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Principles of Neuromorphic Photonics

Bhavin J. Shastri,∗ Alexander N. Tait, Thomas Ferreira de Lima,

Mitchell A. Nahmias, Hsuan-Tung Peng, and Paul R. Prucnal
Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
(Dated: January 3, 2018)

GLOSSARY Moore’s law An observation that the number of tran-

sistors in an integrated circuit doubles every 18 to 24
months, doubling its performance.
Benchmark A standardized task that can be performed
by disparate computing approaches, used to assess their Multiple-Accumulate (MAC) A common operation
relative processing merit in specific cases. that represents a single multiplication followed by an ad-
dition: a ← a + (b × c).
arXiv:1801.00016v1 [cs.ET] 29 Dec 2017

Bifurcation A qualitative change in behavior of a dy-

namical system in response to parameter variation. Ex- Neural networks A wide class of computing models
amples include cusp (from monostable to bistable), Hopf consisting of a distributed set of nodes, called neurons,
(from stable to oscillating), transcritical (exchange of sta- interconnected with configurable or adaptable strengths,
bility between two steady states). called weights. Overall neural network behavior can be
extremely complex relative to single neuron behavior.
Brain-inspired computing (a.k.a. neuro-inspired
computing) A biologically inspired approach to build pro- Neuromorphic computing Computing approaches
cessors, devices, and computing models for applications based on specialized hardware that formally adheres one
including adaptive control, machine learning, and cog- or more neural network models. Algorithms, metrics, and
nitive radio. Similarities with biological signal process- benchmarks can be shared between disparate neuromor-
ing include architectural, such as distributed, represen- phic computers that adhere to a common mathematical
tational, such as analog or spiking, or algorithmic, such model.
as adaptation. Neuromorphic photonics An emerging field at the
Broadcast and Weight A multi-wavelength analog nexus of photonics and neural network processing mod-
networking protocol in which multiple all photonic neu- els, which combines the complementary advantages of op-
ron outputs are multiplexed and distributed to all neuron tics and electronics to build systems with high efficiency,
inputs. Weights are reconfigured by tunable spectral fil- high interconnectivity, and extremely high bandwidth.
ters. Optoelectronics A technology of electronic devices and
Excitability A far-from-equilibrium nonlinear dynami- systems (semiconductor lasers, photodetectors, modula-
cal mechanism underlying all-or-none responses to small tors, photonic integrated circuits that interact (source,
perturbations. detect and control).
Fan-in The number of inputs to a neuron. Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) A chip that in-
Layered network A network topology consisting of a se- tegrates many photonic components (lasers, modulators,
ries of sets (i.e., layers) of neurons. The neurons in each filters, detectors) connected by optical waveguides that
set project their outputs only to neurons in the subse- guide light; similar to an electronic integrated circuit that
quent layer. Most commonly used type of network used consists of transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, and
for machine learning. inductors, connected by conductive wires.
Metric A quantity assessing performance of a device in Physical cascadability The ability of one neuron to
reference to a specific computing approach. produce an output with the same representational prop-
erties as its inputs. For example, photonic-electronic-
Microring weight bank A silicon photonic implemen- photonic, or 32bit-analog-32bit.
tation of a reconfigurable spectral filter capable of inde-
pendently setting transmission at multiple carrier wave- Recurrent network A network topology in which each
lengths. neuron output can reach every other neuron, including
itself. Every network is a subset of a recurrent network.
Modulation The act of representing an abstract vari-
able in a physical quantity, such as photon rate (i.e., Reservoir computing A computational approach in
optical power), free carrier density (i.e., optical gain), which a complex, nonlinear substrate performs a diver-
carrier drift (i.e., current). Electrooptic modulators are sity of functions, from which linear classifiers extract the
devices that convert from an electrical signal to the power most useful information to perform a given algorithm.
envelope of an optical signal. The reservoir can be implemented by a recurrent neu-
ral network or a wide variety of other systems, such as
time-delayed feedback.
Semiconductor lasers Lasers based on semiconductor
∗ shastri@ieee.org gain media, where optical gain is achieved by stimulated

emission at an interband transition under conditions of has been changing rapidly and now promises to achieve
a high carrier density in the conduction band. economies of scale previously enjoyed solely by microelec-
Signal cascadability The ability of one neuron to elicit tronics.
an equivalent or greater response when driving multiple Despite the advent of commercially-viable photonic in-
other neurons. The number of target neurons is called tegration platforms, significant challenges still remain be-
fan-out. fore scalable analog photonic processors can be realized.
Silicon photonics A chip-scale, silicon on insulator A central challenge is the development of mathematical
(SOI) platform for monolithic integration of optics and bridges linking photonic device physics to models of com-
microelectronics for guiding, modulating, amplifying, plex analog information processing. Among such models,
and detecting light. those of neural networks are perhaps the most widely
studied and used by machine learning and engineering
Spiking neural networks (SNNs) A biologically re- fields.
alistic neural network model that processes information
Recently, the scientific community has set out to build
with spikes or pulses that encode information temporally.
bridges between the domains of photonic device physics
Wavelength-divison multiplexing (WDM) One of and neural networks, giving rise to the field of neuro-
the most common multiplexing techniques used in op- morphic photonics (Fig. 1). This article reviews the re-
tics where different wavelengths (colors) of light are com- cent progress in integrated neuromorphic photonics. We
bined, transmitted, and separated again. provide an overview of neuromorphic computing, discuss
Weighted addition The operation describing how mul- the associated technology (microelectronic and photonic)
tiple inputs to a neuron are combined into one variable. platforms and compare their metric performance. We
Can be implemented in the digital domain by multiply- discuss photonic neural network approaches and chal-
accumulate (MAC) operations or in the analog domain lenges for integrated neuromorphic photonic processors
by various physical processes (e.g., current summing, to- while providing an in-depth description of photonic neu-
tal optical power detection). rons and a candidate interconnection architecture. We
WDM weighted addition A simultaneous summation conclude with a future outlook of neuro-inspired photonic
of power modulated signals and transduction from mul- processing.
tiple optical carriers to one electronic carrier. Occurs
when multiplexed optical signals impinge on a standard
photodetector. INTRODUCTION
Weight matrix A way to describe all network connec-
tion strengths between neurons arranged such that rows Complexity manifests in our world in countless ways [1,
are input neuron indeces and columns are output neu- 2] ranging from intracellular processes [3] and human
ron indeces. The weight matrix can be constrained to be brain area function [4] to climate dynamics [5] and world
symmetric, block off-diagonal, sparse, etc. to represent economy [6]. An understanding of complex systems is
particular kinds of neural networks. a fundamental challenge facing the scientific community.
Understanding complexity could impact the progress of
our society as a whole, for instance, in fighting diseases,
DEFINITION OF THE SUBJECT mitigating climate change or creating economic benefits.
Current approaches to complex systems and big-data
In an age overrun with information, the ability to pro- analysis are based on software, executed on serialized and
cess reams of data has become crucial. The demand for centralized von Neumann machines. However, the inter-
data will continue to grow as smart gadgets multiply and connected structure of complex systems (i.e., many ele-
become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Next- ments interacting strongly and with variation [7]) makes
generation industries in artificial intelligence services and them challenging to reproduce in this conventional com-
high-performance computing are so far supported by puting framework. Memory and data interaction band-
microelectronic platforms. These data-intensive enter- widths constrain the types of informatic systems that are
prises rely on continual improvements in hardware. Their feasible to simulate. The conventional computing ap-
prospects are running up against a stark reality: conven- proach has persisted thus far due to an exponential per-
tional one-size-fits-all solutions offered by digital elec- formance scaling in digital electronics, most famously em-
tronics can no longer satisfy this need, as Moore’s law bodied in Moore’s law. For most of the past 60 years, the
(exponential hardware scaling), interconnection density, density of transistors, clock speed, and power efficiency
and the von Neumann architecture reach their limits. in microprocessors has approximately doubled every 18
With its superior speed and reconfigurability, analog months. These empirical laws are fundamentally unsus-
photonics can provide some relief to these problems; how- tainable. The last decade has witnessed a statistically
ever, complex applications of analog photonics have re- significant (>99.95% likelihood [8]) plateau in processor
mained largely unexplored due to the absence of a ro- energy efficiency.
bust photonic integration industry. Recently, the land- This situation suggests that the time is ripe for radi-
scape for commercially-manufacturable photonic chips cally new approaches to information processing, one be-
tion processing, describe the photonic neural-network photonic integrated circuit (PIC) platforms, which have
approaches being developed by our lab and others, and recently undergone rapid growth. PICs are becoming a

SYNERGISTIC APPROACH Neuromorphic photonics uses modern fabrication techniques to

implement efficient, scalable analog photonics operations.

Microwave photonics
Limited functionality

Analog Fabriction
Photonics Industry
Neuromorphic photonics

Free-space networks Digital electronics

Cannot be integrated Unsustainable performance

Scalable Computing


1047-6938/18/01/32/8-$15.00 ©OSA
FIG. 1. The advent of neuromorphic photonics is due to the convergence of recent advances in photonic integration technology,
resurgence of scalable computing models (e.g. spiking, deep neural networks), and a large scale silicon industrial ecosystem.

ing neuromorphic photonics. An emerging field at the NEUROMORPHIC COMPUTING: BEYOND

nexus of photonics and neuroscience, neuromorphic pho- VON NEUMANN AND MOORE
tonics combines the complementary advantages of optics
and electronics to build systems with high efficiency, high Conventional digital computers are based on the von
interconnectivity, and extremely high bandwidth. This Neumann architecture [9]. It consists of a memory that
article reviews the recent progress in integrated neuro- stores both data and instructions, a central processing
morphic photonics research. First, we introduce neu- unit (CPU) and inputs and outputs (Fig. 2 (left)). In-
romorphic computing and give an overview of current structions and data stored in the memory unit are sep-
technology platforms in microelectronics and photonics. arated from the CPU by a shared digital bus. This is
Next, we discuss the evolution of neuromorphic photon- known as the von Neumann bottleneck [10] which funda-
ics, the present photonic neural network approaches, and mentally limits the performance of the system—a prob-
challenges for emerging integrated neuromorphic pho- lem that is aggravated as CPUs become faster and mem-
tonic processors. We introduce the concept of a “pho- ory units larger. This computing paradigm has domi-
tonic neuron” followed by a discussion on its feasibil- nated for over 60 years driven in part by the continual
ity. We summarize recent research on optical devices progress dictated by Moore’s law [11] for CPU scaling
that could be used as network-compatible photonic neu- and Koomey’s law [12] for energy efficiency (in multiply-
rons. We discuss a networking architecture that effi- accumulate (MAC) operations per joule) compensating
ciently channelizes the transmission window of an in- the bottleneck. Over the last several years, such scaling
tegrated waveguide. We also compare metrics between has not followed suit, approaching an asymptote. The
neuromorphic electronics and neuromorphic photonics. computation efficiency levels off below 10 GMAC/s/W or
Finally, we offer a glimpse at the future outlook for neuro- 100 pJ per MAC [13]. The reasons behind this trend can
inspired photonic processing and discuss potential appli- be traced to both the representation of information at
cations. the physical level and the interaction of processing with
memory at the architectural level [8].
Breaching the energy efficiency wall of digital com-
putation by orders of magnitude is not fundamentally
impossible. In fact, the human brain, believed to be
the most complex system in the universe, is estimated
to execute an amazing 1018 MAC/s using only 20 W of
system per second. Another is that lightwaves exhibit bits and continuous-valued analog signals. Concepts
the superposition property, which allows for optical for neuro-inspired photonic computing originally

Von Neumann architecture Neural network architecture Photonic neural network


Central weights
Processing Unit input
01101010 10101110

input program data output input output

Memory output

Neural nets: The photonic edge

Von Neumann architectures (left), relying on sequential input-output through a central processor, differ fundamentally
Neural nets: Theneural-network
decentralized photonic edge.architectures
Von Neumann architectures
(middle). Photonic(left),
neuralrelying on sequential
nets (right) can solve input-output through a
the interconnect
central processor,
bottleneck differ
by using onefundamentally fromsignals
waveguide to carry more decentralized neural network
from many connections (easilyarchitectures (middle). Photonic neural nets
N2~10,000) simultaneously.
(right) can solve the interconnect bottleneck by using one waveguide to carry signals from many connections (easily N 2 ∼10, 000)


power [13, 14]. It does this with 1011 neurons with an consumption. The recent shift to multi-core scaling alle-
average of 104 inputs each. This leads to an estimated viated these constraints, but the breakdown of Dennard
total of 1015 synaptic connections, all conveying signals scaling has limited the number of cores than can simul-
up to 1 kHz bandwidth. The calculated computational taneously be powered on with a fixed power budget and
efficiency for the brain (< aJ/MAC) is therefore 8 or- heat extraction rate. Fixed power budgets have necessi-
ders of magnitude beyond that of current supercomput- tated so called dark silicon strategies [20]. Projections for
ers (100pJ/MAC). The brain is a natural standard for the 8 nm node indicate that over 50% of the chip will be
information processing, one that has been compared to dark [20], meaning unused at a given time. This has led
artificial processing systems since their earliest inception. to a widening rift between conventional computing capa-
Nevertheless, the brain as a processor differs radically bilities and contemporary computing needs, particularly
from computers today, both at the physical level and for the analysis of complex systems.
at the architectural level. Its exceptional performance Computational tools have been revolutionary in hy-
is, at least partly, due to the neuron biochemistry, its pothesis testing and simulation. They have led to the
underlying architecture, and the biophysics of neuronal discovery of innumerable theories in science, and they
computation algorithms. will be an indispensable aspect of a holistic approach to
Neuromorphic computing offers hope to building large- problems in big data and many body physics; however,
scale “bio-inspired” hardware whose computational effi- huge gaps between information structures in observed
ciencies move toward those of a human brain. In doing systems and standard computing architectures motivates
so, neuromorphic platforms (Fig. 2 (middle)) could break a need for alternative paradigms if computational abili-
performance limitations inherent in traditional von Neu- ties are to be brought to the growing class of problems
mann architectures in solving particular classes of prob- associated with complex systems. Brain-inspired com-
lems. Their distributed hardware architectures can most puting approaches share the interconnected causal struc-
efficiently evaluate models with high data interconnec- tures and dynamics analogous to the complex systems
tion, among which are real-time complex system assur- present in our world. This is in contrast to conventional
ance and big data awareness. approaches, where these structures are virtualized at con-
At the device level, digital CMOS is reaching physical siderable detriment to energy efficiency. From a usual
limits [15, 16]. As the CMOS feature sizes scale down be- constraint of a fixed power budget, energy efficiency caps
low 90 nm to 65 nm, the voltage, capacitance, and delay overall simulation scale.
no longer scale according to a well-defined rate by Den- Over the years, there has been a deeply com-
nard’s law [17]. This leads to a tradeoff between perfor- mitted exploration of unconventional computing tech-
mance (when transistor is on) and subthreshold leakage niques [13, 21–39] to alleviate the device level and sys-
(when it is off). For example, as the gate oxide (which tem/architectural level challenges faced by conventional
serves as an insulator between the gate and channel) is computing platforms. Specifically, neuromorphic com-
made as thin as possible (1.2 nm, around five atoms thick puting is going through an exciting period as it promises
Si) to increase the channel conductivity, a quantum me- to make processors that use low energies while integrat-
chanical phenomenon of electron tunneling [18, 19] occurs ing massive amounts of information. Neuromorphic en-
between the gate and channel leading to increased power gineering aims to build machines employing basic ner-

Digital Signal (coded as bits) Analog Signal

vous systems operations by bridging the physics of biol-
ogy with engineering platforms enhancing performance
for applications interacting with natural environments
such as vision and speech [13]. These neural-inspired
systems are exemplified by a set of computational prin-
ciples, including hybrid analog-digital signal representa-
tions (discussed next), co-location of memory and pro- time time
cessing, unsupervised statistical learning, and distributed Hybrid Signal (coded as events)
representations of information.


Information representation can have a profound effect time

on information processing. The spiking model found in

biology is a sparse coding scheme recognized by the neu- FIG. 3. Spiking neural networks encode information as events
in time rather than bits. Because the time at which a spike
roscience community as a neural encoding strategy for in-
occurs is analog while its amplitude is digital, the signals
formation processing [40–45], and has code-theoretic jus- use a mixed-signal or hybrid encoding scheme. Reproduced
tifications [46–48]. Spiking approaches promise extreme from Tait et al. Photonic Neuromorphic Signal Processing
improvements in computational power efficiency [13] be- and Computing ch. 8, 183–222 (2014) in Nanophotonic Infor-
cause they directly exploit the underlying physics of biol- mation Physics by M. Naruse, Ed. Ref [52]. With permission
ogy [22, 46, 49, 50], analog electronics, or, in the present of Springer.
case, optoelectronics. Digital in amplitude but tempo-
rally analog, spiking naturally interleaves robust, discrete
representations for communication with precise, contin- erance and adaptability over von Neumann architectures
uous representations for computation in order to reap to better interact with natural environments by applying
the benefits of both digital and analog. Spiking has the circuit and system principles of neuronal computa-
two primary advantages over synchronous analog: (1) tion, including robust analog signaling, physics-based dy-
its analog variable (time) is less noisy than its digital namics, distributed complexity, and learning. Using this
variable (amplitude), and (2) it is asynchronous, without neuromorphic hardware to process faster signals (e.g., ra-
a global clock. Clock synchronization allows for time- dio waveforms) is, however, not a simple matter of accel-
division multiplexing (TDM); however, it is a significant erating the clock. These systems rely on slow timescale
practical problem in many-core systems [51]. These ad- operation to accomplish dense interconnection.
vantages may account for the ubiquity of spiking in nat- Whereas von Neumann processors rely on point-to-
ural processing systems. [47]. It is natural to deepen this point memory processor communication, a neuromor-
distinction to include physical representational aspects, phic processor typically requires a large number of in-
with the important result that optical carrier noise does terconnects (i.e., ∼100s of many-to-one fan-in per pro-
not accumulate. As will be discussed, when an optical cessor) [13]. This requires a significant amount of mul-
pulse is generated, it is transmitted and routed through ticasting, which creates a communication burden. This,
a linear optical network with the help of its wavelength in turn, introduces fundamental performance challenges
identifier. that result from RC and radiative physics in electronic
links, in addition to the typical bandwidth-distance-
energy limits of point-to-point connections [55]. While
Neuromorphic Microelectronics some incorporate a dense mesh of wires overlaying the
semiconductor substrate as crossbar arrays, large-scale
Spiking primitives have been built in CMOS analog systems are ultimately forced to adopt some form of
circuits, digital neurosynaptic cores, and non-CMOS de- TDM or packet switching, notably, address-event repre-
vices. Various technologies (Fig. 4) have demonstrated sentation (AER), which introduces the overhead of rep-
large-scale spiking neural networks in electronics, includ- resenting spike as digital codes instead of physical pulses.
ing, notably: Neurogrid as part of Stanford Univer- This abstraction at the architectural level allows virtual
sity’s Brains in Silicon program [28], IBM’s TrueNorth interconnectivities to exceed wire density by a factor re-
as part of DARPA’s SyNAPSE program [23], HICANN lated to the sacrificed bandwidth, which can be orders of
as part of Heidelberg University’s FACETS/BrainScaleS magnitude [56]. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) based
project [53], and University of Manchester’s neuromor- on AER are thus effective at targeting biological time
phic chip as part of the SpiNNaker project [30]; the lat- scales and the associated application space: real time ap-
ter two are under the flagship of the European Commis- plications (object recognition) in the kHz regime [23, 30]
sion’s Human Brain Project [54]. These spiking plat- and accelerated simulation in the low MHz regime [53].
forms promise potent advantages in efficiency, fault tol- However, neuromorphic processing for high-bandwidth

FIG. 4. Selected pictures of five different neuromorphic hardware discussed here. They include: TrueNorth [23], HICANN [53],
SpiNNaker [30], Neurogrid [28].

applications in the GHz regime (such as sensing and ma- domain (Fig. 2 (right)). Mapping a processing paradigm
nipulating the radio spectrum and for hypersonic aircraft to its underlying dynamics, than abstracting the physics
control) must take a fundamentally different approach to away entirely, can significantly streamline efficiency and
interconnection. performance, and mapping a laser’s behavior to a neu-
ron’s behavior relies on discovering formal mathematical
Bonded III-V layer analogies (i.e., isomorphisms) in their respective govern-
• DFB excitable lasers
ing dynamics. Many of the physical processes underlying
photonic devices have been shown to have a strong anal-
ogy with biological processing models, which can both be
described within the framework of nonlinear dynamics.
Large scale integrated photonic platforms (see Fig. 5) of-
fer an opportunity for ultrafast neuromorphic processing
that complements neuromorphic microelectronics aimed
Off-chip pins
• Analog electronic I/O
at biological timescales. The high switching speeds, high
• Programming interface communication bandwidth, and low crosstalk achievable
• Power
SOI layer in photonics are very well suited for an ultrafast spike-
• Silicon waveguides, filters
• Electro-optic modulators based information scheme with high interconnection den-
sities [38, 57]. The efforts in this budding research field
FIG. 5. Conceptual rendering of a photonic neuromorphic aims to synergistically integrate the underlying physics of
processor. Laser arrays (orange layer) implement pulsed photonics with spiking neuron-based processing. Neuro-
(spiking) dynamics with electro-optic physics, and a photonic morphic photonics represents a broad domain of applica-
network on-chip (blue and gray) supports complex structures tions where quick, temporally precise and robust systems
of virtual interconnection amongst these elements while elec- are necessary.
tronic circuitry (yellow) controls stability, self-healing, and Later in this article we compare metrics between neu-
learning. romorphic electronics and neuromorphic photonics.

Toward Neuromorphic Photonics
Photonics has revolutionized information transmission
Just as optics and photonics are being employed for in- (communication and interconnects), while electronics,
terconnection in conventional CPU systems, optical net- in parallel, has dominated information transformation
working principles can be applied to the neuromorphic (computations). This leads naturally to the following

question: how can the unifying of the boundaries between of virtualizing interconnects [39] (cf. Fig. 6; also see Ta-
the two be made as effective as possible? [21, 25, 26]. ble II and related discussion).
CMOS gates only draw energy from the rail when and In the past, the communication potentials of optical
where called upon; however, the energy required to drive interconnects have received attention for neural network-
an interconnect from one gate to the next dominates ing; however, attempts to realize holographic or matrix-
CMOS circuit energy use. Relaying a signal from gate to vector multiplication systems have failed to outperform
gate, especially using a clocked scheme, induces penal- mainstream electronics at relevant problems in comput-
ties in latency and bandwidth compared to an optical ing, which can perhaps be attributed to the immaturity
waveguide passively carrying multiplexed signals. of large-scale integration technologies and manufacturing
This suggests that starting up a new architecture economics.
from a photonic interconnection fabric supporting nonlin- Techniques in silicon photonic integrated circuit (PIC)
ear optoelectronic devices can be uniquely advantageous fabrication are driven by a tremendous demand for opti-
in terms of energy efficiency, bandwidth, and latency, cal interconnects within conventional digital computing
sidestepping many of the fundamental tradeoffs in digital systems [64, 65], which means platforms for systems in-
and analog electronics. It may be one of the few practi- tegration of active photonics are becoming commercial
cal ways to achieve ultrafast, complex on-chip processing reality [60, 62, 63, 66, 67]. The potential of recent ad-
without consuming impractical amounts of power [39]. vances in integrated photonics to enable unconventional
computing has not yet been investigated. The theme
109 Nanophotonics of current research has been on how modern PIC plat-
108 forms can topple historic technological barriers between
107 Neuromorphic
large-scale analog networks and photonic neural systems.
Efficiency (GMAC/s/W)

106 Photonics In this context, there are two complementary areas of

State-of-the-Art investigation by the research community, namely, pho-
104 Neuromorphic Electronics tonic spike processing and photonic reservoir computing.
103 TrueNorth Silicon photonics While the scope of this article is limited to the former,
102 we briefly introduce both.
NeuroGrid HICANN
10 Digital Efficiency Wall
10-1 SpiNNaker
Microwave Electronics
1 102 104 106 108 1010 1011
Computational Speed (MMAC/s/cm2) Photonics
FIG. 6. Comparison of neuromorphic hardware platforms. between physics and
Neuromorphic photonics architectures potentially sport bet- Spiking computation Excitability
ter speed-to-efficiency characteristics than state-of-the-art
electronic neural nets (such as IBMs TrueNorth, Stanford
Universitys Neurogrid, Heidelberg University’s HICANN), as
well as advanced digital electronic systems (such as the Uni-
versity of Manchesters SpiNNaker). On the top-right: the
photonic neuron platforms studied in Ref. [39]. The re-
gions highlighted in the graph are approximate, based on
qualitative tradeoffs of each technology. Adapted from Fer- PHOTONIC SPIKE PROCESSOR
reira de Lima et al. Nanophotonics 6, 577–599 (2017)
Ref. [58]. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. (CC BY-NC-ND). FIG. 7. Analogies between spike processing and photonics
can be exploited to create a computational paradigm that
performs beyond the sum of its parts. By reducing the ab-
Complex photonic systems have been largely unex- straction between process (spiking) and physics (excitability)
plored due to the absence of a robust photonic integration there could be a significant advantage on speed, energy us-
industry. Recently, however, the landscape for manufac- age, scalability. Adapted with permission from Prucnal et al.
turable photonic chips has been changing rapidly and Adv. Opt. Photon. 8, 228–299 (2016) Ref. [38]. Copyright
now promises to achieve economies of scale previously 2016 Optical Society of America.
enjoyed solely by microelectronics. In particular, a new
photonic manufacturing hybrid platform that combines
in the same chip both active (e.g. lasers and detectors),
and passive elements (e.g. waveguides, resonators, mod- Photonic Spike Processing
ulators) is emerging [59–63]. A neuromorphic photonic
approach based on this platform could potentially oper- An investigation of photonics for information process-
ate 6–8 orders of magnitude faster than neuromorphic ing based on spikes has taken place alongside the devel-
electronics when accounting for the bandwidth reduction opment of electronic spiking architectures. Since the first

FIG. 8. Difference in spike processing time scales (pulse width and refractory period) between biological neurons (left), electronic
spiking neurons (middle), and photonic neurons (right). Reproduced with permission from Prucnal et al. Adv. Opt. Photon.
8, 228–299 (2016) Ref. [38]. Copyright 2016 Optical Society of America.

demonstration of photonic spike processing by Rosen- Photonic Reservoir Computing

bluth et al. [68], there has been a surge in research related
to aspects of spike processing in various photonic devices
Reservoir computing (RC) is another promising ap-
with a recent bloom of proposed forms of spiking dynam-
proach for neuro-inspired computing. A central tenet of
ics [57, 69–81]—a strategy that could lead to combined
RC is that complex processes are generated in a medium
computation and communication in the same substrate.
whose behavior is not necessarily understood theoreti-
We recently [38, 39] reviewed the recent surge of in-
cally. Instead, the “reservoir” (a fixed, recurrent net-
terest [52, 69, 72–90] in the information processing abili-
work of nonlinear nodes; see Fig. 9) generates a large
ties of semiconductor devices that exploit the dynamical
number of complex processes, and linear combinations
isomorphism between semiconductor photocarriers and
of reservoir signals are trained to approximate a desired
neuron biophysics. Many of these proposals for “pho-
task [94]. To arrive at a user-defined behavior, reservoirs
tonic neurons” or “laser neurons” or “optical neurons”
do not need to model or program and instead rely on
for spike processing are based on lasers operating in an
supervised machine learning techniques for simple linear
excitable regime (Fig. 7). Excitability [91, 92] is a dynam-
classifiers. This is advantageous in systems whose overall
ical system property underlying all-or-none responses.
behavior is complex, yet difficult to model or correspond
The difference in physical times scales allows these
to a theoretical behavior. There are a wide class of phys-
laser systems to exhibit these properties, except many
ical systems that fit that description, and the reservoir
orders of magnitude faster than their biological counter-
concept makes them highly likely to apply to widespread
parts [74]; the temporal resolution (tied to spike widths)
information processing tasks [95].
and processing speed (tied to refractory period) are accel-
erated by factors nearing 100 million (Fig. 8). A network Over the past several years, reservoir computers have
of photonic neurons could open computational domains been constructed that exploit the incredible bandwidths
that demand unprecedented temporal precision, power and speeds available to photonic signals. These ‘photonic
efficiency, and functional complexity, potentially includ- reservoirs’ utilize optical multiplexing strategies to form
ing applications in wideband radio frequency (RF) pro- highly complex virtual networks. Photonic RC particu-
cessing, adaptive control of multi-antenna systems, and larly is attractive when the information to be processed is
high-performance scientific computing. already in the optical domain, for example, applications
in telecommunications and image processing. Recently,
there has been a significant development in the hardware
realization of RC. Optical reservoirs have been demon-
strated with various schemes such as benchtop demon-
strations with a fiber with a single nonlinear dynami-
cal node [34, 96–104], and integrated solutions including
microring resonators [105], a network of coupled semi-
conductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) [106], and a passive
silicon photonics chip [107].
It has been experimentally demonstrated and verified
that some of these photonic RC solutions achieve highly
competitive figures of merit at unprecedented data rates
often outperforming software-based machine learning
FIG. 9. Comparison of the architectures of a feedforward (left techniques for computationally hard tasks such as spo-
hand side) with a recurrent neural network (right hand side); ken digit and speaker recognition, chaotic time-series pre-
the grey arrows sketch the possible direction of computation. diction, signal classification, or dynamical system mod-
Adapted from Ref. [93].
eling. Another significant advantage of photonic-based
approaches, as pointed out by Vandoorne et al. [107], is

the straightforward use of coherent light to exploit both but many proposed optical logic devices do not meet nec-
the phase and amplitude of light. The simultaneous ex- essary conditions of cascadability. Analog photonic pro-
ploitation of two physical quantities results in a notable cessing has found application in high bandwidth filtering
improvement over real-valued networks that are tradi- of microwave signals [109], but the accumulation of phase
tionally used in software-based RC—a reservoir operat- noise, in addition to amplitude noise, limits the ultimate
ing on complex numbers in essence doubles the internal size and complexity of such systems.
degrees of freedom in the system, leading to a reservoir Recent investigations [39, 57, 72–81, 89] have suggested
size that is roughly twice as large as the same device that an alternative approach to exploit the high band-
operated with incoherent light. width of photonic devices for computing lies not in in-
creasing device performance or fabrication, but instead
* * * in examining models of computation that hybridize tech-
niques from analog and digital processing. These inves-
Neuromorphic spike processing and reservoir ap- tigations have concluded that a photonic neuromorphic
proaches differ fundamentally and possess complemen- processor could satisfy them by implementing a model of
tary advantages. Both derive a broad repertoire of be- a neuron, i.e., a photonic neuron, as opposed to the model
haviors (often referred to as complexity) from a large of a logic gate. Early work in neuromorphic photonics in-
number of physical degrees-of-freedom (e.g., intensities) volved fiber-based spiking approaches for learning, pat-
coupled through interaction parameters (e.g., transmis- tern recognition, and feedback [68, 70, 71]. Spiking be-
sions). Both offer means of selecting a specific, desired havior resulted from a combination of SOA together with
behavior from this repertoire using controllable parame- a highly nonlinear fiber thresholder, but they were nei-
ters. In neuromorphic systems, network weights are both ther excitable nor asynchronous and therefore not suit-
the interaction and controllable parameters, whereas, able for scalable, distributed processing in networks.
in reservoir computers, these two groups of parameters
are separate. This distinction has two major implica- “Neuromorphism” implies a strict isomorphism be-
tions. Firstly, the interaction parameters of a reservoir tween artificial neural networks and optoelectronic de-
do not need to be observable or even repeatable from vices. There are two research challenges necessary to
system-to-system. Reservoirs can thus derive complex- establish this isomorphism: the nonlinearity (equivalent
ity from physical processes that are difficult to model or to thresholding) in individual neurons, and the synaptic
reproduce. Furthermore, they do not require significant interconnection (related to fan-in and cascadability) be-
hardware to control the state of the reservoir. Neuro- tween different neurons, as will be discussed in the pro-
morphic hardware has a burden to correspond physical ceeding sections. Once the isomorphism is established
parameters (e.g. drive voltages) to model parameters and large networks are fabricated, we anticipate that the
(e.g. weights). Secondly, reservoir computers can only computational neuroscience and software engineering will
be made to elicit a desired behavior through instance- have a new optimized processor for which they can adapt
specific supervised training, whereas neuromorphic com- their methods and algorithms.
puters can be programmed a priori using a known set of Photonic neurons address the traditional problem of
weights. Because neuromorphic behavior is determined noise accumulation by interleaving physical representa-
only by controllable parameters, these parameters can be tions of information. Representational interleaving, in
mapped directly between different system instances, dif- which a signal is repeatedly transformed between coding
ferent types of neuromorphic systems, and simulations. schemes (digital-analog) or physical variables (electronic-
Neuromorphic hardware can leverage existing algorithms optical), can grant many advantages to computation and
(e.g., Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) [108]), map noise properties. From an engineering standpoint, the
virtual training results to hardware, and particular be- logical function of a nonlinear neuron can be thought of
haviors are guaranteed to occur. Photonic RCs can of as increasing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that tends to
course be simulated; however, they have no correspond- degrade in linear systems, whether that means a con-
ing guarantee that a particular hardware instance will tinuous nonlinear transfer function suppressing analog
reproduce a simulated behavior or that training will be noise or spiking dynamics curtailing pulse attenuation
able to converge to this behavior. and spreading. As a result, we neglect purely linear
PNNs as they do not offer mechanisms to maintain signal
fidelity in a large network in the presence of noise.
The optical channel is highly expressive and corre-
Challenges for Integrated Neuromorphic Photonics spondingly very sensitive to phase and frequency noise.
For example, the networking architecture proposed in
Key criteria for nonlinear elements to enable a scal- Tait et al. Ref. [57] relies on wavelength-division mul-
able computing platform include: thresholding, fan-in, tiplexing (WDM) for interconnecting many many points
and cascadability [21, 25, 26]. Past approaches to optical in a photonic substrate together. Any proposal for net-
computing have met challenges realizing these criteria. working computational primitives must address the issue
A variety of digital logic gates in photonics that sup- of practical cascadability: transferring information and
press amplitude noise accumulation have been claimed, energy in the optical domain from one neuron to many

others and exciting them with the same strength with- based on the McCulloch–Pitts neural model, which con-
out being sensitive to noise. This is notably achieved, for sists of a linear combiner followed by a step-like activa-
example, by encoding information in energy pulses that tion function (binary output). These neural networks
can trigger stereotypical excitation in other neurons re- are boolean-complete—i.e. they have the ability of sim-
gardless of their analog amplitude. In addition, as will ulating any boolean circuit and are said to be univer-
be discussed next, schemes which exhibit limitations with sal for digital computations. The second generation im-
regards to wavelength channels may require a large num- plemented analog outputs, with a continuous activation
ber of wavelength conversion steps, which can be costly, function instead of a hard thresholder. Neural networks
noisy and inefficient. of the second generation are universal for analog com-
putations in the sense they can uniformly approximate
arbitrarily well any continuous function with a compact
PHOTONIC NEURON domain [49]. When augmented with the notion of ‘time’,
recurrent connections can be created and be exploited to
What is an Artificial Neuron? create attractor states [111] and associative memory [112]
in the network.
Physiological neurons communicate with each other us-
Neuroscientists research artificial neural networks as ing pulses called action potentials or spikes. In tradi-
an attempt to mimic the natural processing capabilities of tional neural network models, an analog variable is used
the brain. These networks of simple nonlinear nodes can to represent the firing rate of these spikes. This coding
be taught (rather than programmed) and reconfigured to scheme called rate coding was believed to be a major,
best execute a desired task; this is called learning. Today, if not the only, coding scheme used in biology. Surpris-
neural nets offer state-of-the-art algorithms for machine ingly, there are some fast analog computations in the
intelligence such as speech recognition, natural language visual cortex that cannot possibly be explained by rate
processing, and machine vision [110]. coding. For example, neuroscientists demonstrated in
Three elements constitute a neural network: a set the 1990s that a single cortical area in macaque monkey
of nonlinear nodes (neurons), configurable interconnec- is capable of analyzing and classifying visual patterns in
tion (network), and information representation (coding just 30 ms, in spite of the fact that these neurons’ firing
scheme). An elementary illustration of a neuron is shown rates are usually below 100 Hz—i.e. less than 3 spikes
in Fig. 10. The network consists of a weighted directed in 30 ms [47, 49, 113] which directly challenges the as-
graph, in which connections are called synapses. The sumptions of rate coding. In parallel, more evidence was
input of a neuron is a linear combination (or weighted found that biological neurons use the precise timing of
addition) of the outputs of the neurons connected to it. these spikes to encode information, which led to the in-
Then, the particular neuron integrates the combined sig- vestigation of a third generation of neural networks based
nal and produces a nonlinear response, represented by an on a spiking neuron.
activation function, usually monotonic and bounded. The simplicity of the models of the previous genera-
tions precluded the investigation of the possibilities of
using time as resource for computation and communi-
cation. If the timing of individual spikes itself carry
analog information (temporal coding), then the energy
necessary to create such spike is optimally employed to
express information. Furthermore, Maass et al. showed
that this third generation is a generalization of the first
two, and, for several concrete examples, can emulate real-
valued neural network models while being more robust to
noise [49].
For example, one of the simplest models of a spiking
neuron is called leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF), described
in Eq. 1. It represents a simplified circuit model of the
membrane potential of a biological spiking neuron.
FIG. 10. Nonlinear model of a neuron. Note the three parts:
(i) a set of synapses, or connecting links; (ii) an adder, or lin- dVm (t) 1
Cm =− (Vm (t) − VL ) + Iapp (t); (1)
ear combiner, performing weighted addition; and (iii) a non- dt Rm
linear activation function. Reproduced with permission from if Vm (t) > Vthresh then
Prucnal et al. Adv. Opt. Photon. 8, 228–299 (2016) Ref. [38].
Copyright 2016 Optical Society of America. release a spike and set Vm (t) → Vreset ,
where Vm (t) is the membrane voltage, Rm the mem-
Three generations of neural networks were historically brane resistance, VL the equilibrium potential, and Iapp
studied in computational neuroscience [49]. The first was the applied current (input). More bio-realistic models,

such as the Hodgkin–Huxley model, involve a several or- main categories: all-optical and optical-electrical-optical
dinary differential equations and nonlinear functions. (O/E/O), respectively classified according to whether the
However, simply simulating neural networks on a con- information is always embedded in the optical domain
ventional computer, be it of any generation, is costly or switches from optical to electrical and back. We note
because of the fundamentally serial nature of CPU ar- that the term all-optical is sometimes very loosely defined
chitectures. Bio-realistic SNN present a particular chal- in engineering articles. Physicists reserve it for devices
lenge because of the need for fine-grained time discretiza- that rely on parametric nonlinear processes, such as four-
tion [114]. Engineers circumvent this challenge by em- wave mixing. Here, our definition includes devices that
ploying an event-driven simulation model which resolves undergo nonparametric processes as well, such as semi-
this issue by storing the time and shape of the events conductor lasers with optical feedback, in which optical
expanded in a suitable basis in a simulation queue. Al- pulses directly perturb the carrier population, triggering
though simplified models do not faithfully reproduce key quick energy exchanges with the cavity field that results
properties of cortical spiking neurons, it allows for large- in the release of another optical pulse.
scale simulations of SNNs, from which key networking Silicon waveguides have a relatively enormous trans-
properties can be extracted. parency window of 7.5 THz [115] over which they can
Alternatively, one can build an unconventional, dis- guide lightwaves with very low attenuation and crosstalk,
tributed network of nonlinear nodes, which directly use in contrast with electrical wires or radio frequency trans-
the physics of nonlinear devices or excitable dynamical mission lines. With WDM, each input signal exists at
systems, significantly dropping energetic cost per bit. a different wavelength but is superimposed with other
Here, we discuss recent advances in neuromorphic pho- signals onto the same waveguide. For example, to max-
tonic hardware and the constraints to which particular imize the information throughput, a single waveguide
implementations must subject, including accuracy, noise, could carry hundreds of wideband signals (∼20 GHz) si-
cascadability and thresholding. A successful architecture multaneously. As such, it is highly desirable and crucial
must tolerate eventual inaccuracies and noise, indefinite to design a PNN that is compatible with WDM. All-
propagation of signals, and provide mechanisms to coun- optical versions of a PNN must have some way to sum
teract noise accumulation as the signal traverses across multiwavelength signals, and this requires a population
the network. of charge carriers. On the other hand, O/E/O versions
could make use of photodetectors (PD) to provide a spa-
tial sum of WDM signals. The PD output could drive an
Basic Requirements for a Photonic Neuron E/O converter, involving a laser or a modulator, whose
optical output is a nonlinear result of the electrical in-
An artificial neuron described in Fig. 10 must perform put. Instances of both techniques are presented in the
three basic mathematical operations: array multiplica- next section.
tion (weighting), summation, and a nonlinear transfor-
mation (activation function). Moreover, the inputs to be
weighted in the first stage must be of the same nature of All-optical PNNs
the output—in the case considered here, photons.
As the size of the network grows, additional mecha- Coherent injection models are characterized by in-
nisms are required at the hardware level to ensure the put signals directly interacting with cavity modes, such
integrity of the signals. The neuron must have a scal- that outputs are at the same wavelength as inputs
able number of inputs, referred to as maximum fan-in (Fig. 11(a)). Since coherent optical systems operate at
(Nf ), which will determine the degree of connectivity a single wavelength λ, the signals lack distinguishabil-
of the network. Each neuron’s output power must be ity from one another in a WDM-encoded framework. As
strong enough to drive at least Nf others (cascadability). demonstrated in Ref. [117], the effective weight of coher-
This concept is tied closely with that of thresholding: the ently injected inputs is also strongly phase dependent.
SNR at the output must be higher than at its input. Global optical phase control presents a challenge in syn-
Cascadability, thresholding, and fan-in are particularly chronized laser systems, but also affords an extra degree
challenging to optical systems due to quantum efficiency of freedom to configure weight values.
(photons have finite supply) and amplified spontaneous Incoherent injection models inject light in a wave-
emission (ASE) noise, which degrades SNR. length λj to selectively modulate an intra-cavity prop-
erty that then triggers excitable output pulses in an
output wavelength λi (Fig. 11(b)). A number of ap-
The Processing Network Node proaches [74, 77, 78, 118]—including those based on op-
tical pumping—fall under this category. While distinct,
A networkable photonic device with optical I/O, pro- the output wavelength often has a stringent relationship
vided that is capable of emulating an artificial neuron, with the input wavelength. For example, excitable mi-
is named a processing-network node (PNN) [57]. For- cropillar lasers [77, 119] are carefully designed to support
mulations of a photonic PNN can be divided into two one input mode with a node coincident with an anti-node

recurrent neural networks (CTRNNs) such as Hopfield

networks. The derivative of y introduces a sense of time,
which is required to consider recurrent networking, al-
though it does not exclude feedforward models where
time plays no role, such as perceptron models. A dy-
namical system has an internal state ~x and is described
by ~x˙ = g(~x, u); ẏ = h(~x, y, u), where the second differen-
tial equation represents the mapping between the inter-
nal state ~x and the output y. There are a wide variety
of spiking models based on excitability, threshold behav-
ior, relaxation oscillations, etc. covered, for example, in
Ref. [50].
Physical implementations of these nonlinearities can
arise from devices falling into roughly three categories:
pure electronics, electro-optic physics in modulators, and
active laser behavior (Fig. 12). Figure 12(a) illustrates
spiking lasers, which are detailed in the next section and
FIG. 11. General classification of semiconductor excitable
offer perhaps the most promise in terms of garnering
lasers based on: (a) coherent optical injection, (b) non-
coherent optical injection and (c) full electrical injection.
the full advantage of recent theoretical results on spike
Each of these lasers can be pumped either electrically or opti- processing efficiency and expressiveness. Figure 12(b)
cally. Reproduced from Ferreira de Lima et al. Nanopho- is a spiking modulator. The work in Ref. [86] might be
tonics 6, 577–599 (2017) Ref. [58]. Licensed under Cre- adapted to fit this classification; however, to the authors’
ative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives knowledge, an ultrafast spiking modulator remains to be
License. (CC BY-NC-ND). experimentally demonstrated. Figure 12(c) illustrates a
purely electronic approach to nonlinear neural behavior.
Linear E/O could be done by either a modulator or di-
of the lasing mode. In cases where the input is also used rectly driven laser. This class could encompass interest-
as a pump [80], the input wavelength must be shorter ing intersections with efficient analog electronic neurons
than that of the output in order to achieve carrier popu- in silicon [33, 120]. A limitation of these approaches is
lation inversion. the need to operate slow enough to digitize outputs into
WDM networking introduces wavelength constraints a form suitable for electronic TDM and/or AER routing.
that conflict with the ones inherent to optical-injection. Figure 12(d) describes a laser with continuous non-
One approach for networking optically-injected devices linearity, an instantiation of which was recently demon-
is to attempt to separate these wavelength constraints. strated in Ref. [116]. Figure 12(e) shows a modula-
In early work on neuromorphic photonics in fiber, this tor with continuous nonlinearity, the first demonstra-
was accomplished with charge-carrier-mediated cross- tion of which in a PNN and recurrent network is pre-
gain modulation (XGM) in an SOA [68, 70, 71]. sented in [35]. The pros and cons between the schemes
in Fig. 12(d) and (e) are the same ones brought up by
the on-chip vs. off-chip light source debate, currently
underway in the silicon photonics community. On-chip
sources could provide advantageous energy scaling [121],
In this kind of PNN, the O/E subcircuit is responsi- but they require the introduction of exotic materials to
ble for the weighted addition functionality, whereas the the silicon photonics process to provide optical gain. Ac-
E/O is responsible for the nonlinearity (Fig. 11(c)). Each tive research in this area has the goal of making source
subcircuit can therefore be analyzed independently. The co-integration feasible [61, 62]. An opposing school of
analysis of an O/E WDM weighted addition circuit is thought argues that on-chip sources are still a nascent
deferred to a later section (photonic neural networks). technology [122]. While fiber-to-chip coupling presents
The E/O subcircuit of the PNN must take an electronic practical issues [123], discrete laser sources are cheap
input representing the complementary weighted sum of and well understood. Furthermore, on-chip lasers dis-
optical inputs, perform some dynamical or nonlinear pro- sipate large amounts of power [124], the full implications
cess, and generate a clean optical output on a single wave- of which may complicate system design [122]. In either
length. Figure 12 classifies six different ways nonlineari- case, the conception of a PNN module, consisting of a
ties can be implemented in an E/O circuit. The type of photonic weight bank, detector, and E/O converter, as a
nonlinearity, corresponding to different neural models, is participant in a broadcast-and-weight network could be
separated into dynamical systems and continuous nonlin- applied to a broad array of neuron models and techno-
earities, both of which have a single input u and output logical implementations.
y. A continuous nonlinearity is described by a differen-
tial equation ẏ = f (y, u). This includes continuous-time * * *

Laser Nonlinearity Modulator Nonlinearity Electronic Nonlinearity

a) b) c)
pump bias bias/pump


input input

output output output

Linear E/O

d) e) f)
pump bias bias/pump

input input

output output output

Linear E/O

FIG. 12. Classification of O/E/O PNN nonlinearities and possible implementations. (a) Spiking laser neuron. (b) Spiking
modulator. (c) Spiking or arbitrary electronic system driving a linear electro-optic (E/O) transducer—either modulator or
laser. (d) Overdriven continuous laser neuron, as demonstrated in [116]. (e) Continuous modulator neuron, as demonstrated
in Ref. [35]. (f) Continuous purely electronic nonlinearity with optical output. Reproduced from Ferreira de Lima et al.
Nanophotonics 6, 577–599 (2017) Ref. [58]. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
License. (CC BY-NC-ND).

Both discussed all-optical and O/E/O PNN ap- at rest; (b) when excited above a certain threshold, the
proaches depend on charge carrier dynamics, whose life- system undergoes a stereotypical excursion, emitting a
time eventually limits the bandwidth of the summation spike; (c) after the excursion, the system decays back to
operation. The O/E/O strategy, however, has a few ad- rest in the course of a refractory period during which it
vantages: it can be modularized; it uses more standard is temporarily less likely to emit another spike.
optoelectronic components; and it is more amenable to
integration. Therefore here we give more attention to
this strategy. Moreover, although the E/O part of the
PNN can involve any kind of nonlinearity (Fig. 12), not
necessarily spiking, we are focusing on spiking behav-
ior because of its interesting noise-resistance and rich- Analogy to Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model
ness of representation. As such, we study here excitable
semiconductor laser physics with the objective of directly
Excitable behavior can be realized near the threshold
producing optical spikes.
of a passively Q-switched 2-section laser with saturable
In this light, the PNN could be separated into three
absorber (SA). Figure 13(a–b) shows an example of in-
parts, just like the artificial neuron: weighting, addition,
tegrated design in a hybrid photonics platform. This de-
and neural behavior. Weighting and adding defines how
vice comprises a III-V epitaxial structure with multiple
nonlinear nodes can be networked together, whereas the
quantum well (MQW) region (the gain region) bonded
neural behavior dictates the activation function shown
to a low-loss silicon rib waveguide that rests on a silicon-
in Fig. 10. In the next section, we review recent devel-
on-insulator (SOI) substrate with sandwiched layers of
opments of semiconductor excitable lasers that emulate
graphene acting as a saturable absorber region. The
spiking neural behavior and, following that, we discuss a
laser emits light along the waveguide structure into a pas-
scalable WDM networking scheme.
sive silicon network. Figure 13(c–e) shows experimental
data from a fiber ring laser prototype, demonstrating key
EXCITABLE/SPIKING LASERS properties of excitability.
In general, the dynamics of a two-section laser com-
In the past few years, there has been a bloom of opto- posed of a gain section and a saturable-absorber (SA)
electronic devices exhibiting excitable dynamics isomor- can be described by the Yamada model (Eq. 2–4) [125].
phic to a physiological neuron. Excitable systems can be This 3-D dynamical system, in its simplest form, can
roughly defined by three criteria: (a) there is only one be described with the following undimensionalized equa-
stable state at which the system can indefinitely stay tions [74, 119]:

a Contacts Graphene + BN
SiO2 InGaAsP
SCR dG(t)
MQW = γG [A − G(t) − G(t)I(t)] + θ(t) (2)
MQW dt
= γQ [B − Q(t) − aQ(t)I(t) (3)
= γI [G(t) − Q(t) − 1]I(t) + f (G), (4)


Hybrid cross-section 3
y Distance (nm)

y Distance (μm)
1.5 Graphene (0.335nm)
1.5 2.5
y (nm)

11 1 22
Boron Nitride (1nm) 0
where G(t) models the gain, Q(t) is the absorption,

y Distance (nm)
0.5 1.5
1.5 Graphene
Graphene (0.335nm) I(t) is the laser intensity, A is the bias current of the

y (nm)
00 Boron
y (μm)

0 0.5

Graphene gain region, B is the level of absorption, a describes the

-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 00
0.5 1 1.5
−0.5 −0.4 -0.5 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0
x (µm)
0.1 0.2 0.3 x0.4Distance
0.5 (μm)
-0.5 −0.5
differential absorption relative to the differential gain, γG
-0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5

−0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 x Distance(μm)
−0.1 0
x (µm)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 is the relaxation rate of the gain, γQ is the relaxation rate
of the absorber, γI is the inverse photon lifetime, θ(t) is
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 the time-dependent input perturbations, and f (G) is the
x (μm)
spontaneous noise contribution to intensity;  is a small
In simple terms, if we assume electrical pumping at
the gain section, the input perturbations are integrated
by the gain section according to Eq. 2. An SA effectively
becomes transparent as the light intensity builds up in
the cavity and bleaches its carriers. It was shown in [74]
that the near-threshold dynamics of the laser described
can be approximated to Eq. 5:

= −γG (G(t) − A) + θ(t); (5)
if G(t) > Gthresh then
release a pulse, and set G(t) → Greset ,

where G(t) models the gain, γG is the gain carriers

FIG. 13. Excitable dynamics of the graphene excitable laser. relaxation rate and A the gain bias current. The P input
Blue and red curves correspond to input and output pulses, θ(t) can include spike inputs of the form θ(t) = i δi (t −
respectively. (a) Cutaway architecture of a hybrid InGaAsP- τi ) for spike firing times τi , Gthresh is the gain threshold,
graphene-silicon evanescent laser (not to scale) showing a ter- and Greset ∼0 is the gain at transparency.
raced view of the center. (b) Cross-sectional profile of the One can note the striking similarity to the LIF model
excitable laser with an overlaid electric field (E-field) inten- in Eq. 1: setting the variables γG = 1/Rm Cm , A = VL ,
~ 2 profile. (c–e) Excitable dynamics of the graphene
sity |E| θ(t) = Iapp (t)/Rm Cm , and G(t) = Vm (t) shows their
fiber laser. (c) Excitatory activity (temporal integration of algebraic equivalence. Thus, the gain of the laser G(t)
nearby pulses) can push the gain above the threshold, releas- can be thought of as a virtual membrane voltage, the
ing spikes. Depending on the input signal, the system can
input current A as a virtual equilibrium voltage etc.
have a suppressed response due to the presenceR of either sub-
threshold input energies (integrated power |θ(t)|2 dt) or (d) A remarkable difference can be observed between the
a refractory period during which the laser is unable to pulse two system though: whereas in the neural cell membrane
(regardless of excitation strength). (e) Restorative proper- the timescales are governed by an Rm Cm constant of the
ties: repeatable pulse shape even when inputs have different order of ms, the carrier dynamics in lasers are as fast
energies. Reproduced from Shastri et al. Sci. Rep. 6, 19126 as ns. Although this form of excitability was found in
EP – (2016) Ref. [80]. Licensed under Creative Commons two-section lasers, other device morphologies have also
Attribution License (CC BY). shown excitable dynamics. The advantage of construct-
ing a clear abstraction to the LIF model is that it allows
engineers to reuse the same methods developed in the
computational neuroscience community for programming
a neuromorphic processor.
In the next section we present recent optical devices
with excitable dynamics.

TABLE I. Characteristics of recent excitable laser devices. Note that this table does not have a one-to-one correspondence to
Fig. 12, because some of them are not E/O devices. However, we observe that devices A, D, and F belong to the category
Fig. 12(a), and device E, which resembles more closely to the category Fig. 12(c).
Excitable Dynam-
Device Injection Scheme Pump Refs.
[74, 77, 80, 89, 118,
A. Two-section gain and SA electrical electrical stimulated emission
119, 126–132]
B. Semiconductor ring laser coherent optical electrical optical interference [72, 86, 133–135]
C. Microdisk laser coherent optical electrical optical interference [75, 117]
D. 2D Photonic crystal nanocavitya electrical electrical thermal [73, 82, 136]
E. Resonant tunneling diode photodetector electrical or incoher-
electrical electrical tunneling [81, 88]
and laser diodeb ent optical
F. Injection-locked semiconductor laser
electrical electrical optical interference [69, 79, 83, 137–144]
with delayed feedback
G. Semiconductor lasers with optical
incoherent optical electrical stimulated emission [76, 90, 145–149]
H. Polarization switching VCSELs coherent optical optical optical interference [78, 84, 87]
a Technically this device is not an excitable laser, but an excitable cavity connected to a waveguide.
b The authors call it excitable optoelectronic device, because the excitability mechanism lies entirely in an electronic circuit, rather than
the laser itself.

Semiconductor Excitable Lasers a 2π topological excursion and generating an optical

pulse in amplitude at the output port. This mechanism
Optical excitability in semiconductor devices are being is notably different than the others in which it does not
widely studied, both theoretically and experimentally. require exchange of energy between charge carriers popu-
These devices include multisection lasers, ring lasers, lations and the cavity field. As a result, systems based on
photonic crystal nanocavities, tunneling diode attached this effect are not limited by carrier lifetimes, yet are vul-
to laser diodes, and semiconductor lasers with feedback, nerable to phase noise accumulation. Other mechanisms
summarized in Table I. We group them under the ter- include photon absorption, stimulated emission, thermo-
minology excitable lasers for convenience, but exceptions optic effect, and electron tunneling. There, the electronic
are described in the caption of the table. dynamics of the device governs the population of charge
carriers available for stimulated emission, thereby dom-
Generally speaking, these lasers use III-V quantum
inating the time scale of the generated pulses. Models
wells or quantum dots for efficient light generation. How-
of these mechanisms and how they elicit excitability are
ever, they fall into one of three injection categories (il-
comprehensively detailed in Ref. [38], but a quantitative
lustrated in Fig. 11) and possess very diverse excitability
comparison between performance metrics of lasers in Ta-
mechanisms. It is difficult to group the rich dynamics
ble I is still called for. Qualitatively, however, excitable
of different lasers—which often requires a system of sev-
lasers can simultaneously borrow key properties of elec-
eral coupled ordinary differential equations to represent
tronic transistors, such as thresholding and cascadabil-
it—using classification keywords. We focus on two fun-
damental characteristics: the the way each laser can be
In addition to individual laser excitability, there have
modulated (injection scheme column), and on the physi-
been several demonstrations of simple processing cir-
cal effect that directly shapes the optical pulse (excitable
cuits. Temporal pattern recognition [80] and stable re-
dynamics column).
current memory [80, 81, 144] are essential toy circuits
The injection scheme of the laser will determine that demonstrate basic aspects of network-compatibility.
whether it is compatible to all-optical PNNs or O/E/O
PNNs. Some of them (B, C, H) operate free of electrical
injection, meaning that bits of information remain ele-
gantly encoded in optical carriers. However, as we have PHOTONIC NEURAL NETWORK
point out, avoiding the E/O conversion is much more dif-
ficult when you are trying to build an weight-and-sum de-
vice compatible with WDM, which is an essential build- Isomorphism to Biological Spiking Neuron
ing block for scalable photonic neural networks.
The excitable dynamics determines important proper- Neurons only have computational capabilities if they
ties such as energy efficiency, switching speed and band- are in a network. Therefore, an excitable laser (or spik-
width of the nonlinear node. The “optical interference” ing laser) can only be viewed as a neuron candidate if it
mechanism typically means that there are two competing is contained in a PNN (Fig. 14). The configurable ana-
modes with a certain phase relationship that can undergo log connection strengths between neurons, called weights,
ractors, and excitability. lasers, in contrast, are physically compact and are capable of
using feedback rather than feedforward dynamics to radically
citability is a dynamical system property
enhance that Feedback
nonlinearity. underlies allows for the emergence of
-none responses. Its occurrence morein complex
a variety of different
behaviors, including bistability, the formation
of attractors, and excitability. 16
g systems has received considerable interest [18], [19].
Excitability is a dynamical system property that underlies
ability is also a critical property of biological
all-or-none responses. Its spiking
occurrence in a variety of different
ons [20], [21]. More recently, several excitable
lasing systems lasers considerable
has received haveBiological interestSpiking
[18], [19]. Neuron Model
Excitability is also a critical property of biological spiking
nstrated biological-like spiking features. One proposal
neurons [20], [21]. More recently, several excitable lasers have
ests using excitability in semiconductor
demonstrated lasers [22], spiking
biological-like [23] Weighted
features. One proposal
(t) (a)

suggests using
d on weakly broken Z2 symmetry close to a Takens- excitability in Inputs
semiconductor lasers [22], [23] w1 τ
1 1
Modelbroken Z2 symmetry close to a Takens-
based on weakly Summation
anov bifurcation, yet another Bogdanov
using emergent
yet another suggests using emergent Integrate Threshold xj(t)
gical features from polarization switching
biological featuresinfrom a vertical-
polarization switching (t) in a vertical-
xxij(t) jw xi(t)j)
xji(t−τ I (t)
y surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) [24]. However,
[24]. However, these
wj τi j these
Σ s(t) ∫
models have yet to demonstrate some key properties of spiking output
ls have yet to demonstrate someneurons:
key properties
the ability to of spiking
perform computations without
xi(t) = Σn δ(t-τ informa-
n) Synaptic

ons: the ability to perform computations without

tion degradation, clean-up informa-
noise, or implement algorithms.
variable LIF model
In this paper, we show for the first time that a photonic com-w NN
degradation, clean-up noise, orputational
implement algorithms. t
primitive based on an integrated, excitable laser with (b)
this paper, we show for the firstantime that saturable
embedded a photonic com-
absorber (SA) behaves analogously to Fig. 2. (a) Illustration and (b) functional description of a leaky integrate-
a leaky integrate-and-fire
ional primitive based on an integrated, excitable laser (LIF)with
neuron. The LIF model is one and-fire neuron. Weighted (b) and delayed input signals are summed into the
of the most ubiquitous models in computational neuroscience input current Iapp (t), which travel to the soma and perturb the internal state
mbedded saturable absorber (SA) behaves analogously
and is the simplest known model for spike to Fig. 2. processing variable, the voltage V . Since V is hysteric, the soma performs integration
[25]. and and
(a) Illustration (b) functional description
Photonic Neuron Architecturethen applies make a spike of
a threshold Balanced
to or a leakydecision.
Excitable integrate-
After a
ky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron. We alsoTheshow LIFthat model is one
our laser neuron can be employed
and-fire neuron. Weightedto spike isand released, the voltage
delayed V is reset
input to a value
reset . The resulting
are VLaser
summed into thespike
carry out cortical algorithms through several small circuit is sent to other neurons in the network.
e most ubiquitous models in computational neuroscience input current Iapp (t), which travel to the soma and perturb the internal state
demonstrations. Emulating this model in a scalable device
variable, the voltage V . Since V is hysteric, the +V soma performs integration
s the simplest known model for spiketheprocessing
represents first step in [25].building an ultrafast cognitive
and then applies a threshold to make a spike or no-spike decision. After ain
computing Processing
platform. The basic biological structure of a LIF neuron is depicted
also show that our laser neuron can be employed to spike is released, λ the voltage
Fig. V Itis consists
2(a). reset toofa avalue Vreset
dendritic tree. The Current
that resulting
collects andspike
Network Node pump
out cortical algorithms throughII. severalL ASER N EURONsmall—Tcircuit is sent to other neurons
in the
inputs network.
from other neurons, a soma that acts as a low pass
P integrates the signals over time, and an axon thatOutput
nstrations. Emulating this model Our in a isscalable
device based upondevice
a well-studied and paradigmatic
filter and
carries an action potential, or spike, when the integrated signal λj cross-
sents the first step in building examplean ofultrafast
a hybrid cognitive
computational primitive: the spikingλ
exceeds a threshold. λ Neurons are connected Laser to each other viacoupler
uting platform. neuron. In this section, we briefly review the The basicneuron
spiking biological
synapses, structure of a gaps,
or extracellular LIF-Vacross
neuron whichis depicted
chemical signals in
model and reveal the analogy between the LIF model and our
own. Fig. 2(a). It consists of a dendritic
are transmitted. The axon, treedendrite,
that collects
and synapse andallsumsplay an
important role in the weighting and delaying of spike signals.
I. L ASER N EURON —T HEORETICAL F OUNDATIONS inputsexcitatoryfrom other neurons, According
a soma that acts as a low pass
to the standard LIF model, neurons are treated as
A. Spiking Neuron Model filterweightand bank integrates the
electrical signals
bank The
devices. over time,potential
membrane and an V axon
m (t), the that
r device is based upon a well-studied Studies ofand paradigmatic WDM Waveguide
morphology and physiology carries have an action potential,
Spectral Filter Bankor spike, when the integrated signal
difference across their membrane, acts as the primary internal
ple of a hybrid computational primitive:
the LIF model as an theeffective
spiking spiking model to describe a (activation) state variable. λ1Ions
… thatλi … flow across the membrane
variety ofthe different biologically
exceeds a threshold. Neurons are connected
observed phenomena [26]. experience a resistance R = Rm and capacitance C = Cm
toλNeach other via
on. In this section, we briefly review spiking neuron
From the standpoint of computability and synapses,
complexityor extracellular
theory, associated with gaps, theacross
membrane. which
The soma chemical signals
is effectively a first-
l and reveal the analogy between the LIFaremodel
LIF neurons powerfuland our
computational primitives that are The order low-pass filter, or a leaky integrator, with the integration
FIG. 14. Isomorphism betweenboth photonic are
neuron transmitted. axon, dendrite, and synapse all play an model. Top: depiction of
capable of simulating Turing machines and module
traditional (i.e., a PNN)
time constant ⌧m = toRam Cbiological
m that determines spiking neuron
the exponential
a single unit neural neural networks
network model. [27]. Signals
Inputs important
are xideally
i are
role in the
weighted decay
and weighting
rate of the and
summed. impulse
response spike
w i x signals.
i leakage
experiences a nonlinear function.
Bottom: Possible by series of delta implementation
physical functions: inputs and outputs ofAccording
take the A
a PNN. form thecurrent
toWDM standardthroughLIF
signal is drives theneurons
Rm model,
incident on membraneare
a bank voltage
of Vm (t)
filters as to
(excitatory and inhibitory)—
piking Neuron Model x(t) = ⌃j=1 (t ⌧j ) for spike times ⌧j . Individual units 0, but an active membrane pumping current counteracts it
which are created perform using
a smalla setseries
of basicofoperations
microring electrical
(delaying, devices. and
weighting, The membrane
a maintains
series of potential
a resting membrane TheVmvoltage
(t), the
resulting at voltagesignal
a value of is incident on a balanced
udies of morphology and physiology
photodetector spatial
which havetemporal
applies integration, difference
a summation andoperation
thresholding) acrossand their
that m (t) membrane,
Vdrives = Van L. excitable acts as laserthe primary
with a current internal signal. The resulting laser
are integrated into a single device capable of implementing
(activation) state coupled Fig. 2(b)back
variable. showsthat
Ions the standard
the across LIF neuron model
the membrane [27]. A
LIF model as an effective
outputs at aspiking
specified model to
wavelength describe which a is subsequently into
a variety of processing tasks, including binary classification, neuron has: (1) N inputs which represent induced currents in
broadcast interconnect (see Fig. 15). Adapted
ty of different biologically observed
with permission from phenomena
adaptive feedback, et al.
and temporal [26].
J. experience
logic. Technol. a resistance
32, R
4029–4041 = R and
(2014) capacitance
Ref. [38].
input synapses xj (t)mthat are continuous time series consisting C =
CopyrightCm 2014 Optical Society of
of computability and complexity theory, associated with the membrane. The soma is effectively a first-
the standpointAmerica.
neurons are powerful computational primitives that are order low-pass filter, or a leaky integrator, with the integration
ble of simulating both Turing machines and traditional time constant ⌧m = Rm Cm that determines the exponential
are as[27].
oidal neural networks important
Signals aretoideallythe task of network
represented decayprocessing rate of the asimpulse response function. Broadcast-and-Weight The leakage Protocol
the dynamical
ries of delta functions: inputs and behavior
outputs take of individual
the form elements. current through Earlier, Rm drives the membrane voltage Vm (t) to
= ⌃nj=1 (t we ⌧j ) have discussed
for spike times ⌧several
j . Individual proposed 0, but an lasers
units excitable active ex- membraneWDM pumping current counteracts
channelization of theitspectrum is one way to ef-
rm a small set hibiting neural behavior
of basic operations (delaying, and cascadability
weighting, and betweenmaintains these a resting ficiently membraneusevoltage the full at capacity
a value ofof a waveguide, which can
al summation, temporal
lasers. integration,
In this section,and thresholding)
we discuss that m (t) = VL . involv-
the Vchallenges have usable transmission windows up to 60 nm (7.5 THz
ntegrated into aing single
the device
creation capable
of a of implementing
network of neuronsFig. using 2(b)photonicshows the standard bandwidth) LIF neuron [151].model In fiber [27]. communication
A networks, a
iety of processing tasks, including
hardware, binary classification,
in particular, the creation neuron of a weighted has: (1) Nad- inputs WDM which represent induced currents
protocol called broadcast-and-select has been used in
ive feedback, and temporal
dition scheme logic.
for every PNN. Tait etinput al. [57] synapses proposed xj (t) that are forcontinuous
decades totime create seriesmany consistingpotential connections between
an integrated photonic neural networking scheme called communication nodes [152]. In broadcast-and-select, the
broadcast-and-weight that uses WDM to support a large active connection is selected, not by altering the interven-
number of reconfigurable analog connections using silicon ing medium, but rather by tuning a filter at the receiver
photonic device technology. to drop the desired wavelength. Broadcast-and-weight is
A spiking and/or analog photonic network consists of similar, but differs by directing multiple inputs simulta-
three aspects: a protocol, a node that abides by that neously into each detector (Fig. 15(b)) and with a con-
protocol (the PNN), and a network medium that sup- tinuous range of effective drop strengths between –1 and
ports multiple connections between these nodes. This +1, corresponding to an analog weighting function.
section will begin with broadcast-and-weight as a WDM The ability to control each connection, each weight, in-
protocol in which many signals can coexist in a single dependently is a crucial aspect of neural network models.
waveguide and all nodes have access to all the signals. Weighting in a broadcast-and-weight network is accom-
Configurable analog connections are supported by a novel plished by a tunable spectral filter bank at each node, an
device called a microring resonator (MRR) weight bank operation analogous to a neural weight. The local state
(Fig. 15). We will summarize experimental investigations of the filters defines the interconnectivity pattern of the
of MRR weight banks. network.

Tunable Power E/O Converter much slower than signal bandwidth. Practical, accurate,
a) Spectral Filter Detector (Laser neuron) and scalable MRR control techniques are a critical step
towards large scale analog processing networks based on
MRR weight banks.



Controlling Photonic Weight Banks
Sensitivity to fabrication variations, thermal fluctu-
Broadcast Interconnect ations, and thermal cross-talk has made MRR control
an important topic for WDM demultiplexers [153], high-
b) MRR weight bank Balanced PD order filters [154], modulators [155], and delay lines [156].
WDM RF Commonly, the goal of MRR control is to track a partic-
input output ular point in the resonance relative to the signal carrier
s wavelength, such as its center or maximum slope point.
On the other hand, an MRR weight must be biased at ar-
bitrary points in the filter roll-off region in order to mul-
tiply an optical signal by a continuous range of weight
c) WDM Weighted Addition values. Feedback control approaches are well-suited to
d) IN MRR demultiplexer and modulator control [157, 158],
but these approaches rely on having a reference signal
with consistent average power. In analog networks, sig-
nal activity can depend strongly on the weight values,

so these signals cannot be used as references to estimate

weight values. These reasons dictate a feedforward con-
DROP 100 µm
trol approach for MRR weight banks.
20 µm DROP

FIG. 15. (a) Broadcast-and-weight network. An array of

source lasers outputs distinct wavelengths (represented by
Single Channel Control Accuracy and Precision
solid color). These channels are wavelength multiplexed
(WDM) in a single waveguide (multicolor). Independent
weighting functions are realized by tunable spectral filters at How accurate can a weight be? The resolution required
the input of each unit. Demultiplexing does not occur in
for effective weighting is a topic of debate within the neu-
the network. Instead, the total optical power of each spec-
trally weighted signal is detected, yielding the sum of the
romorphic electronics community, with IBM’s TrueNorth
input channels. The electronic signal is transduced to an selecting four digital bits plus one sign bit [159]. In
optical signal after nonlinear transformation. (b) Tunable Ref. [160], continuous weight control of an MRR weight
spectral filter constructed using microring resonator (MRR) bank channel was shown using an interpolation-based cal-
weight bank. Tuning MRRs between on- and off-resonance ibration approach. The goal of the calibration is to have
switches a continuous fraction of optical power between drop a model of applied current/voltage vs. effective weight
and through ports. A balanced photodetector (PD) yields command. The calibration can be performed once per
the sum and difference of weighted signals. (c) left: Optical MRR and its parameters can be stored in memory. Once
micrograph of a silicon MRR weight bank, showing a bank of calibration is complete, the controller can navigate the
four thermally-tuned MRRs. right: Wide area micrograph, MRR transfer function to apply the correct weight value
showing fiber-to-chip grating couplers. Reproduced with per-
for a given command. However, errors in the calibration,
mission from Tait et al. Opt. Express 24, 8895–8906(2016)
Ref. [150]. Copyright 2016 Optical Society of America. environmental fluctuations or imprecise actuators causes
the weight command to be inaccurate. It is necessary to
quantify that accuracy.
A great variety of possible weight profiles allows Analog weight control accuracy can be characterized in
a group of functionally similar units to instantiate a terms of the ratio of weight range (normalized to 1.0) to
tremendous variety of neural networks. A reconfigurable worst-case weight inaccuracy over a sweep and stated in
filter can be implemented by a MRR—in simple words, terms of bits or a dynamic range. The initial demonstra-
a waveguide bent back on itself to create an interference tion reported in Ref. [160] indicates a dynamic range of
condition. The MRR resonance wavelength can be tuned the weight controller of 9.2dB, in other words, an equiv-
thermally (as in Fig. 15(c)) or electronically on timescales alent digital resolution of 3.1 bits.

Multi-Channel Control Accuracy and Precision studying tradeoffs. Increasing the channel count perfor-
mance metric will eventually degrade some other aspect
Another crucial feature of an MRR weight bank is of performance until the minimum specification is vio-
simultaneous control of all channels. When sources of lated.
cross-talk between one weight and another are consid- Studying tradeoffs between these metrics are impor-
ered, it is impossible to interpolate the transfer func- tant for better designing the network and understanding
tion of each channel independently. Simply extending its limitations. Just as was the case with control method-
the single-channel interpolation-based approach of mea- ologies, it was found that quantitative analysis for MRR
suring a set of weights over the full range would require a weight banks must follow an approach significantly dif-
number of calibration measurements that scales exponen- ferent from those developed for MRR demultiplexers and
tially with the channel count, since the dimension of the modulators [162].
range grows with channel count. Simultaneous control In conventional analyses of MRR devices for multi-
in the presence of cross-talk therefore motivates model- plexing, demultiplexing, and modulating WDM signals,
based calibration approaches. the tradeoff that limits channel spacing is inter-channel
Model-based, as opposed to interpolation-based, cal- cross-talk [151, 163]. However, unlike MRR demultiplex-
ibration involves parameterized models for cross-talk- ers where each channel is coupled to a distinct waveguide
inducing effects. The predominant sources of cross-talk output [153], MRR weight banks have only two outputs
are thermal leakage between nearby integrated heaters with some portion of every channel coupled to each. All
and, in a lab setup, inter-channel cross-gain saturation in channels are meant to be sent to both detectors in some
fiber amplifiers, although optical amplifiers are not a con- proportion, so the notion of cross-talk between signals
cern for fully integrated systems that do not have fiber- breaks down (Fig. 15(b)). Instead, for dense channel
to-chip coupling losses. Thermal cross-talk occurs when spacing, different filter peaks viewed from the common
heat generated at a particular heater affects the temper- drop port begin to merge together. This has the effect
ature of neighboring devices (see Fig. 15(c)). In princi- of reducing the weight bank’s ability to weight neigh-
ple, the neighboring channel could counter this effect by boring signals independently. As detailed in Ref. [162],
slightly reducing the amount of heat its heater generates. Tait et al. (1) quantify this effect as a power penalty by
A calibration model for thermal effects provides two ba- including a notion of tuning range with the cross-weight
sic functions: forward modeling (given a vector of applied penalty metric, and (2) perform a channel density anal-
currents, what will the vector of resultant temperatures ysis by deriving the scalability of weight banks that use
be?) and reverse modeling (given a desired vector of tem- microresonators of a particular finesse.
peratures, what currents should be applied?). Models
In summary, WDM channel spacing, δω, can be used
such as this must be calibrated to physical devices by fit-
to determine the maximum channel count given a res-
ting parameters to measurements. Calibrating a param-
onator finesse. While finesse can vary significantly with
eterized model requires at least as many measurements
the resonator type, normalized spacing is a property of
as free parameters. Ref. [150] describes a method for
the circuit (i.e. multiplexer vs. modulators vs. weight
fitting parameters with O(N ) spectral and oscilloscope
bank). Making an assumption that a 3dB cross-weight
measurements, where N is the number of MRRs. As an
penalty is allowed, we find that the minimum channel
example, whereas an interpolation-only approach with 20
spacing falls between 3.41 and 4.61 linewidths depend-
points resolution would require 204 = 160, 000 calibration
ing on bus length. High finesse silicon MRRs, such as
measurements, the presented calibration routine takes
shown in Ref. [164] (finesse = 368) and [165] (finesse =
roughly 4 × [10(heater) + 20(filter) + 4(amplifier)] = 136
540), could support 108 and 148 channels, respectively.
total calibration measurements. Initial demonstrations
Other types of resonators in silicon, such as elliptical
achieved simultaneous 4-channel MRR weight control
microdisks [166] (finesse = 440) and traveling-wave mi-
with an accuracy of 3.8 bits and precision of 4.0 bits (plus
croresonators [167] (finesse = 1,140) could reach up to
1.0 sign bit) on each channel. While optimal weight res-
129 and 334 channels, respectively.
olution is still a topic of discussion in the neuromorphic
electronics community [13], several state-of-the-art archi- * * *
tectures with dedicated weight hardware have settled on
4-bit resolution [159, 161]. MRR weight banks are an important component of
neuromorphic photonics – regardless of PNN implemen-
tation because they control the configuration of analog
Scalability with Photonic Weight Banks network linking photonic neurons together. In Ref. [150],
it was concluded that ADC resolution, sensitivized by bi-
Engineering analysis and design relies on quantifiable asing conditions, limited the attainable weight accuracy.
descriptions of performance called metrics. The natural Controller accuracy is expected to improve by reducing
questions of “how many channels are possible” and, sub- the mismatch between tuning range of interest and driver
sequently, “how many more or fewer channels are gar- range. Ref. [162] arrived at a scaling limit of 148 chan-
nered by a different design” are typically resolved by nels for a MRR weight bank, which is not impressive in

Logical Functional Physical



interconnected Recurrent Broadcast Loop:
neuron cluster Neuron Cluster


Broadcast Loop
Level 1

Local Connection Between Clusters

BL:1 BL:1 BL:1 BL:1

BL:2 BL:2


FIG. 16. Spectrum reuse strategy. Panels are organized into rows at different scales (core, cluster, chip, and multichip) and
into columns at three different views (logical, functional, and physical). (a,b) Depicts the model and photonic implementation
of a neuron as a processing network node (PNN) as detailed in Fig. 14. (c,d) Fully interconnected network by attaching PNNs
to a broadcast loop (BL) waveguide. (e,f) A slightly modified PNN can transfer information from one BL to another. (g,h)
Hierarchical organization of the waveguide broadcast architecture showing a scalable modular structure. (i) Using this scheme,
neuron count in one chip is only limited by footprint, but photonic integrated circuits (PICs) can be further interconnected in
an optical fiber network.

the context of neural networks. However, the number of Naker [30] (Fig. 4). Many researchers are concentrat-
neurons could be extended beyond this limit using spec- ing their efforts towards the long-term technical poten-
trum reuse strategies (Fig. 16) proposed in [57], by tailor- tial and functional capability of the hardware compared
ing interference within MRR weight banks as discussed to standard digital computers. One of the main drivers
in [162], or by packing more dimensions of multiplexing for the community is computational power efficiency [13]:
within silicon waveguides, such as mode-division multi- digital CPUs are reaching a power efficiency wall with the
plexing. As the modeling requirements for controlling current von Neumann architecture, but hardware neural
MRR weight banks become more computationally inten- networks, in which memory and instructions are simpli-
sive, a feedback control technique would be transforma- fied and colocated, offer to overcome this barrier.
tive for both precision and modeling demands. Despite These projects also aimed at simulating large-scale
the special requirements of photonic weight bank devices spiking neural networks, with the goal of simulating sub-
making them different from communication-related MRR circuits of the human cortex, at a biological timescale
devices, future research could enable schemes for feed- (< 1 kHz). The HICANN chip, exceptionally, is designed
back control. to be accelerated at about 10 thousand times respective
to biological time scales, and feature analog synapses and
realistic neural spiking behaviors [53]. It pays the price of
NEUROMORPHIC PLATFORMS COMPARISON huge power consumption: 800 W for a wafer-scale system
containing 180,000 neurons [28]. In contrast, TrueNorth
As stated earlier, the neuromorphic computing com- aimed for large-scale, efficient networks optimized for bi-
munity has been making vigorous efforts toward ologically plausible tasks, such as machine vision, but
large-scale spiking neuromorphic hardware, e.g., Hei- with a simplified neural model [23]. Indeed, it contained
delberg HICANN chip via the FACETS/BrainScaleS a total of 1M neurons and 256M synapses per chip, con-
projects [53] IBM TrueNorth via the DARPA SyNAPSE suming only 63 mW of power [23]. The Neurogrid board
program [23], Stanfords Neurogrid [28] and SpiN- also aimed for scalability and efficiency, consuming 5 W

TABLE II. Comparison Between Different Neuromorphic Processors

MAC Energy/MAC Processor fan- Area/MAC Synapse preci-
rate/processorc (pJ)d in (µm2 )e sion (bit)
Photonic Hybrid III-V/Sia 20 GHz 0.26 108 205 5.1
Sub-λ Photonics b (future trend) 200 GHz 0.0007 ∼200 20 8
HICANN [53] 22.4 MHz 198.4 224 780 4
TrueNorth [23] 2.5 kHz 0.27 256 4.9 5
Neurogrid [28] 40.1 kHz 119 4096 7.1 13
SpiNNakerf [30] 3.2 kHz 6 × 105 320 217 16
a III-V/Si Hybrid stands for estimated metrics of a spiking neural network in a photonic integrated circuit in a III-V/Si Hybrid platform.
b Sub-λ stands for estimated metrics for a platform using optimized sub-wavelength structures, such as photonic crystals.
c A MAC event occurs each time a spike is integrated by the neuron. Neuron fan-in refers to the number of possible connections to a
single neuron.
d The energy per MAC for HICANN, TrueNorth, Neurogrid, SpiNNaker were estimated by dividing wall-plug power to number of
neurons and to operational MAC rate per processor.
e The area per MAC was estimated by dividing the chip/board size to the number of MAC units (neuron count times fan-in). All
numbers therefore include overheads in terms of footprint and area.
f Neurons, synapses and spikes are digitally encoded in event headers that travel around co-integrated processor cores. So all numbers
here are based on a typical application example.

also with 1M neurons and about 4 billion synapses, but it rather than M × N , it does not represent the most costly
kept greater biological fidelity to the mammalian cortex. operation. Therefore, as the size of the network N grows
The SpiNNaker computer is designed to simulate scal- large, MACs—i.e. ‘synaptic computations’—become the
ably large and versatile networks using arrays of chips most burdensome hardware bottlenecks in neural net-
with 18 ARM968 processing cores each: unlike the other works [13].
three technologies, the number of synapses per neuron, For consistency, we compare architectures that have
or even the number of neurons, is not fixed and can be similar functionality: we limit ourselves to fully recon-
dynamically reprogrammed [30]. The demonstrated sys- figurable systems of spiking neural networks. For the
tem has 48 chips interconnected in a PCB, but it can photonically-enhanced system, we studied an optoelec-
be scaled up to 1200 interconnected PCBs, totalling a tronic neural network with PNNs instantiated within the
72 kW peak power consumption. hybrid Silicon/III-V platform [89, 168]. We also consider
We have recently produced a quantitative comparison a future photonic crystal instantiation, based on funda-
between the aforementioned electronic and photonic neu- mental physical considerations. Calculated metrics are
romorphic hardware architectures [39]. In order to com- based on realistic device parameters, derived from the
pare these processors with one another, we reintroduce literature. We also refer the reader to a more detailed
the multiply-accumulate (MAC) operation that typically discussion of spiking electronic neuromorphic hardware
bottlenecks complex computations. in [169] and an overview of current spiking and non-
The MAC operation takes the following form: a ← spiking hardware in [170].
a+(w×x). It includes both a product (i.e. x is multiplied Results are summarized in Table II. The most strik-
by the ‘weight’ w) and an addition (the result is accumu- ing figure is the number of operations per second, which
lated to variable a). In neural network models,
P inputs are exceeds electronic platforms by 3 orders of magnitude,
combined via a weighted sum of the form wi xi . The compared to the analog/digital accelerated HICANN and
result is then input into some nonlinear scalar function 6 orders of magnitude compared to the others which are
f {x} which can range from a simple sigmoid function purely digital implementations. This stems from both
to a complex nonlinear dynamical system with hystere- the high bandwidths and low latencies possible with pho-
sis, depending on the complexity of the neuron being tonic signals. The optoelectronic approach is able to
modeled. The weighted sum can be broken down into a achieve such energy efficiency at high speeds because
series of MAC operations of the form ai = ai−1 + wi xi power is mainly consumed statically by the lasers, while
for i = 1 . . . M . Each neuron requires M parallel MAC the passive filters have low leakage current. This con-
operations per time step ∆t (in a given bit period τ , trasts with CMOS digital switches, whose power con-
determined by the signal bandwidth capacity), or one sumption increases dynamically with clock speed. Pro-
operation per synapse, where M refers to the number of cessor fan-in is similar in both platforms, despite very
inputs for a given node. Thus, a hardware neural network differing technologies. The area per MAC is more strin-
can be characterized with M × N MAC operations per gent in a photonically enhanced system, since photonic
time step ∆t (i.e., quadratic scaling of MAC operations), elements cannot be shrunk beyond the diffraction limit
where N is the number of neurons in the network. of light. This is because each data channel requires a
The nonlinear function f {x} also takes up computa- weighting filter in the PNN, such as an MRR pair, which
tional resources, but since this operation scales with N adds a footprint penalty. However, this is compensated

by the fact that a single waveguide can carry many wide- Applications for neuromorphic photonic processors can
band channels simultaneously, unlike electronic wires. be grouped into two categories: 1. a frontend stage for
Nonetheless, even though photonically enhanced systems RF systems and data centers; and 2. ultrafast processing
cannot compete with the miniaturization of future nano- for specialized fast applications [39]. The first category
electronics, the estimated footprint of such a system is utilizes the low-latency, parallelism, and energy efficiency
currently on par with some of the electronics systems properties of photonics to alleviate the throughput of RF
presented here. systems, e.g. by executing dimensionality reduction tasks
such as principal component analysis or blind-source sep-
aration. The second category takes advantage of the raw
FUTURE DIRECTIONS speed (bandwidth and latency) of the photonic proces-
sor to execute iterative algorithms mapped to recurrent
neural networks.
After half a century of continuous investment and com-
mercial success, digital CMOS electronics dominates the Neuromorphic photonic processors join a class of pho-
industry of general-purpose computing. However, with tonic hardware accelerators designed to assist in acquisi-
growing demand for connectivity, there is an urgent need tion, feature extraction, and storage of wideband wave-
for ultrafast co-processors that could relieve the stress forms [172]. These accelerators manipulates the spec-
in digital processing circuits. Here, we have presented trotemporal of a wideband signal, task difficult to ac-
elements of a reconfigurable photonic hardware that can complish in analog electronics over broad bandwidth and
emulate spiking neural networks operating a billion times with low loss.
faster than the brain. As we identify proper metrics for a
neuromorphic photonic processor, research efforts are in-
cipiently transitioning from individual devices to systems Real-Time Radio Frequency Processing
design. We are witnessing a fast maturation of standard-
ized photonic foundries in several platforms. Chrostowski High volume data applications, including streaming
& Hochberg say [171] we are entering a nascent era of fab- video and cloud services, will continue to push the
less photonics, where users can create computer-assisted telecommunications industry to build better, high band-
chip designs and have it fabricated by these foundries us- width systems. Data traffic on some mobile networks
ing quality controlled, repeatable processes. It is reason- alone has increased by over 6000% [173]. This has moti-
able to expect that neuromorphic photonic co-processors vated the exploration of more efficient usage of spectral
(Fig. 17) can be fabricated and packaged using fabless resources [174]. Although RF integrated circuits (RFICs)
services for near-term research and long-term volume have been researched for applications such as duplex
production. processing [175, 176] or control of beamforming anten-
nas [177, 178], the requirement for impedance-matched
transmission lines greatly increases device and intercon-
Supervised learning nect footprint, limiting the overall complexity of each
circuit chip. Photonics provides a solution to these fundamental
FPGA/CPU limitations: optical waveguides can support large band-
widths (∼100s of THz) with high information density and
low crosstalk between multiplexed channels. By using
Weight control techniques such as WDM, a large number of multi-GHz
circuit channels can exist within the same optical waveguide.
As a result, the number of virtual channels can greatly
2N*Nf wires exceed the number of physical waveguides, allowing for
the formation of complex processing circuits without a
SNN significant hardware overhead.
N neurons After some initial front-end processing (i.e., hetero-
IN dyning and amplification), most radio transceiver sys-
tems are processed by either digital signal processors
(DSP) or field programmable gate arrays (FGPAs) for
Low latency more complex signal operations. However, the speeds
of these processors (i.e., ∼500 MHz) limit the overall
FIG. 17. Diagram description of a fully packaged neuromor- throughput of RF carrier signals, which can easily be
phic processor. While two layers of electronics provide recon- in the ∼GHz. Clever sampling and parallelization can
figurability, the photonic spiking neural network permits low- help alleviate this bottleneck, but at the cost of much
latency functionality. Nf : Fan-in of each neuron. Reproduced higher latency and a significant resource/energy over-
from Ferreira de Lima et al. Nanophotonics 6, 577–599 (2017) head. Specialized RF application-specific integrated cir-
Ref. [58]. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution- cuits (ASICs) are another option, but are expensive, re-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. (CC BY-NC-ND). quire significant development time and have limited re-

Sound byte Spatio-temporal spike encoding Word recognition


feedback,"“a\en@on”" ‘laser’
analog"electronic" Reduced=informa@on""
interface" Spike/op@cal" Back=end" outputs"
Complex RF signal encoder" Laser
Processing" pulse encoding
interface" RF fingerprinting


FIG. 18. A vision for a brain-inspired laser neural network for enhanced RF communication.
29" Top: spoken words are transformed
into spatio-temporal ‘spike’ (event) patterns by biological neurons. A pattern recognition neuron is sensitive to a specific spike
fingerprint and releases its own spike only if it occurs, shown in ‘target output’. Bottom: in analogy with audio waveforms,
a much faster system (∼GHz) based on excitable lasers could operate directly on RF waveforms. Applying operations at the
front-end of RF transceivers could offload complex signal processing operations to a photonic chip, and address bandwidth and
latency limitations of current FPGA and DSP solutions. The spike coded pattern is reproduced from Tapson et al. Front.
Neurosci. 7 (2013) Ref. [179]. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

configurability. Future imagined multiple-in multiple-out radio applications.

(MIMO) systems—which in the case of massive MIMO,
can be on the order of ∼100s of input and output chan-
nels [180, 181]—are especially susceptible to this bottle- Nonlinear Programming
neck, and may require a radically new solution.
Adding a photonic processing chip to the front of a ra- Another way of taking advantage of raw speed is via
dio transceiver would allow very complex operations to an iterative approach. Iterative algorithms find success-
be performed in real-time, which can significantly offload fully better approximations to a problem of interest, and
electronic post-processing and provide a technology to often require many time steps to reach a desired so-
make faster, more relevant RF decisions on-the-fly. Mas- lution. Since one of the most salient advantages of a
sive MIMO systems based on beamforming in phased ar- photonic approach is its low time-of-flight (∼ps) between
ray antennas require a processor that can distinguish and communicating processors, the convergence rates can be
operate on hundreds of high bandwidth signals simulta- significantly improved by implementing them on a pho-
neously, a feat that is currently speed limited by current tonic platform. A large class of problems that can be
electronic processors [180, 182]. A photonic neural net- solved iteratively includes linear and nonlinear program-
work model is a perfect fit for addressing this kind of ming problems. These methods seek to minimize some
technological challenge: efficient MIMO beamforming re- objective function E(~x) of real variables in ~x subject to
lies on MAC operations that are already applied in neu- a series of constraints represented by equalities or in-
ral network models via weighted addition. In addition, equalities i.e. g(~x) ≤ 0 and h(~x) = 0. Applications
classification algorithms can be built efficiently using the in telecommunications, aerospace, and financial indus-
neural network approach, allowing for RF fingerprinting tries can be described in this basic framework, including
and signal identification. optimal portfolio trading strategies, control of machin-
As spread spectrum, adaptive RF transceivers become ery/actuators, and allocation of resources and jobs in
more widespread in future telecommunication systems, online servers. Using a photonic approach, 100-variable
the scalability of the photonic approach could provide sig- problems could converge in less than ∼100 ns, which could
nificant processing advantages. Its high bandwidth, low be useful in the control of very fast dynamical systems
latency, and high throughput would be especially use- (i.e., actuators) or in the creation of low-latency opti-
ful in an ultra-wideband (UWB) radio system, in which mization routines in data-intensive environments.
it could sample from many frequencies and directions si- Mathematical optimization problems can be grouped
multaneously to scan for spectral opportunities and make into linear and nonlinear optimization problems. Non-
a decision quickly and efficiently. Pairing this technol- linear optimization problems are often difficult to solve,
ogy with an FPGA or electronic ASIC controller would and sometimes involve exotic techniques such as genetic
enable the implementation of adaptive optimization and algorithms or particle swarm optimization. Nonlinear op-
learning algorithms in real time for ultrafast cognitive timization problems, however, are nonetheless quadratic

to second order around the local vicinity of the optimum. between neuron speed and neural network size. Pho-
Therefore, Quadratic Programming (QP)—which finds tonic neural networks have several advantages over their
the minima/maxima quadratic functions of variables sub- electrical counterparts. Most importantly, the connec-
ject to linear constraints [183]—becomes an effective first tivity concerns prevalent in electronic neurons are signif-
pass at such problems, and can be applied to a wide ar- icantly ameliorated by using light as a communication
ray of applications. For example, many machine learning medium [57]. WDM allows for hundreds of high band-
problems, such as support vector machine (SVM) train- width signals to flow through a single optical waveguide.
ing and least squares regression, can be reformulated in Moreover, the analog computational bandwidth of a pho-
terms of a QP problem. In addition, computational prob- tonic neuron (as designed in Tait et al. Ref. [160]) lies
lems such as model predictive control (MPC), an optimal in the picosecond to femtosecond time scale [89]. For a
nonlinear control algorithm, or compressive sampling, a Hopfield Quadratic Optimizer, this means that a pho-
method for sampling at rates below the Nyquist without tonic implementation (Fig. 19) can simultaneously have
loss of information via the characterization of sparsity in large dimensionality and a fast convergence time to the
incoming data, are examples of QP problems. Together, minimum. These processors represent some of the most
these applications represent some of the most effective effective, yet generalized tools for acquiring and process-
yet generalized tools for acquiring and processing infor- ing information and controlling highly-mobile systems,
mation and using the results to control systems. QP is such as a hypersonic aircraft [186].
an NP hard problem in the number of variables, which
means that conventional digital computers must either be
limited to solving quadratic programs of very few vari- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
ables, or to applications where computation time is non-
critical. This is reflected in industrial applications of QP
Photonics has revolutionized information communica-
solvers. MPC is used in the chemical industry to control
tion, while electronics, in parallel, has dominated infor-
chemical processing plants, where reaction timescales can
mation processing. Recently, there has been a deter-
be made very long, and in the finance industry to con-
mined exploration of the unifying boundaries between
trol long term portfolio optimization. The application of
photonics and electronics on the same substrate, driven
MPC to faster systems, therefore, relies on new ways of
in part by Moore’s Law approaching its long-anticipated
finding faster solutions to QP problems [184]. In machine
end. For example, the computational efficiency for digi-
learning, many algorithms (such as SVM) require offline
tal processing has leveled-off around 100 pJ per MAC. As
training because of the computational complexity of QP,
a result, there has been a widening gap between today’s
but would be much more effective if they could be trained
computational efficiency and the next generation needs,
such as big data applications which require advanced
pattern matching and real-time analysis. This, in turn,
Model predictive
control (MPC)
has led to expeditious advances in: (1) emerging devices
Mapped to
that are called “beyond-CMOS” or “More-than-Moore”,
(2) novel processing or unconventional computing archi-
Quadratic tectures called “beyond-von Neumann”, that are brain-
programming inspired, i.e., neuromorphic, and (3) CMOS-compatible
problem Mapped to photonic interconnect technologies. Collectively, these
research endeavors have given rise to the field of neu-
romorphic photonics (Fig. 1). Emerging photonic hard-
Photonic ware platforms have the potential to vastly exceed the
Sensors Actuators
Hopfield network
capabilities of electronics by combining ultrafast opera-
tion, moderate complexity, and full programmability, ex-
FIG. 19. Employing a photonic neural network for a model tending the bounds of computing for applications such as
predictive control problem by solving a quadratic program- navigation control on hypersonic aircrafts and real-time
ming problem with a Hopfield network. analysis of the RF spectrum.
In this article, we discussed the current progress and
While Hopfield showed that Hopfield Networks are able requirements of such a platform. In a photonic spike pro-
to solve quadratic optimization problems quickly over 25 cessor, information is encoded as events in the temporal
years ago [185], Hopfield quadratic optimizers are un- and spatial domains of spikes (or optical pulses). This
common today. This is largely due to the high con- hybrid coding scheme is digital in amplitude but analog
nectivity between neurons that neural networks require in time, and benefits from the bandwidth efficiency of
(n2 connections for n neurons). In an electronic cir- analog processing and the robustness to noise of digital
cuit, as the number of connections increases, the band- communication. Optical pulses are received, processed,
width at which the system can operate without being and generated by certain class of semiconductor devices
subject to crosstalk between connections and other is- that exhibit excitability—a nonlinear dynamical mecha-
sues decreases [57]. This creates an undesirable tradeoff nism underlying all-or-none responses to small perturba-

tions. Optoelectronic devices operating in the excitable silicon layer. Such a photonic spike processor will poten-
regime are dynamically analogous to a biophysical neu- tially be able to support several thousand interconnected
ron, but roughly eight orders of magnitude faster. We devices. It is predicted that such a chip would have a
dubbed these devices as “photonic neurons” or “laser computational efficiency of 260 fJ per MAC, which sur-
neurons.” The field is now reaching a critical juncture passes the energy efficiency wall by two orders of mag-
where there is a shift from studying single photonic neu- nitude while operating at high speeds (i.e. signal band-
rons to studying an interconnected networks of such de- widths 10 GHz). The emerging field of photonic spike
vices. A recently proposed on-chip networking architec- processors has received tremendous interest and contin-
ture called broadcast-and-weight could support massively ues to develop as photonic integrated circuits increase in
parallel (all-to-all ) interconnection between excitable de- performance and scale. As novel applications requiring
vices using wavelength division multiplexing. real-time, ultrafast processing—such as the exploitation
of the RF spectrum—become more demanding, we ex-
A hybrid III-V/Si photonics platform is a candidate for pect that these systems will find use in a variety of high
an integrated hardware platform. III-V compound semi- performance, time-critical environments.
conductor technology, such as indium phosphide (InP) Moving forward, we envision a tremendous interest in
and gallium arsenide (GaAs), is at the forefront of pro- designing, building and understanding photonic networks
viding active elements like lasers, amplifiers and de- of excitable elements for ultrafast information processing,
tectors. Silicon, in parallel, brings compatibility with guided by the latest computational models of the brain.
CMOS fabrication processes and low-loss passive com- Successful implementation of a small-scale photonic spike
ponents like waveguides and resonators. Scalable and processor could, in principle, provide the fundamental
fully reconfigurable networks of excitable lasers can be technology to build and study larger scale brain-inspired
implemented in the silicon photonic layer of modern hy- networks based on laser excitability. Neuromorphic pho-
brid integration platforms, in which spiking lasers in a tonics is poised to usher in exciting new fields of inquiry
bonded InP layer are densely interconnected through a and impactful enterprises of application.

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