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“Privilege to eminent education; entitled to endow commendable learning” ste] =7\er Prete Me CUCL NcoccTic UMC TESCO An Overview: The International Online Education Accreditation Commission (IOEAC) dedicates itself in the process of building and safeguarding quality and authentic online distance learning education all over the world We take pride in being a recognized accrediting board for the evaluation of online universities offering bachelors, mas- ters, associate and doctoral degree programs and other relevant certificate courses. It is our sole responsibility to ensure that all the educational institutions claiming to provide world-class online education should not play around a student's noteworthy career. Hence the Accraditing process at IOEAC makes sure that the educational institute pro- curing the accreditation is in fact meeting the high standards of online and distance learning education We, at IOEAC are into continuous efforts of envisaging new opportunities and challenges to become a source of infor- mation, training and networking for the promotion and the development of distance learning education. The International Online Education Accreditation Commission (IOEAC) will provide you complete background informa- tion about the accreditation provided here, its relevance to your institution or to students and the latest on-goings of the online and distance learning world We also take a regular interest and form up close ties with other accrediting bodies to ensure that valuable knowledge be exchanged with them Being a highly recognized and valuable resource in providing accreditation to thousands of worthy educational institu- tions, we are on the road of constant improvement for the benefits of online and distance leaming education, Our Philosophy: To Nurture and safe guard world.class education in the global market putting into effect stringent standards and effec. tive mechanisms applicable for all education providers Benefits of Getting Accreditation from IOEAC: + World leaders: Your renowned educational institution can now become a world leader in the field of online education and distance learning. Most of the educational institutions accredited from IOEAC are now pioneers of online and distance leaming education having millions of students in their business. * Quality Assurance: With IOEAC accreditation, You can ensure that your educational institution would meet the required quality needed to deliver the best education all over the world in the education industry. * Solf-Improvement: The IOEAC accreditation demands continuous self-improvement from all educational institutions all over the world. This will ensure that the entire education industry would be beneficial in terms of Improvised learning * High-Standard Education: With IOEAC, Education would reach to its highest peak in terms of Standards which would ensure that each student from your educational institution would be highly qualified and promote your educational institution in the global market Management and Authority Every Educational institution wishing to be accredited by IOEAC should provide analytical document compliance. This compliance should prove that the below given requirements are being clearly followed and implemented to get ac- creditation from IOEAC. This should be justifiable to the evaluation committee and the professionals reviewing the educational institution The below stated requirements prove that the educational institution is completely following the aims, objectives and the mission as stated and are a part of the global community who wants to spread eminent education all over the world by means of: 11. The Board and its Degree Granting Authority The institution has degree-granting authority from the appropriate government agency or agencies and has a govern- ing board of at least five members, a legal body with specific authority over the institution. The board should be an active policy making body for the institution, ultimately responsible for ensuring that the financial resources of the inst- tution are adequate to provide a sound educational program. The board must not be controlled by a minority of board members or by organizations or interests separate from it. Both the presiding officer of the board and a majority of other voting members of the board should be free of any contractual, employment, or personal or familial financial interest in tho institution. 2. Board Operations The board must maintain broad and significant influence upon the institution's programs and operations, playing an active role in policy-making, and ensures that the financial resources of the institution provide a sound educational pro- gram. The board should not be controlled by a minority of board members or by organizations or interests separate from the board except as spacified by tho authorizing logistation. Both the presiding officar of the board and a majority of other voting board members should be free of any contractual, employment, or personal or familial financial interest in the institution. The institution is expected to have a chiof executive officor whose primary responsibility is to the insb- tution and who is not the presiding officer of the board 3. Governance and Administration The governing board of the institution should be responsible for the selection and the periodic evaluation of the chief executive officer. The legal authority and operating control of the institution should be clearly defined for the following areas within the institution’s governance: Structure — the institution's mission, fiscal stability of the institution, institu- tional policy, including policies concerning related and affiliated corporate entitios and all auxiliary sorvicos and related foundations (athletic, research, etc.) and other corporate entities whose primary purpose is to support the institution andor its programs. The board must maintain a policy to address conflict of interest for its members. 4. Independent Governing Board The governing board should be free from undue influence from political, religious or other extemal bodies and protects the institution from such influence. The governing board should also have a policy whereby members can be dis- missed only for appropriate reasons and by a fair process. There should be a clear and appropriate distinction, in wrt ing and practice, between the policy-making functions of the governing board and the responsibility of the administra- tion and faculty to administer and implement policy. Mission Statement Every Educational institution wishing to be accredited by IOEAC should provide analytical document compliance. This compliance should prove that the below given requirements are being clearly followed and implemented to get accreditation from |OEAC. This should bo justifiable to the evaluation committos and the professionals reviewing the educational institution. Tho below stated requirements prove that the educational institution is completely following the aims, objectives and the mission as stated and are a part of the global community who wants to spread eminent education all over the world. It assures that @ continuous improvement of student learning opportunities through a strategic plan is implemented. ‘Mission Statement Aneffective, defined and comprehensive mission statement in a published format is required from the institution to join hands with the IOEAC. It should be clear and precise to the institution and appropriate for higher education. This mission must address teaching and learning. It should also aid in research and public service. The institution should engage in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that incorpo- rate a systematic review of institutional mission, goals, and outcomes; result in continuing improvement in insfitutional quality, and demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission. The mission statement must be current and comprehensive, accurately guiding the insfitution’s operations, is periodically reviewed and updated, is approved by the governing board, and is communicated to the institution's constituencies. 2. Organizational structure The institution should define a stringent hierarchy of the organization and each hierarchical position should have a well-defined role and responsibility to work towards the common approach of the mission stated by the institution. Each member of the hierarchy should be well-qualified and well-versed with the aim, goals and the mission of the Institution. The mission statement should clearly define the process of appointment, training and the knowledge acquisition to be done by the faculty and tho staff of the institution to join hands with the IOEAC. 3. Control Every institution should have a control authority and a control mechanism to keep a vigilant check on the administra- tors of the institutions. The control authority should have an ultimate responsibility for, and exercise appropriate administrative and fiscal control over, the institution's intercollegiate athletic program. It should have an authentic control over the curriculum and the faculty of the institution to bring about a revolutionary change in the global education market. Academic Programs Evory Educational institution wishing to be accrodited by IOEAC should provide analytical document compliance. This compliance should prove that the below given requirements aro being clearly followed and implomented to got ac- creditation from IOEAC. This should be justifiable to the evaluation committee and the professionals reviewing the educational institution. The below stated requirements prove that the educational institution is completely following the aims, objectives and the mission as stated and are a part of the global community who wants to spread eminent education all over the world. It should complement content area standards that define what the students are expected to learn from the cur- riculurn and what will be the future benefits of the curriculum of the course and the institution, 1. Curriculum Each major in a degree program should have a program co-coordinator who would develop the curriculum according to the latest advancements in the global market. The program co-coordinator should be well-versed and academically qualified in the respective field. Programs that do not hold a major should apply this requirement to a curricular area or concentration. Student learning should be encouraged through effective use of technology in preaching the curriculum to meet the objectives of the programs. All the students should be given detailed training of the use of the technology. 2. Educational Programs: Undergraduate Programs The institution must identity college-level general education competencies and the extent to which graduates have attained them. At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree should be eamed through instruction offered by tho institution awarding the degree. In the case of undergraduate degree programs offered through joint, co- operative, or consortia arrangements, tho student must eam 25 percent of the credits required for the degree through instruction offered by the participating institutions. The institution should dofine and publish requirements for its under- graduate programs, including its general education components. These requirements must also conform to commonly accepted standards and practices for degree programs. 3. Course Atleast 25 percent of the discipline course hours in each major at the baccalaureate level should be taught by faculty members holding the terminal degree—usually the eamed doctorate—in the discipline, or the equivalent of the termi- nal degree The institution's post-baccalaureate professional degree programs,master’s and doctoral degree pro- grams, ate expected to progressively be more advanced in academic content than its undergraduate programs. The institution should structure its graduate curricula to include knowledge of the literature of the discipline and to ensure ongoing student engagement in research and/or appropriate professional practice and training experiences. The ma- jority of credits toward a graduate or a post baccalaureate professional degree should be eamed through instruction offered by the institution awarding the degree.

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