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:a group category wherein a team composed of

seven members is tasked to create a four-page

newspaper within just four hours. The seven-
member team includes a news writer, feature
writer, editorial writer, sports writer, cartoonist,
photojournalist, and layout artist.
-De los Santos, Rhea. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/35519342/Collaborative_Desktop_Publishing

-Image taken from Regional Memorandum No.

345 s 2016
•Finish an A4-size four-page full-
colored publication within the
allotted time.
1. Make your paper pleasing to look at.
2. Communicate with the group.
3. Be present minded.
4. Train.
5. Do not ignore the time allotment.
6. Read. Alot.
7. Pray.
•For writers:
1. Numbers and figures are
important. (NW, SW)
2. Find a good angle (EW, FW)
• For photojournalists:
1. Bigger images are better
2. Take 2-3 shots of each subject(portrait and landscape
3. Remember the basics of photography: rule of thirds,
lighting, etc.
4. Before taking photos consider the articles written so you
can write a good caption for each photo that matches the
story into the pages.
•For cartoonists:
1. Make pencil marks heavier. Use tech
pens (0.3-0.50 and black fine marker.
2. Use a light white eraser for pencil marks.
3. Keep your drawing neat.
•For layout artists:
1. Experiment. Train your creative side.
2. Stick to one to two color scheme
3. Don’t forget the elements of balance
4. Keyboard shortcuts are your best
•When you compete, you are not
just representing your school; you
are representing yourself, your
family, and most of all your God.
So train yourself
At any possible time
At any possible place
With God
For more questions
• kbjavier@up.edu.ph
• 09438333443
Other References and Image sources:
• https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiDjJO854bkAhUEFYgKHQC
• https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjaqrfl54bkAhXVfd4KHTcR
• https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjaqrfl54bkAhXVfd4KHTcR
• https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/04/27/opinion/27gao-illo/27gao-illo-
• https://us.123rf.com/450wm/ngwozdeva/ngwozdeva1509/ngwozdeva150900058/45278794-

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