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Scientific Paper, July 2013

Factors Associated with the Incidence of Anemia in Pregnant Women in

Tanjungpinang Health Center in 2013

Retno Etika Ningrum, Muslim, MPH, Fidyah Aminin, M.Kes

xiii + 66 pages + 4 tables + 2 charts + 5 attachments


In 2012 Indonesia had higher maternal mortality rate compared with other
ASEAN nations, though the rate had declined from 32 deaths per 1,000 live births. Data
from the health directorate of family health showed that 40% of the cause of deaths are
bleeding and it is known that anemia becomes risk factors for the occurrence of bleeding.
Data from Tanjungpinang Municipal Health Office in 2012 recorded that the highest
anemia rates from January-December 2012 was at Tanjungpinang Health Center by 725
people (42.92%). The objective of this study was to determine the factors related to the
incidence of anemia in pregnant women in Tanjungpinang Health Center in 2013
This study used a cross sectional study design with a population of 80 people.
Sampling used accidental sampling and 40 mothers were taken by a visit to
Tanjungpinang Health Center. Data obtained directly from respondents were in the form
of maternal knowledge about anemia while maternal Hb levels were examined and
classified in level.
There results showed that there was a relationship of maternal age to anemia with
a p value of 0.015 or <0.05, which means that Ho was rejected. Practically and
statistically, women aged <20 or ≥ 35 years were at risk for anemia 6.857 times. There
was a relationship between parity and maternal anemia with a p value of 0.025 or <0.05,
which means that Ho was rejected. Practically and statistically, women who had ≤ 2
children were at risk for anemia 5.625 times. There was a relationship of income to
maternal anemia with a p value of 0.006 or <0.05, which means that Ho was rejected.
Practically and statistically, women who had ≤ 2 children were at risk for anemia 8.864
times. There was a correlation between knowledge and maternal anemia with a p value of
0.041 or <0.05, which means that Ho was rejected. Practically and statistically, women
who had knowledge were at risk for anemia 5.293 times.
It is recommended to pregnant women to give more attention to their condition
by conducting pregnancy check-up regularly to a health facility.

Keywords: Age, Parity, Income, Knowledge and Anemia

References: 25 (17 books and 8 Journal)

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