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A. Background

English is the first foreign language that must be learned and has been taught

from Elementary school to University as a necessary subject in Indonesia. It is an

international language where almost every country demands their students to learn

English to improve human resources. As we know that every university in Indonesia,

in the earlier semester, has a general English subject. It shows that English is very

important. For instance, in English Education Department especially in Alauddin

State Islamic University of Makassar, learning English is started from the first

semester to the last semester.

Aydogan (2014:2) states “In learning English, there are 4 macro-skills namely

listening, reading, writing and speaking. This is contrast to the micro-skills, which

are things like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling”. Grammar itself

becomes an important part in studying English. In English Education Department of

Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Learning grammar is not a new thing in

English. It is divided into three subjects, Grammar for basic competence at the first

semester, Grammar for Intermediate level at the second semester and Grammar for

advanced level at the third semester. Students at the third semester start learning

structure most used in TOEFL section 2 which is structure and written expression.

They are demanded to focus on learning grammar to produce a good writing,


produce good speech, and to get a higher score in TOEFL section 2 which is structure

and written expression.

Ellis (2006) explains that teaching grammar involves some instructional

techniques that draw learners’ attention to some specific grammatical forms in such a

way that helps them either to understand it meta-linguistically or process it in

comprehension or production so that they can internalize it. From the explanation, it

infers that teaching grammar is not easy. In short, grammar teachers should be able to

choose the best ways to make grammar more engaging and understandable.

In some cases, students who have good speaking skill may have poor

grammar. Speaking can be improved by regular speaking practices such as

conversation, presentation, and so on. Some people even think that speaking with bad

English structure is not such a big deal, provided that the message is conveyed to

others. On the other hand, Grammar can be mastered if students understand the

language structure. When students are speaking, they don’t pay attention to the rules

of grammar. For instance, in daily life, the researcher often heard some students said

“He go to the campus”. The sentence is grammatically incorrect. Based on structure,

if the subject is he, she, it, or plural noun, then s/es must be added at the end of the


As known that structure and written expression in section 2 is an element

which is taught in FEG (Functional English Grammar) Class at the third semester of

English Education Department. It is fundamental because TOEFL is one of the

requirements for students of English Education Department to earn their bachelor


degree. After observing students’ TOEFL test result, the researcher found that all

students scored below 500, especially 400 at average, especially in TOEFL section

2.It indicates that there are difficulties that students face. Based on the researcher’s

interview to the students (A.A., dkk) of English Education in 2018 at Alauddin State

Islamic University Makassar, after finishing Functional English Grammar Class, not

all students of English Education Department can understand Grammar. It’s not what

is expected. One of the common difficulties faced by the students is that they think

the sentence is longer than usual so they do not know which one is the subject and

which one is the verb. Another difficulty is lack of vocabulary. In other words, it is

similar to the first one. In addition, students have no basic skills in answering TOEFL

section 2. Halim and Ardiningtyas (2018) states that the main problems in answering

English proficiency test is that the test takers have no basic skills in English.

Respondents demonstrated low capabilities in understanding English grammar.

Indeed, the materials should be started from the very basic level such as a subject

pronoun, object pronoun, verb forms, etc. The problems existed since, in the TOEFL

materials, the students were expected to know more about more complicated

problems such as subject and verb agreements, parallel structures, etc.

Besides, one of all components that includes on Test of English as Foreign

Language (TOEFL) is grammar. TOEFL is a test which is really difficult for many

people, especially for most students. Based on Collins English Dictionary, TOEFL is

an English language examination which is often taken by foreign students who want

to study at universities in English-speaking countries. It has three sections, which are


listening, structure and written expression, and reading. Especially structure and

written skills, the researcher focuses on knowing more theories and productive skills

which is necessary for students. Therefore, it makes the researcher take the structure

as the focus on this research.

Rodgers (2001:114) states “There are two possible approaches to section 2

problems: analytical approach and intuitive approach. A test-taker who uses the

analytical approach quickly analyses the grammar of the sentence to see what

element is missing or which element is incorrect. Someone who uses the second

approach simply prefers to choose the answer that “sounds right” or the one that

“sound wrong””. The research gives priority to the first approach. But the second is

able to be useful too, especially for the people who learn English basically by

listening and speaking rather than by studying grammar. As a result, the section 2 is

easily answered by applying an appropriated approach.

Philips (2000: 97) argues “The test-taker has to be sure to leave adequate time

for the written expression questions. In section 2, there are 40 questions for the

standard form. All of the questions have to be answered in only 25 minutes. The test-

taker is able to spend an average of about thirty second for each item”. It is better if

the test taker works on items that have possibility to get correct. However, there are

some tricks and strategies to maximize the 25 minutes for 40 questions in highly

correct answer percentage. In this research, the researcher explains a technique

related to the section 2 which covers 40 questions in 25 minutes that has higher

percentage of correct answers than other elements.


Lastly, according to Rodgers (2001), section 2 is important. It is the best

chance to improve the score on TOEFL in a short time by maximizing the section 2.

With the result, it really influences the total score of the TOEFL. Although wide

range of grammar points are tested, there are certain points that appear repeatedly,

and it is able to be mastered by practicing in text-book provided. Also, there are

fewer items in this part than other parts. Hence, each item that answers correctly will

add more to the total score as a comparison to the others, notice these data. Section 1

consists of 50 questions with total score 680. Section 2 has 40 questions with 680 as

the total score. And section 3 has only 670 for 50 questions (Deborah Philips, 2000:

394). Section 2 might seem less stressful than two other sections. Test-takers do not

have to divided their attention between tape and text book and also it is easily done

to all items before the time is called (near of the limited time).

According to As’ad’s thesis (2013), there is a technique that can improve

TOEFL score in section 2, namely Verb Technique. He states that by using the

technique, students will answer the questions in a shorter time and will get a higher

score. For this reason, the researcher chooses this research in the university to

examine whether the use of Verb Technique is effective or not.

Referring to the background above, the researcher is interested in conducting

experimental research entitled “Examining the Use of Verb Technique in Improving

PBI Students’ ability of FEG Class of the Fourth Semester at UIN Alauddin


B. Research Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the research

question as follows:

1. Is the use of Verb Technique effective in improving PBI students’ ability in

FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar?

2. To what extend is the use of Verb Technique in improving PBI students’

ability in FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar?

C. Research Objectives

Related to the problem statements above, the objective of the research is:

1. To find out whether or not the use of Verb technique is effective in improving

PBI students’ ability in FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin


2. To find out to what extend the use of Verb Technique is in improving PBI

students’ ability in FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin


D. Research Significances

The result of this research is to give some advantages for the researcher

himself, students, English lecturers, and other researchers. Firstly, for the researcher,

by conducting this research, it is expected that it can add the researcher’s knowledge

of TOEFL by implementing the Verb Technique. Secondly, for the students, it can

make them more convinced that Verb technique is one of the best ways to improve

TOEFL score in section 2. Thirdly, for lecturers, it can be a reference to be used in

the class as one way to teach grammar in TOEFL section 2. And lastly, for other

researchers, it can be a scientific reference and empirical evidence for further related


E. Research Scope

The scope of this research is focused on examining the use of Verb technique

in improving PBI students’ ability in FEG class where students learn structure most

used in TOEFL section 2 (structure and written expression).

F. Operational Definition of Terms

Examining the use of Verb Technique in improving PBI students’ ability in

FEG class of the fourth semester class is marked by observing their total score of test

material given. The students understand the patterns given (focusing on Verb

Technique). The technique helps the students know more about structure and get a

shorter time to finish a set of question of TOEFL section 2. Thus, they answer almost

all 40 questions in 25 minutes accurately and it increases the students’ total score of

the section 2 of TOEFL automatically.

For better understanding of the research, the following terms are defined as

used in the study.

1. FEG

FEG, Functional English Grammar, is one of the subjects at the

second year where students start to learn structure most used in TOEFL

section 2 which is structure and written test. In this section, there are two

types of questions. The first is question 1-15 that is incomplete sentences and

the second is question 16-40 that is error analysis in a sentence. Students

hope that they will get 500 score.

2. Verb Technique

Verb technique is one of the techniques in answering TOEFL section 2

which is structure and written expression. The researcher conducted this

research by using verb technique because of Functional English Grammar

that got students to learn structure and written expression in TOEFL section

2. Elfast, (2011) states that in TOEFL section 2, Verbs are tested in both the

structure and the written expression sections of the exam. Verb is a

fundamental element in section 2. Every single sentence uses minimally one

verb as the predicate and occasionally as the options. It means that the verb is

questionable. Focusing on verb technique is inspired from a thesis and the

frequency of verb as the question in section 2 of TOEFL.

In TOEFL section 2, verb technique has five focused elements of

verb, namely: a) the finite or infinite verb; b) the auxiliary meets the ordinary;

c) tense; d) subject-verb agreement; e) active or passive.



This part provides an overview of some previous findings about the use of

verb technique, pertinent ideas, theoretical framework, and hypothesis.

A. Related Research Findings

Student’s difficulties in Functional English Grammar class are always found.

As’ad (2013) with the title “The Effectiveness of Using Focusing on Verb Technique

tom Improve the Second Year Students’ Structure Skill on TOEFL in English

Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar” states in his thesis that the

students who will take the TOEFL test are suggested to apply verb technique for a

better score, especially in section 2 which has an important role in scoring the total

score of TOEFL. Focusing on Verb Technique is hoped to be expanded, because it

has to be realized that to answer the TOEFL questions not only the deep

understanding and analysis is needed, but also the simple tricks are. The focusing on

verb technique is the trick which is recommended to use in section 2.

Errors in answering the section 2 of TOEFL, structure question, are always

found both in and out of academic settings. Wijaya (2012) posts on blog about how

important the subject and verb agreement is. There are many test-takers who get error

while answering the section 2. Sujana (2013) conducts a research about senior

students' English proficiency in TOEFL test in English education of FKIP, UNRAM

(Mataram University). And Kusumasetya (2012) documents a research about the


development of source study in TOEFL structure throught Mind Map technique in

SMAN 5 Malang.

Wijaya (2012) states that the TOEFL question sometimes no need to be

translated. The test-taker only need to find out the subject, verb, object and adverb.

From those all four, subject and verb are the element that should be noticed more

because the section 2 mostly omits the subject and verb to be analized. Moreover, the

question which is more difficult has two or more subject and verb. Wijaya warns that

the test-taker does not need to translate the question, it is wasting time.

Sujana (2013) finds in his research that the English students at FKIP

UNRAM have a good proficiency in TOEFL because of the correlation between

material tested in TOEFL and material implemented from syllabus in FKIP UNRAM.

TOEFL focuses on some aspects in sentence, especially on verb. Such as main verb,

tenses, modals, causative, conditionals, subjunctive, infinitive, passive, auxiliary

verbs. In English syllabus, verb was also focused as TOEFL did. The material was

nearly same. The syllabus provides these elements to be taught, such as review of

sobject-verb agreements; complex sentences (adjective, noun, and adverbial clauses);

verbs (gerund, to infinitive, bare infinitive, participles, causatives); comparisons;

conditionals; troublesome words; subjunctive. Moreover, introduction to TOEFL

exercises is also included.

Mahmud (2014) found that the main problems of the students in answering

the TOEFL test were due to several conflicting reasons, such as fewer basic skills,

less practice, less motivation, and student individual differences such as age and


Halim (2008) explored that generally, the students encountered difficulties in

answering TOEFL questions and it is because of bias. Cultural bias in TOEFL

questions can be found mostly in the oral mode of the questions and some parts of

the reading section. The element of culture in the language used in TOEFL questions

that contain bias are conversational implicatures, idiomatic expression, metaphors,

proverbs, slang, some registers and problems with deixis (to some extent)

Kusumasetya (2012) conducts a research about the development of source

study in TOEFL structure through Mind Map technique. The students in SMAN 5

Malang got low score in TOEFL, especially in section 2. It happens because there is

not source study in SMAN 5 Malang. Mind Map technique is used to begin the

source study as guidance to increase the the students’ TOEFL score. This technique

draws a simple map focused on these aspects: progressive verb tenses and clauses.

As a result, the students’ score are increased after using the Mind Map technique as

the source study.

Based on those studies, mastery on verb is really needed in Functional

English Grammar class. Related on TOEFL, verb is also an important factor in a

sentence of TOEFL structure question or on section 2. The test-takers need to know

which one is verb and which one is subject. It will make the test-takers easy to

answer question of TOEFL section 2. Through the study, the researcher focuses on

examining Verb Technique in improving students’ ability. The researcher pays serious

attention to give the study so that students will get a good score on TOEFL section 2.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

The researcher in this point presents a further concept about both Functional

English Grammar class which brings students to learn TOEFL and the focusing on

using verb technique as the object of the research.

1. Concept of Functional English Grammar

a) Description of Functional English Grammar

Before proceeding to define verb technique, it is worthy to describe

functional English grammar. According to Sujana (2014) states that functional

English grammar discusses three meta-functions; Clause as Message, Clause as

Exchange, and Clause as Representation, Cohesive Ties, and Clause Complex.

It shows that functional English grammar is same with learning about structure.

Based on oxforddictionaries.com (2013), structure is the arrangement of and

relations between the parts or elements of something complex. Teguh (2010)

states that structure is one element of English which refers to some

components, such as: words, phrases, and sentences. Another definition of

structure is taken from artikata.com (2013) that Structure is the manner of

construction of something and the arrangement of its parts.

Based on the previous definition, the researcher concludes that

Functional English Grammar is a subject which gives students certain rules to

construct a good pattern of English sentences and makes students know TOEFL


2. Concept of Focusing on Verb Technique

a) Definition of Verb Technique

Anthony (1965) states that technique is the level at which classroom

procedure are described. In other words, technique is a way to implement

something. Based on this research, the word “technique” is used because the

research aims at being used by lecturers to teach in Functional English

Grammar class. In addition, According to Brown (2007), technique has some

terms namely; Task, Activity, Procedure, PBES (Practice, Behavior,

Exercise, and Strategy) and so on. The research focused on the PBES because

learning structure most used in TOEFL section 2 (structure and written

expression) in FEG class needs some practice, exercise and strategy. And

verb is an essential element which must appear in a sentence. Verb is an

element that the researcher focused on his research. It has five focused

elements that the researcher focuses on namely; finite and infinite verb,

ordinary and auxiliary verb, tenses, subject-verb agreement and active-

passive voice. Thus, verb technique is one of techniques in answering TOEFL

especially section 2 which is structure and written expression. Using verb

technique is also inspired from many sources TOEFL books, handouts,

articles and other literatures. From those sources, the researcher finds that

verb is a crucial English structure element which is always be in a sentence

and always appears on TOEFL section 2. The appearance of verb in section 2


of TOEFL reaches seventy percent and one hundred percent in an English

sentence. It is higher than other materials which are in question.

Referring to those findings about the significant role of verb in section

2, the researcher decides to collect all important spots of verb into a

technique, using Verb Technique. The followings are the supporting

statements constructing the technique in this research.

Bruce (2001) states on his book that whenever the verb is underlined in

a written expression problem, the test-taker should check the common verb

errors outline in this lesson from his book. Elfast (2011) adduces that words

that look like verbs such as gerunds, infinitives, and participles are not verb.

Those words are called infinite verbs which cannot be the predicate of a

sentence. Rodgers (2001) argues that some of verb errors are in form. Most

verb form problems involve main verb forms and also auxiliary verbs.

Deborah (2000) hunches in her book that often in sentences in the written

expression section of the TOEFL test there is a time expression that clearly

indicates what verb tense is needed in the sentence. Michael and Mary (2002)

says that the test taker must always check the subject and verb to be sure they

agree. However, sometimes it is difficult to make a determination exactly

what the subject is if the subject and verb are separated. The prepositional

phrase, which separate subject and verb, does not effect on verb. Phillips

(2000) assumes that sentences in which the error is an incorrect passive are

common in written expression section of the TOEFL test. The test taker needs

to be able to determine when a passive verb rather than an active verb is

needed in a sentence.

As a corollary of former experts’ arguments, the researcher chooses to

focus on verb technique as a simple bridge to understand verb pattern in

section 2 of the TOEFL test. There are five focused area in this research,

namely: 1) Finite or infinite verb; 2) ordinary and auxiliary; 3) tenses; 4)

subject-verb agreement; 5) active or passive verb.

b) Stages of Focusing on Verb Technique

Focusing on Verb Technique consists of five significant elements

which should be focused in this research, namely:

a. Finite or infinite

Generally, there is only one verb for each sentence on TOEFL

structure question. To find the correct answer, the test taker should focus on

the verb. Verb on TOEFL is divided into two kinds, namely:

Finite Verb: Infinite Verb:

1. Bare infinitive (Attend) 1. Present Participle
2. Additional infinitive (Attending)
(Attends) 2. Past participle (Attended)
3. Past form (Attended) 3. To infinitive (To Attend)

Phillips (2000) states that finite verb is the main verb which is

used as the real verb, whereas infinite verb is not the verb in structure

question. The amount of infinite verb is not important matter. But then,

the sum of finite verb has to be based on the total number of conjunction.

i. No Conjunction = one finite verb


Someone trying to break the chairs.

There is no conjunction in the sentence. We need a finite verb. The

verb trying (B) is infinite, therefore we should change it into finite verb,

tries. Tries is finite verb and to break is not included in finite verb, it is

infinite verb.

ii. One conjunction = two finite verb


Mandala tries to break the chairs which has been painted.

There is one conjunction, which. Therefore, the finite verb should

be two. Tries is finite verb, has been painted is passive form and also a

finite verb, the verb has been painted is the finite verb but its form is not

correct. It should be have been painted to be correct. The last, to break is

not included in finite verb, it is infinite verb. So, the answer is “D”.

iii. Two conjunctions = three finite verbs


Someone, whose bag are red, tries to break the chairs

which have been painted.
There are two conjunctions, whose and which. So, the finite verb

should be three. The verb are can be included as a finite verb, it is

additional infinitive, Tries is finite verb and to break is not included in


finite verb, it is infinite verb. The last verb is have been painted. It is

finite verb. The option B, the verb is are, is the answer. The verb should

be is. Therefore the answer is B.

b. Ordinary and Auxiliary

Phillips (2000) states that in structure question, the verb is usually

ambiguous to answer. The test taker should pay attention to the verb form.

The conformity between the auxiliary verb and the ordinary verb is the

key on this trick.

To Be To Have
Present participle Past participle

Past participle To infinitive

a To infinitive b
To Do Modal

Bare infinitive Bare infinitive

c d

i. To be only can meet three forms of a sentence. They are:

Present Participle (Verb+ing)


The Governor is created relation among the regents.

To be (is) has to meet present participle to create present continuous

tense. The Governor is creating relation among the regents. Therefore, the

correct answer is B.

Past Participle (Verb 3)


The jewel was stealing when the security was sleeping.


To be (was) has to meet past participle to create past passive.

The correct sentence is “The jewel was stolen when the security was

sleeping”. So, the answer is B.

To infinitive (to+verb 1)


My assistant are to go to the big meeting with the other consumer.

To be (are) has to meet to infinitive to create a strong

expectation of someone. The correct sentence is “My assistant is to go to

the big meeting with the other consumer”. So, the answer is B.

ii. To have can meet two forms of verb. they are:


Past Participle (Verb 3)


The security has report the previous incident.

To have (has) needs to meet past participle to create present

perfect tense. Option B has to be changed into past participle, reported. So,

the answer is B.

iii. To infinitive (to+verb 1)


The human have eaten to stay alive in this earth.

To have (have) need to meet to infinitive to create present

modal meaning. Option B has to be changed into to infinitive. So, the

answer is B.

iv. To do is used to express emphasis sentence. It should meet

bare infinitive to get the emphasis mode.

Bare Infinitive (Pure verb/verb 1)


The children do believes on their parents about what they expect.


The sentence “The children do believes on their parents

about what they expect” has an error on the verb. To get the emphasis

sentence which require bare infinitive, the option B should eliminate “s”.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.


v. Every single modal auxiliary has to meet bare infinitive. No

excuse, that is the requirement to form a sentence consisting


Bare Infinitive (Pure verb/ verb 1)

Everyone must submits the assignment before 12 o’clock.
Although everyone needs singular verb, it does not work that

way. Modal (must) gives another pattern to the sentence. So, submits

should be submit which is bare infinitive form. Hence, the answer is B.

c. Tenses

According to Phillips (2000), there are three dominant tenses

on TOEFL, namely:

Tenses Simple present scientific question

Simple past historical question (year, last, ago, etc)

Present perfect (for . . ., since . . .)

i. Simple Present

Example: Many diseases ________ by the lack of awareness of health.

A. were caused C. are caused

B. causes D. had been caused


ii. Simple Past

Example: Indonesian ________ traditional weapon to seize the independence

from the colonizer in 1945.

A. using C. uses

B. were caused D. usage

iii. Present Perfect

Example: Your father ________ a cup of coffee since you went to school

by Avanza.

A. has been drinking C. had been drinking

B. was drinking D. were drinking

d. Subject-Verb Agreement

Every single subject on TOEFL must be agreed with its finite

verb. Subject-verb agreement or concord appears very often in present

and past tense question, and can be simply explained as follow:

Singular subject Singular verb which uses “s/es”

Plural subject Plural verb which not use “s/es”

The subject followed by one of these expressions, will not be

affected to the quantity of the subject.

# Together with # accompanied by

# along with # as well as

Example: Mr. Ary, accompanied by Ms. Dila and her friensds, are
Arriving tonight in USA to meet Sukirman.
e. Active or passive

Be sure to identify the verb on TOEFL whether it is active or

passive. Focus on these following patterns.

Verb Transitive + Object Active

i. V
Verb Transitive + no Object Passive
Verb intransitive Active

i. Transitive + Object Active Voice

Example: Not all laborer in this country ________ the regulation of

minimum wages which has been discussed for long time.

A. can understands C. will understand

B. will be understood D. can be understood

ii. Verb Transitive + no Object Passive Voice

Example: The doctors in this new hospital in London ________ for the liver

patients who do not have health insurance.

A. should recommended

B. must being recommended

C. might be recommending

D. will be recommended

iii. Verb Intransitive Definitely Active Voice

Example: Some of the demonstrants who have prepared for the

Corruption Day __________ from afar in the middle of

high way last night.

A. were appearing C. were appeared

B. are appeared D. appeared

At the end of each stage, the students were given a set of TOEFL structure

question (section 2) as a checking progress. The question consisted of selected

question from section 2 to construct students’ mastery of focusing on verb technique.

c) The Advantages of Using Verb Technique

As’ad (2013) states that the advantages of using verb techniques are

as follow:

i. Test-takers can manage time to answer the TOEFL test in section 2

quickly so that they can proofread after answering it.

ii. Test-takers can detect faster which one is subject and which one is verb in

a long sentence of TOEFL section 2.

iii. Test-takers do not need to understand the whole words of a long sentence

which will waste their time to analyze other questions.

Based on the advantages above, the researcher is expected that verb

technique will be effective to be applied in FEG class (Functional English

Grammar class).

C. Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework of this research that had been done served in the

following diagram:

The Use of Verb Technique

Experimental class Controlled class

Verb Technique Conventional Technique

Students’ Ability of Functional English

Grammar Class

Figure. Theoretical Framework

This research will focus on experimental class to prove how effective the use

of Verb Technique in improving PBI students’ ability in FEG class of the fourth

semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar is or will be better to use Conventional


D. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is proposition that is stated is a testable form and that predicts a

particular relationship between two or more variable. In other words, we think that a

relationship exists, we first state it is hypothesis and then test hypothesis in the field.

(Baily, Kenneth D, Methods of Social Research, 3rd edition, New York: The Free

Press, 1978)

A hypothesis is simply a conjecture or a hunch about the relationship between

two variables, usually limited to the independent and dependent variables (Lawrence

H. Cross and Gabriella M. Belli, 2004). Therefore, there are two hypotheses in this


Ho: The use of Verb Technique is not effective in improving PBI students’ ability in

FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar for academic year 2018/


Hi: The use of Verb Technique is effective in improving PBI students’ ability in

FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar for academic year 2018/



This chapter provides information about the research design, population and

sample, variable of the research, and instrument.

A. Research Method and Design

The design which used in this research was quasi-experimental design with non-

equivalent control group design. There were two types of quasi-experimental design,

namely Post-test Only Nonequivalent Groups Design and Pre-test and Post-test

Nonequivalent Groups design. The researcher selected Pre-test and Post-test

Nonequivalent Groups Design because the steps in this research design were

facilitative to examine the use of Verb Technique.

The nonequivalent control design with pretest and posttest was represented as:

Experimental Group: NR O1 XE O2

Control Group: NR O1 XK O2


O1 = Pre-test

O2 = Post-test

XE = The treatment of experimental group by using Verb Technique

XK = The treatment of control group by using Conventional Technique

(Sugiyono, 2008:116)


B. Variables

A variable is a property of something. The height, weight, and temperature of

an object are three examples of its properties. Human research measures, among

other things, the properties of people. These properties may include their height,

weight, and temperature, as well as other properties (i.e., variables), such as,

intelligence, personality, and health status. Variables are generally divided into two

broad categories in research, independent variables and dependent variables.

(Kerlinger, 1973)

The kinds of variable related to research consist of independent and dependent

variable. Independent variable is the variable that is influenced by another variable to

achieve what is expected by researcher. Whereas, the dependent variable is the result

that is expected through the implementation of the independent variable, Arikunto:


Based on the title above, the researcher can identify the clear illustration on the

research variable. The variable is divided into:

a. Independent Variable

Laura T Flannelly, Katherine R B Jankowski, Kevin J Flannelly (2014)

argued that an independent variable is a variable that is presumed to have an

effect on another variable (a dependent variable). Hence, the independent

variable in the research was the use of Verb Technique.


b. Dependent Variable

A dependent variable is, quite simply, dependent, in that it depends, in

some sense, on an independent variable. It is the dependent variable that the

researcher is usually most interested in understanding and possibly interested in

predicting (Flannelly et al., 2014). Therefore, the dependent variable in the

research was PBI students’ ability in FEG class.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Sugiyono (2011:117) said in his book that population is the generalized

composed of the object/ subject that have certain qualities and characteristics are

determined by the researcher to learn and then draw the conclusion.

The population of this research was all the students of PBI at the fourth

semester of English education department, academic year of 2018-2019 which

consists of 78 students at UIN Alauddin Makassar.

2. Sample

Sample is the representative of the population. Sugiyono (2011: 118) stated

that sample is the part of the number and characteristic that is possessed by the


The sample of the research was taken from two classes of the fourth semester.

The researcher used purposive sampling to determine sample that took 20

students from PBI 1-2 class as the experimental class and 20 students from PBI

3-4 as controlled class. The researcher just took 15 students for each class

because other students scored at least 500 score and more. Therefore, the

researcher purposively chose samples who scored less than 500 and the samples

need some treatments to improve their score. The researcher chose both of class

PBI 1-2 and PBI 3-4 from English lecturer’s recommendation because both had

the same subject and got same material in Functional English Grammar class.

D. Research Instrument

The researcher collected data by test as research instrument. There were two

tests, which were pre-test and post-test. The test was adopted from TOEFL section 2

in Longman book, which were structure and written expression. The researcher gave

same test for both of experimental group and control group.

E. Data Collection Procedures

The following procedures used to collect as follows:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test was given to both of the groups, experimental and control group

in order to know students’ ability of Functional English Grammar class before the

treatment given.

2. Treatment

The researcher taught both of experimental and control group in

Functional English Grammar class. In experimental group, the researcher taught

the students by applying Verb Technique. Moving on to control group, the

researcher taught them by using Conventional Technique. The researcher gave


four treatments for both groups (experimental and controlled group). Therefore,

the number of meeting was 10 meetings included pre-test and post-test.

3. Post-test

The post test was conducted after the researcher gave treatment to know

whether or not the Verb Technique is effective.

F. Data Analysis Technique

After the researcher got students’ score of TOEFL section 2, structure and

written expression pretest and posttest between experimental and control group, the

researcher analyzed the data by using test requirements before. The data in the

research was analyzed through the steps below:

a) T-test formulation

The researcher analyzed the score between experimental and control

classes. The data analysis technique was statistical analysis with t-test to know

how effective the use of Verb Technique in improving PBI students’ ability in

Functional English Grammar class which brings them to learn TOEFL section 2,

structure and written expression.

Kadir (2010) states that the following formula is:


tvalue = the price of t value


X1 = average score of experimental group

X2 = average score of control group

S12 = variant data of experimental group

S22 = variant data of control group

Sgab = standard deviation of both classes

n1 = the total students of experimental group

n2 = the total students of control group

b) Mean

Sudijono (2012) states that mean is sum of all score which is divided by

number of scores. In addition, Charles and Dianne (1995) say that mean is score

on a test is what is commonly known as the average; that is the sum of all the

students’ scores divided by the number of students.

a. Determining mean of gained score of experimental group, the formula is:

Mx = 𝑁
b. Determining mean of gained score of control group, the formula is:
My = 𝑁
c) Range

Sudijono (2012) states that range is the difference between lowest score

and highest score. The formula is:

Range (R) = Rmax-Rmin


d) Variance

Variance is the amount of dispersion from standard deviation. The

following formula is:

∑𝑓 (𝑥𝑖−𝑥)2
S2 =

e) Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the square root of variance. It is proposed to

measure the degree of dispersion data had from the mean.

∑𝑓 (𝑥𝑖−𝑥)2
S= or (S) = √S2

f) Effect Size

Muijis (2004) states that the effect size is used to know the strong or weak

of the difference two groups or the relationship between two variables. Moreover,

the effect size of Cohen’s d has formula as follow:

(𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐴 − 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐵

𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 1 + 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 2

𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =

Furthermore, there is another Statistical Calculators that is called The

Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a Student t-Test which automatically

know the range of treatment’s effect. The steps using it are:

1) Search on google (The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a Student t-

Test or www.Danielsoper.coom calculator web)

2) Input the mean score of group 1 and group 2 (posttest)

3) Input standard deviation of group 1 and 2 (posttest)


4) Click calculate and the result will be shown.

Cohen and Lea (2004) states that the criteria of effect size are:

Effect size range Criteria

0.2 Small
0.5 Medium
0.8 Large

G. Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypotheses of this research are:

a. Ho = X1 < X2 ; If tvalue < ttable (There is no significant difference using Verb

Technique in improving PBI students’ ability in FEG class)

b. Ha = X1 > X2 ; If tvalue > ttable (There is significant difference using Verb

Technique in improving PBI students’ ability in FEG class)

To classify the students’ structure score, the researcher uses the chart of scoring

TOEFL test which was used as follows:



50 68 - 67
49 67 - 66
48 66 - 65
47 65 - 63
46 63 - 61
45 62 - 60
44 61 - 59
43 60 - 58
42 59 - 57
41 58 - 56
40 57 68 55
39 57 67 54

38 56 65 54
37 55 63 53
36 54 61 52
35 54 60 52
34 53 58 51
33 52 57 50
32 52 56 49
31 51 55 48
30 51 54 48
29 50 53 47
28 49 52 46
27 49 51 46
26 48 50 45
25 48 49 44
24 47 48 43
23 47 47 43
22 46 46 42
21 45 45 41
20 45 44 40
19 44 43 39
18 43 42 38
17 42 41 37
16 41 40 36
15 41 40 35
14 37 38 34
13 38 37 32
12 37 36 31
11 35 35 30
10 33 33 29
9 32 31 28
8 32 29 28
7 31 27 27
6 30 26 26
5 29 25 25
4 28 23 24
3 27 22 23
2 26 21 23
1 25 20 22
0 24 20 21
Philips, Deborah (2000: 394-395)

Next, the overall score should be determined in the following ways:

1. Add the training converted scores together.

2. Divide the sum by 3.

3. Then multiply by 10.

4. The overall TOEFL score has been found.

To classify TOEFL score, it is divided into 4 levels. They are (Carson, et al.,


1. Elementary = 310 - 420

2. Low intermediate = 420 - 480

3. High intermediate = 480 - 520

4. Advanced = 525 - 677



This chapter describes research findings which consist of the description

of data, the analysis of data, the test of hypothesis and the interpretation of data.

A. Findings

1. The result of experimental and control class (pre-test)

The researcher obtained data pre-test from experimental and

controlled class by bar chart which consists of 15 students of the fourth

semester after conducting study.

TOEFL Level score Fi of Experimental class Fi of Controlled class

310-420 14 13
420-480 1 2
480-520 0 0
525-677 0 0
Total 15 0
Table 4.1 Pre-test of experimental and controlled class

From the data above, the number of interval class and the length

interval were 4 classes. The table illustrated the students’ score in

experimental class of pre-test and controlled class. The lowest score of

experimental class of pre-test was in class interval 310-420 earned by 14

students, the highest score was 420-480 achieved by only 1 student. For the

calculating of statistical description, it can be seen in appendix.


2. The Frequency distribution of Experimental and Controlled class


The tests were presented in frequency distribution of experimental and

controlled class (pre-test) table which consist of maximum score,

minimum score, mean, variance and standard deviation from the table


Table 4.2 Frequency distribution of experimental and controlled

class (Pre-test)

Data Experimental class Controlled class

Maximum score 430 460
Minimum Score 350 310
Mean 370.66 376.33
Variance 785.66 1021.66
Standard Deviation 28.02 31.96

3. The result of experimental and controlled class (post-test)

The researcher obtained data post-test from experimental and

controlled class which consist of 15 students at the fourth semester after

conducting Functional English Grammar class.


TOEFL level score Fi of Experimental Fi of Controlled class

310-420 2 10
420-480 3 5
480-520 5 0
525-677 5 0
Total 15 15
Table 4.3 Post-test of experimental and controlled class

Based on the explanation above, there were 4 numbers of class

intervals. The table from post-test of experimental showed that the lowest

score was in interval 310-420 earned by 2 students and the highest score

was in interval 525-677 achieved by 5 students. Moving into controlled

group, the lowest score was in interval 310-420 earned by 10 students and

the highest score was 470 achieved by only 1 student. For the calculating

of statistical description, it can be seen in appendix.

4. The Frequency distribution of Experimental and Controlled class


The tests were presented in frequency distribution of experimental

and controlled class (post-test) table which consist of maximum score,

minimum score, mean, variance and standard deviation from the table


Table 4.4 Frequency distribution of experimental and

controlled class (Post-test)

Data Experimental class Controlled class

Maximum score 560 470
Minimum Score 410 360
Mean 523.33 393.33
Variance 6288.66 1680.66
Standard Deviation 79.33 40.99

5. Hypothesis of test

The researcher tested the statistical hypothesis. The table below

provided information about statistical hypothesis test and this study was using

t-test which significance α= 0.05.

After calculating the data, the researcher tested his hypothesis based

on statistical hypothesis test states:

Table 4.5 The Result of Experimental and Controlled Class (Post-test)

Statistic Experimental class Controlled class

Mean (X) 523.33 393.33
Variance (S2) 6288.66 1680.66
S gab 7.75
t-value 33.68
t-table 2.01
Conclusion The mean score of experimental class was higher than the
mean score of controlled class

a. If tvalue < ttable, it means that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected.

b. If tvalue > ttable, it means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.

As the result of the researcher calculating, the researcher gained the

tvalue was 33.68 while ttable was 2.01. Moreover, it concluded that tvalue (33.68)

> ttable (2.01) or H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the result, the gap

score between t-value and t-table was about 30 which meant the effect of

using verb technique very large. Therefore, there was a significant effect of

using Verb Technique on improving PBI students’ ability in Functional

English Grammar class.

On the other hand, after the researcher found the result of t-test which

proved that there was a significant effect of using Verb Technique on

improving students’ ability in Functional English Grammar class, the

researcher used Statistic Calculator The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator

for a Student t-Test to know how large the effect of Verb Technique apply in

Functional English Grammar class where students learn TOEFL. The result

test of effect size (Cohen’s d) by inputting mean score of experimental

(523.33), mean score of controlled class (393.33) and standard deviation for

both classes automatically showed that the total was 1.62. It means that the

effect size was on large effect. Thus, Verb Technique was a large effect to be

used in Functional English Grammar class

B. Discussion

From the description above, the mean score of experimental class (pre-test)

was 389 and it changed after given a treatment to be 498. The mean score of

controlled class (pre-test) was 390 and it also changed after given a treatment to be

402 (post-test). Thus, the increased mean score in experimental score was 107 but

controlled class was only 12. The gained of hypothesis of test using t-test with

significant 0.05 showed that tvalue (33.68) > ttable (2.01). It concluded that there was a

significant effect using Verb Technique on improving students’ ability in Functional

English Grammar class at the fourth semester of PBI UIN Alauddin Makassar. In

addition, based on the effect size range of Cohen’ d that found a large effect using

Verb Technique on improving PBI students’ ability in Functional English Grammar


According to the result above, Wijaya (2012) states that TOEFL questions,

especially in section 2, are not needed to be translated. He states that the test-takers

only need to find out the subject and verb at first. It means that verb is questionable

and crucial to be found firstly when answering TOEFL section 2 which are structure

and written expression. In addition to that, Kusumasetya (2012) conducts a research

about the development of source study in TOEFL structure through Mind Mapping

technique. In his study, Mind Mapping technique drew a simple map focused on

these aspects: progressive tenses and clauses. He found that the students’ score

increased after using the Mind Map technique as the source study. By focusing on

progressive tense, it means that verb is a crucial element in answering TOEFL. And it

was related to Syihab’s thesis (2013) under the title “The Effectiveness of Using

Focusing on Verb Technique to Improve the second Year Students’ Structure Skill on

TOEFL in English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar”. In his study,

he found that verb technique could improve students’ score in TOEFL section 2,

which are structure and written expression. Furthermore, by using verb technique, he

states that students can answer TOEFL section 2 quickly and will get most correct

answers. It means that after students answer the TOEFL section 2, they can use their

rest time to proofread their answers. Thus, after doing research, the researcher

believes that verb technique is effective in improving PBI students’ ability in FEG

class where students learn structure most used in TOEFL section 2.

When learning TOEFL in Functional English Grammar class, students must

know the structure of a sentence in TOEFL, be relaxed, manage the time well, and

surely be motivated. Moreover, the students must have fun and the teacher should

create a cheerful environment of the class.

In conclusion, from the description above, students earned higher score in

experimental class (post-test) than in controlled class. Therefore, using Verb

Technique is effective in improving PBI students’ ability in FEG class of the fourth

semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar.



This chapter presents the conclusion of the study and suggestions for the

lecturer and further researchers in learning TOEFL in Functional English Grammar


A. Conclusion

The result of the statistical hypothesis on significance level α= 0.05 that

showed tvalue was higher than ttable (33.68 > 2.01), thus H0 (Null hypothesis) was

rejected and Ha (Alternative hypothesis) was accepted. Besides, the main effect size

to know the strength of using Verb Technique as a treatment in improving students’

ability in Functional English Grammar class by statistical calculators The Effect Size

(Cohen’ d) Calculator for a Student t-Test was 1.62 from the category of the table

that means large effect. Therefore, using Verb Technique is effective in improving

PBI students’ ability in FEG class of the fourth semester at UIN Alauddin Makassar.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the study, the researcher gives suggestions as follow:

a. Verb Technique is suitable to be applied in the classroom especially in

Functional English Grammar class where students learn TOEFL.

b. Lecturer should be more creative, attractive, and confident during

teaching and learning process. Moreover, the lecture should manage the

material better in the class to make students focus and interested in the

material in learning TOEFL in Functional English Grammar class.


c. For other researchers, the result of the study can be used as reference or

basic information to do the further investigation and can be applied this

technique in the class.


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