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Student Name: Christian A.

Taghoy Semester/Year: Summer 2018

Course: EDUC 602 – Inferential Statistics Submitted To: Dr. Edsel Inocian, Ph.D.

Chi-square Test


A manager from Apple wants to see if geographical region is associated with ownership of a
Macintosh computer. The manager surveys 100 people and the summary of data is shown below:

Area Mac No Mac Total

Luzon 12 14 26
Visayas 21 18 39
Mindanao 17 18 35
Total 50 50 100

Step 1: State the Problem

Is owning a mac and the geographical region where the owner lives related?

Step 2: State the Hypothesis

H0 = There is no significant relationship between the ownership of a Macintosh computer and the
geographical location of its owner.

Ha = There is significant relationship between the ownership of a Macintosh computer and the
geographical location of its owner.

Step 3: Identify the Test statistic to be used & select a Level of Significance

Chi-square Test; = 0.05

Step 4: Compute the Test Statistic

Using SPSS on the actual tally of 100 sample respondents:

Chi-Square Tests
Significance (2-
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .413a 2 .813
Likelihood Ratio .414 2 .813
Linear-by-Linear Association .016 1 .898
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is 13.00.

Step 5: Formulate the Decision Rule, Critical Regions and state the Findings

Decision Rule: Accept H0 if computed p-value (Asymptotic Sig. (2-sided)) is greater than 0.05 or reject the
null hypothesis H0 if p-value ≤ 0.05;

Finding: Sig. (2-tailed) 0.813 is greater than 0.05

Step 6: Make a Decision

Fail to reject or accept the null hypothesis H0

Step 7: Interpret the test results

There is no significant relationship between the ownership of a Macintosh computer and the
geographical location of its owner

Step 8: Conclusion

The result of the research confirms that there is no evidence to suggest that the geographical area has
impact on the ownership of a Macintosh computer.

Step 9: Implications

Since the location does not have impact on ownership of a Mac computer, the manager from Apple
could continue with his programs to sell or market his product in all areas all over the nation without
fear of losing sales in a particular area. All regions seem to have equal market opportunity for sales of a
mac computer from interested individuals who want to own this product.

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