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The Problem Book

This book teaches the Lost-Found Nation of Islam a through knowledge of our miserable state of
condition in a mathematical way when were found by our Saviour, W.D. Fard.

M o n d a y, A p r i l 2 , 2 0 0 7

The Problem Book-32

32.) Twelve Leaders of Islam from all over

the Planet have conferred in the Root of
Civilization concerning the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam-must return to their
original Land.

One of the Conference Members by the

name of Mr. Osman Sharrieff said to the
eleven Members of the Conference:

"The Lost-Found Nation of Islam will not

return to their original Land unless they, first, have a thorough Knowledge of their own."

So they sent a Messenger to them of their own.

Now, the Messenger an his Laborers worked day and night for the last three and one-half years, and
their accomplishments are approximately twenty-five thousand. The Messenger and his Laborers are
worried, for the time of Laboring is mentioned and limited in said, Problem No. 31.

One of the Prophets in the early days said:

"The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, numbering one hundred forty-four thousand, will be the Stars, and will
return to their original Land. And the Balance, "he said, "are poison and rusty, and will not take the
Knowledge on their own."

But the Messenger and his Laborers do not agree with the old Prophet in this modern time. He thinks
that he will remove all poison and rust from every one of the seventeen million.

At the same time, he desires for every on of you, Students, to help solve this Problem since you have
learned the time, accomplishments and old Prophet's number-(one hundred forty-four thousand).

What would be the daily average of accomplisment judging from weekly Converts?

What do we mean when we say, poison and rusty?

What is the percentage of poison and rusty?

Describe whom and with what Profession are the most poisonous and rustiest?

What means and methods shall be used to remove poison and rust from of said, the worst one?

B. No. 1 - The uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard lives in the wilderness of North America. He is working sixteen
hours out of twenty-four hours for a very little pay. He has eight in his family to support besides other
little bills to meet each month. On top of that, a Cave man came along and sold him an old touring Car,
which travels downhill at the rate of forty-eight miles per hour.

If it is to be shown by Actual Test that a force of two hundred fifty pounds is required to maintain this
rate of downhill speed, what horse power must the Engine deliver at the Wheels?

Thirty-three thousand pounds equals one Horse Power.

Lion's Paw at 8:02 PM

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