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2019 GRANBY HELE 4 First Periodical Examination

1. C____________________ is an electronic device that helps people process data and information
2. I___________________ is a networks where in users from any computer can get information from other computers
provided that they have permission
3. F____________________ is a way in which files are named in a computer and where files are placed for storage and
4. W___________________ is a collect ion of web pages that are accessed through the internet
5. W___________________ is what appears on the screen when the user types in a web address , click on a link or put a query
on a search engine
6. W____________________ is a computer based network of information resources that combines text and multimedia
7. C_________________ are visual models of numerical information they use symbols and images to represent a data
8. E_______________________ a user must sign up to an email program or to web based email service which offers a free
sign up
9. P____________________ is changing or improving images such as digital prints or illustrations
10. C_____________ a unit in statistical array formed by the intersection of a column and row
Matching type
Column A Column B
1. Username a. This is the name of the email server
where the user created account such as
Yahoo mail and Gmail
2. Government b. Messages received in an email address
3. Electronic mail c. Contains the topic of the user’s message
4. Yahoo d. A symbol used as part of an internet
user’s email address
5. WIFI e. A short for digital subscriber line for an
internet connection
6. At sign @ f. This is an example of a mail server
7. DSL g. It is used to process the interoperability
of wireless computer networking device
8. INBOX h. The domain the government represent
9. Subject i. Short for email
10. Name of Domain j. Is it also called the user ID
The importance of ICT
1. J_________________________
2. C________________________
3. C_________________________
4. G_______________________
5. E________________________
Two Kinds of Files
1. S________________________ 2. H________________________
What are the file address
1. D________________ 2. D______________________ 3. F______________________
Parts of the Email Address
1. U____________________________
2. N____________________________
3. T_____________________________
Functions of Picture tools
1. P_______________________ 5. C___________________________
2. C_____________________ 6. P___________________________
3. C___________________ 7. P___________________________
4. A__________________________
2019 GRANBY MATH 4 First Periodical Examination
Find the sum of the following
1. 36 545 + 67 809 + 39 007 = _____________
2. 432 900 + 457 367 = ______________
3. 768 435 + 320 998 = ________________
4. 12 908 + 43 321 + 6 541 = _________________
5. 9 087 + 5 647 + 4 321 = _______________
6. 76 546 + 56 229 = ________________
7. 987 + 453 + 32 901 = _________________
8. 9 344 + 654 + 32 901 = ___________________
9. 1 809 + 78 655 + 12 932 = __________________
10. 938 + 476 + 432 = _________________
Find the difference
1. 509 007 – 329 759 = ____________________
2. 453 888 – 290 000 = ____________________
3. 800 600 – 456 993 = ____________________
4. 700 018 – 345 429 = ____________________
5. 324 600 – 112 779 = ____________________
6. 128 000 – 43 764 = _____________________
7. 95 900 – 34 886 = _____________________
8. 32 000 – 18 678 = _____________________
9. 7 390 – 2 977 = _____________________
10. 9 234 – 4 897 = _____________________
Find the estimated sum and difference
1. 546 + 567 + 895 = ____________________
2. 675 + 7 689 + 543 = _____________________
3. 18 987 + 42 002 + 34 906 = ___________________________
4. 67 877 + 54 291 + 23 233 = ______________________
5. 124 456 + 453 987 + 22 768 = _______________________
6. 96 543 – 54 998 = _____________________
7. 43 892 – 12 345 = _____________________
8. 8 456 789 – 758 776 = _____________________
9. 5 467 882 – 2 346 801 = ______________________
10. 8 776 433 – 3 879 455 = ______________________
Problem solving
1. An ethnic parade was held in school. The following number of pupils joined the parade: Preschool Level- 347 pupils; Grade
1- 453 pupils; Grade 2- 397 pupils; Grade 3 – 430 pupils; Grade 4 – 526 pupils; Grade 5 – 475 pupils; and Grade 6 – 346
pupils. How many pupils joined the ethnic parade?
a. What is asked?
b. What are the facts?
c. What operation is to be used?
d. Give the equation

e. Show the solution

f. Give the final answer


2. The elementary pupils held a fund drive. Each grade level contributed a certain amount: Grade 1 – Php 1, 496; Grade 2 –
Php 3, 768; Grade 3 – Php 5, 476; and Grade 6 – Php 10,965. How much money did they collect or contribute for the fund
a. What is asked?
b. What are the facts?
c. What operation is to be used?
d. Give the equation

e. Show the solution

f. Give the final answer


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