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Ms. Saldana

Welcome to MakerSpace! In MakerSpace, your child will have

opportunities to discover, assemble, construct, test and explore using
divergent, “outside the box” thinking.
To allow students to innovate and create through imagining, tinkering,
playing and experimenting.
Student Expectations/Rules
1. Come to class prepared.
2. Be respectful to others, the teacher, and the supplies.
3. Follow all instructions.
4. Keep all areas clean and safe.
5. Return all unused materials back into their labeled bin.
Grading will be based on a weighted system where all numeric averages on Report Cards.
 Formative 70%
 Summative (Major Projects) 25%
 Participation 5%

This class will mostly consist of projects, which will have to be completed at school. If it needs to be
completed at home, you will be given ample notice and will also receive directions, a rubric for
grading, and examples of past projects.

Make-Up Policies:

Following any excused absence, students will be given an opportunity in class to make up any assignments
or tests for as many days as they are absent. Independent assignments will not be sent home, students will
have to complete these assignments in class. If a student has not turned in their work at the end of the
allotted number of days, then a two-day extension will be given. Students with excessive unexcused
absences will receive a zero for missed assignments.

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted, but there is a 10-point penalty per day for up to three days. After the fifth school
day, your child will receive a zero.

Class Procedures:
Moving around the library: You may go to an area of your choosing, there will be limited spots per
area. Stay in the area unless told otherwise.
Restroom passes: Will be given only during individual work time, not during instructional time,
unless it is an emergency.
Coming into class: Students will line up quietly outside the library door. They will be invited to enter
once the class is quiet and ready.
Leaving the classroom: You are expected to remain seated quietly until you are lined up and
dismissed from class.
Tardy: You should be in your seat and ready for class by the time the bell rings. Anyone not in his or
her seat will be considered tardy.

If a student chooses to display unacceptable behavior, he/she will be given negative consequences
such as:
2nd grade
-Moving down or up in their class behavior charts.
-Contacting Parents/Guardian

1. Verbal warning
2. Written Conference Form
3. DPSand Parent/Guardian Contact
4. Referral to administration

DPS- DPS will be utilized as necessary, parental contact will be made. Vulgarity; defiant,
disrespectful, or argumentative behavior; and habitual tardiness will receive immediate DPS points.
Alternative projects may be assigned to students who will not comply with project guidelines or
refuse to use tools as demonstrated.
** Intentional misuse of tools (ex. Painting on another student) will result in DPS and loss of
privilege. I will find an alternative material for the student to use, such as crayons. The privilege
will be returned when the student shows they are ready to use tools as demonstrated.

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