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Group No.

3A – Food Delivery App

Consumer Behaviour towards Food Delivery Services

Group 3 A
Ashlesh Mangrulkar (B18014) Deep Shah (B18020) Deya Sinha Roy (B18021)
Muthahammil Sardar (B18031) Tarun Tom Thekkel (B18054) Viraj Sheth (B18061)

To understand the customer buying behaviour in the food delivery services.

FGD to probe into customer behaviours and issues faced

In order to understand the customer perception for online delivery services we conducted two
Focus Group Discussions each 1-hour long. The FGD touched upon online food delivery,
comparison of food delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy, Uber Eats, cravings for food they like,
frequency of usage, what makes them order from specific app, late night cravings,
introvert/extrovert nature etc. From the FGD discussion we did the perceptual mapping of
various delivery. So one of the two most important parameter for online food delivery came
out to be Choice of restaurants and better discounts.

Insights from FGD: zomato swiggy Uber eats

 Online food delivery fits into the busy life where one can’t afford time.
 Discounts on expensive restaurant deliveries generate trials and thereby increasing the
likeness of restaurant visit for eat outs.
 Non vegetarians order non veg curry or starters when mess menu is vegetarian.
 For almost all complaints Zomato provides wallet balance as compensation
 Having better choice of restaurants listing and discounts in the app drives sales
 Default display of best discounts and offer codes just before billing as well increases
customer delight
 Introverts tend to use online delivery app during weekends more than extroverts
Limitation of FGD conducted
The focus group was limited to student community in XLRI.

Framework for in-depth interview

In order to make the in-depth interviews more effective we considered various aspects of food
delivery, lifestyles, situations and health concerns. The major aspects considered are:
Group No. 3A – Food Delivery App

 Occasion of purchase: probing into how occasions drives usage of food delivery apps.
 Exclusivity and choice of restaurants
 Post purchase dissonance:
 Relative importance of various parameters of food delivery:
 Food habits and preferences
 Sleeping habits
 Colour preferences, aesthetics of the app and photos of food used in app.
 Personality type, Social influences on food habits, socio-economic situation.
 Effect of offers, cashbacks and credits.

Evaluate Attitudes towards Electronic Ordering


Need for Technology Behavioral

Control Convenience Satisfaction
Interaction Anxiety Intentions

Next Steps
1. Conduct in depth interviews | Develop snake diagram
2. Develop hypothesis regarding purchase behaviour
3. Test the hypothesis quantitavely and qualitatively through surveys & short interviews.
4. Arrive at conclusions about customer behaviour towards food delivery apps and give
recommendations for marketing and app usage interventions
Problem Recognition
Measuring Problem Recognition using Activity Analysis:
1) Key activities that are executed
2) People involved in decision making process
3) Time spent on each decision variables
4) Resources that are consumed
Performance Evaluation Criteria
Decision rules made by consumers are affected by marketing & non-marketing variables.

Making Rules

Conjunctive Disjunctive Lexicographic
by Aspect

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