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A) Preparation of pickle solution

1) All the ingredients were weight according Table 1

Table 1: Ingredients used in the production of fruits pickle.

Ingredients Formulation 1
Salts 57 g
Vinegar 900 g
Water 480 g
Sugar 363 g
Citric acid 0g
Total 1800 g

2) Dried ingredients were dissolved in water on a slow heating and was stirred
3) The vinegar was added, stirred and the heating was stopped.

B) Preparation of fruits and vegetables

1) Papaya was washed, rinsed, peeled and cut into appropriate size. It was soaked in CaCO3
solution for one night.
2) The papaya was transferred into plastic container and pickle solution was added.
3) The colour, pH and total soluble solids of the pickle solution were determined by using aw
meter for the water activity of the pickle before treatment and after 4 days.

This experiment was conducted to learn the purpose of each step involved in making
fruit pickle and studying the function of each ingredient. Pickling is one of the food
preservation method which can extend the shelf life of the fruit. The papaya was cut and soaked
in CaCo3 as to improve the firmness of the pickle. In order to extend the shelf life, the moisture
and water activity need to be low hence the used of salt to extract the excess water from fruits.
Furthermore, the pH of the pickle solution before treatment was 1.50 and after treatment for
four days was 2.54. The initial reading of the pH should be higher than the final reading. This
is probably due to the pH meter which was not being calibrated before used. Moreover, the
total soluble solid of initial was higher than the final reading as the osmosis process took place
between the pickle solution and fruit. As of the colour of the pickle solution was cloudy
however the reading of the tintometer showed a vast difference between initial and the final
reading. This might due to the poor handling of the tintometer which resulting in a faulty
reading. Besides the error that occur while conducting the experiment, the objectives of the
experiment has been achieved.

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