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Malnutrition-Inflammation Complex Syndrome in Dialysis Patients:

Causes and Consequences
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, MD, MPH, T. Alp Ikizler, MD, Gladys Block, PhD, Morrel M. Avram, MD,
and Joel D. Kopple, MD

● Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and inflammation are common and usually concurrent in maintenance dialysis
patients. Many factors that appear to lead to these 2 conditions overlap, as do assessment tools and such criteria
for detecting them as hypoalbuminemia. Both these conditions are related to poor dialysis outcome. Low appetite
and a hypercatabolic state are among common features. PEM in dialysis patients has been suggested to be
secondary to inflammation; however, the evidence is not conclusive, and an equicausal status or even opposite
causal direction is possible. Hence, malnutrition-inflammation complex syndrome (MICS) is an appropriate term.
Possible causes of MICS include comorbid illnesses, oxidative and carbonyl stress, nutrient loss through dialysis,
anorexia and low nutrient intake, uremic toxins, decreased clearance of inflammatory cytokines, volume overload,
and dialysis-related factors. MICS is believed to be the main cause of erythropoietin hyporesponsiveness, high rate
of cardiovascular atherosclerotic disease, decreased quality of life, and increased mortality and hospitalization in
dialysis patients. Because MICS leads to a low body mass index, hypocholesterolemia, hypocreatininemia, and
hypohomocysteinemia, a “reverse epidemiology” of cardiovascular risks can occur in dialysis patients. Therefore,
obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and increased blood levels of creatinine and homocysteine appear to be protective
and paradoxically associated with a better outcome. There is no consensus about how to determine the degree of
severity of MICS or how to manage it. Several diagnostic tools and treatment modalities are discussed. Successful
management of MICS may ameliorate the cardiovascular epidemic and poor outcome in dialysis patients. Clinical
trials focusing on MICS and its possible causes and consequences are urgently required to improve poor clinical
outcome in dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 42:864-881.
© 2003 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.

INDEX WORDS: Malnutrition-inflammation complex syndrome (MICS); dialysis; inflammation; protein-energy

malnutrition (PEM); cardiovascular disease; reverse epidemiology; anemia; erythropoietin (EPO); atherosclerosis;

D ESPITE MANY years of efforts and im-

provement in dialysis technique and pa-
tient care, the mortality rate in the more than one
quarter of a million maintenance dialysis patients
in the United States continues to be unacceptably
high, currently at approximately 20% per year.1-3
They also have a high hospitalization rate and
From the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Har- low self-reported quality of life.4-7 Cardiovascu-
bor-UCLA Medical Center; David Geffen School of Medi- lar diseases cause the bulk of morbidity and
cine, University of California Los Angeles, Torrance; Divi- mortality in dialysis patients.8,9 The number of
sion of Public Health Nutrition and Epidemiology, University patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
of California Berkeley School of Public Health, Berkeley;
Division of Nephrology, Long Island College Hospital, Brook-
grows constantly and fast, predicted to reach
lyn, NY; UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA; more than half a million by 2010 in the United
and Division of Nephrology, Vanderbilt Medical Center, States,10 and continues to consume a dispropor-
Nashville, TN. tionately large component of the Medicare bud-
Received May 15, 2003; accepted in revised form July 9,
get.11,12 Therefore, discovering factors that lead
Supported in part by grant no. DK16612 from the Na- to poor dialysis outcome and their successful
tional Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Dis- management is of outmost importance.13 It once
eases, The National Institutes of Health; and a research was believed that factors related to dialysis treat-
grant from Amgen, Inc (K.K.-Z.).
Address reprint requests to Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, MD,
ment and technique were the main causes of poor
MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, David clinical outcome; however, a recent multicenter,
Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Harbor-UCLA Medical randomized clinical trial known as the HEMO
Center, Harbor Mailbox 406, 1000 West Carson St, Tor- Study failed to show an improvement in mortal-
rance, CA 90509-2910. E-mail: kamkal@ucla.edu
© 2003 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
ity or hospitalization by increasing dialysis dose
0272-6386/03/4205-0001$30.00/0 or using high-flux dialysis membranes.14 There-
doi:10.1053/S0272-6386(03)01005-9 fore, the questions of what causes poor dialysis

864 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 42, No 5 (November), 2003: pp 864-881

outcome and how to manage it remain essen- Table 1. Causes of Wasting and PEM
tially unanswered. in Dialysis Patients
Among potential candidates for the high rate Inadequate nutrient intake
of hospitalization and mortality in maintenance Anorexia* caused by
dialysis patients, both protein-energy malnutri- Uremic toxicity
tion (PEM) and inflammation continue to be at Impaired gastric emptying
Inflammation with/without comorbid conditions*
the top of the list. Epidemiological studies repeat-
Emotional and/or psychological disorders
edly and consistently have shown a strong asso- Dietary restrictions
ciation between clinical outcome and measures Prescribed restrictions: low-potassium
of both malnutrition15-18 and inflammation in low-phosphate regimens
dialysis patients.19,20 Moreover, many investiga- Social constraints: poverty, inadequate dietary
tors have observed that these 2 conditions tend to
Physical incapacity: inability to acquire or
occur concurrently and coexist in individuals prepare food or to eat
with ESRD, and many factors that engender 1 of Nutrient losses during dialysis
these conditions also lead to the other.18,19,21,22 Loss through hemodialysis membrane into
Therefore, the terms malnutrition-inflammation hemodialysate
Adherence to hemodialysis membrane or tubing
complex syndrome (MICS)18,23 or malnutrition,
Loss into peritoneal dialysate
inflammation, and atherosclerosis (MIA) syn- Hypercatabolism caused by comorbid illnesses
drome24 have been proposed to indicate the com- Cardiovascular diseases*
bination of these 2 conditions in these patients. Diabetic complications
The MICS increasingly has become the main Infection and/or sepsis*
Other comorbid conditions*
focus of attention of outcome research concern-
Hypercatabolism associated with dialysis treatment
ing maintenance dialysis patients. This report has Negative protein balance
been advanced with the hope that a systematic Negative energy balance
review may provide better insight to explicate Endocrine disorders of uremia
the elements of MICS and what is known about Resistance to insulin
Resistance to growth hormone and/or IGF-1
their possible causes and consequences in the
Increased serum level of or sensitivity to
ESRD population. glucagons
Other endocrine disorders
PROTEIN-ENERGY MALNUTRITION Acidemia with metabolic acidosis
Concurrent nutrient loss with frequent blood losses
To differentiate various causes of wasting syn-
drome, it is important to attempt to define more *The given factor may also be associated with inflamma-
clearly what is meant by PEM. A workable tion.
definition is as follows: PEM is the state of
decreased body pools of protein with or without population. Its reported prevalence varies between
fat depletion or a state of diminished functional 18% and 75% in dialysis patients according to
capacity, caused at least partly by inadequate type of dialysis modality, nutritional assessment
nutrient intake relative to nutrient demand and/or tools, and origin of the patient population.18,28,29
which is improved by nutritional repletion. We Although per definition, PEM should not involve
believe this definition is applicable to individuals micronutrients believed to be adequate or even
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or ESRD. abundantly retained in the setting of renal insuf-
Hence, PEM is engendered when the body’s ficiency, many malnourished dialysis patients
need for protein or energy fuels or both cannot be also may have a relative deficiency in vitamins
satisfied by the diet.25 PEM is a common phenom- and trace elements.30
enon in maintenance dialysis patients and a risk The cause of PEM in dialysis patients is not
factor for poor quality of life and increased very clear, but some probable causes are listed in
morbidity and mortality, including cardiovascu- Table 1 and reviewed in detail elsewhere.31-35 As
lar death, in these individuals.26,27 Various stud- shown in Table 1, some of these factors also can
ies using different criteria have been used to lead to inflammation. Hence, the known overlap
establish the presence of PEM in the dialysis between malnutrition and inflammation in dialy-

Fig 1. Mean levels of biochemical measures of nutritional status as a function of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study. Estimated mean levels with 95% confidence limits of biochemical
nutritional markers are shown as a function of GFR (males, solid line; females, dashed line) controlling for age, race,
and use of protein- and energy-restricted diets. In men, the slope of the relationship was greater at a GFR of 12
mL/min/1.73 m2 than 55 mL/min/1.73 m2 for serum total cholesterol (P ⴝ 0.014). (A) Males, N ⴝ 1,065 (P ⴝ 0.004);
females, N ⴝ 698 (P < 0.001); (B) males, N ⴝ 1,065 (P < 0.001); females, N ⴝ 698 (P < 0.001); (C) males, N ⴝ 1,063 (P ⴝ
0.052); females, N ⴝ 694 (P ⴝ 0.63); (D) males, N ⴝ 1,017 (P < 0.001); females, N ⴝ 664 (P < 0.001). To convert
albumin in g/dL to g/L, multiply by 10; transferrin in mg/dL to g/L, multiply by 0.01; cholesterol in mg/dL to mmol/L,
multiply by 0.02586. Used with permission from Kidney International, vol 57, pages 1688-1703, 2000.36

sis patients may have its root at the causal level. transferrinemia, and hypocholesterolemia have
The origin of PEM appears to precede dialysis been shown to develop along with the progres-
treatment, and it is engendered progressively as sion of CKD stages, as shown in the Modifica-
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decreases to less tion of Diet in Renal Disease Study36 (Fig 1) and
than 55 mg/min.36,37 Hypoalbuminemia, hypo- other studies.37

Table 2. Systematic Classification of Assessment Tools for Evaluation of PEM in Maintenance Dialysis Patients

Nutritional intake
Direct: diet recalls and diaries, food-frequency questionnaires*
Indirect: based on urea nitrogen appearance: nPNA (nPCR)*
Body composition
Weight-based measures: BMI, weight for height, edema-free fat-free weight*
Skin and muscle anthropometry by caliper: skinfolds, extremity muscle mass*
Total-body elements: total-body potassium
Energy-beam–based methods: DEXA, BIA, NIR*
Other energy-beam-related methods: total-body nitrogen
Other methods: underwater weighing
Scoring systems
Conventional SGA and its modifications (eg, Dialysis Malnutrition Score,159 MIS, Canada-USA-version)*
Other scores: Hemodialysis Prognostic Nutritional Index, others (eg, Wolfson et al,55 Merkus et al,188
Merckman et al,154 Harty et al190)*
Laboratory values
Visceral proteins (negative acute-phase reactants): albumin, prealbumin, transferrin*
Lipids: cholesterol, triglycerides, other lipids and lipoproteins*
Somatic proteins and nitrogen surrogates: creatinine, serum urea nitrogen
Growth factors: IGF-1, leptin
Peripheral-blood cell count: lymphocyte count

Abbreviations: nPNA, normalized protein nitrogen appearance; nPCR, normalized protein catabolic rate, DEXA, dual-
energy X-ray absoptiometry; BIA, bioelectrical impedance analysis, NIR, near-infra red interactance.
*The given tool may also detect inflammation.
Data from Kalantar-Zadeh and Kopple.18,48

Classically, 3 major lines of inquiries, ie, di- as normalized protein catabolic rate (nPCR), is
etary intake, biochemical means, and body com- associated with increased hospitalization and mor-
position, are used to assess protein-energy nutri- tality in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) pa-
tional status. Composite indices that include a tients, even when the dose of dialysis is high
combination of assessment measures within these (single-pool Kt/V ⬎ 1.20).16 Although it has
categories also are used, such as the Subjective been argued that inflammation is a cause of
Global Assessment of Nutrition (SGA)38,39 or diminished appetite in dialysis patients,49 re-
Malnutrition-Inflammation Score (MIS).23 More duced dietary intake from other causes (Table 1,
technologically based nutritional measures that first item) still induces malnutrition and its conse-
have been used in dialysis patients include dual- quences independent of inflammation.
energy X-ray absorptiometry,40,41 total-body ni- Some more frequently studied indicators of
trogen or potassium measurements,42-44 underwa- malnutrition in dialysis patients that are associ-
ter weighing,45 bioelectrical impedance analysis,41 ated with clinical outcome include decreased
and near-infrared interactance.46,47 The 4 categories dietary protein and energy intake16,30; reduced
of nutritional assessment tools are listed in Table 2 weight for height,27 body mass index (BMI),50-52
and have been reviewed in detail elsewhere.18,48 and total-body fat percentage47,53; decreased total-
As shown in Table 2, many of these nutritional body nitrogen43,54 and total-body potassium lev-
assessment tools also detect the presence of els44; reduced midarm muscle mass and skinfold
inflammation and measure its severity. Hence, thicknesses55; low serum concentrations of albu-
the overlap between malnutrition and inflamma- min,56 prealbumin (transthyretin),57,58 transferrin
tion also exists at the diagnostic level, in addition (total iron-binding capacity [TIBC]),38,59 choles-
to their overlapping causes. No uniform ap- terol,60,61 and creatinine62; and a more abnormal
proach has been agreed on for rating the overall score by some nutritional assessment tools, such
severity of PEM. Of these 4 categories, dietary as the SGA63,64 and MIS.23 Although the forego-
assessment is probably the most nutrition-spe- ing measures of nutritional status have practical
cific entity. A low normalized protein equivalent value, it should be recognized that each of these
of total nitrogen appearance (nPNA), also known methods has its limitations. For example, serum

albumin, transferrin, and prealbumin are nega- may have an important role in the increased
tive acute-phase reactants and may reflect inflam- prevalence of cardiovascular disease and mortal-
mation.38,65,66 SGA also may be a marker of ity associated with renal insufficiency.19,20,22,23,82
degree of sickness and comorbidity in mainte- Renal failure may lead to increased inflamma-
nance dialysis patients.38 During acute catabolic tory responses through a number of mechanisms,
states, urea nitrogen appearance may increase which are listed in Table 3 and reviewed compre-
transiently independently of food intake.67 hensively elsewhere.65,83-86 As shown in Table 3,
some of these factors also may result in PEM and
INFLAMMATION consequently cause the overlap between malnu-
Inflammation is defined as a localized protec- trition and inflammation. Comorbid conditions
tive response elicited by injury or destruction of may contribute considerably to the development
tissues that serves to destroy, dilute, or sequester and maintenance of inflammation in dialysis pa-
both the injurious agent and injured tissue.68 The tients. Because of a very high prevalence of
acute-phase response (or reaction) is a major comorbid conditions in these individuals, it seems
pathophysiological phenomenon that accompa- very difficult to ascertain the role of inflamma-
nies inflammation and is associated with in- tion without preexisting comorbidity.
creased activity of proinflammatory cytokines.69 There is no uniform approach to assess the
With this reaction, normal homeostatic mecha- degree of severity of inflammation in individuals
nisms are replaced by new set points that presum- with kidney disease.87 Such positive acute-phase
ably contribute to defensive or adaptive capabili- reactants as serum C-reactive protein (CRP) or
ties.70 Hence, inflammation is a physiological ferritin are markers for which serum levels are
response, and in the form of an acute response to elevated during an acute episode of inflammation
infections, trauma, or toxic injury, it helps the (Table 4). Serum levels of such negative acute-
body to defend against pathophysiological in- phase reactants as albumin or transferrin de-
sults.71,72 Inflammation can become more subtle crease during an inflammatory process.71,72,83,85
and less organ specific and may involve many Many negative acute-phase reactants also are
body organs or the entire organism. If inflamma- traditionally known as nutritional markers be-
tion becomes prolonged and persistent in the cause their serum levels decrease with a decline
form of the so-called chronic acute-phase reac- in nutritional status (Table 4). Hence, it is not
tion, it may lead to such adverse consequences as clear if these markers have specificity in the
decline in appetite, increased rate of protein detection of either of these 2 conditions. Among
depletion in skeletal muscle and other tissues, proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6)
muscle and fat wasting, hypercatabolism, endo- is reported to have a central role in the pathophysi-
thelial damage, and atherosclerosis.72 ological process of adverse effects of inflamma-
Inflammatory processes are common in indi- tion in patients with renal disease.88-90 However,
viduals with both CKD and ESRD. Approxi- even these proinflammatory cytokines may be
mately 30% to 60% of Northern American73,74 engendered during oxidative stress, which can
and European20,75 dialysis patients have in- happen in the setting of PEM.91
creased levels of inflammatory markers, al-
though dialysis patients in Asian countries may RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MALNUTRITION
have a lower prevalence of inflammation,76,77 AND INFLAMMATION
which may be caused by genetic factors or envi- The foregoing discussions, along with Tables
ronmental entities, including diet.78 In recent 1 through 4, indicate a major overlap among
years, more attention has been focused on inflam- possible etiologic factors and assessment tools
matory processes as the possible cause of accel- for PEM and inflammation. The association be-
erated atherosclerosis, as well as PEM and con- tween PEM and inflammation in patients with
current wasting syndrome, which lead to a poor CKD and ESRD may be an explanation for
outcome in those with underlying kidney dis- malnutrition-associated mortality.18,19,66 Several
ease. Renal insufficiency per se now is consid- investigators suggested that PEM is a conse-
ered an independent risk factor for cardiovascu- quence of chronic inflammatory processes in
lar diseases.79-81 It is believed that inflammation patients with renal insufficiency.21,92-94 Thus,

Table 3. Possible Causes of Inflammation in Patients With CKD and ESRD

Causes of inflammation from CKD or decreased glomerular filtration rate

Decreased clearance of proinflammatory cytokines
Volume overload*
Oxidative stress (eg, oxygen radicals)*
Carbonyl stress (eg, pentosidine and advanced glycation end products)
Decreased levels of antioxidants (eg, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoids, selenium, glutathione)*
Deteriorating protein-energy nutritional state and food intake*
Coexistence of comorbid conditions
Inflammatory diseases with kidney involvement (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus; AIDS)
Increased prevalence of comorbid conditions (eg, cardiovascular disease; diabetes mellitus; advanced age)*
Additional inflammatory factors related to dialysis treatment
Exposure to dialysis tubing
Dialysis membranes with decreased biocompatibility (eg, cuprophane)
Impurities in dialysis water and/or dialysate
Backfiltration or backdiffusion of contaminants
Foreign bodies (such as polytetonfluoroethylene) in dialysis access grafts
Intravenous catheter
Peritoneal dialysis:
Episodes of overt or latent peritonitis*
Pcritoneal dialysis catheter as a foreign body and its related infections
Constant exposure to peritoneal dialysis solution

*The given factor may also be associated with PEM.

chronic inflammation may be the missing link 2. Dialysis patients with inflammation are re-
that causally ties PEM to morbidity and mortal- ported to develop weight loss and a nega-
ity in these individuals. The following arguments tive protein balance, even with an intact
have been proposed to indicate that the develop- appetite, because there may be a shift in
ment of PEM is secondary to inflammation. protein synthesis from muscle to acute-
1. Proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor phase proteins as renal function declines.94
necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣), not only pro- 3. In patients with CKD and ESRD, albumin
mote catabolic processes, engendering both synthesis is suppressed when serum CRP
protein degradation and suppression of pro- level is elevated.66,98
tein synthesis, but also induce anorexia.95-97 4. Inflammation also may lead to hypocholes-
Low appetite has been associated with in- terolemia, a strong mortality risk factor in
creased levels of inflammatory markers in dialysis patients and a marker of poor nutri-
hemodialysis patients.49 tional status.88

Table 4. Some Acute-Phase Reactants for Which Blood Concentrations Are Measured as Markers of
Inflammation in Patients With Renal Insufficiency

Positive Acute-Phase Reactants Negative Acute-Phase Reactants

Proinflammatory cytokines Nutritional markers

IL-6 Albumin
TNF-␣ (cachechtin) Transferrin or TIBC
Other interleukins (IL-1␤, etc) Prealbumin (transthyretin)
Other positive acute-phase reactants Cholesterol
CRP Leptin*
Serum amyloid A Other negative acute-phase reactants
Ferritin Histidine-rich glycoprotein
Fibrinogen, ␣1-antitrgpsin T, haptoglobin

*A recent report has questioned the role of leptin as an acute-phase protein.189


The following counterarguments have ques- weight, at the end of each hemodialysis
tioned the role of inflammation as a primary session for 6 months was associated with a
cause of PEM: moderate, but statistically significant, de-
1. Serum albumin and other indicators of pro- crease in serum CRP levels and increase in
tein-energy nutritional status correlate with mean serum albumin and transferrin levels
indicators of protein intake irrespective of and BMI (V. Savica and J.D. Kopple, un-
inflammatory status.98-100 published data).
2. In dialysis patients, the association of se- In summary, given that mortality is still very
rum albumin and CRP is not precise, and high in dialysis patients (⬃10%/y to 20%/y in
the reported correlation coefficients are usu- Westernized countries), inflammation, indepen-
ally less than 0.50.98,99 dent of clinically evident comorbid conditions or
3. Serum albumin concentrations usually do malnutrition, cannot fully explain this extremely
not fluctuate on a month-to-month basis, poor clinical outcome, especially because in oth-
whereas levels of serum CRP and other erwise healthy individuals, inflammation has been
inflammatory markers do.101 associated with an annual mortality rate in only
4. At least in some acute or chronic illnesses, the 2% to 3% range.109
provision of nutritional support without These considerations indicate lack of conclu-
management of inflammation improves hy- sive consensus with regard to the nature and
poalbuminemia and clinical outcome.102-105 direction of the association between PEM and
5. Malnourished dialysis patients may be defi- inflammation in renal insufficiency. Hypoalbu-
cient in such antioxidants as vitamin C or minemia, a strong and reliable predictor of cardio-
carotenoids, which may lead to increased vascular disease and mortality in patients with
oxidative stress, leading to inflammation.30 renal insufficiency, is caused by both inflamma-
A recent study using food-frequency ques- tion and PEM, and it is not clear which 1 of these
tionnaires to compare food intake of dialy- 2 conditions has a greater influence on serum
sis patients with that of healthy individuals albumin concentration.18,98,110 Furthermore, both
detected such dietary inadequacies, which inflammation and malnutrition have been associ-
could be related to such prescribed nutri- ated with cardiovascular disease and atheroscle-
tional restrictions as low-potassium low- rosis in the ESRD population, overwhelming and
phosphorus diets.30 Studies of malnour- even reversing the effect of traditional cardiovas-
ished children have shown that PEM may cular risk factors in these individuals111 (dis-
lead to oxidative stress, which can lead to cussed later). Hence, the term MICS denotes the
increased activity of proinflammatory cyto- close ties between these 2 relatively common,
kines.91 Moreover, in dialysis patients, a often concurrent, and outcome-predicting condi-
reverse association has been reported be- tions.18,111,112 Some investigators have used other
tween serum vitamin C (ascorbate) and terms, such as MIA, to emphasize the impor-
CRP levels.106 tance of atherosclerosis as the consequence of
6. There is evidence that certain nutrients, MICS.24,113
such as arginine and glutamine, may en- According to Stenvinkel et al,113 there are 2
hance the immune response.107 Moreover, forms of PEM in dialysis patients: a malignant
preliminary data suggest that levocarnitine form essentially caused by inflammation and
may protect against endotoxins and also associated with poor clinical outcome; and a
suppress elaboration of TNF-␣ from mono- more benign form unrelated to inflammation,
cytes.108 Thus, PEM may decrease host with little or no important consequences for
resistance and predispose to latent or overt clinical outcome,113 a concept that may have
infection, which is an inflammatory disor- special implications in developing countries.114
der. No matter what it is called or caused by, MICS is
7. Nutritional intervention may ameliorate in- related to such known common morbid condi-
flammation. In a recent nonrandomized pi- tions in dialysis patients as decreased appetite
lot study in a group of MHD patients, and hypercatabolism. MICS also has such rel-
infusion of L-carnitine, 20 mg/kg body evant clinical consequences as refractory ane-

Fig 2. Schematic repre-

sentation of the causes and
consequences of MICS. Ab-
breviation: DM, diabetes mel-

mia, increased rate of atherosclerotic cardiovas- some, but not all, analysis modalities we con-
cular disease, and poor outcome, including low ducted in this study.120
quality of life and increased hospitalization and An inverse association between such markers
mortality, and may be the cause of “reverse of nutritional state as serum prealbumin, trans-
epidemiology” in patients with renal failure ferrin (TIBC), and total cholesterol concentra-
(Fig 2). tions and blood lymphocyte count and required
EPO dose also has been reported.120 Such associa-
REFRACTORY ANEMIA tions are less well described in the literature
Elements of MICS may blunt the responsive- compared with the association between EPO
ness of anemia of ESRD to recombinant human dose and inflammation. Improving nutritional
erythropoietin (EPO). Refractory anemia ap- state in dialysis patients also may improve ane-
pears to be more common in dialysis patients mia and lead to a lower required EPO dose. A
who also have PEM and/or inflammation.38,115,116 cross-sectional study of 59 MHD patients showed
Several previous studies reported an association that the required EPO dose was greater in poorly
between anemia and inflammation in dialysis nourished patients according to SGA scoring.38
patients, reflected by a high serum concentration In a meta-analysis by Hurot et al,121 L-carnitine
of CRP115,117 or such proinflammatory cytokines administration, used to improve nutritional state,
as IL-6 and TNF-␣.118,119 We recently reported was associated with improved hemoglobin level
that the logarithm of serum IL-6 level had the and decreased EPO dose and EPO resistance in
strongest correlation with required EPO dose in anemic dialysis patients.121 Moreover, anabolic
339 hemodialysis patients, and the association steroids have been administered successfully to
remained statistically significant in different sta- simultaneously improve both nutritional state
tistical analyses and after multivariate adjust- and anemia in dialysis patients.122 Insulin-like
ments.120 Both serum CRP and TNF-␣ levels growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is reported to enhance
also showed a similar trend, and their associa- bone marrow progenitor-cell proliferation in ure-
tions with EPO dose remained significant in mic mice.123 Hence, ESRD anemia may repre-

sent both an EPO- and a functional IGF-1– inflammatory factors leading to an acute-phase
deficient state.123 reaction is counterregulated by various anti-
It is not completely clear how MICS is related inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10. Recently,
to dialysis-associated refractory anemia patho- Girndt et al135 showed that the ⫺1082A allele,
physiologically. It has long been known that associated with low IL-10 production, was asso-
anemia frequently is observed in patients with ciated with increased risk for cardiovascular
chronic inflammatory disorders, even with nor- events in 300 hemodialysis patients.
mal kidney function.124 Several mechanisms for Data indicate that inflammatory processes may
cytokine-induced anemia have been proposed, promote proliferation and infiltration of inflam-
including impaired iron metabolism and suppres- matory cells into the tunica intima of small
sion of bone marrow erythropoiesis and EPO arteries, including the coronary arteries, which
production.125,126 Serum levels of ferritin, a leads to atherosclerosis and stenosis of these
marker of iron stores and also a positive acute- blood vessels and consequent coronary and other
phase reactant, have been shown to be paradoxi- vascular diseases.134,136 Epidemiological evi-
cally high in patients with ESRD with refractory dence suggests that inflammation may be linked
anemia.127,128 Increased ferritin production may to cardiovascular disease through some specific
prevent iron delivery to erythrocyte precur- low-grade infections, such as those caused by
sors.127 Moreover, uptake of iron is lower than Chlamydia pneumoniae.134,136 C pneumoniae in-
usual in inflammation.125 Patients with inflamma- fection is shown to predict adverse outcomes in
tory diseases have inappropriately low EPO lev- dialysis patients,137 and elevated C pneumoniae
els in their blood.129 IL-1 and TNF-␣ have been immunoglobulin A titers predict progression of
shown to inhibit EPO production in vitro.130 carotid atherosclerosis in these individuals.138
Furthermore, increased release or activation of Myeloperoxidase, an abundant enzyme se-
such inflammatory cytokines as IL-6 or TNF-␣ creted by neutrophils, also may link inflamma-
has been shown to have a suppressive effect on tion to oxidative stress and atherosclerosis in
erythropoiesis.131 IL-6 and IL-1 have been found patients with ESRD.139 Recent data have shown
to antagonize the ability of EPO to stimulate that a functional variant of the myeloperoxidase
bone marrow proliferation in culture.132 More- gene is associated with cardiovascular disease in
over, patients with inflammation may be more patients with ESRD.140 Inflammation also might
prone to gastrointestinal bleeding.125,126 Finally, cause direct endothelial dysfunction through
it is important to mention that use of intravenous stimulation of intercellular adhesion molecules
iron for anemia treatment in dialysis patients per in patients with CKD.141 The association be-
se may lead to oxidative stress, inflammation, tween elements of MICS and atherosclerosis has
and consequent atherosclerosis, as indicated by been underscored by some investigators who
Drueke et al.133 have chosen the term MIA syndrome for this
entity as stated above.24,142
In the general population, it recently was shown EPIDEMIOLOGY
that such indicators of inflammation as an in- Many recent studies suggested that PEM and
creased serum CRP level are stronger predictors inflammation in dialysis patients are associated
of cardiovascular events than low-density lipopro- with decreased quality of life and increased hos-
tein hypercholesterolemia.109 Hence, at least by pitalization and mortality, especially from cardio-
virtue of its inflammatory component, MICS vascular disease.4,22,23 Epidemiological studies
predisposes dialysis patients to atherosclerotic indicated that hypoalbumineamia and increased
cardiovascular disease.20,88,90 Patients with ESRD serum CRP levels are strong predictor of poor
with coronary heart disease often have hypoalbu- clinical outcome in patients with ESRD.73,74 Com-
minemia and elevated levels of acute-phase reac- pared with such traditional risk factors as obe-
tants.20 Moreover, progression of carotid athero- sity, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension, hy-
sclerosis during dialysis may be related to IL-6 poalbuminemia per se, generally considered an
levels.134 It should be noted that the cascade of indicator of MICS, has one of the most striking

and consistent associations with clinical out- eral ways. First, patients who are underweight or
come in these individuals.143 have low serum cholesterol, creatinine, or homo-
In highly industrialized affluent countries, PEM cysteine levels may have MICS and its poor
is an uncommon cause of poor outcome in the outcome. Thus, MICS may both cause these
general population, whereas overnutrition is asso- alterations and be associated with increased mor-
ciated with a greater risk for cardiovascular dis- tality, caused by either the illnesses that engender
ease and has an immense epidemiological impact MICS or the atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
on the burden of this disease and shortened eases that seem to be promoted by MICS.22,146,147
survival. Conversely, in maintenance dialysis Second, these paradoxical factors may indicate a
patients, undernutrition is one of the most com- state of undernutrition, which may predispose to
mon risk factors for adverse cardiovascular infection or other inflammatory processes.18 Fi-
events.18,111,144 Hence, certain markers that pre- nally, it has been argued that when individuals
dict a low likelihood of cardiovascular events are malnourished, they are more susceptible to
and improved survival in the general population, the ravages of inflammatory diseases.148 Hence,
such as decreased BMI50-52,145 or lower serum a condition that potentially attenuates the magni-
cholesterol levels,61,88 are risk factors for in- tude of PEM or inflammation should be favor-
creased cardiovascular morbidity and death in able to dialysis patients.
dialysis patients.111 Paradoxically, obesity, hyper- Suliman et al149-151 reported a more specific
cholesterolemia, and hypertension appear to be example of the contribution of MICS to risk-
protective features associated with greater sur- factor reversal concerned with hyperhomocys-
vival among dialysis patients. A similar protec- teinemia in dialysis patients. In their study, plasma
tive role has been described for high serum total homocysteine levels were shown to be
creatinine and possibly homocysteine levels in dependent on nutritional status, protein intake,
patients with ESRD. The association between and serum albumin levels in hemodialysis pa-
undernutrition and adverse cardiovascular out- tients. Dialysis patients with cardiovascular dis-
come in dialysis patients, in contrast to that in ease had lower plasma homocysteine levels, as
individuals without ESRD, has been referred to well as a greater prevalence of malnutrition and
as reverse epidemiology.111 hypoalbuminemia, than those without cardiovas-
The cause of this inverse association between cular disease. Furthermore, in another study,
conventional risk factors and clinical outcome in plasma total homocysteine level increased dur-
dialysis patients is not clear. Several possible ing treatment of malnourished peritoneal dialysis
causes are hypothesized, including survival bias patients with an amino acid–containing perito-
and time discrepancy between competitive risk neal dialysate (methionine, 1.7 g/d).152 The puz-
factors (undernutrition versus overnutrition). zling inverse relationship between low blood
However, the presence of MICS in dialysis pa- pressure and poor outcome in the dialysis popu-
tients offers the most plausible explanation for lation also might be accounted for by nutritional
the existence of reverse epidemiology. Both PEM status and/or inflammation. Iseki et al153 showed
and inflammation or the combination of the 2 are a significant association between low diastolic
much more common in dialysis patients than in blood pressure, hypoalbuminemia, and risk for
the general population, and many elements of death in a cohort of 1,243 hemodialysis patients
MICS, such as low weight for height or BMI, followed up for up to 5 years. Death rate corre-
hypocholesterolemia, or hypocreatininemia, are lated inversely with diastolic blood pressure,
known risk factors for poor outcome in dialysis which per se correlated positively with serum
patients.111 The existence of reverse epidemiol- albumin level and negatively correlated with
ogy may have a bearing on the management of age. Hence, in some cases, hypotension may be a
dialysis patients. It is possible that new standards manifestation of MICS in patients with ESRD.
or goals for such traditional risk factors as body
mass, serum cholesterol level, and blood pres- DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF MICS
sure should be considered for these individuals. Because various markers of nutritional state
The phenomenon of risk factor paradox is and inflammation may independently predict out-
caused or at least accentuated by MICS in sev- come and may assess different aspects of nutri-

tional status, several researchers tried to develop in dialysis patients is limited. There are no large-
composite scores to identify MICS. Ideally, such scale, randomized, prospective, interventional
a scoring system would not only reflect the studies that have examined these questions.
overall nutritional status and inflammation of a Among studies based on food intake, Kuhlmann
dialysis patient, but also predict outcome. Wolf- et al103 reported that prescription of 45 kcal/kg/d
son et al55 introduced a composite score based on and 1.5 g protein/kg/d induced weight gain and
body weight, midarm muscle circumference, and improved serum albumin levels and other mea-
serum albumin level and found that 70% of sures of nutritional status in malnourished hemo-
hemodialysis patients were malnourished. Marck- dialysis patients. Leon et al102 reported that tai-
mann154 developed a nutritional scoring system lored nutritional intervention improved serum
based on serum transferrin level, relative body albumin levels in 52 hemodialysis patients, and
weight, triceps skinfold, and midarm muscle this effect was observed even among patients
circumference. The SGA of Nutritional Status with high serum CRP levels. Sharma et al163
was designed primarily to evaluate surgical pa- conducted a randomized clinical trial in 40 MHD
tients with gastrointestinal diseases.38 It has been patients and showed that short-term enteral nutri-
used in a number of epidemiological studies and ent supplementation using a high-calorie and
clinical trials in dialysis patients.39 SGA score high-protein blend formula not only improved
correlated significantly with morbidity and mor- hypoalbuminemia, but also functional capacity
tality in dialysis patients.155,156 The National Kid- measured by a 10-point Karnofsky scale.
ney Foundation–Kidney Disease and Dialysis Several retrospective studies showed a benefi-
Outcomes Quality Initiative (DOQI) recom- cial effect of intradialytic parenteral nutrition
mended the SGA as an appropriate nutritional (IDPN) on clinical outcome.164-167 Recently, Pu-
assessment tool for dialysis patients.157 The Can- pim et al104 showed that IDPN promoted a large
ada-USA158 and other studies159 have led to im- increase in whole-body protein synthesis and a
proved more quantitative versions of the SGA. significant decrease in whole-body proteolysis in
The MIS recently was developed and is based on 7 hemodialysis patients without inflammation.
the SGA, but also includes BMI and serum However, a number of other studies of IDPN
albumin and transferrin concentrations in an in- failed to show improvement in nutritional status
cremental fashion.23 In a longitudinal study of or clinical outcome in dialysis patients.168,169
hemodialysis patients, the MIS correlated strongly Many of these studies used small sample sizes,
with 12-month hospitalization rates and mortal- failed to restrict study subjects to those with
ity.23 The MIS is believed to reflect the degree of PEM, did not control for concurrent food intake,
severity of MICS in dialysis patients.23 did not define or adjust appropriately for comor-
PEM and inflammation are powerful predic- bid conditions, performed nutritional interven-
tors of death risk for dialysis patients, and if they tions for only short periods, or had only a short
are treatable, it is possible that nutritional and period of follow-up. Until large-scale, prospec-
anti-inflammatory interventions improve poor tive, randomized, interventional studies are con-
outcome in dialysis patients. Experience with ducted, it will be difficult to ascertain the poten-
nutritional support of sick or malnourished indi- tial benefits of increasing nutritional intake in
viduals who do not have ESRD may provide malnourished dialysis patients.169
some insight into the independent role of PEM A number of other techniques have been used
on clinical outcome in dialysis patients. Ample for the prevention or treatment of PEM in dialy-
evidence suggests that maintaining adequate nu- sis patients. Routine methods include preventing
tritional intake in patients with a number of acute PEM before the onset of dialysis therapy, dietary
or chronic catabolic illnesses may improve their counseling, maintenance of an adequate dose of
nutritional status irrespective of its cause.160,161 dialysis, avoidance of acidemia, and aggressive
In some of these studies, such improvement is treatment of superimposed catabolic illness.26
associated with reduced morbidity and mortality More novel nondietary interventions in addition
and improved quality of life.162 to IDPN include an appetite stimulant, such as
However, evidence about whether nutritional megestrol acetate170; L-carnitine171,172; and growth
treatment may improve morbidity and mortality factors, including recombinant human growth

hormone,173 IGF-1,174 and anabolic steroids.175 have a bearing.184 Ultrapure dialysate and
Nonetheless, although these treatments have im- biocompatible membranes have been shown
proved nutritional status, with the probable excep- to decrease CRP levels.185,186
tion of the effect of L-carnitine administration on
quality of life, none of these treatments have yet FUTURE STEPS
been shown to improve quality of life, morbidity, There is a paucity of information concerning
or mortality in dialysis patients. the effect of nutritional therapy or anti-inflamma-
Although epidemiological evidence strongly tory modalities on morbidity and mortality in
links inflammation to poor outcome in individu- dialysis patients. Interventional studies of the
als with renal insufficiency, it must be recog- effect of nutritional support and inflammation-
nized that there are not yet randomized clinical reducing approaches on outcome are often diffi-
trials to indicate improvement in outcomes by cult to interpret because of small sample sizes,
inflammation-reducing approaches. However, short durations of study, and other limitations.
possible treatment modalities may target inflam- New treatment strategies are needed to treat the
mation directly or focus on oxidative stress or unacceptably high rate of PEM and inflammation
endothelial dysfunction. The following agents associated with increased cardiovascular morbid-
may be considered: ity and mortality in patients with ESRD. Differ-
1. Statins (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarlyl coen- ent nutritional support modalities should be stud-
zyme A reductase inhibitors) have been ied systematically, and novel anti-inflammatory
suggested for use in patients with chronic and anticytokine agents need to be tested in
inflammation. Statins are shown to de- patients with renal diseases. In hemodialysis
crease CRP levels irrespective of their ef- patients, more biocompatible membranes, and in
fects on lipid levels and may be associated peritoneal dialysis patients, more biocompatible
with reduced mortality in patients with solutions should be developed and tried. Genetic
ESRD.176,177 approaches for identifying genes or polymor-
2. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors phisms that may be associated with phenotypes
may have anti-inflammatory properties in with a greater predisposition to MICS should be
both the general population and patients attempted. Randomized clinical trials are needed
with CKD and ESRD178 and are associated to compare the effect of nutritional support and
with delayed progression of chronic renal anti-inflammatory agents, both independently and
failure and improved outcome in these indi- combined with each other, in patients with MICS
viduals.79 to determine the most optimal treatment modal-
3. Vitamin E may have anti-inflammatory ef- ity and improve the poor outcome from the
fects, and vitamin E administration may be cardiovascular epidemic in patients with CKD
associated with a decreased risk for cardio- and ESRD.
vascular mortality in dialysis patients.179 In
the general population, some epidemiologi- REFERENCES
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