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SY 2019-2020


1. The Greek term “geometria” means _______________.

a. to measure space b. to measure Earth c. to measure length d. to measure width
2. It is defined as the exact location in space and is represented by a dot.
a. period b. dash c. point d. color
3. It extends without end in two directions and represented by two arrowheads.
a. line segment b. line c. point d. plane
4. It is a portion of a line that starts at an initial point, called endpoint, and continue infinitely in the opposite direction.
a. ray b. line segment c. line d. point
5. It is a portion of a line that extends from one point to another point to another point.
a. ray b. line segment c. line d. point
6. It is a point where two lines meet.
a. point of interaction b. point of intersection c. point of attraction d. period
7. These are points that line on the same line.
a. collinear points b. coplanar points c. similar points d. extended points
8. Any two points are always collinear.
a. always false b. always true c. it depends on the situation d. it still needs to be proven
9. These are rays with a common endpoint that points in opposite directions and for a straight line.
a. parallel rays b. intersecting rays c. gamma rays d. opposite rays
10. They are formed when two rays share a common endpoint.
a. vertex b. angle c. plane d. line
12. S
13. S
14. s

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