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Name: Myrle Y.

Daguman Section: Accounting/Office


How does chemistry contributes to the society?

Chemistry as a subject has a significant importance in our daily lives and the society in
general. Everything on the earth is made of chemicals. All the substances have their chemical
structure which determine their utility for the society. I couldn’t even imagine our lives without
chemistry. We would never even exist. Some people may not have knowledge about chemistry
and its contributions. But they are aware of the comfort that science brings in the society. Some of
the contributions of chemistry to the society will be further explained below.

1. Shelter
Chemistry plays quite an important and enormous role in society about the shelter. For
example, chemists have come up with epoxy sprays and new paints that protect houses from the
effect of tear and wear that is inflicted by sun, wind, pollution, and rain. These coatings and paints
are professionally designed to make the shelter properties last longer, perform better and look
better. Chemists have also discovered thermochemical compounds that have protected rooftops by
helping the structures to stay at the right temperatures. By producing such thermochemical
compounds, chemists have managed to reduce energy costs and created more cozy shelters which
are used in business headquarters and private residences.
2. Clothing
The study of chemistry has helped in the creation of fabrics that have stain-resistant
properties which come out of the dryer without any traces of creases or wrinkles. These fabrics
have helped society by not only preserving the environment but also reducing the cost of dry
cleaning and other energy-wasting cleaning methods. Today, fabrics are made for specific
purposes, such as business wear, rugged outdoor use, etc. These fabrics are chosen based on their
special chemical properties. Stain-resistant fabrics have a coating that allow liquids such as the red
wine, tea or coffee to roll off the surface and are easy to clean.
3. Medicine
Drugs are made of chemicals which are produced in pharmaceutical industries. The
knowledge of chemistry is vital for pharmacists and doctors. Have you ever glance at the label of
a medicine? If yes, then you have observed various chemical ingredients listed on the label. It is
based on these ingredients medical practitioners decide a suitable pill for patients. The chemical
nature of drugs also helps doctors to determine how drugs are going to interact with a patient’s
body. For example, antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin are dependent on renal
functions. So, the doctor who prescribed such pills needs to be prudent for kidney patients.
Chemicals are also used in sterilization, disinfection to kill microbes. Chemistry also helps
pharmacists to understand biochemical mechanisms in a body.
4. Environmental protection
Chemistry is the central subject in the study of environmental conservation. All those
pollutants and greenhouse gases nothing but hazardous chemicals. These pollutants destroy our
precious environment, degrade the ozone layer, enter our food chain, and cause tumours and so
forth. All these interactions of pollutant with the environment are chemical reactions. Hence,
chemistry is vital to alleviate the environment and ourselves from these poisons.
5. Fuel
Petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, kerosene, oils, hydrogen etc are all fuel produced from complex
refining processes. Today’s transportation (land, water, and air) is possible because of these fuels.
These fuels are extracted from cruel oil found beneath the earth or oceans. Here petrochemistry
plays an important role; it is a branch of chemistry which deals with the study of petrochemical
6. Chemistry in Hygiene
Right before you consume your food, you make it a point to wash your hands with soap.
Isn’t it? The cleaning action of soap is based on its ability to act as an emulsifying agent. Soaps
are fatty acids salts of sodium or potassium; produced by a chemical reaction called saponification.
Soaps interact with the grease or oil molecule, which, in turn, results in a cleaner surface.
7. Chemistry in Digestion
The moment you put food in your mouth, a number of different chemical reactions start in
your digestive tract. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which is responsible for breaking down
carbohydrates, the stomach starts producing hydrochloric acid, the liver releases bile and the list
of compounds released during digestion goes on. How do they work? All these enzymes undergo
chemical reactions so that proper digestion, as well as assimilation of the food, occurs.
8. Chemistry of Emotions
Whenever you are feeling happy, sad, ecstatic, relaxed, or stressed, there are many
chemical reactions taking place in your body. It is because of the chemical messengers called
neurotransmitters released in the brain that you can fall in love and cry rivers because of
9. Chemistry in Food Production
Plants produce food for themselves through photosynthesis; which is a complex chemical
reaction in itself. The chemical reaction that takes place in photosynthesis is the most common and
vital chemical reaction. Animals also release energy for carrying out daily activities through
similar respiratory chemical reactions.
10. Forensic
Forensic chemistry has made jobs of police officers a lot easier. Forensic helps to identify
criminals by detecting chemical evidence left behind crime scenes. Chemical techniques used by
forensic investigators are spectroscopy, chromatography, X-ray diffractometry, colour tests,
melting point analysis etc.

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