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How much H2O can I hold in the palm of my hands?

At first, i just open the faucet on our kitchen sink and placed the palm of my hands directly under it
to see how much water I could collect. I put it inside a glas and measure it by using a tablespoonro
see how any times i could scoop the water that i collected then convert it to mililliters. And just like
what I expected, I can only hold a little amount of water, approximately 45 mL, because it kept on
leaking from the gaps between my fingers.

But thinking that this might be a trick question, it kept on spiraling in my head for hours. Then
suddenly, an idea popped out of my mind. If I can only hold an ample amount of H2O on its liquid
form in my hands, what if I hold it on its solid form? And because of that,it came to my realization
that I can hold so much more than 45 milliliters of H2O. I can hold a block of ice in my hands better
becausethe bond that holds the molecules of solid is stronger than liquid that's why the molecules
wont move past each other and it won't flow between my fingers.

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