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 IF with prolapsed myoma or nodule in the cervix,
Common complaints may bring a patient to the clinic? definitely speculum should be helpful. You may not
1. Menorrhagia: Regular, prolong duration, profuse totally see the cervix, as the mass protrudes in the vagina
amount (diapers & overnight pads) aka HMB as a pinkish nodule plugging at the os
2. Hypogastric / lower abdominal mass/ pelvic mass  Probe the cervix & feel the consistency. Feel for the base
3. Pressure Effect of Mass: leading to compression if it’s on the cervix or deep in the cavity,
anteriorly & posteriorly  If base is attached to the cervix, definitely it is a
 A: Frequency of urination, Dysuria due to UTI, CERVICAL MYOMA (vaginal approach)
Extremes: ANURIA or urinary retention (no voiding  Will tell you TX to approach if it is vaginal or abdominal
for the past 12 - 24 hours), pain in the lower
extremities (sciatic or femoral nerves causing RVE
numbness or tingling sensation of the nerves),  IF there is some nodules on the posterior surface, mass
 P: Constipation & Obstipation (not diarrhea) at the cul de sac
o C: Infrequent, difficult evacuation of feces  Do bowel preparation to prevent sepsis intraoperatively
o O: Intractable C refractory to cure or control
 Get Menstrual History (LMP, PMP): To r/o pregnancy  TVS/ TRS/ PUS (Abdominal Pelvic UTZ)
 In MIDAS (Menarche, Interval, Duration, Amount & SX)  HYPERECHOIC nodule within the myometrium (white)
expound on SX ass. w/ menstruation which is presence
of progressive dysmenorrhea MRI:
 If 1 Dysmenorrhea: it would be due to PG which is  Costly,
physiologic,  Advantage: if trying to do conservative TX, you have to
 If Progressive Dysmenorrhea: R/o organic or systemic map out properly where the myomas are with MRI
Tumor marker: CA 125 is not specific therefore not helpful
 Most common pathology that causes most of these SX DDX:
 Benign tumor of the uterus Myoma Adenomyoma
 Proliferation of the smooth muscle of the myometrium, Nodular Smooth
 An E dependent tumor (reproductive age women) but it Firm Soft, Doughy
may still persist on post-menopausal but will not exist as Asymmetrical Symmetrical
a new growth Lighter (Creamy white) Darker
 80% Asymptomatic, An “Incidental” finding Whorled/ Trabeculated No whorled pattern
 Symptoms would depend on the size & location
Pseudocapsule w/ serosa Capsule not present
 Myoma located near the Fallopian Tube, would obstruct
the meeting of sperm & ovum causing INFERTILITY
But for Adenomyoma: (Adenomyosis + Myoma); capsule is
not well defined & becomes adherent due to inflammation
Types of Myoma:
recognized as foreign body.
 Submucous: notorious for causing HMB
o Causes recurrent pregnancy loss
 Intramural: where all types originate
MASS  Consider: Age & future child bearing plans (G_P_)
 Subserosal:
 Not all are managed: depend on the size, location & SX
Where else could it grow?
Medical: GnRH agonist
 Parasitic: can grow out & attach to the omentum
 Myoma is E dependent: Create Pseudo-menopausal state
 Broad Ligament Myoma:
 Administration: IM or SC (Abdomen), Intranasal
1. Difficult to differentiate from solid ovarian tumor,
(Goserelin is not available in the Philippines)
2. Transection of the ureter, ↑ the morbidity creating
 Drugs: Leuprolide, Buserelin, Histrelin, Goserelin,
ureteroileostomy (transposition in the abdominal
Deslorelin, Nafarelin (Synarel) & Triptorelin
wall with urinary bob on the side)
 Give maximum of 6 months (To prevent menopausal
 Pedunculated Myoma: Submucous myoma have a long
symptoms: dyspareunia, osteoporosis)
pedicle either (sessile: wide base or pedunculated: thin)
 Monthly injection: 2 - 3 cycles (40 - 50% ↓ Size)
that can grow out into the cervix
 Disadvantage: After discontinuing, there will be rebound
 Cervical Myoma: Remember cervix is made up of
of size, myoma can even grow bigger in the original size.
collagen, smooth muscles. It can block the ureterovesical
junction causing marked accumulation of the urine in the
 GnRH cannot stand alone so there should be indications:
bladder palpated as a nodule at the cervical area
1. If the original size: 6 months size: young, wants to have
reaching out to the umbilical area & cause urinary
children. Pre-operatively shrink the myoma so by the
retention (an emergency situation).
time of myomectomy it would have ↓ vascularity having
higher chance of success)
Abdominal exam: MASS
2. If the patient is bleeding or anemic, correct the anemia
 Consistency: Firm (not cystic); st O
1 by creating 2 amenorrhea.
 Location: Lower area extending upwards
 Size: Variable (> 12 weeks: Abdominal organ)
 Tenderness: Usually asymptomatic but if it is tender, it
O  Conservative: Myomectomy
may be 2 to degenerative changes
 Radical: TAH (↑ Age with no future childbearing plans)
 Surface: Nodular or Irregular (Singular or Multiple),
 Abdominal: robot assisted laparotomy or a laparoscopy
 Mobility: Depending on the size (small: movable, large:
 Vaginal: hysteroscopy
immobile, no more space)
Surgical Indications: schedule at once because if the lining is too thick, you
1. HMB, Dysmenorrhea, or other S & Sx ass/ with infertility can miss out the myoma.
2. Menopausal Age + > 8 cm (can be confused with ovarian
pathology) Case 2 Submucous Myoma
3. Uterine mass > 12 weeks causing pressure Sx, discomfort  48, post stroke, post MI with bleeding uterine site, 3
& disruption of daily activities. months size, mass compressing to the point that she has
hydronephrosis & creatinine is increasing
Myomectomy  MX: Remove but if not given clearance, give GnRH
 M + BSO (IF menopausal or with factors of malignancy) agonist then re-evaluate after 6 months
 If young: do not remove ovaries to prevent surgical  If there is no improvement: Do UAE (Uterine artery
menopause embolization) done by interventional radiologist
 Removal of the myoma by cutting through the surface &  Since myoma’s main supply of uterus: Uterine Artery,
scooping it out. place some gels or coils which emits substance causing
VC depending where the big vessels of the myoma are
How to remove myoma thru minimally invasive incision in the which will coagulate then block the blood supply causing
abdomen if you have a large myoma about 4 months size (12 shrinkage of myoma or mass to be atrophic & necrotic.
– 16 weeks)?  Done ONLY if patient is not desirous of pregnancy
 Answer: MORCELLATION (Grinds the myoma)
Excision for Adenomyoma: Adenomyomectomy
Case 1 Submucous Myoma
 Uterus: Normal size, Speculum: Bleeding, IE: nodular Complication:
UTZ: filling defect as hypoechoic displacing the lining  After removal of the benign tumor, there would be a
inside: filling defect. That filling defect is to be repaired, sutured
 MX: Approach it from below thru the vagina called & reinforced.
Transcervical Transection of Myoma (TCR M)  Clinical Significance: The depression or filling defect is a
 Advantage: Direct visualization weak point as possible site for uterine rupture from the
 With the loop attach to the cautery machine, shave off force of labor or uterine contractions. This rupture will
the myoma & do laparoscopy to see if there is compromise the health of both mother & baby.
perforation from the other side.  What to do: Schedule CS
 Remember myoma is avascular so with heat it would
ligate the vessels having no need for suture. Unless the patient had only myomectomy, and it’s only a
 Hysteroscopic TCR M ideally should be done on early pedicle in which it did not go under the muscles, there is no
proliferative, immediately after the menses or if not need for CS.
ASAP, give suppressants to make the lining thin &

Case 13
45 year old G3P3 (3003) complained of progressive increase in the amount & duration of her menses since 2 years ago. LMP: 1
week ago; Menses still regular. Abdominal examination: (+) firm nodular, non-tender movable mass in the hypogastric area,
the upper pole of which is halfway between the symphysis pubis & umbilicus. Speculum examination: cervix was pink,
smooth, w/ minimal bloody mucoid discharge from the os. IE: cervix – firm long closed, movable, non-tender; Uterus: nodular,
firm, enlarged to about 3 months size, movable, non-tender, Adnexa: no mass nor tenderness

Impression: MYOMA (Nodular, Non-tender, Abdominal mass)

 Submucous Myoma (HMB)

1. Adenomyoma, Adenomyosis
To rule out: No progressive dysmenorrhea felt to be
persistent orincreasing intensity
2. Cancer
To rule out: Weight loss, RF

Malignant Myoma
 Leiomyosacoma
 Degeneration: Sarcomatous (Others: During pregnancy)
 For menopausal who have been regularly menstruating
 Incidence: 0.7 %

3. Adnexal pathology:
 Ovarian enlargement in the hypogastrium can be
pedunculated to the point in the midline by IE.

 TVS : will not change the management but you can still
request for treatment planning to map out where the
myomas are & dictate the difficulty (big myoma) at the
posterior part compared from fundal or anterior part for
the patient


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