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 Page Structure in HTML 5:-

 The <header> Element:-
<header> is used inside the body tag
<!DOCTYPE html>








Most important thing



Less important thing





 The <nav> Element:-

Section of page that links to other pages or to certain sections within the pages.
(“#” is used to create clickable texts)
<!DOCTYPE html>







<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>

<li><a href="#">About</a></li>





 The <section> Element:-

Sections can be used to divide up content within an article.
<!DOCTYPE html>











<p>contents or image</p>





 The <aside> Element:-

This type of content is often represented in sidebars. When an <aside> tag is used within an <article>
tag, the contents of the <aside> should be specifically related to that article.





<p>contents or image</p>




gifts will be delivered within 24 hours.





 Audio on the Web

The HTML 5 <audio> element specifies a standard for embedding audio in a webpage. The Audio and
your webpage should be in same folder.

<audio src="01-ImmigrantSong.mp3" controls>

Audio Element not supported by your browser.



 Attributes of <audio>
Specifies that audio controls should be displayed.
Audio starts playing automatically.
Used to have the audio replay every time it is finished.
 Attributes of <Video>
Specifies that Video controls should be displayed.
Video starts playing automatically.
Used to have the video replay every time it is finished.

<video src="Maroon 5 - Sugar.mp4" controls>

Audio Element not supported by your browser.



 Progress Bar:-
This creates progress bar on the web. The progress element can be used within heading, paragraphs,
or anywhere else in the body.
Attributes of Progress element
Value:- specifies how much task is completed.
Max:- specifies how much work the task requires in total.

Status:<progress value="35" max="100">



 HTML 5 Web Storage:-

With this, websites can store data on a user’s local computer.
 Types of Web Storage Objects:-
There are two web storage objects:
-Session Storage is destroyed once the user close the browser.
-Local Storage stores the data with no expiration date.
 Working with Values:-
The data is stored as key/value pairs.(All syntaxs are in javascript)
-Storing a value:

-Getting a value:

-Removing a Value:

-Removing all Values:


 Using HTML Geolocation:-

The Geolocation API’s main method is getCurrentPostion, which retrieves the current geographic location
of the user’s device.(syntax in javascript)
showLocation(mandatory):Defines the callback method that retreives location
 Presenting Data:-
User location can be presented in two ways:
Geodetic and Civic
1. The geodetic way to describe position refers directly to latitute and longitude.
2. The civic representation of location data is presented in a format that is more easily read and
understood by the average person.
 Drawing shapes:-
SVG Stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, and used to draw shapes with HTML style markup.
 Inserting SVG Images:-
<img src=”image.svg” alt=”” height=”300”>

 Drawing a Circle:-
<svg width="1000" height="1000">

<circle cx="80" cy="80" r="50" fill="green">


-cx pushes center of the circle to right.

-cy pushes the center of the circle down.
-r defines the radius.
-fill determines the color of the circle.
-stroke adds an outline to the circle
 Shape Animations:-
SVG animation can be created using <animate> element.

<svg width="1000" height="1000">

<rect width="150" height="150" fill="blue">

<animate attributeName="x" from="0" to="300" dur="3s" fill="freeze" repeatcount="2">



-attributeName: specifies which attribute will be affected by the animation.

-from: starting value of attribute.
-to: ending value of attribute.
-dur: how long the animation runs
-fill: Specifies whether or not the attribute’s value should return to its initial value when the animation
is finished(Values: “remove” resets the value,”freeze” keeps the “to value”)
-repeatcount: Specifies the repeat count of the animation.
 HTML 5 Forms:-

<label>Your name</label>

<input type="text" name="Username">



<label for="email">Your Email</label>

<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="email@example.com">


Autofocus:- This attribute makes the desired input focus when the form loads
 Forms with Required Fields:-
<form autocomplete="off">

<label for="email">Your Email</label>

<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="email@example.com" required>

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">


 Creating a Search Box:-

<input id="mysearch" name="searchitem" type="search">

 Search Options:-
<input id=”car” type=”text” list=”colors”>

<datalist id=”colors”>

<option value=”red”>

<option value=”green”>
<option value=”blue”>


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