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Scoring Scale

Does not or rarely demonstrate the behaviors; Not observed or no sign of

1 Little or No Evidence
associated behaviors being demonstrated.
2 Some Evidence Sometime demonstrates some of the behaviors associated with the quality
Enough evidence or effectively demonstrates the behavior; Demonstrat
3 Adequate Evidence
sufficient behaviors
Regularly associated
demonstrates with the
the behavior; quality.
Demonstrates more than sufficient b
4 Ample Evidence Consistently demonstrates
associated with the quality. the behavior; Consistently demonstrates all pos
5 Exceptional Evidence behaviors associated with the quality; is seen as role model for this particu

I. Rate your employee from a scale of 1 to 5 and provide evidences to justify the qualities.

Intellectual Capacity Cluster

Qualities Behavioral Evidences Score Observations with Evidence
1. Conceptual - Has big picture & forward thinking 5 As demonstrated in her OTC initiative
2. Problem -- Thinks beyond own area to broader
Does thorough analyses on work issues 5 other work in GCIO Office.
3. Judgement and
- Makes timely and sound 5
Personal Orientation Cluster
Qualities Behavioral Evidences Score Observations with Evidence
1. Adaptability - Adjusts readily to new situations/ people 5 As demonstrated in her OTC initiative
2. Learning Agility -- Takes on new curious;
Intellectually challenging
to acquire / role 5 other work in GCIO Office.
3. Passions for knowledge
- Gets things done; willingly takes on extra 5
Results work to
Relationship Cluster
Qualities Behavioral Evidences Score Observations with Evidence
1. Emphathy - Is aware, understands and appreciates the 5 She has good relationship with her co
2. Interpersonal -feelings
Relates with others effectively; manages 4 and project team members.
Influence difficult
Commitment Cluster
Qualities Behavioral Evidences Score Observations with Evidence
1. Organization - Really cares about the fate of the 5 She is ambitious and driven to succe
2. Career organization
- Is happy to spend the rest of his/her career 4 work she does.
3. Job with this
- Frequently helps others/colleagues with their 5
demanding/heavy responsibilities
II. Mark a "YES" (Y) in the box that comes closest to describing your employee. (ONE box only)

He/she prefers/ finds it easier …………………

a. To coordinate resources and assist the leader/manager
b. To work on his own, alone than as a member/ part of the team
c. To work with others in a team, than to lead others
d. To lead and manage others (small team) and get things done through them
e. To lead and manage others (big team) and drive businesses results through team leaders

This person aspires, to progress to the _______ in the organization in the future.
a. Top Management Job
b. Senior Management Job
c. Middle Management Job
d. Lower Middle Management Job

III. Mark a "YES" (Y) in the box with the most appropriate statement on your employee's career potential. (ONE b
Based on my knowledge of this person, his/her experiences, achievements and demonstrated capabilities, I am
recommending that his/her Leadership potential is at:
a. Top Management Level
b. Senior Management Level
c. Middle Management Level
d. At his current Leadership Level

Please provide a summary of his/her critical strengths.

She worked on high impact initiatives and she has put in stretched effort in order to deliver the intended results
in her initiatives and able to lead her teams effectively. Managed to secure buy-in from management during
presentations. Shown improved confidence when presenting to management.

Please provide a summary of his/her areas of development.

Time management can be improved to avoid rush jobs or last minute decision making.

Please provide a brief justification on your recommendation, specifically relating to his/her achievements, intelle
capacity, relationships with others and personal strengths.
Positive attitude, able to stretch herself to deliver good results for her initiatives, good teamwork, improved pres
style, able to apply skills learnt from FLP in her job. Good relationship with peers and superiors.

; Not observed or no sign of

rs associated with the quality.

es the behavior; Demonstrates
strates more than sufficient behaviors
istently demonstrates all positive
as role model for this particular

Observations with Evidences

onstrated in her OTC initiative and
ork in GCIO Office.

Observations with Evidences

onstrated in her OTC initiative and
ork in GCIO Office.

Observations with Evidences

good relationship with her colleagues
ect team members.

Observations with Evidences

mbitious and driven to succeed in the
e does.

E box only)

team leaders

ee's career potential. (ONE box only)
monstrated capabilities, I am

deliver the intended results. Led well

om management during


his/her achievements, intellectual

od teamwork, improved presentation

d superiors.



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