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Spine Surgery Complications, learn about all the risks

We have reached the best spine surgeon in Bangalore to resolve our major query about the spine
surgery. Are there any spine surgery complications? Among spinal disease patients, this question is
quite common. However, answers are very complex and confusing. Spinal cord or spine is considered
as an important internal part of the human body structure. Any problem concerning spine creates a
problem in daily life exercising like walking or sitting straight. Through this article, we are presenting
the complications of spine surgery to the knowledge of our readers.

Infection: Only experience in 1% spinal surgery worldwide

Infection is one of the risks followed by spine surgery. But, the good part is it has been experienced in
only 1% of spine surgery cases all over the world. Thus, if you are going through a spine surgery
decision making: to do or not to do. Your potential for infection risk is 0.00001 percent. One of the
major symptoms of spine surgery infection is the swollen wound for over a week.

Side-effects of Anaesthesia

When it comes to an extreme surgical procedure like spinal surgery, top scoliosis surgeon in India
mentions “use of general anesthesia is quite complex.” It is noteworthy to mention that general
anesthesia is not recommended for utilization until or unless, the surgery involves the risk of death.

General anesthesia allows the body to sleep completely and machines control the respiratory process.
Indeed, during surgery, any uncommon body activity is read through the machines as the effect of
general anesthesia is deep. Patients must consult the surgeon about the use of general anesthesia and
give their consent accordingly.

Deep Venous Thrombosis

DVT is the natural development of blood clot in the thigh veins. In some cases, these blood clots may
move or grow up to the pelvis. However, there is a condition applicable to DVT. It happens in the
human body which has been going through the surgery for the first time in a lifetime. Best Spine
Surgery in Bangalore has faced this risk before. But, with the intellect of best spine surgeon in
Bangalore, this DVT has been saved from generation. DVT or blood clot forms because the human
body reacts in the generation of blood clots if the body experiences severe bleeding.

Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord is a sensitive part of the internal human body. During the spine surgery, any injury to the
nerves that connect to the brain can cause the body to experience damage brain function and more. It is
important to well-think over this risk before going for spine surgery.

For top spine surgeon in Bangalore, visit http://www.spine-surgeon.org.

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