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Topic: The Physical Self

Group No.: 4
Leader: ESCUADRO, Nathally Angel E.
Members: DUCOSIN, Jezle Jhon A.
ESPANOLA, Rafael John L.
PANCHO, Sharon Rose M.
VELASCO, Marco Daniel B.

Motivational 5-Minute Make-up Challenge

Activity: The class will be divided into five groups. A male and a female
representative will be chosen. The chosen male representatives will
do the make-up of the female representatives for only 5 minutes. The
group which did the best make up will win.
Main Activity: My Ideal Partner

With the same groupings, a worksheet will be given to each group.

The students will list the top 10 physical characteristics of their ideal
partner. After listing down, they will illustrate their ideal partner based
on the characteristics that they have listed. A representative will show
to the class their works.

Physical Illustration

 has broad shoulder

 has pointed nose
 tall
 has fair skin
 has masculine
 etc.


Men are attracted to women who have:
•Thin bodies
•Waist to hips ratio of (24-28:36 inches), and (27-31:40 inches)
•Healthy hair
•Beautiful smile.
•Big boobs
•Less make up
•Taller height
Women are attracted to men who have:
• Broad shoulders
• Taller height (preferably 6 ft.)
• Attractive eyes
• Thick eyebrows
• Nice smile
• Masculine and chiseled jawlines
• Properly groomed

Lecture/Conte THE PHYSICAL SELF: The self as impacted by the body.

nt: - The impact of culture on body image and self-esteem: the
importance of beauty.

- Physical Self refers to the body, this marvelous container and
complex, finely tuned, machine with which we interface with our
environment and fellow beings. The Physical Self is the concrete
dimension, the tangible aspect of the person that can be directly
observed and examined, (Singh, n.d.)


- Constitutional psychology is a theory, developed in the 1940s by
American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon, associating body
types with human temperament types. It postulates that personality
is dependent on physique or somatotype.

Three Basic Somatotypes:

Somatotype Physical Personality

Characteristics Trait
•Hard to gain anxious
muscle (known as a self-conscious
“hard gainer”) artistic
•Slender frame thoughtful
•Narrow shoulders quiet
and hips private
•Narrow chest and
•Small bone
•Very fast
Wrist circumference :

6-7 inches
•Medium build, adventurous
rectangular/wedge assertive
body shape competitive
•Wide broad fearless
•Fairly lean with a
hard body
•Can gain muscle
•Are usually strong
•Muscled arms and
Wrist circumference :
•Usually short in relaxed
7-8 inches height or stature comfortable
•Difficult to lose good-humored
body fat even-tempered
•Bulky physique, sociable
round body tolerant
•Can gain both fat
and muscle easily
•Wide shoulders
and hips

Wrist circumference:

More than 8 inches

What is Beauty?
 Beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or
thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts
the mind or spirit: LOVELINESS, (Merriam-Webster).
 Beauty has varied throughout time, various cultures and the
vast different
of the world,
 It seems
women around the
globe go to
measures to achieve this physical beauty. But it actually varies
from country to country. In most countries, the common
definition of physically beauty is having a slim body, flawless
skin, and basically looking like the models in the media. This
is the reason most women fall victim to things like anorexia,
bulimia and wasting their money on products that promise to
help them lose weight, (Mvunyiswa, 2013).


1. Neck Elongation in Myanmar

Having an elongated neck has been a standard of beauty for

centuries, and it’s a goal some of today’s women still strive
for. We’re not necessarily talking about achieving it with
surgical cosmetic procedures, though—we’re talking about the
practice of lengthening the neck with rings. Though strange
to some, it’s one of the oldest types of body modification in
world, and one that many women still follow in a few different
parts of the world—some even here in the United States.

One of the biggest legends surrounding the rings claim that

villagers wore them as a defense against tiger attacks, which
were most likely to be directed at the neck. Another says that
it was to protect women from being taken by men of rival
tribes by giving them a less-appealing look. However, the
exact opposite is true today, as the tradition is alive and well
in Myanmar where the look is considered to be beautiful and
2. Apatani Tribe at Northeastern India

Earplugs were placed in their nose for a very important reason.

The women in the tribe, exceptionally beautiful, were captured
by neighboring tribesmen in the past. To prevent this from
happening, the village elders proposed that each woman
inserts nose plugs and also have facial tattoos to make them
less attractive to the raiders. The practice began as a
precautionary measure to protect the women from abduction,
but it grew to become a vital part of Apatani culture and


 Acne is a major cause of anxiety for teens. Some acne
is a normal part of physical development and can be
easily treated by topical over-the-counter creams.
Sometimes acne should be treated with stronger
medicine, which can only be prescribed by a health
professional. It is important to treat moderate to severe
cases of acne in order to prevent scarring. It’s virtually
impossible to have never had a skin breakout —
everyone gets them! Just because your teen has acne
and appears self-conscious about it doesn’t mean they’ll
bring it to your attention or ask to see a doctor about
it. Don’t make it a big deal, but consider offering
solutions available to help reduce or rid them of it.
 Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of obsessive-
compulsive disorder. An individual with body
dysmorphic disorder is overly preoccupied with what
are perceived as gross imperfections in their
appearance and spends an hour or more every day
thinking about the way they look. In reality, the
imperfections are imagined or only slight and barely
noticed by others, if at all. The affected person may be
obsessed with certain body parts, particularly related to
their face or head, or with their weight or body shape.

 Injuries are very common among adolescents, and

sports-related and motor vehicle injuries are most
frequent. Motor vehicle crashes, other unintentional
injuries, homicide, and suicide are the four leading
causes of death among adolescents. Concussions, or
brain injury resulting from head trauma, are common,
particularly among athletes (see also Sports-Related
Concussion). Adolescents who suffer a head injury
should be evaluated by a professional who is
experienced in the evaluation and treatment of this
type of injury. After a concussion, adolescents should
be given time to recuperate before returning to regular
activities, including use of electronic devices,
schoolwork, and sports. Re-entry into these activities
should be supervised by a knowledgeable adult.

 Disorders that are common among all adolescents


o Infectious mononucleosis (an infection spread

through saliva)
o Sexually transmitted diseases
o Hormonal disorders (especially thyroid

 Disorders that are common among adolescent girls

o Urinary tract infections
o Problems with menstruation
o Iron deficiency
o Many adolescents do not routinely use
effective methods of contraception, and
some of them become pregnant.

 Although not common, cancers such as leukemia,

lymphoma, bone cancers, and brain tumors also occur.


 Do exercise
Body image dissatisfaction is thought to mainly
affect women, but some studies have shown that
"normative discontent" - that is, the idea that people
are not happy with how their bodies look as a result of
societal beauty norms - affects both men and women
to a comparable extent. But research suggests that a
single bout of physical exercise can make us feel
stronger, thinner, and happier overall with our bodies,
(Sandoiu, 2017).

 Replace unhealthy foods with fruits and

Fruit and vegetables should be an important part
of your daily diet. They are naturally good and contain
vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you
healthy. They can also help protect against some
diseases. Different fruits and vegetables contain
different nutrients. The Australian dietary guidelines
recommend that adults eat at least five kinds of
vegetable and two kinds of fruit every day, (Better
Health, 2011).

 Hydrate
Drinking fluids is crucial to staying healthy and
maintaining the function of every system in your body,
including your heart, brain, and muscles. Fluids carry
nutrients to your cells, flush bacteria from your bladder,
and prevent constipation. To ward off dehydration, Dr.
Seifter says that healthy people should get 30 to 50
ounces of water per day (about 1 to 1.5 liters), but not
all at once, (Harvard Health Publishing, 2015).
 Get better sleep and take naps

Sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart

and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to
an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high
blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke, (National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute, n.d.)
While sleep requirements vary slightly from person
to person, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9
hours of sleep per night to function at their best.
Children and teens need even more. And despite the
notion that our sleep needs decrease with age, older
people still need at least 7 hours of sleep. Since older
adults often have trouble sleeping this long at night,
daytime naps can help fill in the gap, (Robinson, Segal
and Smith, 2019).

 Stay away from alcohol

Alcohol tends to make people look older. It’s quite
bad for the skin. It’s a diuretic, which means that it
dehydrates the body. Without proper hydration, the
skin dries out and becomes less elastic. It also causes
body tissue inflammation. This is why we see some
people get flush in the face when they drink. That red
flushness is their skin becoming inflamed. Of course,
the redness usually goes away once they alcohol leaves
their system. But over time, constant inflammation will
damage their skin.

Additionally, research suggests that drinking

actually ages the body’s cells. It reduces the lifespan of
the cells in the heart, liver, skin, and other organs. If
someone’s body is too unhealthy to produce new cells,
the aging process becomes apparent. Their skin and
other organs will start to deteriorate much faster.
Alcohol is very high in calories. And, the calories in
alcohol are empty. The body processes and stores
alcohol as sugar, which eventually converts to fat.
People who drink excessively usually carry more weight
around than those who abstain. In fact, research shows
that excessive alcohol consumption is closely tied to
obesity. The more a person drinks, the more likely it is
that they’ll gain extra weight, (Z., 2019).

 Get rid of bad habits that hurt your confidence.

Everybody wants to be liked and accepted just as
they are. That's true for every BODY, too! See your
body the way it is. Be less of a critic. Be more of a
friend. When you make harsh comments about your
own body, it hurts your self-esteem. That's true
whether you say it out loud or think it to yourself. It
hurts just as much as if someone else said it. Be kind.
Respect yourself, even if you have things to work on,
(D’Arcy, 2018).

Closing “I want to be the best version of myself for anyone who is going to
Quotation: someday walk into my life and need someone to love them beyond
― Jennifer Elisabeth

References Andrews, S. (2018, June 5). The Apatani tribe women and their
(APA Format): startling nose plugs. Retrieved from

Better Health Channel, (2011). Fruit and vegetables. Retrieved from


Center for Parent and Teen Communication, (2018).Common

Concerns About Adolescent Physical Development. Center for Parent
and Teen Communication (CPTC).Retrieved from

D’Arcy, L. (2018). Body image and self-esteem. Retrieved from


Harvard Health Publishing, (2015). The importance of staying

hydrated. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-

Herrick, L. (2015). What Is the real definition of beauty? Retrieved

Levy, S. (2019). Physical Problems in Adolescents. Retrieved from

Mattern, J. L. (2017). The 11 Physical Features Men Can't Resist, According

to Science. Retrieved from

Merriam-Webster, (n.d.). Definition of beauty. Retrieved from


Mvunyiswa, N. (2013). Defining physical beauty. Retrieved from:


Personality. (n.d.). Introduction to psychology. Retrieved from


Psychology Today, (2019).Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Psychology

Today. Retrieved from

Quinn, J. (2017). Know your body type (somatotype). Retrieved from


Robinson, L., Segal, R., & Smith, M. (2019). Sleep needs. Retrieved
from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/sleep/sleep-needs-get-the-

Sandoiu, A. (2017). How can exercise improve body image? Retrieved

from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317958.php.

Senseney, M. (2017). The Ancient Tradition Of Neck Elongation,

Explained. Retrieved from https://www.urbo.com/content/the-

Somatotype and constitutional psychology. (n.d.). Definitions.net.

Retrieved July 15, 2019, from

Z., C. (2019). 11 benefits of quitting alcohol (or not drinking at all).

Retrieved from https://www.ashwoodrecovery.com/blog/11-

Image Source (By Order)





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