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6 Common Mental Illnesses and How to Handle Them


The number of people experiencing various mental illnesses continues to grow. Some experience only
emotional symptoms, while others have physical symptoms tagging along as well, making the entire ordeal
all the more challenging.

Many mental illnesses still have unknown causes but, fortunately, most of them can be effectively treated.
Take a look at the most common illnesses affecting the mind (some also the body), together with the ways
of handling them.


According to the World Health Organization, about 300 million people around the world are affected by

It’s the most common mental illness that affects your mood, making you feel extremely sad, lonely, and
exhausted all the time. It also negatively affects sleep, eating, and concentration, and evokes feelings of
low self-worth and guilt.

Depression can have negative effects on every aspect of your life, including work, family, and relationships.
In severe cases, it can even lead to suicide.

Antidepressants, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavior therapy can help deal with this mental illness, but
there are plenty of other things you can do to beat depression. Staying physically active, eating healthy,
avoiding alcohol and drugs, focusing on positive things, and talking openly with friends, family, or support
groups can alleviate the symptoms, and help you live a healthier and happier life.


Anxiety is closely related to depression, and it’s very common for someone with anxiety to also experience
depression and vice versa.

This mental disorder is characterized by feelings of restlessness and nervousness, physical weakness,
tension, trembling, sweating, increased heart rate, hyperventilation, and panic. Feeling anxious for
extended periods of time, and having panic attacks, can cause a lot of stress, headaches, and depression.

According to Resiliencei.com, this illness can be effectively treated with the combination of psychotherapy,
exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques, as well as spending quality time with loved ones, which is
truly a powerful antidote.

Addictive Disorders

Addictive disorders involve substance abuse, usually the use of alcohol and drugs. This is also very common
nowadays, especially in adolescents who either want to experiment or alleviate the symptoms of
depression, anxiety, or stress.
There are many other causes of addictive disorders, but what can one do to treat it? Whether it’s alcohol
or drugs, seeking help is vital. People are often ashamed to admit they have an addiction, but taking that
step is the key to proper treatment.

There are medications that help with the cravings, but talking with professionals, friends, or a sponsor can
also do wonders. Also, doing anything to stay busy and distract the mind can help resist the urge to relapse,
and take the right path to recovery.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are some of the most dangerous mental illnesses, as they can severely damage one’s
health, sometimes even to a so high degree that they lead a person to death.

People with eating disorders are in constant distress stemming from their desire to drastically change their
body image. This causes them to barely eat, exercise excessively, feel guilty whenever they’re hungry, and
often feel weak and fatigued.

The most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder, which is compulsive
overeating as a way to try and cope with stress.

Eating disorders treatment can include counseling, family or group therapy, cognitive behavior therapy,
interpersonal psychotherapy, medication, and many other options.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after a variety of traumatic events, such as physical or
sexual assault, road accident, natural disasters, or death of a loved one. It causes a person to constantly
relive that stressful event, having frightening flashbacks and nightmares, and often being emotionally

To recover from PTSD, professional treatment is absolutely crucial. Effective treatments include
psychotherapy (cognitive, exposure, and EMDR), as well as certain medications that can alleviate the

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

There are many different types of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). A person with OCD can have a
constant fear of losing control, harming others, or being contaminated by germs, or they can be obsessed
with counting and arranging various items, or compulsively hoarding them.

There are plenty more OCD obsessions and compulsions, but they can be overcome with proper
medications and psychotherapy. A combination of both leads to better results.

There are many more mental illnesses, unfortunately, but these are the most common that affect a great
number of people all over the world. If you, or someone you know, have trouble experiencing any of these
mental disorders, be sure to follow these tips and seek professional help. You’ll take control of your life,
and be genuinely happier and healthier.

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