music fromyour country or classical musicfrom abroad?

The psychology of mtrsic

How do different kirds ofmusic affect the way people feeP
What is the best huslc to listen while studyirg?

Changcs in nrusic
What are the main differences between musictodayand that of previous decades?
Which contributes more ofthe success ofmodern singers and bandsr iheir musiq or their
appeafance and image? why do you tI lnk so?
What kinds ofmusic will people b€ listening to ten years ftom now?

Part 1
Could you tell me your full namq please?
Howshould I call you?

What experience doyou have oftraveling to other countries?
Which countrywouldyou especially like to visit? Why?
\^,h,r rF rh. h..i rsv. r^ o.r rn Lr^q, a.o,!4r-rv?
What are the biggest culturel differences between your counlryand English'speaking countries?

Different kinds of entertainmert

what sort oftelevisjon pmgrarnmes do you Iikewatching?
liowhas teievision in your country changed in recentyearsT
Which do you prefer: the cinema, the theatre, or live music? Why?
Tell me abouta popularform ofpublic entertainmen t in your country.

Describe a place that has a special meaning to you.

Yor should srrx
what klnd ofplace it is and where rt |5,
what it looks like,
whet makesyou feel connected with it,
and eplain why you partiorlarly iike the piace.

Doyouwant to return to that place?

Do otherpeople also enjoythis place?

Part 3
Leaving the family home
Whydo many people leave home when they are still quite younS?
What personal qualities do you feel are required for a young person to live on their own?

Irloviig h!fir place to pla€.

In many countdes theae has been large-scale migrationllom the countryside to the cities. Do
you thinkthis is positive or negative?
Do you think that the possibility of working from home via the internet will lead to many people
going back to the munwside?

In whatwaysdothe llew megacities ofAsia, Africa, and South America differ from older ones
such as Lordon or New York?

Part 1
Could you tell meyourfull name, please?
How should I callyou?

!'isitors to yo{r country

Whatare the maintourist attractions there?
Whatelse wouldyou recommend to foreign visitors?
W. ould mass tourism benefit your cou[try? 1/hy,/vrhy not?

Communiarting: by post phone, e-mail, text messagg etc.

How do you keep in touch with your family and friends?
Tell me aboutan imporfant messege you have received.
liow have mobiie phones changei the way peopie commu cate?

Describe a present which you very much e njoyed ae ceiving.
You should say:
what it was,
who gave it to you,
what the occasion was,
and explai[ why you were so pleised to receive it.

Do you still keep that present?

Do you like to give away presents?

Part 3
Givtng 8lfts
On whatoccasions do people in yourcountrygive each otierpresents?
Doyou feel the commercialization ofglft{ivin& e-g. Christmas incertai[ countries, hasgone too

What is th€ roie ofcharities nowadays?
Which charity would you like to be able to give a lot of money to?

Ilelping other cou[tries

Should rich counEies give much more financial assistance to poorer ones?
Howcan we encourage more young people to do voluntary wotk abroad?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourfull name, please?
How should I caliyou?

Your family
Is your family smallorquite large?
Whatdoyou do when you are a1l together?
llfti.h rham d^ v^,, o,r unr h h..r,l^/hv,
^l ^r
Food and eating
What aae your favorite foods?
Is there arything tlrat you nevereat?
In whet ways are peopie's eatinghabirs changing these daysT

Part 2
or aparErent you
You should say:
wheD you livedthere,
howit looked insidq
what kind ofarea it was in,
and explain why you liked Iiving ther€.

Do you like livlng in a house more or in an apartment?

Where will you stay in the next 5 years, a house oran apartrnent?

Part 3
Finding e place ro live
How do people usually find a place to live?
What other factors do you thinkdeterrnine where people choose to l,ve?
What are the diffe rences between Iiving in a house and li!,rng in a apartment?

Home ownership
Do most people renttheirhomes or o!,vn their homes where you're from?
Whatare the different attitudes between someonewho is rentinga home andsomeone who
have their own house?

Residential areas
Why doyou thinkthat soma residential areasare more pleasantto live than the others?
What is the best requirement for a rcsidential area?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourfullname, piease?
Howshould I call you?

Are yourfriends mostlyyourage or different ages?
Doyou usually see your friends during the week or at the weekends?
TL6 l.<r riha u^,i <.u, vo,,. frion.l( u,h.r aid v^,' .l^ t^oalh"r,
In what ways areyouifriends impoftanltoyou?

Your school days

Whatdoyou remember about your firstschool, lyhen you were a child?
In whatways did iife a!schooi change as you became oio€r7
What was your favorite subject? Why?

Part 2
something dmrcutt *rat you are goin! to ana rfrit yoLi wint toio]
ou shouldsay:
what it it
when you're going to do it,
why it wiu b€ difticulL
explain whyyou wantto do it. I
Do you feel nervous about doing it?
How do you prepare yourselfso that you can be succcssful in dojng that?

Part 3
Mai.:Dg pians
What are somethings in jife which people need to plan for carefully?
Are there any important things lhatyou cannot prepare For?
Whydoyou thinksome pmple don'tlike making plans?

Hopes alrd dreams

What are some things that manypeople hope toachieve?
Could you comparc these with the hopes and ambitions people had when you're parents were
Whydo people need to have hopes and dreams?

Attihrdes towards the past and future

Doyou thiokall school students should study history?
Currt ar! lltc differ crt'. u'.iilsdes .r[ y.u:rt pe.plc;[d ci.l paaPie ic.i.! i! Llt3 p3st?
Is it betterin life to focus on the past, the present, orthe future?

Part 1
Could you tell me yourfull name, please?
Howshould I callyou?

Tell me aboutthe most importan t festival in yourcountry
What specialfood and activitiesarc connected with this festival?
wh.r.l^ w^r, h^<r oni^u .h^iits il,

Which traditional foods from yourcountryyou liketo eat?
Do you prefer westeh food or Asian food?
Do you always want to rry out new restauEnts?
Wlich food you will never try to eat?

Describe arlrn you haveseen ora song you have heard.
You should say:
I what it was about,
I howpopularit was,
I what yo u though t abou t tle actors or singer,
land explaiI why you remember it.
Did you watch/listen to it alone or with frlends?
Is it rccommended?

Part 3
The lmportance of entertainment
What kinds ofentertainment are popular in your country?
Could you compare types of entertai n ment children like and which adults like?
Why ls entertainment important in people's lives?

Famous perforrBers
Why do you people are interested ln the lives of famous pe ormers?
In your opinion, is the amount ofmoney earned by celebrities justified?
Whatwould lt be like to be famous?

clobal culture
Howmuch influence does American culture heve in yourcountry?
What are Hollyrrcod films like in comperiso. with films produced io your counFy?
iiowcan a countiy prevent itself bein8 dominated by a foieign culture?

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